• Title/Summary/Keyword: 내시경적 절제

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Polypectomy by Intraoperative Total Gut Endoscopy in a Child with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (소아 Peutz-Jeghers 증후군 환자에서 전장 내시경술에 의한 용종 절제술 1례)

  • Kwak, Jeong Won;Kim, Hae Young;Park, Jae Hong
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2005
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome characterized by mucocutaneous pigmentation and gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps. The most important complications that increase morbidity are intussusception, bleeding and obstruction. Most patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome may undergo multiple laparotomies for complications such as intussusception or bleeding every 2 to 3 years during adolescence and early adulthood. To decrease the relaparotomy rate, intraoperative endoscopy may be useful in the treatment of complications that are related to Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Use of intraoperative endoscopy can lead to a healthier life and to a longer life expectancy for the patient. We describe a case of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, who underwent polypectomy by total gut endoscopy in an 11-year-old girl presented with intestinal obstruction and anemia. During the course of the operation, the endoscope was inserted per the enterostomy and colostomy sites, and 16 polyps in the small and large intestine were removed endoscopically using a snare.

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Endoscopic Treatment of Extensive Deep Abscess in Distal Posterior Thigh - A Case Report - (원위 대퇴부 후방에 발생한 광범위 심부 농양의 내시경적 치료 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Jeon, Ho-Seung;Song, Ji-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.84-87
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    • 2013
  • At the posterior aspect of distal thigh, major nerves, vessels, muscles and tendons were located. So, if abscess occurs within deep muscular fascia of posterior aspect of distal thigh, it can be widely and deeply spread to proximal thigh, popliteal fossa, posterior proximal leg, surrounding areas of knee joint along deep fascia, muscles and tendons. In that case, it is difficult to eradicate the abscess using antibiotics without surgical drainage and debridement. But, it is often impossible to obtain satisfactory view of operative field with conventional technique and critical damage to major nerves and vessels in the popliteal fossa during operation may occur. We performed endoscopic treatment for extensive deep abscesses occurred in posterior aspect of distal thigh in 64-year-old man, and obtained satisfactory result without injury to the normal structures including major nerves and vessels. So we report this case with a review of relevant literatures.

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부식제에 인한 인두-식도 협착의 수술적 치료

  • 김재원;김영모;김태연
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.111-111
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    • 2003
  • 부식제 섭취로 인한 가장 흔한 합병증은 인두-식도 협착이며, 이로 인한 구강섭취 장애는 심각한 문제를 초래한다 이의 치료에 있어 기존의 수술적 치료가 소개되었으나 만족스럽지 못한 결과를 가져왔다. 부식제 섭취로 인한 인두-식도 협착에 있어 본원에서 시행한 수술적 치료 결과에 대해 알아봄으로써 향후 인두-식도 협착 치료에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 2001년 12월부터 2003년 8월까지 본원 이비인후과와 일반외과에서 부식제 섭취로 인한 인후두 및 식도의 완전협착으로 진단 받고 치료를 시행 받은 4예를 대상으로 의무기록을 통하여 술전 이학적 소견, 수술적 치료방법, 술후 합병증, 구강 섭취 시기를 후향적으로 분석하였다. 모든 환자에서 술전 내시경 검사로 인두-식도 접합부에 협착소견을 확인하였으며, 이중 경구 식이가 전혀 가능하지 못하였던 3명의 환자는 전후두인두식도 절제술 및 대장대체술 시행 하였으며, Levine- tube로 관급식이가 가능하였던 1명의 환자는 내시경적 확장술만 시행 받았다. 전 후두인두식도 절제술 및 대장대체술을 시행받은 3명의 환자 모두에서 문합부 유루, 출혈은 없었으나, 그 중 1명에서 술후 재협착으로 내시경적 확장술을 시행 받았고 이 환자를 제외한 2명의 환자에서 술후 10일과 13일에 경구섭취가 가능하였고 재협착이 있었던 환자는 술후 43일에 경구섭취가 가능하였다. 대장대체술을 시행 받았던 환자에서는 연식 이상의 식사가 가능하였으나, 내시경적 확장술을 시행 받은 환자는 관급식이만 가능하였다. 부식제 섭취에 인한 인후두 및 식도 협착에 있어 대장을 이용한 대장 대체술식을 이용하여 인두-식도 협착 치료에 좋은 결과를 얻었으며, 대장대체술은 합병증 및 구강 섭취에 있어 좋은 결과를 가져다 주는 술식으로 판단되었다.결과를 이용하여 향후 전개될 홈 네트워크 서비스 및 관련시장의 발전 방향을 전망해 보고 이에 따른 기업이나 정부차원의 대응전략을 파악하고자 한다.육구에서는 큰 변화를 나타내고 있지 않았다(p<0.05). 운동과 비운동시킨 참돔의 지질 함량의 변화는 운동시킨 참돔은 운동으로 인한 에너지 소비로 인하여 함량이 유의적으로 감소했으며(r=-0.35), 비운동사육구에서는 절식으로 인하여 지질함량이 감소하였다(r=-0.38). 파괴강도와 가장 밀접한 영향을 가지는 콜라겐은 운동과 비운동 모두 사육기간동안 큰 변화는 보이지 않았다. 초기의 파괴강도값은 1.45±0.02kg(운동사육구), 1.36±0.18kg(비운동사육구)이였으며 사육기간동안 운동사육구는 파괴강도값이 증가한 반면, 비운동수조에서는 참돔의 파괴강도는 사육기간동안 큰 유의차가 없었다. 각 성분간의 상관도를 살펴보면, 수분함량과 파괴강도는 상관성을 가졌으며, 지질함량과 파괴강도도 같은 경향은 나타내었다. 운동기간동안의 파괴강도와 콜라겐 사이에는 상관성의 거의 없었다. 이는 운동기간에 따른 파괴강도의 증가가 콜라겐의 함량의 증가보다는 지질함량의 감소와 수분함량의 증가와 같은 성분과의 상관성이 크다고 판단된다. 다음으로는, 운동횟수에 의한 영향으로써 운동시간을 1일 6시간으로 설정하여, 운동횟수를 결정하기 위하여 오전, 오후에 각 3시간씩 운동시키는 방법과 오전부터 6시간동안 운동시키는 두 방법을 이용하여 품질을 비교하였다. 각 조건에 따라 운동시킨 참돔의 수분함량을 나타낸 것으로, 2회(오전 3시간, 오후 3시간)에 나누어서 운동시키기 위한 육의 수분함량은 73.37±2.02%를 나타냈으며, 1회(6시간 운동)운동시키기 위한 육은 71.74±1.66%을 나타내었다. 각각의 운동조건에서 양식된 참돔은

