• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기능성 구역

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Spatial Structure Change of Triangle-Cities in Gwangyang Bay Region: From Central Place Structure to Network City (광양만권 트라이앵글 도시의 공간구조 변화: 중심지형에서 네트워크형으로)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of industrialization and urbanization of Gwangyang Bay Region on the change of urban system and spatial structure between triangle-cities located in Gwangyang Bay, Yeosu City, Suncheon City, and Gwangyang City, one of the famous industrial zones in Korea. Large-scale development projects carried out by the central government in the Gwangyang Bay Region such as construction of the Second Oil Refinery in the mid-1960s, completion of the POSCO Gwangyang Steelworks in the mid-1980s, construction of the Gwangyang Port Container Terminal in 1987 and designation of the Gwangyang Bay Area Free Economic Zone in 2003, and EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea, affected to changes of the urban system and spatial structure between triangle-cities in Gwangyang Bay Region. The above four-development projects transformed the urban and spatial structures between the three cities in the Gwangyang Bay Region from a mononuclear urban system centered on Suncheon to a network city system. Historically, Suncheon has served as an exclusive center in the eastern region of Jeonnam, including the Gwangyang Bay Region. However, the hosting of the 2012 Yeosu Expo Korea is reorganizing the three cities into a network-type spatial structure with the strengthening of connectivity and integration in the region. And this trend is expected to intensify in the future.

The Modem Transformation of Spatial Structure in the Changjiang Delta Region: 1978~2006 (장강삼각주지구(長江三角洲地區) 공간구조(空間構造)의 현대적(現代的) 변용(變容) : 1978~2006)

  • Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2011
  • Today, the name of Changjiang (Yangtze) Delta Region is used to designate an economic region which consists of sixteen cities including Shanghai City. The region has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world as well as in China since China its opened its toward the world market. The aim of this study is to examine the modern transition of spatial structure in the region after the opening (1978) and the membership of WTO (2000). In the examination, the study divides the spatial structure into three aspects: industrialization, urbanization and economic integration. The outcome of examination suggests that spatial division of industry, horizontally and vertically, has not reached a satisfactory level even if it is still in progress. The study proposes that the intervention of government in the market and company activity has hindered the spatial division of industry including service sector between the cities, and thus the economic integration. It further suggests that the specialization of urban function has not entered into the maturing stage, with the shortage of mid-size cities that would mediate spatial-economically between the large-size cities and the small-size cities in the urban hierarchy.

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Integrated Waterfront Cultural Planning through Regeneration of Former Industrial Harborfront (산업항만지역의 재생을 통한 워터프론트 문화도시 통합계획)

  • Lee, Kum-Jin
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose a direction planning integrated waterfront cultural city in terms of urban economic revitalization through regeneration of former industrial harborfront and the creation of cultural living spaces based on regional history in order to pursue urban activities. Method: Analyzing planning waterfront and historical cultural space based on MM21's development policy and strategy under the growth process and development of Yokohama. Results: MM21 is the core public project out of the six major projects promoted by Yokohama, which is on the brink of satellite cities for the expansion of Tokyo with a goal of qualitative transformation of former harbor. It is planned to be developed as a creative cultural waterfront city for an integrated urban development. Conclusion: Planning waterfront cultural city, which takes advantage of the former harbor city derived through MM21 analysis, provides the cityscape towards the sea and the port via the viewing point and opens the waterfront open to the port and the sea Space and Esplanade landscape development, preservation of historic buildings and cultural assets, recycling as cultural art space, waterfront space planning that cooperates with public culture art and pedestrian network.

Improvement of Multi-Dimensional Urban Planning System for Urban Regeneration (도시재생 측면에서 입체도시계획의 기능과 제도 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Bum-Hyun;Nam, Seong-Woo;Kim, Young-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.516-524
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the cases related to the multi-dimensional urban planning and its related systems that can contribute to the urban regeneration as the policies and projects for stereoscopic city increase. Through the case analysis, urban regeneration function and role of multi-dimensional urban planning are identified as connection of places, activation of local economy, expansion of infrastructure and supply of housing. In the institutional sector, private participation is hindered due to the ban on the establishment of the right to hold state property. In addition, it is difficult to utilize the three-dimensional urban space without land securing at a certain rate based on uniform installation standards of the two-dimensional land use plan, and the problem of insufficient interconnection between law and institution is derived. In conclusion, it should actively support and promote the promotion of the three-dimensional facility with the aim of diversifying the regional infrastructure structure and strengthening the urban function. In addition, development of stereoscopic and compound development should be promoted for old urban areas, and parking lots, underground shopping malls, parking lots, etc. should be installed using the subspaces of parks, schools, roads and traditional markets of old residential areas. Finally, cooperation between the central government, the municipalities and the private sector is necessary for the realization of these urban regeneration projects.

