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Analysis of Spatial Changes in the Forest Landscape of the Upper Reaches of Guem River Dam Basin according to Land Cover Change (토지피복변화에 따른 금강 상류 댐 유역 산림 경관의 구조적 변화 분석)

  • Kyeong-Tae Kim;Hyun-Jung Lee;Whee-Moon Kim;Won-Kyong Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2023
  • Forests within watersheds are essential in maintaining ecosystems and are the central infrastructure for constructing an ecological network system. However, due to indiscriminate development projects carried out over past decades, forest fragmentation and land use changes have accelerated, and their original functions have been lost. Since a forest's structural pattern directly impacts ecological processes and functions in understanding forest ecosystems, identifying and analyzing change patterns is essential. Therefore, this study analyzed structural changes in the forest landscape according to the time-series land cover changes using the FRAGSTATS model for the dam watershed of the Geum River upstream. Land cover changes in the dam watershed of the Geum River upstream through land cover change detection showed an increase of 33.12 square kilometers (0.62%) of forests and 67.26 square kilometers (1.26%) of urbanized dry areas and a decrease of 148.25 square kilometers (2.79%) in agricultural areas from the 1980s to the 2010s. The results of no-sampling forest landscape analysis within the watershed indicated landscape percentage (PLAND), area-weighted proximity index (CONTIG_AM), average central area (CORE_MN), and adjacency index (PLADJ) increased, and the number of patches (NP), landscape shape index (LSI), and cohesion index (COHESION) decreased. Identification of structural change patterns through a moving window analysis showed the forest landscape in Sangju City, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Boeun County in Chungcheongbuk Province, and Jinan Province in Jeollabuk Province was relatively well preserved, but fragmentation was ongoing at the border between Okcheon County in Chungcheongbuk Province, Yeongdong and Geumsan Counties in Chungcheongnam Province, and the forest landscape in areas adjacent to Muju and Jangsu Counties in Jeollabuk Province. The results indicate that it is necessary to establish afforestation projects for fragmented areas when preparing a future regional forest management strategy. This study derived areas where fragmentation of forest landscapes is expected and the results may be used as basic data for assessing the health of watershed forests and establishing management plans.

Development of Design Elements of Rehabilitation for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Based on Cultural Convergence of Lifelong Education for Individuals with Disabilities: Reflect Basic Related Fields such as Rehabilitation Science and Special Education as Centripetal Points (장애인평생교육 문화융합(cultural convergence) 기반의 발달장애 재활 설계 요소 개발: 재활과학-특수교육 기초 유관 분야 구심점)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Han, Seung-A
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop design elements for cultural convergence between rehabilitation for individuals with developmental disabilities and lifelong education for individuals with disabilities, which is a key area in the practical support system for independent life support for individuals with developmental disabilities. As for the research method, a procedure for conducting FGI by forming two teams for professors majoring in special education and rehabilitation science was formed. The research was presented in three upper categories (universal cultural convergence elements, field-centered cultural convergence elements, and policy-centered cultural convergence elements) that should be designed for cultural convergence between rehabilitation for individuals with developmental disabilities and lifelong education for individuals with disabilities. In addition, subcategories were specifically composed for each upper category. First, as a universal cultural element, "open creative convergence" was presented in principle, which can be explained as a principle of exploring and practicing the validity of convergence between related fields for rehabilitation for individuals with developmental disabilities and lifelong education for individuals with disabilities. Second, field-centered cultural factors included development of joint practice model between fields of rehabilitation science and special education, subject matter education knowledge and skills, teaching and learning methods, learning career roadmaps, employment and job career development roadmaps, and the formation of an independent life development history certification system. Third, as policy-centered cultural elements, the formation of a curriculum integration composition system between local related institutions, the establishment of a qualification development path for coordinator-professional teacher-type personnel, and the organizational systematization between school-center types were presented. The study concluded that independent life support for individuals with developmental disabilities should not only be guaranteed for the entire life of adulthood, but also a lifelong education for individuals with disabilities based rehabilitation support system for individuals with developmental disabilities should be established through cultural convergence.

