• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업근로자

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An influence mutual desire having on to a business result of employment service organization and use company (고용서비스기관과 사용기업의 상호욕구가 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jong-Cheal;Lee, Jong-Geon;Choi, Myeong-Gil
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.566-570
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문은 고용서비스 기관의 서비스 품질과 사용기업의 관리능력이 파견직 근로자의 조직만족과 사용 기업의 업무성과 개선에 대해 미치는 영향을 실증분석 하였다. 이를 위하여 본 논문은 서울, 경기지역 근로자 파견기업. 사용기업, 파견직 근로자를 설문조사를 실시하여, 근로자 파견기업 81부, 사용기업 83부, 파견직 근로자 79부 중 응답에 문제없는 파견직 근로자 79를 분석 사용하였다. 수집된 설문자료는 빈도 분석, 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 위계적 회귀분석 등에 의해 분석되었다. 본 논문의 독립변수는 파견기업의 서비스 품질이며, 통제변수는 사용기업에 대한 만족도, 파견기업에 대한 만족도, 성별, 연령, 학력, 직위, 근무경력으로 구분하였다, 또한 중속변수는 업무성과의 개선, 직무만족이다. 분석결과는 첫째, 파견직에 대한 인식이 긍정적일수록 업무성과가 개선된다. 둘째 파견회사의 전문성이 클수록, 서비스능력이 좋을수록 업무성과가 개선된다. 사용기업의 적극성(관리능력)이 클수록 업무성과가 개선되는 것으로 나타났다.

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The Impact of on Organizational Performance of Self-Leadership by Worker in Social Enterprise and Profit Enterprise (사회적기업과 영리기업에서 근로자 셀프리더십이 조직성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Jae;Kim, Mi-Wha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the impact of self-leadership by worker in social enterprises and profit enterprise. For this purpose, 36 social enterprises and commercial enterprises in Chungcheongnam-do and 303 workers were surveyed. Main results are as follows. First, the workers in social enterprises and profit enterprises have many different characteristics. The workers who work in social enterprise is more women, less educated and were the elderly than profit enterprise. This is the reason that social enterprises are employing women, elderly and vulnerable groups by the government's social work support policy. Second, self leadership and all organizational Performance areas in social enterprises is higher than that of profit companies. Third, self-leadership in social enterprise and profit enterprise has positive effect on organizational performance. Therefore, in order to improve the organizational performance of social enterprises must share organizational vision and goals for the workers. It will increase the organizational competitiveness. The Journal of Digital Policy & Management. This space is for the abstract of your study in English.

Workers' Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Focused on Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support (중소기업 근로자의 직무만족이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향: 조직지원인식의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Soo-Chan;Lee, Ji-Sun;Lee, Eun-Hye;Jang, Jung-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.622-632
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to verify the moderating impact of perceived organizational support between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among the workers in small and medium sized enterprises in South Korea. For this research, 117 workers were selected through a survey from September 7th to 25th, 2015. As results, perceived organizational support had the moderating effect between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the workers. These findings suggest that corporate welfare programs should be launched in order to maximize the managerial effectiveness in the workplace. In addition, the government must develop and provide appropriate supportive systems for the well-being of the employees in the small and medium sized enterprises. Finally, the employees should make efforts to let the government and companies recognize their unique needs in work and life.

Attitudes toward Social Values and Economic Values of Social Enterprise Workers (사회적기업 근로자의 사회적 가치와 경제적 가치에 대한 태도)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Lee, Yong-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.602-612
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to identify employees' perception of social and economic values that social enterprises pursue and to provide implications for the training of social enterprise workers. The main results are as follows. First, more than half of the social enterprise workers recognized that economic value and social value were equally important. In addition, the responsibilities of realizing corporate social values were somewhat higher than those of employees. The social value of the social enterprise should be pursued in preference to the value for the company and its members. However, efforts to set goals for the social value of social enterprises were lacking. Second, social enterprise workers generally had a high perception of economic value and recognized that the responsibility and effort of management was more important than the employees in order to realize economic value. Third, the higher the age of workers, the higher the importance of social value than economic value, emphasized the responsibility of the manager, and the less the work experience, the more important is the social value and the manager's responsibility. While commercial enterprise workers are highly aware of the importance of economic value, non-profit enterprise workers are highly aware of the importance of social value. In the future, it will be necessary to provide an educational support program that allows workers to recognize the social and economic value of social enterprises in a balanced manner. Efforts are needed to develop, monitor and monitor standardized measures for measuring the value of social enterprises.

The Impact of Family-Friendly Corporate Culture on Employees' Behavior (가족친화적 기업문화가 근로자의 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jeongwoo;Kim, Kyungmi;Park, Hyunjun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the effects of family-friendly corporate policies on employees' job satisfaction, quality of life, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from medium sized manufacturing company during the summer of 2017 and received 295 useful responses. The data was analyzed using the multiple and simple regressions. The results showed that the effects of family-friendly corporate policies were significantly positive from the employee's perspective. The employees' awareness of the family-friendly policy was positively correlated with their job satisfaction, quality of life, and organizational commitment, but it was negatively associated with turnover intention. It should be noted that the boss' support at work showed the insignificant effect on the family friendly policy awareness and this result was very different from the previous study. The study concludes that companies as well as employees benefit from family-friendly policies. The study that in order to create a family-friendly corporate culture, the company should not only introduce the policy to employees but also provide the support and atmosphere for the employees to utilize the family-friendly policy easily, and to establish a companywide support policy, organizational practitioners should find the way family-friendly policies to be rooted in the organization.