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Arthroscopic Management in Chronic Osteomyelitis (만성 골수염의 내시경적 처치 - 증례 보고 2예 -)

  • Lee Beom Koo;Eom Gi Serk;Ki Yong Chul;Cho Hyun Yee
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.192-194
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    • 2002
  • The goal of surgery of chronic osteomyelitis is removal of dead bone and achieving a viable and vascular environment. During saucerization, the sequestrum could be checked and resected completely. But it can causes vascular injury by massive soft tissue dissection in saucerization of chronic osteomyelitis. Recently, we experienced medulloscopy in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis and it is possible for us to visualize the sequestrum, to do complete resection of dead bone and to reduce vascular injury during operation.

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Clinical Availability of Endoscopic Incision and Submucosal Dissection for the Treatment of Gastric Neoplasms (위종양성 병변에 대한 내시경 절개 점막하 박리법의 임상적 유용성)

  • Jung, Yoon-Ho;Eun, Soo-Hoon;Cho, Joo-Young;Jung, In-Seop;Ryu, Chang-Beom;Lee, Joon-Seong;Lee, Moon-Sung;Kim, Boo-Sung;Shim, Chan-Sup
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Endoscopic incision and submucosal dissection (EISD) is a technique that is being implemented for the resection of gastric adenomas and early gastric cancer (EGC). Since EISD requires a high degree of skill and experience, and due to its association with a moderate risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, its use has been limited. The objective of this study is to investigate the clinical benefits of EISD based upon clinical data on the EISD procedure. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at Soonchunhyang University Hospital and it included 179 gastric adenoma and early gastric carcinoma lesions from 164 patients who had undergone an EISD from February 2003 to May 2005. Results: Among the total of 179 lesions, the distributions of EGC and adenomas were 70.3% (126/179) and 23.4% (42/179) respectively. The sizes of lesions were divided into 10 mm or less, $11{\sim}20\;mm,\;21{\sim}30\;mm$ and greater than 31 mm and each rates are 10.0% (18/179), 46.3% (83/179), 30% (50/179) and 15.0% (28/179). Among 120 cases which could be measured depth of lesion in according to pathologic findings, m1 (0.8%, 1/120), m2 (38.3%, 46/120), m3 (25%, 57/120), sm1 (11.7%, 14/120), sm2 (1.6%, 2/120) were diagnosed as early stages of gastric cancer. The complete resection rate was 85.2% (150/176) and en-bloc resection rate was 96.0% (169/176). Complications as such as perforation and bleeding developed in 4.4%(8/179) and 21.2% (38/179), respectively. Conclusion: EISD is an effective in the endoscopic treatment for gastric adenoma and early gastric cancers. However, further evaluation of this method and long-term follow-up will be necessary for an evaluation of the recurrence rate after resection of a tumor.

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Endoscopic Therapy for Pancreatic Benign Neoplasms (췌장 양성 종양의 내시경적 치료)

  • Hwang, Jun Seong;Ko, Sung Woo
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2021
  • Since Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was introduced in the 1980s, EUS has evolved from a diagnostic tool to a therapeutic modality for patients with pancreatic neoplasms. Traditionally, treatment policy of pancreatic benign neoplasms (PBN) has been a dichotomous approach to observation or surgery. However, EUS guided treatment provides an alternative option with minimally invasiveness for patients with PBN. This review aimed to provide the role of EUS guided treatment for PBN.

