• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기독교

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Analysis of Research Trends in Christian Education: Papers Published During COVID-19 (2020.3 - 2022.6) (기독교교육학 연구 동향 분석: 코로나19 시기 게재 논문(2020.3~2022.6)을 중심으로)

  • Shin Seungbeom
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.97-115
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends of Christian education research during the COVID-19 period. To this end, 172 theses published in the "Journal of Christian Education" and "Korea Society for Christian Education & Information Technology" pub-lished between March 2020 and June 2022 were analyzed according to the subfields and research methods of Christian education. As a result of the analysis, 38.5% of the total papers belonged to theories of Christian education. Papers related to practice of Christian education was 61.5%. Looking more closely at Christian education practice, papers related to classification by 'developmental stage' accounted for 25%, 'education field' accounted for 55.2%, 'function' accounted for 40.7% of the total papers. Regarding the classification of research methods, literature research accounted for 62.7% of the total studies, survey research methods accounted for 21.5%. Based on this, the main conclusions found in this study are as follows. First, the problems caused by the emergence and spread of the coronavirus began to be reflected in Christian education studies. Second, it was confirmed that the research method of Christian education, which had been biased toward liter-ature research, was recently converted from theory-centered to an attempt to balance theory and practice, and as convergence research increased, research topics and re-search methods were diversifying. Third, it was confirmed the need for category stand-ards that can analyze and classify studies in order to identify trends in Christian education research. Lastly, when considering all the papers, there are not many papers that fall under the classification by characteristics.

Programs and Suggestions for the Activation of Christian Studies : A case of Baekseok University (기독교학문 활성화를 위한 프로그램 현황 및 제언 : 백석대학교 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce the programs implemented by Baekseok University in order to activate Christian studies, and to look for ways of developing the programs. To do this, programs such as the Faith and Learning seminars and the Christian studies small groups were introduced, and discussed limitations and suggestions to improve it. The suggestions are as follows. First, participants are expanded from full-time professors to lecturers. Second, the present way of simply completing the seminar should be changed to evaluate the results of the Christian studies. Third, the Christian studies small groups are to be expanded to wider group of professors. In addition, to spread the culture of Christian studies, Baekseok University should provide support for each stage of the growth of Christian studies. This study will be presented as a model to Christian universities in Korea and abroad, which is in pursuit to maintain the identity of Christian college through the activation of Christian studies.

A Study on Christian imagination of the Modern Sijo - On Seon, Jeong-ju and Jang, Sun-ha - (현대시조의 기독교적 상상력 연구 - 선정주·장순하 시조를 중심으로 -)

  • Min, Byeong-Kwan
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.43
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    • pp.149-175
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    • 2015
  • There have been few researches about Christian imagination reflected in modern sijo. The purpose of this study was to provide basic information helpful to deeply understand Christian literature and clarify the history of Christian sijo literature. For this purpose, the study focused on pieces of sijo written by Seon Jeong-ju and Jang Sun-ha both of whom put out lots of sijo based on Christian imagination. The two poets are common in that they were born in the Japanese colonial period and started their career as a poet at an almost same time. First of all, how a sijo writer, Seon Jeong-ju applied Christian imagination to his pieces of sijo can be summarized as follows. As a poet and paster, Seon Jeong-ju wrote and published 6 volumes of sijo collection. His pieces of sijo were all written based on Christian imagination. Many of the pieces contain Christianity-related stories that were poetically represented through paradoxical imagination. Among pieces of sijo written by Seon Jeong-ju, some reveal enthusiasm for seeking after truth that he kept in mind as a clergyman and others, the poet's strong belief in the Resurrection. Next, Christian imagination that another sijo writer Jang Sun-ha reflected in his works can be briefed as follows. The poet published a sijo collection of his own in 2010. As one of the best representatives of the modern sijo circles, he is a veteran poet who is still creating pieces of sijo. Since he became a Christian in 1996, he has released more than 200 pieces of Christianity-based sijo including those contained in his sijo collection, "Introduction to Love Studies". Most of the Christian poets quoted words from the Bible or borrowed episodes described in the Book. In those poets, he uses imagination that is allusive to the confession of his faith and, in some cases implies his own views of eschatology. In conclusion, both Seon Jeong-ju and Jang Sun-ha wrote and published lots of sijo works on the basis of Christianity, and each of them built up his own world of Christian sijo. In many of the two poet's pieces of sijo, critical doctrines of Christianity and their desperate devotion to that religion are found. Both of them made remarkable poetic achievements, so they deserve being recognized as second to none in the history of Christian sijo literature.