Analyzing Mathematical Performances of ChatGPT: Focusing on the Solution of National Assessment of Educational Achievement and the College Scholastic Ability Test (ChatGPT의 수학적 성능 분석: 국가수준 학업성취도 평가 및 대학수학능력시험 수학 문제 풀이를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Oh, Se Jun;Yoon, Jungeun;Lee, Kyungwon;Shin, Byoung Chul;Jung, Won
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.233-256
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted foundational research to derive ways to use ChatGPT in mathematics education by analyzing ChatGPT's responses to questions from the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA) and the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT). ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence model, has gained attention in various fields, and there is a growing demand for its use in education as the number of users rapidly increases. To the best of our knowledge, there are very few reported cases of educational studies utilizing ChatGPT. In this study, we analyzed ChatGPT 3.5 responses to questions from the three-year National Assessment of Educational Achievement and the College Scholastic Ability Test, categorizing them based on the percentage of correct answers, the accuracy of the solution process, and types of errors. The correct answer rates for ChatGPT in the National Assessment of Educational Achievement and the College Scholastic Ability Test questions were 37.1% and 15.97%, respectively. The accuracy of ChatGPT's solution process was calculated as 3.44 for the National Assessment of Educational Achievement and 2.49 for the College Scholastic Ability Test. Errors in solving math problems with ChatGPT were classified into procedural and functional errors. Procedural errors referred to mistakes in connecting expressions to the next step or in calculations, while functional errors were related to how ChatGPT recognized, judged, and outputted text. This analysis suggests that relying solely on the percentage of correct answers should not be the criterion for assessing ChatGPT's mathematical performance, but rather a combination of the accuracy of the solution process and types of errors should be considered.

A Study on the Social Integration Model of Multicultural Families : Focusing on the Role of Local Social Capital and Social Enterprises (다문화가정의 사회통합모델에 관한 연구 : 지역사회자본과 사회적기업의 역할을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Jong-chul
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as the number of foreigners residing in Korea has increased, Korea is preparing to enter a multicultural country. This study was conducted to present a social integration model for the purpose of solving the social problem of social integration of multicultural families. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, this study examines the role of local social capital for social integration by improving the quality of life of multicultural families and increasing their intention to participate in society. Second, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of multicultural family members on the formation of local social capital, subjective quality of life and social participation intention, focusing on the role of social enterprises. To achieve the purpose of this study, members of multicultural families living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were selected as samples, and responses to local social capital, subjective quality of life, social participation intention and social identity were collected through structured questionnaires. A total of 363 valid questionnaires were tested for the relationship between variables through the structural equation model. The analysis result of this study is that first, human social capital and corporate social capital of members of multicultural families have a significant positive effect on subjective quality of life. Second, it was found that the corporate social capital and community social capital of members of multicultural families had a significant positive effect on the intention to participate in society. Third, it was found that the subjective quality of life of members of multicultural families did not significantly affect their intention to participate in society. Finally, it was found that social identity plays a partly controlling role when community capital of multicultural family members affects their intention to participate in society. Through this analysis result, it is expected that it will play a meaningful role as basic data for policy proposals for social integration of multicultural families.

Effects of Temperature on the Development and Reproduction of Phaedon brassicae Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (좁은가슴잎벌레의 발육과 생식에 미치는 온도의 영향)

  • Jeong Joon Ahn;Kwang Ho Kim;Hong Hyun Park;Gwan Seok Lee;Jeong Hwan Kim;In-Hong Jeong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2023
  • The brassica leaf beetle, Phaedon brassicae Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is one of the important pests infesting cruciferous vegetables. In order to understand the biological characteristics of the insect, we investigated the effects of temperature on development of each life stage, adult longevity and fecundity of P. brassicae at four constant temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 27.5℃ for immature life stage and five constant different temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 27.5℃ for adult stage. Eggs and larvae successfully developed next life stage at temperature tested. The development period of egg, larva, and pupa decreased as temperature increased. Lower developmental threshold (LDT) and thermal constant (K) were calculated using linear regression as 8.7℃ and 344.73DD, respectively. Lower and higher threshold temperature (TL and TH) from egg to adult emergence were estimated by Briere function as 5.3℃ and 40.4℃, respectively. Adults produced eggs at the temperature range between 10℃ and 27.5℃, and showed an estimated maximum number, ca. 627.5 eggs at 21.7℃. Adult oviposition models including aging rate, age-specific survival rate, age-specific cumulative oviposition, and temperature-dependent fecundity were constructed. Temperature-dependent development models and adult oviposition models would be useful components to understand the population dynamics of P. brassicae and to establish the strategy of integrated pest management in cruciferous crops.

