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A Study on the Social Integration Model of Multicultural Families : Focusing on the Role of Local Social Capital and Social Enterprises  

Oh, Jong-chul (Management at Ansan University)
Publication Information
Journal of Venture Innovation / v.4, no.1, 2021 , pp. 1-21 More about this Journal
Recently, as the number of foreigners residing in Korea has increased, Korea is preparing to enter a multicultural country. This study was conducted to present a social integration model for the purpose of solving the social problem of social integration of multicultural families. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, this study examines the role of local social capital for social integration by improving the quality of life of multicultural families and increasing their intention to participate in society. Second, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of multicultural family members on the formation of local social capital, subjective quality of life and social participation intention, focusing on the role of social enterprises. To achieve the purpose of this study, members of multicultural families living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were selected as samples, and responses to local social capital, subjective quality of life, social participation intention and social identity were collected through structured questionnaires. A total of 363 valid questionnaires were tested for the relationship between variables through the structural equation model. The analysis result of this study is that first, human social capital and corporate social capital of members of multicultural families have a significant positive effect on subjective quality of life. Second, it was found that the corporate social capital and community social capital of members of multicultural families had a significant positive effect on the intention to participate in society. Third, it was found that the subjective quality of life of members of multicultural families did not significantly affect their intention to participate in society. Finally, it was found that social identity plays a partly controlling role when community capital of multicultural family members affects their intention to participate in society. Through this analysis result, it is expected that it will play a meaningful role as basic data for policy proposals for social integration of multicultural families.
Local Social Capital; Human Social capital; Corporate Social Capital; Community Social Capital; Subjective Quality of Life; Social Participation Intention; Social Identity;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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