Assessing the Impacts of Job insecurity, Job satisfaction and Relationship with customers on Intention of Retention of Employees in Social Enterprises (사회적기업 근로자의 직무불안, 직무만족, 고객과의 관계가 재직 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.835-843
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    • 2013
  • Despite their social mission, social enterprises work in the changing global economic environment and therefore face to comply with performance objectives. This situation means that human resources management strategy has a crucial role to play. Especially, the challenge in maintaining competitive efficiency depends on achieving a lower level of employee turnover. This study aims to investigate the role of job insecurity, job satisfaction, relationship with customers regarding the intention of retention among social enterprise workers. Data were collected in South Korea from 271 women employees in 36 social enterprises and the binomial logistic regression was used to assess the model hypothesized. As the result, social enterprise employees showed a considerably positive attitude toward the intent to stay their workplace. However, job insecurity appeared to have the strongest negative effect on the intention of retention, whereas job satisfaction and relationship with customers had the positive effects, above and beyond demographic variables and organization variables. The result suggested the human resource management can play a significant role in retaining social enterprise employees by reducing job instability and improving job satisfaction and customers management.

기업경영에도 왕도는 없다

  • O, Se-Cheol
    • Defense and Technology
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    • no.1 s.239
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 1999
  • 우리는 더 이상 근로자에게 납득이 가지 않는 경영을 해서는 안됩니다. 이제부터라도 한국의 기업가가 기업을 사유화하겠다는 생각을 버리고 합리적인 경영을해서 근로자들로 하여금 솔선해서 피 땀을 흘리게 할 수만 있다면 우리는 어떠한 난관이라도 극복할 수 있습니다. 기업인의 마음먹기에 따라 회사도 살고 나라경제도 회생하게 될 것입니다. 기업을 하는 것 특히 제조업을 영위한다는 것은 어느 나라에서도 자랑스럽고 보람있는 일입니다

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The Conceptual Model on the Effects of Emotional labor on Job Stress and Organizational Effectiveness (감정노동이 직무스트레스와 조직유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 개념적 모형 -고객센터 여성근로자를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Joung-Im
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.401-405
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    • 2012
  • 우리나라의 서비스 직업에 대한 고용비중이 점차 높아지고 있는 동시에 여성의 경제활동도 함께 증가하는 추세를 보여주고 있다. 또한 현재 경영의 환경에 있어서의 소비자들은 기업과의 직접적인 대면과 함께 우량의 서비스 품질을 요구하는 경영환경의 시대에 있다. 각 기업은 차별화 전략으로서 최상의 서비스 제공을 통한 고객 만족 극대화에 초점을 맞추고 있으며 특히, 서비스 기업에서 추구하는 고객만족 또는 서비스 만족도가 기업의 경쟁우의를 결정짓고 기업의 이미지를 표현하는 중요한 요인으로 여겨지고 있다. 이러한 고객만족을 중시하는 기업과 조직의 목표에 의해 대부분의 고객센터의 여성 근로자들은 조직이 요구하는 감정표현의 규범에 의해 자신의 감정이나 느낌을 고객에게 연출하도록 강요받고 있다. 근로자의 기분과 감정과는 관계없이 고객에게 미소와 친절을 보내야 하는 고객센터 근로자들은 감정노동을 하고 있는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서비스 산업 중에서도 여성인력에 대한 의존도가 높은 고객만족센터(텔레마케터 or 전화상담원)에 근무하는 여성근로자를 중심으로 감정적 부조화에 따른 감정노동이 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향에 대하여 알아보고 연구 결과를 통해 고객센터의 여성근로자들의 인적자원관리 차원에서 감정노동에 대한 인지와 직무스트레스 조절을 통한 관리에 시사점을 제안하고자 한다.

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3SLS Analysis of Technology Innovation, Employment, and Corporate Performance of South Korean Manufacturing Firms: A Quantity and Quality of Employment Perspective (한국 제조기업의 기술혁신, 고용, 기업성과 간 관계에 대한 3SLS 분석: 고용의 양적·질적 특성 관점에서)

  • Dong-Geon Lim;Jin Hwa Jung
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.139-169
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the effects of firms' technology innovation(patent applications) on employment(number of workers and proportion of high-skilled workers) and corporate performance(sales per worker), while considering the two-way causal relationships between these variables. We used the three-stage least squares(3SLS) estimation to examine system of equations in which the dependent variables affect each other with a two-year lag wherever relevant, and applied it to firm-level panel data of Korean manufacturers with 100 or more workers. Our data covered the period of 2005-2017. Exogenous variables, such as firms' managerial and other characteristics, were controlled as explanatory variables. The identification variables for each equation included firms' R&D intensity, labor cost per worker(or operation of firms' own R&D center), and investment on worker training. We find that firms' patent applications increased number of workers, proportion of high-skilled workers, and sales per worker; the causal relationships in the opposite direction were also significant. Evidently, firms' technology innovation is critical to the growth and quality improvement of employment as well as sustainable corporate growth.

모기업 협력업체 산업안전보건관리에 대한 인식

  • 이경용;이관형;손두익;오지영;갈원모;신문진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2003
  • 우리나라 전체 산업재해의 상당수가 상시근로자 300인 미만의 중소기업에서 발생하고 있어 산업재해예방을 위한 주된 노련이 중소기업에서 이루어져야 함에도 불구하고 중소기업이 경영여건 등 제반사유로 인하여 중소기업의 자율적 안전 관리가 미흡한 것이 우리의 현실이다. 현재 대다수의 중소기업은 대기업의 납품업체 또는 하청업체로써 생산 활동을 하고 있으며, 중소기업의 산업재해는 대기업에서 필요한 부품의 납품지연이나 생산차질로 연계되기 때문에 대기업과 중소기업이 하청으로 연결되어 있는 경우 근로자의 안전보건 문제는 대기업이나 중소기업 모두에게 있어 생산활동에 중요한 관리대상이 되고 있다.(중략)

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