• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술.전문적 역량

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Moderating role of the vendor suitability factor for ERP introduction factors and internal performance (공급사 적합성 요인이 ERP 도입요인과 내부성과 간에 미치는 조절적 역할)

  • Kim, Joung-Ju;Yi, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.2093-2103
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how the vendor suitability factor affects ERP introduction factors of domestic small and middle businesses and internal performance. When domestic firms introduce an ERP package, they mostly use the package already developed by ERP firms. Therefore, this study tried to analyze that the suitability factor of an ERP package supplier serves as a moderating role for ERP internal performance. The study result showed that the vendor suitability factor played a moderating role for ERP introduction factors and internal performance. In other words, the vendor suitability factor served a moderating role for four factors -CEO support, education/training, users' IT capability, and business standardization /formulation- and internal performance. But, it was analyzed that the vendor suitability factor didn't serve as a moderating role for IT infrastructure and internal performance.

Analysis of the Firm Support Effects of the Innovation Procurement Policy Using Propensity Score Matching and Difference in Differences (성향점수매칭(PSM)-이중차분(DID) 결합모형을 이용한 혁신조달 정책의 기업지원 효과 분석)

  • Juwon Kim;Wonik Park
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.201-230
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    • 2023
  • The Innovation Procurement Policy was introduced as part of the strategic public procurement policy to improve firms' innovation capabilities and enhance the public sector's ability to solve social problems by designating and purchasing so-called 'innovative products.' The pilot procurement project for innovative products was first introduced in 2019, and the policy system for designating and discovering innovative products by government departments, as well as the priority purchase system, was established in 2020. Hence, this study conducted a quantitative analysis focusing on the effectiveness of the innovation procurement system in supporting firms after it was fully implemented. For this purpose, corporate financial and employment data from 2017 to 2021 were used, and propensity score matching(PSM) and difference-in-difference(DID) methods were utilized as analytical tools. The study found that the innovation procurement system contributed to corporate growth and employment and created additional public and private sales channels. Moreover, it is necessary to enhance the innovation procurement system, such as matching innovative product-producing companies with existing SME support policies, for companies to become self-sustaining after the innovative product designation ends.

Investigation on Enhancing Efficiency in International Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation of Republic of Korea (우리나라의 기후변화적응 국제협력에 대한 고찰)

  • Park, Yong-Ha;Chung, Suh-Yong;Son, Yowhan;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2010
  • To cope with various issues in the aspect of climate change adaptation of UNFCCC, Korea began preparing a Five-year National Climate Change Adaptation Plan in 2010 to be implemented from 2011~2015, for the purposes of securing a concrete system to adapt to climate change. Compared with the policies and measurement tools of developed countries, Korea's climate change adaptation capabilities suffers from a number of limitations including insufficiencies of basic information, human resources for research on climate change, and technology in risk and vulnerability assessment. At the same time, Korea maintains superior information technology systems, and comparatively strong climate change adaptation technologies. Recently, with the establishment of the Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change as a specialized research organization in climate change adaptation, Korea has upgraded its ability to adapt to climate change and to provide support to other Asian countries which are vulnerable to climate change. In consideration of the close relation between climate change adaptation policy and technology development with the environmental industry, Korea's pursuit of cooperation and technical support for developing countries in the Asia region can be seen as the commencement of a long term investment for the nation's future. International cooperation on climate change adaptation between countries in the region can build a mutually complementary and integrated partnership in business, research, education, and other areas. Furthermore, Korea can also participate in the exploration of common issues as landmark projects that can attract global interest with developing countries.

What factors drive AI project success? (무엇이 AI 프로젝트를 성공적으로 이끄는가?)