Endoscopic Resection of a Vocal Cord Polyp in a Patient with Difficult Laryngeal Exposure (시야 확보가 어려운 성대 폴립 환자에서의 내시경적 절제술 1예)

  • Lee, Sang Kuk;Lee, Se A;Lee, Seung Jae;Lee, Seung Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.138-140
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    • 2016
  • Vocal cord polyps are generally removed using a direct laryngoscope and surgical microscope. In some case of laryngeal microsurgery, laryngeal exposure with surgical microscope is difficult because of severalfactors. We experienced a case of vocal polyp with difficult laryngeal exposure in a 56 year old male patient. The vocal cord polyp was removed successfully through endoscopic approach.

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Single Incision Flexible Endoscopic Cholecystectomy in Dogs : Feasibility Study (개에서 단일 통로 유연 내시경 담낭 절제술 : 유용성 연구)

  • Lee, So-Yeon;Shin, Beom-Jun;Jeong, Seong-Mok
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.555-561
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    • 2011
  • Laparoscopic surgery is a well-established alternative to open surgery across disciplines. However, in veterinary medicine, laparoscopic surgery in dogs was rarely reported because of small abdominal size for multiple ports insertion. The concept of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is to perform the entire laparoscopic operation through a single incision rather than conventional multiple small skin incisions. Indirect evidence of potential benefits of SILS, decreases operative morbidity related to reduction in port size, already exists. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the safety and feasibility of the modified form of SILS using flexible endoscope in Cholecystectomy before clinical adoption. A 2 cm single periumbilical incision was performed, and flexible endoscope was introduced into the abdominal cavity. A laparoscopic grasper was inserted into the abdominal cavity for the traction of gall bladder. Cystic duct and artery were ligated by 5 mm Hem-o-lok$^{(R)}$. Then, gall bladder was dissected and resected from the liver with 5 mm Autonomy Laparo-Angle Maryland dissector and endoscopic needle knife. Resected gall bladder was wrapped by using specimen pouch and was retrieved through abdominal incision from the cavity. All three gall bladders were successfully removed. Hematological changes were not observed during examination periods. No leakage sign was identified at necropsy. The flexible endoscope, as distinct from conventional rigid laparoscope, allows the visualization from various angles and the wide range of motion, result in less crowding.

A Case of Endobronchial Chondroma (좌측 주기관지에 발생한 연골종 1예)

  • Kim, Young-A;Jung, Jae-Han;Chang, Yoon-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Jung;Ahn, Chul-Min;Cho, Sang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2000
  • Endobronchial chondroma is a cartilaginous benign tumor, which arises from bronchial cartilage. As a rare benign tumor, endobronchial chondroma differs from cartilaginous hamartoma in that it includes cartilage components only, but hamartoma contains lipomatous and lymphoid tissue. The clinical manifestations of endobronchial chondroma are associated with the extent of mechanical obstruction of bronchus. Symptoms of endobronchial chondroma are nonspecific, such as cough, sputum, fever, or dyspnea on exertion. Endobronchial chondroma is often misdiagnosed as other diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or pulmonary tuberculosis. The treatment is usually surgical procedures, such as resection of lung segment or lobe by thoracostomy, or resection of tumor by bronchoscopy. We report a case of the patient who was diagnosed to have endobronchial chondroma treated by bronchial resection and end to end anastomosis.

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Clinical, Endoscopic and Pathologic Findings of Colonic Polyposis in Korean Children (소아 대장용종증 환자의 임상양상 및 내시경적, 조직학적 소견)

  • Lim, Mi-Sun;Seo, Jeong-Kee;Ko, Jae-Sung;Yang, Hye-Ran;Kang, Gyeong-Hoon;Kim, Woo-Sun
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.154-163
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Colonic polyposis is less common in children than in adults. The clinical data pertaining to colonic polyposis in children are limited. Children with colonic polyposis have complications associated with numerous polyps, malignant transformation of the polyps, and extraintestinal neoplasms. We studied the clinical spectrum, endoscopic characteristics, and histologic findings of colonic polyposis in Korean children. Methods: We reviewed the clinical data of 37 children with multiple colonic polyps between 1987 and 2009. The mean age at the time of diagnosis of colonic polyposis was 8.0${\pm}$3.2 years. Results: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, juvenile polyposis syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and lymphoid polyposis was diagnosed in 22, 7, 6, and 2 children, respectively. The most common clinical presentation in children with colonic polyposis was hematochezia. A family history of colonic polyposis was noted in 7 children. The colonoscopic findings of colonic polyposis varied with the size and number of polyps. The majority of polyps were multi-lobulatd and pedunculated in children with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. The polyps in children with juvenile polyposis syndrome were primarily round and pedunculated. For the children with FAP, the colon was carpeted with small, sessile polyps. There were multiple sessile polyps in the patients with lymphoid polyposis. Surgical polypectomy was performed in 14 children (38%). Intestinal segmental resection was performed in 13 children (35%). Four patients with FAP underwent total colectomy. Four children with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome had extraintestinal neoplasms. No malignant transformation of polyp was identified. Conclusion: Children with colonic polyposis should undergo a careful initial evaluation and require periodic re-evaluation.