River Basin based Region Reconstruction and it's Regulation Analysis: A Case of Gangwon Province (하천 유역권에 의한 권역구분과 권역별 규제지역 분석 - 강원도 지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 2006
  • Changing of industry structure and development of traffic and telecommunications requires a change of the knowledge about the space where the human beings reside. Step by step the world is being divided into specified utility blocks. Today there is a limit that only one local government can compete with another region in the world. This study provides decision support tools with the use of GIS on the regional level for regions competition. GIS establishes regions and analyzes their geographic environment data, which will help in local-government problem solving and provide framework data for similar regions to become the community. The wide-area GIS application can present an objective and rational basis for regulation of inefficient investments and excessive competition between adjacent regions. The study area is Gangwon-do. Considering specific features of Gangwon-do which preserved high-quality environment resources, river basins were taken as a basis among natural regional elements. The main object of analysis conducted were the facts relevant to environmental regulation. The Gangwon-do consists of three regions in this study: Yongdong region, North-Hangang region and South-Hangang region. The analysis of each region regulation cases showed the following: in Youngdong region the forests regulation rate is high, in North-Hangang region the military installations protection sector's rate as well as regulation rate for water resources protection is relatively high, in South-Hangang region the forest and water resources regulation rate is high. The percentage of forests and water regulation rate appeared to be rather high in Gangwon-do, which means that the value of forest and water resources there is very high.

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Change of Fish Assemblage with Altered Flow Regime in Geum River (금강에서의 유량변동과 어류상 변화)