A Study on the Needs Analysis of University-Regional Collaborative Startup Co-Space Composition (대학-지역 연계 협업적 창업공간(Co-Space) 구성 요구도 분석)

  • Kim, In-Sook;Yang, Ji-Hee;Lee, Sang-Seub
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a collaborative start-up space(Co-Space) configuration plan in terms of university-regional linkage through demand analysis on the composition of university-regional linkage startup space. To this end, a survey was conducted for request analysis, and the collected data were analyzed through the t-test, The Lotus for Focus model. In addition, FGI was implemented for entrepreneurs, and the direction of the composition of the university-region Co-Space was derived from various aspects. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of the analysis of the necessity of university-community Co-Space, the necessity of opening up the start-up space recognized by local residents and the necessity of building the start-up space in the region were high. In addition, men recognized the need to build a space for start-ups in the community more highly than women did women. Second, as a result of analysis of demands for university-regional Co-Space, the difference between current importance and future necessity of university-regional Co-Space was statistically significant. Third, as a result of analysis on the composition of the startup space by cooperation between universities and regions, different demands were made for composition of the startup space considering openness and closeness, and for composition of the startup space size. The implications of the study are as follows. First, Co-Spaces need to be constructed in conjunction with universities in accordance with the demands of start-up companies in the region by stage of development. Second, it is necessary to organize a customized Co-Space that takes into account the size and operation of the start-up space. Third, it is necessary to establish an experience-based open space for local residents in the remaining space of the university. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a Co-Space that enables an organic network between local communities, start-up investment companies, start-up support institutions, and start-up companies. This study is significant in that it proposed the regional startup ecosystem and the cooperative start-up space structure for strengthening start-up sustainability through cooperation between universities and local communities. The results of this study are expected to be used as useful basic data for Co-Space construction to build a regional start-up ecosystem in a trend emphasizing the importance of start-up space, which is a major factor affecting start-up companies.

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A Study on the Design of Sustainable App Services for Medication Management and Disposal of Waste Drugs (약 복용 관리와 폐의약품 처리를 위한 지속 가능한 앱 서비스 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Ri-Na;Hwang, Jeong-Un;Shin, Ji-Yoon;Hwang, Jin-Do
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.48-68
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    • 2024
  • Due to the global pandemic aftermath of the coronavirus, the importance of health care is being emphasized more socially. Due to the influence of these changes, domestic pharmaceutical companies have introduced regular drug delivery services, that is, drug and health functional food subscription services. Currently, this market is continuously growing. However, these regular services are causing new environmental problems in which the number of waste drugs increases due to the presence of unused drugs. Therefore, this study proposes a service that not only promotes health management through regular medication adherence to reduce the amount of pharmaceutical waste but also aims to improve awareness and practices regarding proper medication disposal. As a preliminary survey for service design, a preliminary survey was conducted on 51 adults to confirm their perception of drug use habits and waste drug collection. Based on the Honey Comb model, a guideline for service design was created, and a prototype was produced by specifying the service using the preliminary survey results and service design methodology. In order to verify the effectiveness of the prototype, a first user task survey was conducted to identify the problems of the prototype, and after improving this, a second usability test was conducted on 49 adults to confirm the versatility of the service. Usability verification was conducted using SPSS Mac version 29.0. For the evaluation results of the questionnaire, Spearmann Correlation Analysis was conducted to confirm the relationship between frequency analysis and evaluation items. This study presents specific solutions to the problem of waste drugs due to the spread of drug subscription services.

Hepatoprotective Effects of the Extracts of Alnus japonica Leaf on Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage in HepG2/2E1 Cells (알코올로 유도된 간손상 모델 HepG2/2E1 세포에서 오리나무 잎 추출물의 간보호효과)