  • KyeSook Kim;Hyunchul Ahn
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.327-351
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    • 2023
  • This paper aims to derive success factors that successfully lead an artificial intelligence (AI) project and prioritize importance. To this end, we first reviewed prior related studies to select success factors and finally derived 17 factors through expert interviews. Then, we developed a hierarchical model based on the TOE framework. With a hierarchical model, a survey was conducted on experts from AI-using companies and experts from supplier companies that support AI advice and technologies, platforms, and applications and analyzed using AHP methods. As a result of the analysis, organizational and technical factors are more important than environmental factors, but organizational factors are a little more critical. Among the organizational factors, strategic/clear business needs, AI implementation/utilization capabilities, and collaboration/communication between departments were the most important. Among the technical factors, sufficient amount and quality of data for AI learning were derived as the most important factors, followed by IT infrastructure/compatibility. Regarding environmental factors, customer preparation and support for the direct use of AI were essential. Looking at the importance of each 17 individual factors, data availability and quality (0.2245) were the most important, followed by strategy/clear business needs (0.1076) and customer readiness/support (0.0763). These results can guide successful implementation and development for companies considering or implementing AI adoption, service providers supporting AI adoption, and government policymakers seeking to foster the AI industry. In addition, they are expected to contribute to researchers who aim to study AI success models.

Assessment of Pass Prediction of Radiologist's license on Academic Achievement through Health law Courses of 3rd Year Students in Radiology Department of College(Focus on D Health College) (전문대학교 방사선과 3학년 학생들의 보건법규학업성취도에 관한 방사선사면허 합격예측평가(D 보건 전문대학 중심으로))

  • Jung, Hong-moon;Lee, Joon-il;park, Hyong-hu;won, Do-yeon;Jung, Jae-eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.533-539
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    • 2018
  • The National Competency Standard (NCS) is being implemented on the basis of a college of higher education. The college offers intensive education by organizing three areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes so that students can perform their full capacity at the same time as graduating in industrial field. Health Department at the College has been training for a variety of medical personnel, including medical technician regions. Especially, the medical technician and medical sector must be licensed to work in the medical field. Therefore, passing the national examination license is a prerequisite for employment. In this study, the health law scores of the third grade students (about 200 students) of the radiology department of D College were analyzed at weekly intervals. The weekly score acquisition can be predict the pattern of student class achievement of individual students. Furthermore, these results can predict the possibility of passing the radiation license examination for individual students.

A Study on Improvement of Refresher Training for a Minority of Training Occupations (훈련교·강사 보수교육 의무화를 위한 소수훈련직종 보수교육 인정 제도 적용방안 연구)

  • Kim, Mi Hwa;Kim, Woocheol;Kim, Jiyoung;Woo, Heajung;Song, Haelim;Ok, Yeongjeen;Park, Jiwon
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.545-558
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    • 2021
  • As the "Partial Amendment to the Vocational Competency Development Act" was passed, and the mandatory refresher training was legislated in March 2020, HRD education institutions has prepared a plan for the improved refresher training to strengthen the competency of vocational training teachers and to improve the quality of refresher training. However, as demand for refresher training is concentrated in partial occupations, it is necessary prepare a separate plan to recognize personal learning as a refresher training for a minority of teachers who are not provided with a training. Therefore, this study aims to identify areas of a minor training occupations that don't exist many participants for a refresher training and to derive ways to recognize their multiple education experiences and participations instead of attending a refresher training. To this end, literature review, analysis of current situation, consultation with stakeholders, and written interviews with experts were conducted. As a result, a minority of training occupations was defined as type 1 and type 2 and ways of the recognition of refresher training for minority of training occupations which embrace various educational types were derived. Lastly, discussions and suggestions on the expansion of the scope of the recognition of refresher training for minority of training occupations were provided.

A Study on the Collaboratory curriculum Model of the foundation NCS through exemplary international cases (해외 우수사례를 통한 국가직무능력표준(NCS) 기반 산학협력모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.673-683
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the NCS-based curriculum is to prepare students for practical competencies to perform tasks demanded by industries by applying nationally and industrially developed and certified NCS to the currently held curriculum. In order to achieve this academic goal, education institutions must dedicate their utmost efforts to train trainees to attain flexibility in rapidly changing industry environments and competitiveness to perform the various tasks demanded by industries. The 47th article of the Higher Education Law explains that the purpose of the College corresponds with that of the NCS-based curriculum because the contribution of national and social development is related to the development of an industry. The college purpose and the NCS-based curriculum require close collaboration and cooperation between industries and colleges. This thesis analyzes cases of industry and college cooperation, researches adequate cases that suit the purpose of the NCS-based curriculum and proposes an appropriate industrial-education cooperation model that suits college and NCS-based curriculum by analyzing the cooperation model held by highly acknowledged universities oversea. In addition, this paper proposes a process and guideline to establish the industrial-education cooperation model. The industrial-education cooperation model proposed herein not only practically aligns the NCS-based curriculum to fit the industry environments, but also supports each party in pursuing and achieving its goals through an effective cooperative structure. The NCS-based industrial education model is anticipated to improve colleges' employment rates, allow industries' procurement of brilliant human resources, and contribute to the development of domestic industries through effective college education and training competent professionals for society.