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Hong, Young-Pyo;Kim, Jeong-Kon;Park, Sang-Young;Kim, Gee-Hyoung;Ko, Ick-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.612-616
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    • 2007
  • 오랫동안 홍수조절, 용수공급, 전력생산, 레저 활동을 위해 건설된 댐들은 하천이나 호소의 생태적 기능보다는 치수 및 이수기능이 중요시되면서 운영 관리되어 왔다. 하지만 최근 들어 선진국을 중심으로 환경 및 생태의 중요성이 인식되면서 하천생태계 보호를 위한 환경유량 산정이 언급되고 있는데 이는 하천이 동 식물의 서식처로서 적절한 수질뿐만 아니라 수심, 유속, 하상재료, 먹이원, 어류를 보호할 수 있는 휴식 및 은신처 등의 다양한 조건을 제공할 수 있어야 한다고 제시되고 있다. 이들 조건 중 유량(Flow)은 하천에서 생물집단을 구성하는데 있어 물리적 서식조건의 주요한 결정인자로 작용하는데, 댐 하류하천의 자연유량(natural flow)을 변화시키면 생태학적 측면에서 기대치 않던 영향을 야기할 수 있다. 따라서 댐 건설 전 후의 자연유량과 조절유량 사이에서 생태학적 어류조사연구를 통한 차이점을 찾는 것은 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 최종목적은 수계 내 댐 건설 전 후의 어류군집과 유량 등 수리조건과의 연관성을 분석하여 하천구간별로 어류생태에 적합한 유량을 산정하는 것이다. 조사대상 구간은 금강본류를 대상으로 하되 용담댐과 대청댐을 중심으로 하여 10개 구간을 선정하였고. 과거로부터 2000년도까지와 용담댐 건설후인 $2002{\sim}2004$년도에 조사된 어류생태자료를 활용하였다. 용담댐 상류로부터 대청댐 하류에 이르기까지 전 구간을 대상으로 조사된 자료를 분석한 결과 총 20과 82종이 출현하였고, 이중 종 45종(54.9%)이 잉어과에 해당하며 미꾸리과(6종), 동자개과(4종), 망둑어과(5종)를 제외한 대다수의 분류군(Family)들은 단일 또는 2종으로만 구성되었다. 이들 중 천연기념물 제 259호로 지정되어 법적으로 보호되고 있는 어름치(금강에서 서식한 어름치를 따로 천연기념물 238호로 지정함)를 비롯하여 다묵장어를 포함한 7종의 멸종위기종이 확인되었다. 또한 각시붕어 등 총 29종(39.4%)의 높은 한국고유종 출현과 6종의 외래도입종도 확인되었다. 금강의 중 상류에 해당하는 구역을 포함하는 대청댐 상 하류 구간에서 대청댐 건설 전(1980년 이전)을 포함하는 2000년 이전 조사 자료가 가장 다양한 어류상과 특이어종(멸종위기종 및 한국고유종)을 보였고, 최근자료$(2002{\sim}2004)$를 살펴볼 때 용담댐 상 하류에서보다 대청댐 상 하류에서 멸종위기종(7종$\rightarrow$1종) 및 한국고유종(28종$\rightarrow$16종)의 출현감소와 외래도입종의 출현증가(1종$\rightarrow$6종)와 같은 주요한 어류군집 변화를 보였다. 이는 댐 건설에 따라 주로 계류성 어종을 중심으로 정수역 구간에서 인근 지류로 이동하게 되고 일부는 제한된 서식공간과 하천교란으로 인해 개체군이 극감하거나 일부 소멸된 종이 발생하였을 것으로 사료된다. 실측 유량자료 분석에 의하면 홍수기 최대유량 변화는 크지 않으나, 갈수기 최소유량은 크게 증가한 것을 알 수 있었고, 대다수 어류의 산란기인 봄철(5월, 6월) 최소유량은 증가하였으나, 최대유량은 감소한 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 변화는 어류생태계에 긍정적인 면과 부정적인 면이 있으며, 향후 이러한 영향을 분석하기 위해 선택어종(Target species)별 생태환경 서식조건을 확인할 수 있는 조사기법 및 자료구축이 절실히 필요한 실정이다.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Planning of Hwa-sung from the Point of Water System (수체계로 본 수원화성 건설의 계획적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, In-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out the construction process and planning characteristics of Suwon and Hwa-sung in 18th century from the point of water system. This study has an explanatory approach. The planning intents in the water system was driven out by analyzing various planning elements in relation to water system in the process of constructing Hwa-sung in 18th century. Using Entire Map of Hwa-sung, land registration map made in 1911 and topographic map of 1/10,000 scale made in 1917, water system and interpretation of spatial structure in Hwa-sung were analyzed. The results are as follows(Planning characteristics of the water system in Haw-sung in 18th century are as follows). Firstly, in determining the spatial structure and location of Hwa-sung, water system had an important role. Secondly, integrated drainage system was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream. Thirdly, the main street system and land use structure were planned in relation with water system. Fourthly, territoriality of main area was planned with water stream. Fifthly, ponds were constructed for flood control and they had important role as landscape elements. Sixthly, water stream was used as intentional BiBo element. As a result of the study, the weater system of Hwa-sung in 18th century was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream in relation with the location of new town and wide area's spatial structure, street system, land use structure, territoriality of main area, terriflood control, water quality protection, landscape, 비보 and urban daily life.

Toponymic Practices for Creating and Governing of Cultural Heritage (문화유산 관리를 위한 지명(地名)의 가치와 활용 방안)