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An Analysis of Research Trends Related to "Christian School Education" ("기독교학교교육" 관련 연구 동향 분석)

  • Jang, You Jung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.211-240
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed research trends related to Christian school education in Korea. In order to analyze academic societies and conferences related to Christian school education, the topics of conferences and research results and theses related to Christian school education in Korea were collected to analyze the frequency and trend of Christian school education-related topics. In addition, papers searched as "Christian schools" among the academic journal's published papers were classified and organized. In order to understand research trends related to Christian school education, the year and frequency of academic journals related to Christian school education were analyzed, and the contents of the published papers were divided into research schools, research subjects, and research contents.As a result of analyzing research trends of Christian school education, it was found that there were very few academic exchanges or academic activities related to Christian school education, and most supported lectures and meetings related to the reconstruction of curriculum and class management directly supporting school sites. Therefore, this study proposed that academic societies and conferences should be revitalized in Christian school education-related institutions. In addition, this study found that annual academic conferences of Christian education-related academic societies were rarely held under the theme of Christian school education, and suggested to revitalize research related to Christian school education in the academic societies of Christian education in order that God's kingdom may be restored and expanded in the area of education by recovering school education through active research on Christian school education. Third, as a result of analyzing the papers published in domestic journals, it was confirmed that research on Christian school education was mainly conducted around universities, and the topics were limited to history, curriculum, religious education, identity, and missionary work. In this regard, this study proposed to expand the research topics related to Christian school education. Finally, as a result of analyzing the published academic journals that studied on Christian school education, it was found that the non-Christian camp is also conducting research with interest in Christian schools, and thus, communication with the non-Christian camp was proposed to revitalize research on Christian school education.

A Study on the Future Competency Education of Christian Alternative Schools Using Delphi Analysis Techniques (델파이 기법을 활용한 기독교대안학교의 미래 역량교육에 관한 연구)

  • Youngju Ham
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.135-157
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    • 2023
  • Competency means 'the ability to do something', and competency-based education means 'the process of education based on the concept of competency'. Competency-based education is generally implemented in general education. However, competency-based education has not yet been actively conducted in the field of Christian education. In particular, it has not been established academically on what competencies Christian alternative schools provide in common. Most of the previous studies related to competency-based education in Christian education are related to competency-based education conducted by Christian universities. Research related to competency in Christian alternative schools is mainly related to the professionalism of teachers or the ideology of Christian alternative schools. In other words, there are few specific studies on what kind of competency they provide to students attending Christian alternative schools. Therefore, this study aims to understand the reality of competency-based education conducted by Christian alternative schools using Delphi analysis techniques. Through this study, four goals and 20 competency elements of competency education pursued by Christian alternative schools were found. By categorizing the goals and elements of competency education, it can be divided into relationships with God, relationships with oneself, and relationships with others and the world. In conclusion, it was suggested that Christian alternative schools should provide education that pursues the universal purpose of Christian education based on specificity and reflect the goals and elements of competency education in the curriculum.

Zizek and Christianity (지젝과 기독교)

  • Ryu, Eui-geun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.147
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    • pp.179-214
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    • 2018
  • In this paper I understand Zizek's interpretation of Christianity, and examine it critically and suggest its alternative. Zizek argues that Christianity in its core is turned out to be atheist. His atheist Christianity exposes revolutionary potentials with Christianity. His exploration of Christianity is designed to fight against global capitalism. It means an ideological praxis in theory. But he is misleading in interpreting Christianity. It is his fault that while he places much stress on the participatory interpretation of Jesus's death, he belittles the sacrificial interpretation of it. For the subversive power of Christianity springs from the latter. To tell the truth, Christianity is strongly grounded on simultaneous fulfillment of both of them. Zizek. In interpreting Christianity, he delivers us uncorrect understanding of sacrificial interpretation of Jesus's death while he intends to reveal the subversive core of Christianity. In particular, he is lacking in understanding the atonement function and expiation effect immanent in Jesus's death. There is no participatory interpretation without sacrificial interpretation. In this view, Zizek's pagan Christianity has to be revised or rejected. So, I suggest it is possible through orthodox Christianity, not through pagan Christianity to restore and reactivate the subversive core of Christianity in itself and by itself. The burden of proof is up to fighting theist, not fighting atheist like Zizek.

