• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기준국

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A Study on Foreign Air Operator Certificate in light of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (시카고협약체계에서의 외국 항공사에 대한 운항증명제도 연구)

  • Lee, Koo-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-64
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    • 2015
  • The Chicago Convention and Annexes have become the basis of aviation safety regulations for every contracting state. Generally, aviation safety regulations refer to the SARPs provided in the Annexes of the Chicago Convention. In order to properly reflect international aviation safety regulations, constant studies of the aviation fields are of paramount importance. Treaties duly concluded and promulgated under the Constitution and the generally recognized rules of international law shall have the same effect as the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea. Each contracting state to the Chicago Convention should meet ICAO SARPs about AOC and FAOC. According to ICAO SARPs, Civil Aviation Authorities shall issue AOC to air carriers of the state, but don't require to issue for foreign air carrier. However some contracting states of the Chicago Convention issue FAOC and/or Operations Specifications for the foreign operators. This FAOC is being expanded from USA to the other contracting states. Foreign operators have doubly burden to implement AOC of the ICAO SARPs because FAOC is an additional requirement other than that prescribed by the ICAO SARPs In Article 33, the Chicago Convention stipulates that each contracting state shall recognize the validity of the certificates of airworthiness and licenses issued by other contracting states as long as they are equal to or above the minimum standards of the ICAO. In ICAO Annex 6, each contracting state shall recognize as valid an air operator certificate issued by another contracting state, provided that the requirements under which the certificate was issued are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex. States shall establish a programme with procedures for the surveillance of operations in their territory by a foreign operator and for taking appropriate action when necessary to preserve safety. Consequently, it is submitted that the unilateral action of the states issuing the FAOC to the foreign air carriers of other states is against the Convention. Hence, I make some proposals on the FAOC as an example of comprehensive problem solving after comparative study with ICAO SARPs and the contracting state's regulations. Some issues must be improved and I have made amendment proposals to meet ICAO SARPs and to strengthen aviation development. Operators should be approved by FAOC at most 190 if all states require FAOC. Hence, it is highly recommended to eliminate the FAOC or reduce the restrictions it imposes. In certain compliance-related issues, delayed process shall not be permitted to flight operations. In addition, it is necessary for the ICAO to provide more unified and standardized guidelines in order to avoid confusion or bias regarding the arbitrary expansion of the FAOC. For all the issue mentioned above, I have studied the ICAO SARPs and some state's regulation regarding FAOC, and suggested some proposals on the FAOC as an example of comprehensive problem solving. I hope that this paper is 1) to help understanding about the international issue, 2) to help the improvement of korean aviation regulations, 3) to help compliance with international standards and to contribute to the promotion of aviation safety, in addition.

The Suggestion and problem of Korea Skim looking into through the CCRA-CAP Analysis (인증서발행국(CAP)들의 스킴 분석을 통한 우리나라의 평가, 인증 제도의 문제점과 시사점)

  • Kang, Jang-Mook;Yoo, Eui-Sang;Park, Kwang-Cheol
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.467-478
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    • 2003
  • 국제공통평가기준(Common Criteria)2.1을 기반으로 한 국제공통평가인정협정(Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement)은 21세기 정보보호 산업 전반에 수출입 장벽 및 국제적 표준으로 자리매김 할 것이다. 이미 국제공통평가상호인정협정(CC-MRA)에서부터 적극적으로 기술을 축적하고 세계적 표준을 선도한 미국, 캐나다, 영국, 독일, 프랑스 등의 주요 선진국들은 국제공통평가인정협정 인증서발행국(CCRA-CAP)으로서의 우월적 지위를 확보한 상태이다. 이에 본 연구는 CCRA-CAP국가들에 대한 스킴(Skim) 분석을 통하여 우리나라 의 스킴 개발이 국제적인 선도국과 비교하여 어떤 차이를 보이는지와 우리나라의 문제점을 도출해보고자 한다. 이를 통하여 향후, CCRA-CAP국가로 세계적 평가, 인증체계의 선도국이 되기 위한 준비과정에서 얻을 수 있는 통찰력과 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 여러 스킴 중 정보보호시스템 평가, 인증 제도 관련 기관 책임 및 임무에 관한 1번 스킴을 주요 논의의 대상으로 하여 분석 연구한다.