  • KIM, Sunbae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.56-77
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    • 2021
  • Toponyms are located not only in the site between human cognition and the physical environment but also in the name of cultural heritage. Accordingly, certain identities and ideologies for which human groups and community have sought, their holistic way of life, and all cultural symbols and cosmos, such as sense of place and genius loci, are included in their toponymic heritage. Denoting, symbolizing, integrating and representing the culture and nature belong to the human community. Based on these perceptions of the toponymic heritage, the aims of this article are to examine the values of a toponym as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and to suggest the application methods using the toponymic functions for governing of tangible cultural heritage. This article discusses the multivocality, diversity, and non-representational theory of landscape phenomenology intrinsic to the terms of culture and cultural landscape and then the domestic and international issues on the toponymic heritage in the first chapter on the values of toponym as a part of the ICH. In particular, it analyzes the preceding research in the field of toponymy, as well as the Resolutions of UNCSGN and UNGEGN on "Geographical names as culture, heritage and identity" including indigenous, minority and regional language names since 1992, which is related to the UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. Based on this, I suggest that the traits of toponymic cultural heritage and its five standards of selection, i.e., cultural traits of toponyms, historical traits, spatial traits, socio-economic traits and linguistic traits with some examples. In the second chapter discussing on the methods using the toponymic denoting functions for creating and governing of the tangible cultural heritage, it is underlined to maintain the systematic and unified principle regarding the ways of naming in the official cultural heritage and its governing. Lastly, I introduce the possible ways of establishing a conservative area of the historical and cultural environment while using the toponymic scale and multi-toponymic territory. Considering both the spatial and participatory turns in the field of heritage studies in addition to the multiple viewpoints and sense of cultural heritage, I suggest that the conservative area for the cultural heritage and the historical and cultural environment should be set up through choosing the certain toponymic scale and multi-toponymic territory.

Development of Land Purchase System by Ecological Evaluation - Focusing on the Donggang Basin - (생태성 평가를 통한 토지매수시스템 개발 - 동강유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Li, Lan;Yu, Hangnan;Zhu, Weihong;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2020
  • With the increasing attention of the international community on climate change and biodiversity promotion programmes, the Korean government and public agencies are trying to protect and restore the ecosystem of areas protected by law, such as waterfronts, by acquiring private land. However, the inadequate purchase system has caused various problems. In this study, an efficient and systematic land purchase system was developed through ecological evaluation, focusing on the ecological and landscape conservation areas of the Donggang basin. The ecological evaluation was developed by integrating parcel-level evaluation and regional-specific evaluation, and the overall level of ecological function was established and finalized through on-site verification. As a result of verifying the purchase land of 88 parcels, it showed a relatively high agreement of more than 85.2%, and the rest of parcels (non-agreement) were considered to have had an impact on vegetation, crop harvesting, etc. due to seasonal differences in ecological evaluation and field verification. The purchasing system was ranked according to the ecological evaluation grade based on the endangered species and the distance from the core ecosystem. As a result, the purchase priority was systematically drawn up to the 5th rank for a total of 68 parcels for the private lands of Geoeun-ri, Munsan-ri, Deokcheon-ri, Unchi-ri, Gumam-ri, and Suji-ri. This study is expected to contribute to the preservation, restoration and ecological management of purchased land in the protected area in the future by establishing and proposing a systematic land purchase system based on ecological evaluation.

Assessing Conservation Priority of Private Land in Unexecuted Urban Parks in Seoul Using Betweenness Centrality Analysis (매개중심성 분석을 활용한 서울시 미집행공원 내 사유지 보전 우선순위 평가)

  • Hwang, Byungmook;Ko, Dongwook W.;Kang, Wanmo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2021
  • The implementation of the sunset provision of unexecuted urban parks in Seoul has been postponed; however, the mentioned parks still remain vulnerable since they can be subject to development under certain circumstances. Local governments may purchase the parks to prevent their loss but are constrained due to limited resources. The purpose of this study is to prioritize the purchase of unexecuted urban parks in Seoul based on landscape connectivity, which represents the important role of allowing the movement of wildlife and providing biodiversity in urban environments. In this study, we used four potential scenarios (PB100, PB1, PA100, PA1), which reflects the degree of land cover change resulting from the implementation of the sunset provision, and the role of Han River as a conduit or barrier for wildlife movement. Landscape connectivity was evaluated by calculating current flow betweenness centrality (CFBC). This was used to rank the importance of the unexecuted urban parks in Seoul. The results demonstrated that the implementation of the sunset provision will greatly decrease the connectivity of all parks in Seoul and particularly more so for parks in the southern part of the city. In addition, the results suggested that the low connectivity of Han river will diminish the connectivity around Bukhansan Mountain in the northern part of Seoul. Our study can be used for the prioritization of purchase, since it has the ability to evaluate the anticipated vulnerability of each park's connectivity after the sunset provision.