• Title/Summary/Keyword: 농촌과 도시구분

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An Analysis Relationship Between computer using habit and sleeping and eating habits in case of children (초등학생의 컴퓨터 사용 습관이 수면 및 식생활 습관에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Seonghun;Lee, Eunji;Jeong, Kwang Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper are to analyze about sleeping and eating habits of children and to propose short and long-term plans for problems. To analyze problems of sleeping and eating habits of children, we did survey for children. The oriented children of survey are students who are the third grade or sixth grade of elementary school. They are distinguished between rual and urpan area. The main of survey are the purpose of using computer, computer using time, daily sleeping time, the quality of sleeping, the cause of insufficient sleep and change of eating habits by using computer. According to result of survey, computer using time affect sleeping and eating habits in case of a part of children. Therefore, a teaching plan for computer using habits is needed in elementary school.

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Migration to the Capital Region in Korea: Assessing the Relative Importance of Place Characteristics and Migrant Selectivity (우리나라 수도권으로의 인구이동: 시기별 유출지역 특성과 이주자 선별성의 상대적 중요도 평가)

  • Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.571-584
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    • 2005
  • The population concentration in the Capital region of Korea has become an important issue for the pursuit of the balanced regional human capital development. Considering migration both as a geographic and a social movement, migration to the capital region could be examined in the push factors and the selective migrant characteristics from the out-migration region. Their relative importance reveals that age and education level are important in almost all years, but the importance of the percentage of manufacturing sector and rural/urban region moves to the years of education, the percentage of unskilled occupation and manufacturing sector and unemployment ratio recently. Since the brain drain has been occurring under the highly unbalanced regional development in Korea, the results suggest that regional human capital investment should be accompanied with enlarging quality employment opportunities to reap the benefits.

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The Contents of Emergency Treatment Practice Conducted by Emergency Medical Technician and Related Factors (일부 응급구조사들의 응급처치 시행내용과 관련 요인)

  • Jeong, Sang-Gil;Kim, Ki-Soon;Cho, Soo-Hyung;Kang, Myung-Geun;Han, Mi-Ah
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.346-358
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: A study was conducted by analysing the contents and frequency of emergency treatment practiced by emergency medical technicians(EMTs) in emergency situations and contains related factors. Methods: The study subjects included 80 EMTs who participated in ongoing education classes during the period from June 25th to June 26th, 2008. the survey included 53 EMTs employed within 119 first aid teams in fire stations in both a metropolitan city and a medium-sized city. From the survey results relation between frequency of emergency treatment and subjects characteristics explored statistically including t-test, X2 test, Pearson correlation and finally stepwise multiple regression. Results: The most frequent procedure by EMTs checking vital signs. The statistically significant related factors overall of the 23 items of emergency treatment frequency was the working area and the grading of EMT certification. In contrast, significant related factors with frequency of IV linkage were found to be the subjects gender, institution employed and the importance of recognizing the item. The statistically significant related factors of that of ECG monitoring was the gender of respondents. Conclusions: To keep the appropriate frequency of emergency treatment by EMT, active efforts to promote their individual importance and confidence cognition are necessary, especially towards males and persons who have 2nd class certification. Moreover, EMTs who work in small cities must be supported.

Historical Review of Modern Public Health Nursing (근대 보건간호의 역사적 고찰)

  • Lee, Bong-Suk;Han, Young-Ran;Yang, Sook-Ja
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.114-124
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the modern history of public health(PH) and suggest a way forward for PH nursing(PHN). Methods: This paper is a review article that derives results from literature review. Results: In the period of beginning (up to 1944), PHN began as the PH Department was created in the Hygiene Bureau in 1908 and tasks about nurses were legislated. PHN was limited to infectious disease tasks and performed mostly by missionaries. In the period of foundation formation (1945 to 1961), the Republic of Korea was founded, and PH policies and tasks were defined with the establishment of the central government organization and the applicable laws. In the period of foundation establishment (1962 to 1979), the Regional PH Act was amended, and as a result, PH Centers(PHCs) spread across the country. In the period of foundation expansion (1980 to 1994), the PH referral system of PHCs, PH Units, and Primary Health Care Post was established. In the period of organization in each area (1995 to 2005), PH programs reflecting changes in disease structure and public needs for the quality of life. A regional health care plan was launched. In the period of funtion expansion (2006 to present day), Centers for support health living were established. Conclusions: In the future, PH nurses need to have a macroscopic perspective that views PH through the overall PH system, and to expand from the existing healthcare concept to the national and global healthcare one.