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ATSC 3.0 기반 모바일HD 물리계층 필드테스트 결과: 제주테크노파크 100W 실험국과 제주시내 이동측정을 위주로

  • Jeon, Seong-Ho;Im, Bo-Mi;Park, Seong-Ik;Lee, Jae-Gwon;Jang, Jin-Yeong;Lee, Gwon-Ik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2017
  • 지상파 방송 3사(KBS/MBC/SBS) 수도권 본방송 파라미터와 동일하게 설정한 제주테크노파크 100W 실험국에서 ATSC 3.0 신호를 발사한 뒤, 제주시내 일대를 이동하면서 양시청 여부는 물론 실측값을 수집하였다. 결론적으로, 현재 전송파라미터 구성으로 송수신 정합에 이상 없이, 기술적인 관점에서 수도권 모바일HD 본방송이 가능함을 검증하였고, 커버리지 산출에 필수적인 물리계층 성능 지표인 ESR5에 대한 기준값, 즉 변조오류율(MER) 기준으로 11.3dB, 수신 신호 세기(Level) 기준으로 -85.0dBm 정도임을 도출하였다.

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An Analysis of Disposal Site about an Airport useing ICAO and GIS (ICAO 기준과 지리정보를 이용한 공항입지선정에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.323-333
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    • 2005
  • This paper shows disposal site about an airport using ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization)and GIS(Geographic Information System). In Korea, mountains occupy above $70\%$ of the whole country centering around Baek-Du mountain range and a physical distribution system doesn't go on smoothly between east and west region. At present, disposal site about an airport follows the standard of ICAO and FAA(Federal Aviation Administration). So, it's desperately necessary to make the new standard suitable for the condition of Korea. This study analyzes major customers in the aerospace and transportation sector by considering the present condition of location of geography, atmospheric phenomena, population and transportation about Ul-Jin airport on the standard of ICAO and FAA. As the results, Gi-Sung site proposed for the airport using the existing a runway in air force has a locality road connecting a fishing and agrarian villages and is shown better than the others.

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A Study on the Building of Korea-USA FTA Business Model for Food Industries in Korea (우리나라 식품산업의 한-미 FTA 비즈니스 활용전략 및 모델 구축에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Tae-In
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.317-344
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    • 2013
  • This study wished to construct and propose correct Korea-USA FTA business model in Food Industry for FTA practical use maximization. First, the application item of Wholly Obtained Criterion may have to construct Wholly Obtained Criterion FTA practical use strategy. This strategy is to export to FTA country concerned after process domestically made main material. Second, the application item of Change in Tariff Heading may have to construct Change in Tariff Heading FTA practical use strategy. This strategy exports to FTA country concerned after that process that receives tariff cut(Cost reduction) benefit, and satisfies Change in Tariff Heading importing main material from third country (The FTA conclusion country).

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State of the Art on GNSS Reflectometry and Marine Applications (위성신호 반사계측(GNSS-R) 기술 현황과 해양 응용분야)

  • Seo, Kiyeol;Park, Sang-Hyun;Park, Jihye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.402-408
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    • 2021
  • GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is a technique for measuring and analyzing signals transmitted from satellites, reflecting on the surface of land or sea. GNSS-R is mainly used for measuring the water level variation, typhoon and meteorological anomaly, soil moisture, and snow depth. This paper describes the concept and measurement principle of GNSS-R technology, especially focusing on the field of marine utilization and its feasibility. In particular, it presents the applications of this technique for monitoring the safety of marine environment as well as the marine vessel and their utilization areas based on currently available infrastructure on the ground and maritime reference stations, such as the existing differential GNSS reference stations and integrity monitors (DGNSS RSIM), and GNSS reference station infrastructure, using the ground-based and the satellite-based GNSS-R approaches.