A study on the Effect of Big Data Quality on Corporate Management Performance (빅데이터 품질이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choong-Hyong;Kim, YoungJun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2021
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution brought the quantitative value of data across the industry and entered the era of 'Big Data'. This is due to both the rapid development of information & communication technology and the diversity & complexity of customer purchasing tendencies. An enterprise's core competence in the Big Data Era is to analyze and utilize the data to make strategic decisions for enterprise. However, most of traditional studies on Big Data have focused on technical issues and future potential values. In addition, these studies lacked interest in managing the quality and utilization levels of internal & external customer Big Data held by the entity. To overcome these shortages, this study attempted to derive influential factors by recognizing the quality management information systems and quality management of the internal & external Big Data. First of all, we conducted a survey of 204 executives & employees to determine whether Big Data quality management, Big Data utilization, and level management have a significant impact on corporate work efficiency & corporate management performance. For the study for this purpose, hypotheses were established, and their verifications were carried out. As a result of these studies, we found that the reasons that significantly affect corporate management performance are support from the management class, individual innovation, changes in the management environment, Big Data quality utilization metrics, and Big Data governance system.

Security Threats to Enterprise Generative AI Systems and Countermeasures (기업 내 생성형 AI 시스템의 보안 위협과 대응 방안)

  • Jong-woan Choi
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the security threats to enterprise Generative Artificial Intelligence systems and proposes countermeasures. As AI systems handle vast amounts of data to gain a competitive edge, security threats targeting AI systems are rapidly increasing. Since AI security threats have distinct characteristics compared to traditional human-oriented cybersecurity threats, establishing an AI-specific response system is urgent. This study analyzes the importance of AI system security, identifies key threat factors, and suggests technical and managerial countermeasures. Firstly, it proposes strengthening the security of IT infrastructure where AI systems operate and enhancing AI model robustness by utilizing defensive techniques such as adversarial learning and model quantization. Additionally, it presents an AI security system design that detects anomalies in AI query-response processes to identify insider threats. Furthermore, it emphasizes the establishment of change control and audit frameworks to prevent AI model leakage by adopting the cyber kill chain concept. As AI technology evolves rapidly, by focusing on AI model and data security, insider threat detection, and professional workforce development, companies can improve their digital competitiveness through secure and reliable AI utilization.

IT Governance of the Korean Conglomerates: A Comparative Case Study (국내 대기업들의 IT 거버넌스: 비교 사례 연구)

  • Zo, Hang-Jung;Song, Chan-Hoo;Kang, Hyun-Goo;Lim, Dong-Won
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.335-359
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    • 2009
  • This study explores the IT governance structures of the Korean conglomerates. It investigates IT organization structures, decision making frameworks and processes, communication channels, implementation mechanisms, and performance evaluation methods around IT activities of the Korean conglomerates by analyzing four different cases. The results show that all of the conglomerates have an IT service firms as one of their subsidiaries, and all the subsidiaries in the conglomerates outsource their IT divisions to the IT service firms, The client firms in the conglomerates operate IT strategy and planning teams to coordinate their IT activities with their outsourcing partners. The IT governance archetype of the Korean conglomerates is found to be "business monarchy" because the client firms mostly make IT decisions. However, the IT service firms provide the information of IT trends and solutions to their clients, so the IT governance archetype of input framework for IT decisions can be "IT monarchy". In addition, the conglomerate which has the more centralized IT governance architecture appears to prefer the more integrated implementation mechanisms for IT decisions. The results of this study are expected to be used as a benchmarking model for the organizations which try to develop an effective IT governance structure.

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