World-Systems Analysis on the Changing Characteristics of the Kumi Region (구미(龜尾)의 지역성 변화에 대한 세계체제론적 접근)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha;Lee, Hae-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 1999
  • This paper aims to understand the changing characteristics of the Kumi region as a locality in Korea through the regional geography of the world-system approach. To illustrate the changing regional characteristics, we analyzed the economic characteristics or position of the Kumi region within the world-economy and its spatial structure with three divisions of Korean capitalist periods: the Japanese colonial period ($1910{\sim}1945$), the social chaos period ($1945{\sim}1960$), and the economic development period ($1960{\sim}$present). In the Japanese colonial and social chaos periods, as Korean society was incorporated into the peripheral zone within the world-System (world-economy), Kumi also was made into a peripheral agricultural area. As a result, the Kumi region shaped the rural spatial structure without an urban center or regional dominant center. In the development period, influenced by the manufacturing-centered economic policy which boosted Korea as a semi-periphery within world-economy, Kumi also was developed into an industrial region(or semi-periphery) with the establishment of the Kumi electronic and textile industrial complex. This industrialization transformed the rural spatial structure of Kumi into a core (urban center)-periphery (rural area) structure. As we identified above, the regional geography of the world-system approach turned out to be a useful methodology to study a locality or internal region. Therefore we should make efforts to study such regions through the regional geography of the world-system approach.

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Syntaxonomy and Synecology of the Robinia pseudoacacia Forests (아까시나무림의 군락분류와 군락생태)

  • Cho, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jong-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2005
  • The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forests were studied by a phytosociological approach. Particular attention was given to characterize the vegetation classification, distribution pattern, and ecological flora of the syntaxa classified. A total of 38 releves were analyzed by using Correlation coefficient, UPGMA as the clustering method, and Principal Coordinates Analysis for ordination. Ecological flora analyzed by plant character sets such as scrambler, annual and biennial plants, forest elements, and actual urbanization index. The analyzed data are based on site-releve matrix with relative net contribution degree (r-NCD) of species. A total of 77 families, 193 genera and 323 species of vascular plants are recorded. Camellino-Robinietum pseudoacaciae ass. nov. and Phragmites-Robinia pseudoacacia community were described. Main cluster and ordination could be separated: 1) urban type, 2) rural type, 3) riparian type, and 4) combined type. It is defined that the Robinietum is a representative unit on the black locust afforestation, Phragmites-Robinia community on the lentic zone in the river ecosystem, and Cameliino-Robinietum ailanthetosum altissimae as an urban forest type. The Robinietum was considered as a perpetual community.

Groundwater-use Estimation Method Based on Field Monitoring Data in South Korea (실측 자료에 기반한 우리나라 지하수의 용도별 이용량 추정 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Wook;Jun, Hyung-Pil;Lee, Chan-Jin;Kim, Nam-Ju;Kim, Gyoo-Bum
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2013
  • With increasing interest in environmental issues and the quality of surface water becoming inadequate for water supply, the Korean government has launched a groundwater development policy to satisfy the demand for clean water. To drive this policy effectively, it is essential to guarantee the accuracy of sustainable groundwater yield and groundwater use amount. In this study, groundwater use was monitored over several years at various locations in Korea (32 cities/counties in 5 provinces) to obtain accurate groundwater use data. Statistical analysis of the results was performed as a method for estimating rational groundwater use. For the case of groundwater use for living purposes, we classified the cities/counties into three regional types (urban, rural, and urban-rural complex) and divided the groundwater facilities into five types (domestic use, apartment housing, small-scale water supply, schools, and businesses) according to use. For the case of agricultural use, we defined three regional types based on rainfall intensity (average rainfall, below-average rainfall, and above-average rainfall) and the facilities into six types (rice farming, dry-field farming, floriculture, livestock-cows, livestock-pigs, and livestock-chickens). Finally, we developed groundwater-use estimation equations for each region and use type, using cluster analysis and regression model analysis of the monitoring data. The results will enhance the reliability of national groundwater statistics.