Countermeasures and Uses of Origin Cumulative Criteria in the Mega-FTA : Focused on SMEs' Overseas Expansion (Mega-FTA 시대에 원산지 누적기준의 활용과 대책 - 중소기업의 해외진출을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Mok-Sam;Lim, Sung-Chul
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2016
  • The Mega-FTA is intended for emerging economies, including developed economies, to expand economies of scale in a single market. The Bilateral FTA shall take into account the relevant industries and the inter-country related industries to adjust the origin standard and preferential tariff rates. Therefore, certain competitive industries can expect foreign investment and re-investment in the domestic market as well as expansion of the market in the region. However, the mega-FTA should expand the size of the economy under the same preferential tax rates for many Partner countries. The Mega-FTA can maximize the effectiveness of the agreement by making use of the competitive advantages of the participating countries. In the mega-FTA, Cumulative Criteria should be appropriately used as a supplemental standard of origin. The Cumulative Criteria is an important FTA utilization factor that determines the success of the mega-FTA. Using FTA, Korea should export locally produced materials using cheaper labor force in FTA partner country. In addition, in order to prepare the Mega-FTA, which allows full cumulation, it is necessary to encourage the overseas transfer of low-cost structure materials processing industry so that the material suppliers can be transferred to the area where production cost is lower and raw material supply is easier.

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A Study on the Establishment of Quality Control Standards for Accuracy Improvement of DSRC Traffic Information System (DSRC 교통정보 정확도 개선을 위한 품질관리 기준수립 연구)

  • Hwang, Taehyun;Won, Insu;Kwon, Jangwoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.44-57
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    • 2020
  • A dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) traffic information system is a detection system for a section of road using communication between roadside equipment and on-board High-Pass units to collect road traffic information and provide reliable traffic information to drivers. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport announced that a DSRC system must be supported to pass the performance evaluation of an intelligent transportation system (ITS), and the performance evaluation for DSRC systems installed in expressways and national highways is started. Currently, DSRC traffic information systems are only managed for maintenance and functional-monitoring purposes, which means that detailed criteria for the operation of a DSRC traffic information system, such as communication range, the direction of the antenna, and the power of the radio wave, etc., need to be established. In this paper, the criteria of the performance evaluation of a DSRC traffic information system are presented for different road types and road environments. The proposed performance evaluation criteria included the communication range and communication power of roadside equipment. In addition, installation criteria, such as the direction of the antenna, and the height and angle of the installed system, are presented for different road types and road environments. The criteria presented were evaluated for DSRC roadside equipment and documented to improve system maintenance and quality control of the communication system.

A study on the optimal geometrical placement of eLoran stations in Korea (eLoran 송신국 배치 최적화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Bok;Shin, Mi-Young;Hwang, Sang-Wook;Lee, Sang-Jeong;Yang, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2013
  • In the eLoran navigation system, the dominant deterioration factors of navigation accuracy are the TOA measurement errors on user receiver and the GDOP between the receiver and the transmitters. But if the ASF data measured at dLoran reference station are provided for users through the Loran data channel, it will be possible to correct the TOA measurement errors. The position accuracy can be determined by the DOP depending on the geometry of receiver-transmitters, and their optimal placement improves the navigation accuracy. In this study we determined the geometric placement in case of up to six stations, and evaluated the performance of position accuracy for the receiver-transmitter geometry set of eLoran stations. The proposed geometry of eLoran stations can be referred for the construction of eLoran infrastructure meeting the capability of HEA for maritime, and time/frequency users in Korea.

Conceptual Design of KASS Uplink Station (한국형 위성항법보강시스템(KASS) 위성통신국 기본 설계)

  • You, Moonhee;Sin, Cheon Sig
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2017
  • The Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) broadcasts to users integrity and correction information for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) such as GPS and GLONASS using geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites. In accordance with the recommendation of the International Civilian Aeronautical Organization (ICAO) to introduce SBAS until 2025, a Korean SBAS system development / construction project is underway with the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) is a high precision GPS correction system which is composed of KASS Reference Station (KRS), KASS Processing Station (KPS), KASS Uplink Station (KUS), KASS Control Station (KCS) and GEO satellites. In this paper, we provided the conceptual design of the KASS uplink station, which is composed of the Signal Generator Section (SGS) and the Radio-Frequency Section (RFS), and interface between the KASS ground sector and the GEO satellite.