A Christian educational application of the concept of sustainable development in Christian school (기독교학교에 있어서 지속가능한 발전(SD) 개념의 기독교교육적 적용)

  • Sungsoo Hong
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.273-291
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    • 2022
  • The Industrial Revolution brought great development to the whole human history by the improvement of productive capacity. However, high speed development absorbed just on growth gave rise to resource depletion attack and economical inequality. If it might be neglected human society will meet unsustainable development situation. So UN has made effort to make sustainable development(SD) through global band together. SD concept considers it important to promote current development not giving damage to next generation's development. Then economy, environment and social integration should be harmonized and it demands governance for its actualization. SD gets to be a matter of common interest in education. New Millenium development Goals make African poor countries that are in blind spots of development advance toward gradual sustainable development by supporting programmes to these countries. Thus sustainable development education(SDE) is for future. It has an aim to give suitable education for all people who are all over the world. SDE tries to make health society and successful economical life for all. The concept of SD is found in the essential aims of Christian school and Christian education seeking justice and shalom. Christians are called as transformers for servant mission giving recover in corrupt world. Firstly, Christian school practise this mission making students think on Christian perspectives. Then it makes students serve for environment, economical fairness, social integration with servant mission. Also Christian school has a mission to seek both justice and shalom as a praxis beyond the intellectual dimension of education until fulfilling justice and shalom for all who are all over the world. Thus it can be that Christian school is an important educational institution for realizing sustainable development in that it is always to seek justice and shalom through restoration on the Christian educational perspective.

A Research on Confucian Christianity in the An-Dong region (1) - An Approach to Confucianism and Christianity via 'Intercultural Philosophy' - (안동지역의 선비-기독교인 연구(1) - 유교와 기독교의 상호문화철학적 접근 -)

  • Gwon, Sang-woo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2018
  • This paper is to address the consonance between Confucianism and Christianity, focusing on the first-generation clergy in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province, Korea. Andong has turned out many Confucian scholars since Yi Hwang, and thus founded the school of Togye (Yi Hwang's nom de plume). Meanwhile, some of Confucians in Andong converted to Christianity after reading the Bible. Thus, their religious activities and their interpretation of the Bible Confucian factors smacked of Confucianism, which suggests a need to reestablish the relationship between Confucianism and Christianity. This study produced the following results: First, the converts did not aspire to Christianity itself but to saving their country. The first-generation clergy in Andong wanted to sublimate their patriotic and Confucian spirits into Christianity, which is backed up by the independence movement planned jointly by Confucians and Christians in Andong. As for Confucians in Andong, their devotion to their country was a cause of the conversion to Christianity. Second, it was small wonder that Christianity was harmonious with Confucianism at least for early Christianity in Andong. In those days, Confucians in Andong had to achieve their realistic goals and thus did not need to deny Christianity. To relieve the national suffering, they had more need of Christian religiosity than Confucian morality. Likewise, missionaries wanted to propagate Christianity, and therefore did not deny the worldliness of Confucianism. On this wise, the two kept their identities and at the same time could compensate for their shortcomings from each other. This study names such Korean Christianity a 'humanistic religion.'

A Comparative Study on the Design of Classification System for Christian Information Resources on the Internet (기독교 분야 웹문서 분류체계 설계를 위한 비교 분석적 고찰)

  • Kim, Myung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to design the classification system for christian information resources on the internet in Korea. For this purpose, the study is investigated the divisions of Christianity of (1) library classifications: KDC, DDC, LCC, (2) portal sites: Daum, Empas, Naver, (3) Christianity Portal sites GodPeaple, Kidok, Godpia. And it compared the classification systems of KDC, DDC and GodPeaple. This study selected criteria as follows: comprehension, logicality, definiteness, efficiency and current topics. It suggested the classification system(draft) for christian information resources on internet which are composed of 10 classes.

The metaverse christian educational platform in post-Corona era (포스트코로나 시대 메타버스 기독교교육 플랫폼)

  • Lee, Sun Young;Kim, Nan Ye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.341-370
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    • 2022
  • As COVID-19 has been converted to an endemic with social distancing lifted, people are getting used to new cultures and lifestyles that are different from before. While the world is now adapting to rapidly changing trends, Christian education is facing a crisis without being able to respond to these changes. Therefore, a new Christian education method is now required. The purpose of this study is to suggest a new Christian education method that allows Christians to properly lead a new era as an alternative to Christian education that is experiencing such a crisis. The study also presents the metaverse Christian education platform, which is a detailed and practical method of Christian education, by incorporating the platform and metaverse that are under the spotlight in the post-Corona era into Christian education. Here, the christian educational platform refers to the system, space, and various materials that can make Christian education efficient and smooth. The metaverse Christian education platform consists of 4 stages according to the size of the platform to activate supply and demand within the platform. Stage 1 is a home education platform, Stage 2 is a community education platform, Stage 3 is a regional union education platform, and Stage 4 is an educational mission platform. The last Stage 4, the educational mission platform utilized the metaverse, which is drastically expanding in the present era, as a method of educational mission. It is meaningful that the educational mission has been embodied by providing small churches and the next generation in underdeveloped countries with educational contents, educational materials, online mentors, virtual communities, and real-time educational broadcasts within the educational platform, using virtual spaces in the metaverse.