Multi-variate Statistical Analysis for Evaluation of Water Quality Properties in Korean Rural Watershed (농촌유역의 수질평가를 위한 다변량분석 기법의 이용)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Choi, Chul-Mann;Kim, Won-Il;Lee, Jong-Sik;Jung, Goo-Bok;Han, Kuk-Heon;Ryu, Jong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Taek;Kwun, Soon-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to classify the streams at rural watersheds by characteristics of water quality. The water quality data of 319 steams at rural watersheds in Korea were selected. Multivariate analysis was used for this purpose. The cases were divided into 5 types, and then factor analysis and cluster analysis were done. The characteristics of water quality of rural watersheds can be showed more than 40% of total water quality by first factor(organic matters and nutrients). The cluster analysis of extracted factors using factor analysis was carried out. The results showed that the Case 1 and Case 2 were classified 4 communities, Case 3 was classified 5 communities and Case 4 and 5 were classified 3 communities. Among 5 types cases, to classified the steams of rural watersheds, Case 4 - 7 water quality items - was selected as a desirable case. Many kinds of statistical analysis can be used to classify the streams of rural watersheds. Our results showed a good example to evaluate the water quality properties in Korean rural watershed.

The Prevalence of Obesity and Underweight in Adolescents in Incheon Area and the Relationship between Serum Cholesterol Level and Obesity (인천지역 청소년의 비만도와 혈청 콜레스테롤치와의 관계)

  • Kim, Myung Hyun;Kim, Tae Wan;Hong, Young Jin;Son, Byong Kwan;Pai, Soo Hwan;Chang, Kyung Ja;Kim, Soon Ki
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of obese and underweight adolescents in Incheon area and to examine the relationship between serum cholesterol level and obesity, then to assess the nutritional condition of adolescents. Methods : With a questionnaire regarding their demographic characteristics, blood samples were obtained from apparently healthy students aged 12 to 24 years by venipuncture at April and May, 2000. We measured the obesity index using standard body weight and the body mass index(BMI) according to the criteria established by the Korean Pediatric Society in 1998. Obesity was defined as BMI more than 95 percentile, and underweight less than 15 percentile by age and sex. Results : A total of 1,456 students(M : F=685 : 771) aged 12 to 24 years were included in this study. The prevalence of obesity by standard body weight in adolescents in Incheon were 11.7% : mild obesity 6.5%, moderate 4.6%, and severe 0.5%. By BMI, the prevalence of obesity was 6.4% in males and 6.2% in females. In males, the prevalence of obesity in rural areas was 8.5%, lower than in urban areas(14.3%). The prevalence of underweight by obesity index was 34.1% in rural areas and 22.9% in urban areas. In females, the prevalence of obesity was 12.5% in rural areas and 19.6% in urban areas. There were no significant differences between the two regions(P=0.529). The prevalence of obesity increased with age till 16.3% of peak prevalence in 16 years of age, and then decreased. In males, the prevalence of obesity in academic and vocational school were 13.7% and 9.7%, respectively(P=0.116). In females of the academic and vocational school, the prevalence of obesity was 6.8% and 18.0%, respectively(P=0.001). In obese adolescents, serum total cholesterol was over 200 mg/dL in 6.2%. Conclusion : This study revealed that the prevalence of obesity in adolescents was about 12% and that the prevalence of underweight adolescents was considerably high. We think nutritional assessment and intervention are warranted for adolescent students.

Adhesive Microbial Populations of Rice Straws and their Effects on Chungkukjang Fermentation (월동 볏짚의 미생물 분포 및 청국장 발효효과)

  • Heu, Jang-Sung;Lee, Il-Jae;Yoon, Min-Ho;Choi, Woo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 1999
  • The populations of microorganisms adhered on rice straws which had been ricked in the fields around Chungchong areas during the winter season from February to March in 1998 were investigated. The number of mesophilic bacteria including bacilli was generally high in the middle part of straw. And it appeared to be higher in the samples from rural areas than those from suburb. Thermophilic bacteria and actinomycetes were rarely to be detected in most samples. Coliform bacteria were detected in a few samples which collected from Kwanpyong-dong of Taejon-city, Jangpyong-meun and Jungsan-meun of Chongyang-koon, indicating that these areas were contaminated by sewage and livestock wastes. Following the fermentation of Chungkukgang employed the middle parts of straws from Mok-meun of Chongyang-koon as a source of microbial inoculum, qualities of the fermented products such as amino-nitrogen content, viscosity and protease activity, were examined: the application of rice straws resulted in better qualities of the fermented products when compared to the control, however the methods of application appeared to have little or no effect on the quality.

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