  • Bo-Ram Kim;Tae-Su Kim;Su Hui Seong;Seahee Han;Jin-Ho Kim;Chan Seo;Ha-Nul Lee;Sua Im;Jung Eun Kim;Ji Min Jung;Do-Yun Jeong;Kyung-Min Choi;Jin-Woo Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2024
  • Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a significant risk factor in the global disease burden. The stem bark of the Betulaceae plant Alnus japonica, which is indigenous to Korea, has been used as a popular folk medicine for hepatitis and cancer. However, the preventive effect of Alnus japonica leaf extracts on alcohol-related liver damage has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to investigate the hepatoprotective effects of the extracts of Alnus japonica leaf (AJL) against ethanol-induced liver damage in HepG2/2E1 cells. Treatment with AJL significantly prevented ethanol-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2/2E1 cells by reducing the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). This protective effect was likely associated with antioxidant potential of AJL, as evidenced by the attenuation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) production and restoration of the depleted glutathione (GSH) levels in ethanol-induced HepG2/2E1 cells. Our findings suggest that FCC might be considered as a useful agent in the prevention of liver damage induced by oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant defense mechanism.

An Analysis of Inscription Trends of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscapes (유네스코 세계유산 문화경관 등재 경향 분석)

  • Lee, Jaei;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the inscription trends and characteristics of 121 cultural landscapes inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List to gain a comprehensive understanding of their inherent values and attributes. By employing a dual methodology involving descriptive statistical analysis and in-depth case studies, this research investigates the geographical distribution, temporal inscription patterns, selection criteria, and typologies of these landscapes. The data for this study were collected from official documents and databases available on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website, ensuring the reliability and authenticity of the information. The analysis reveals that cultural landscapes are predominantly concentrated in Europe and Asia, with a steady increase in inscriptions since 1992. These landscapes are primarily recognized for their uniqueness in reflecting human-nature interactions, as well as the importance of traditional culture and land-use practices, resulting in their inscription mainly under criteria (iv), (iii), (v), and (ii). Furthermore, cultural landscapes can be broadly categorized into three types: designed landscapes, organically evolved landscapes, and associative landscapes. Among these, organically evolved landscapes, formed through long-term interactions between human activities such as agriculture and industry and the natural environment, constitute a significant proportion. These findings suggest that UNESCO World Heritage cultural landscapes possess a complex value system encompassing nature and culture, tangible and intangible elements, and material and non-material aspects. This necessitates a fundamental shift in the perception and preservation approaches to cultural heritage, requiring an integrated approach that emphasizes the overall context rather than individual elements and focuses on the dynamic process of landscape evolution itself. Moreover, cultural landscapes have the potential to contribute to sustainable development models by fostering regional identity, strengthening community resilience, and promoting sustainable economic growth. Therefore, the preservation and management of cultural landscapes require a perspective that holistically views the dynamic evolution process of the landscape and a governance system based on the active participation of local communities and stakeholders. This study contributes to enhancing the in-depth understanding of the characteristics and values of cultural landscapes and provides a foundation for the selection and management of future cultural landscape heritage sites.

A Study of Organic Matter Fraction Method of the Wastewater by using Respirometry and Measurements of VFAs on the Filtered Wastewater and the Non-Filtered Wastewater (여과한 하수와 하수원액의 VFAs 측정과 미생물 호흡률 측정법을 이용한 하수의 유기물 분액 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seong-wook;Cho, Wook-sang
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the organic matter and biomass was characterized by using respirometry based on ASM No.2d (Activated Sludge Model No.2d). The activated sludge models are based on the ASM No.2d model, published by the IAWQ(International Association on Water Quality) task group on mathematical modeling for design and operation of biological wastewater treatment processes. For this study, OUR(Oxygen Uptake Rate) measurements were made on filtered as well as non-filtered wastewater. Also, GC-FID and LC analysis were applied for the estimation of VFAs(Volatile Fatty Acids) COD(S_A) in slowly bio-degradable soluble substrates of the ASM No.2d. Therefore, this study was intended to clearly identify slowly bio-degradable dissolved materials(S_S) and particulate materials(X_I). In addition, a method capable of determining the accurate time to measure non-biodegradable COD(S_I), by the change of transition graphs in the process of measuring microbial OUR, was presented in this study. Influent fractionation is a critical step in the model calibrations. From the results of respirometry on filtered wastewater, the fraction of fermentable and readily biodegradable organic matter(S_F), fermentation products(S_A), inert soluble matter(S_I), slowly biodegradable matter(X_S) and inert particular matter(X_I) was 33.2%, 14.1%, 6.9%, 34.7%, 5.8%, respectively. The active heterotrophic biomass fraction(X_H) was about 5.3%.