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Numerical Modeling of Shear Heating in 2D Elastoplastic Extensional Lithosphere using COMSOL Multiphysics® (콤솔 멀티피직스를 이용한 2차원 탄소성 인장 암석권 모형에서 발생하는 전단열에 관한 수치 모사 연구)

  • Jo, Taehwan;So, Byung-Dal
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • In the development of geodynamic structures such as subduction and rift zones, a weakening mechanism is essential for localized weak zone formation in the lithosphere. Shear heating, a weakening mechanism, generates short-wavelength temperature elevation in the lithosphere; the increased temperature can reduce lithospheric strength and promote its breakup. A two-dimensional elastoplastic extensional basin model was used to conduct benchmarking based on previous numerical simulation studies to quantitatively analyze shear heating. The amount of shear heating was investigated by controlling the yield strength, extensional velocity, and strain- and temperature-dependent weakening. In the absence of the weakening mechanism, the higher yield strength and extensional velocity led to more vigorous shear heating. The reference model with a 100-MPa yield strength and 2-cm/year extension showed a temperature increase of ~ 50 K when the bulk extension was 20 km (i.e., 0.025 strain). However, in the yield-strength weakening mechanism, depending on the plastic strain and temperature, more efficient weakening induced stronger shear heating, which indicates positive feedback between the weakening mechanism and the shear heating. The rate of shear heating rapidly increased at the initial stage of deformation, and the rate decreased by 80% as the lithosphere weakened. This suggests that shear heating with the weakening mechanism can significantly influence the strength of relatively undamaged lithosphere.

Cross-resistance of Colletotrichum acutatum s. lat. to Strobilurin Fungicides and Inhibitory Effect of Fungicides with Other Mechanisms on C. acutatum s. lat. Resistant to Pyraclostrobin (Strobilurin계 살균제에 대한 고추탄저병균의 교차저항성과 Pyraclostrobin 저항성균에 대한 다른 기작 살균제의 억제 효과)

  • Park, Subin;Kim, Heung Tae
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2022
  • Colletotrichum acutatum s. lat. 20JDS8 sensitive and 20CDJ6 resistant to pylaclostrobin were used to investigate the cross-resistance with fungicides belonging to the strobilurins and the characteristics of fungicidal controlling activities with different mechanisms against the isolate resistant to the fungicide. The resistant isolate of 20CDJ6 also showed the resistance to azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and kresoxim-methyl, suggesting that there is a cross-resistance relationship. All fungicides with different action mechanisms inhibited mycelial growth of both susceptible and resistant isolates of C. acutatum s. lat., but their disease control effects in fruits were different according to the fungicides. The disease control effect of isopyrazam against 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 was very low, and fluazinam showed a control effect of 91.9% and 88.1% against 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 only when it was treated before inoculation by spraying spore suspensions on pepper fruits without wounds. Tebuconazole and prochloraz effectively inhibited not only the mycelial growth of 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 on potato dextrose agar medium, but also disease incidence in red pepper fruits. As a result of this study, C. acutatum s. lat. 20CDJ6 resistant to pyraclostrobin showed cross-resistance with other strobilurin fungicides. In addition, we think that fluazinam, tebuconazole, and prochloraz can be recommended as alternative fungicides for the control of red-pepper pyranthracnose pathogens resistant pyraclostrobin. However, fluazinam can be effective only if it is treated protectively before the occurrence of the disease.

A Review of Acaricide Resistance Mechanism and Bioassay Method for Management of Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) (점박이응애 관리를 위한 저항성 기작과 생물검정법에 대한 고찰)

  • Kyoung Moo Kim;Young Cheol Kim;Do-Ik Kim;Jang Hoon Lee
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 2024
  • Two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) is a pest that causes damage to 250 plants and over 1,400 species. It rapidly develops resistance to acaricides due to its high reproductive capacity, inbreeding, asexual reproduction, and short life cycle, resulting in frequent occurrences per year. Resistance mechanisms include inhibition of AChE, sodium channel modulator, glutamate-gated chloride channels allosteric, mite growth inhibitors, inhibitors of acetyl CoA carboxylase, inhibition of mitochondrial ATP synthase, inhibition of mitochondrial complex I, II, III, and electron transport. The mechanism of action varies depending on acaricides used. making it necessary to confirm the appropriate treatment when spraying chemicals. Toxicity bioassay methods to evaluate the development of acaricide resistance include slide dip, leaf dip, leaf disc, topical application, vial leaf dip, and spray potter tower. Recently, molecular diagnostic methods have also been developed, but these methods do not depend on the pest species or developmental stage. Since accuracy varies depending on acaricide, it is essential to find the method that best suits your field. To effectively manage resistant two spotted spider mites, acaricides with a low risk of resistance development can be used. Additionally, biological control methods utilizing natural enemies like Phytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus californicus are suggested. Eco-friendly approaches, including the use of plant extracts and essential oils such as neem and pyrethrum, are also recommended. It is essential to explore various factors for integrated management to reduce the reliance on chemical applications.

Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugars phophotransferase system of bacteria

  • 윤기홍
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.2-11
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    • 1993
  • 최근 각 유전자들이 크로닝되고 단백질과 유전자의 특성이 밝혀지면서 PTS를 코드하는 유전자의 발현 조절기작과 PTS 단백질 구조에 대한 정보가 축적되었다. 본고에서는 현재까지 밝혀진 PTS 단백질들의 기능과 성질 및 그 유전자들의 조절작용에 대해 알아보고 PTS가 물질의 대사에 미치는 조절작용은 따로 언급하고자 한다.

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Pleurotus ostreatus에 의한 lignin 모델 화합물 분해

  • 신광수
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 1990
  • 본 연구에서는 lignin 분해시 lignin peroxidase와 glucose oxidase의 역할을 규명하기 위하여 백색부후균의 일종인 Pleurotus ostreatus를 실험 재료로 하여 glucose oxidase와 세포의 peroxidase를 분리하여 그 특성을 규명하여 이미 분리된 타 균주의 효소와 비교 분석하고, .betha.-O-4 linkage를 지닌 이합체 모델화합물에 작용시켜 그 산물을 분석함으로서 간접적이나마 두 효소의 역할및 분해기작을 추정하여 보았다.

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Fungal virus의 transcription 기작

  • 이세원
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.10-13
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    • 1990
  • Fungal Virus에 대한 연구는 60년대말 double-stranded RNA(dsRNA)가 interferon의 생성을 촉진시킨다는 보고가 나온 이후 dsRNA를 많이 얻을수 있는 재료로써 이 virus에 대한 연구가 본격적으로 진행되었다. 현재까지 60여종 이상의 genus와 200가지 이상의 species에서 virus의 존재가 분리 또는 확인되어 있다. 여기서는 Ustilago maydis의 killer activity를 유발하는 virus에 대한 일반적인 특징과 이 virus의 transcription 과정에 대해 설명하고자 한다.

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미생물 농약

  • 위세찬
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 1988
  • 이글은 siderophore의 식물과의 관계에 집중될것이다. 독자들은 Neilands와 Leong의 review에서 많은 도움을 얻으리라 믿는다. 한편 siderophore의 또다른 면모(관점)에 관심이 있는 독자를 위하여 몇가지 참고문헌을 제시하고자 한다. 미생물에 의해 생성되는 siderophore의 종류및 화학성분에 관한 것, 철분을 포함하는 항생물질에 관한 것들이 있고 철분에 의한 조절기작의 최근의 분자 생물학적 연구도 있다. 그외에 철분의 흡수과정에 필요한 유전적 배경에 관한 것도 있다.

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