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A Comparative Study on Awareness of Middle School Students, School Parents, and Human Resources Directors in Industrial Institutions about Admission into Specialized High Schools and Career after Graduating from Specialized High Schools (특성화고 진학 및 졸업 후 진로에 대한 중학생, 학부모, 산업체 인사 담당자의 인식 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Ahn, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Chan-Joo;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.48-67
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    • 2013
  • This study tried to suggest implications about operation direction of specialized high schools (SHS) by researching awareness of middle school students (MSS), school parents (SP), human resources directors in industrial institutions (HRDII) who will be the main users of SHS education, about entering SHS and career after graduating from SHS. Seniors of middle school, SP and HRDII in Asan, Chungnam were the subject of this survey research. The summary of the result of this study is as follow: First, MSS and SP usually hoped to enter general high schools rather than vocational education schools such as SHS, meister high schools, and MSS considered school records and SP considered aptitude and talent for the factors to choose high school. Second, MSS, SP, and HRDII recognized purposes of SHS as improvement of talent and aptitude, and getting a job. As for positive images of SHS, they recognized it as applying talent and aptitude to life early, getting good jobs easily, fast independence after graduation, and learning excellent technologies, and as for negative images of SHS, they recognized it as social prejudices and discrimination, students with bad school records enter them, disadvantages about promotion and wages, and being unfavorable for entering universities. They also recognized education of SHS as being effective for improvement of basic and executive ability and key competency, development of creative human resources, and improvement of right personality and courteous manners. Third, many MSS and SP showed intention to enter SHS if it is established in Asan. They wished to enter SHS because they would like to apply their aptitude and talent to life early, learn excellent skill, and hope for early employment, on the other hand, they did not wish to enter SHS because it was not suited for their aptitude and talent, awareness about SHS is low, it is unfavorable to enter universities, and there were social prejudices and discrimination. They also similarly hoped for getting jobs and entering universities after graduating from SHS. And the reason they wanted to get a job was usually because they want to be successful by advancing into society early, or because it is still hard to get a job even after graduate from the university, on the other hand, the reason they want to enter university is because is usually in-depth education about major and social discrimination about level of education. The ability to perform duties forms the greatest part of the employment standard that MSS, SP, and HRDII aware. MSS and SP usually hoped for industrial, home economics and housework and commercial majors in SHS, and considered aptitude and talent, the promising future, and being favorable for employment for choosing major. The reason HRDII hire SHS student was to develop student into talent of industrial institution, ability of student, and need for manpower with high school graduation level, and there were also partial answer that they can hire SHS student if they have ability to perform duties. The proposals about operation direction of SHS according to the results above are as follow: SHS should diversify major and curriculum to meet various requirements of student and parents, establish SHS admission system based on career guidance, and improve student's ability to perform duties by establishing work-based learning. The Government should organize work-to-school policy to enable practical career development of students from SHS, and promote relevant policy to reinforcing SHS education rather than quantitative evaluation such as employment rate, and cooperative support from each government departments is required to make manpower with skill related to SHS to get proper evaluation and treatment.

The Characteristics of Traditional Representation in the Artist's Garden of the Garden Exposition seen through the Design Process (설계과정을 통해 본 정원박람회 작가정원의 전통재현 특성)

  • Lee, Song-Min;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted through the analysis of literature and on-site research as a case study of 14 artists' gardens with traditional themes presented at the garden fair. With Focusing on the design process for determining traditional reproduction, the following characteristics and implications were derived by analyzing the design goals, selection of subjects for traditional reenactment, determination of methods for reproduction, and design stages of landscape components. First, the pattern of selecting traditional structures as subjects for reproduction in many artist gardens can be understood as an advantage of being suitable for narrow sites and having remarkable topic communicability. They directly delivered the design intent by adding the names of traditional structures such as Madang, Wool, Buttumak, Jangdokdae, Chuibyeong and Seokgasan. Works expressed indirectly, such as Wall, Korean Garden, Suwon, and Seoul craftsmen, have relatively weak topic communicability. There were also symbolic representations of objects to be reproduced, such as Seonbi, marginal spaces, and Pung-lyu. Second, while reproducing Hanok Madang, separate the gardens paved with grass and stone, the fortress wall of Suwon Hwaseong and the northwest Gongsimdon of the watchtower. Also the garden with a miniature version of the extraneous Yong-yeon and the garden, which was reproduced as a low decorative wall in the rest area based on Nakan-Eupseong Fortress, shows the need for a deep understanding of tradition. On the other hand, the reproducting works of choosing the location of the traditional garden, the Korean Garden showed the importance of systematic arrangement with the surrounding environment, the beauty of the space in the courtyard of Hanok, the beauty of the slowness enjoyed by the scholars and the reenactments of the Pung-lyu culture of Moonlight boating are not only imitating traditional structures but also spreading understanding of tradition to garden culture and sentiment. Third, there were many works that reconstructed the real-size traditional structure in a straightforward way in relation to design. The garden was divided into Chuibyeong and the living space was decorated with Buttumak, chimneys, and gardens, and facilities representing Gyeongbokgung Palace, Soswaewon, and Seoseokji were systemically arranged. However it recognized the importance of selecting the key design elements, constructing the elevation of the structure, and the sense of scale of the space from works that reproduced the large Suwon Hwaseong and Nakan-Eupseong in an abstract way. While there are examples gardens of Hanok yards and Bazawul, which are far from the original image among the gardens that chose the dismantling method, the Blank-space garden expressed only by a frame composed of cubes, and Seonbi's Sarangbang garden, that permeated the moonlight with many traditional structures are the positive examples. The Seoul Artisan Garden, Jikji Simche Garden and Pung-lyu Garden, which display modernly designed landscape components, need an explanation to understand the author's intention.

Consumer's Responses to the Persuasion Attempt of the Sports Sponsorship: The Case of Guangzhou Asian Games (스폰서십의 설득의도성에 대한 소비자 반응: 광저우 아시안 게임을 바탕으로)

  • Lim, Myung Suh;Kim, Hae Ryong;Lee, Moonkyu
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.71-97
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    • 2011
  • Over the last twenty years, sponsorship has been used very widely as an important marketing tool that enhances corporate image. Since it has proven to be effective in creating positive perceptions of the company, many marketers have sponsored a variety of consumer-related activities. However, sponsorship has also been criticized as it can be related to ambush marketing and excessive commercialism which trigger negative consumer responses. Unlike the existing study on the sponsorship marketing, this study intends to investigate its negative effects. The study was conducted based on the persuasion knowledge model which was proposed by Fristed and Wright (1994) and investigated consumer responses to ulterior motive of sponsorship marketing. According to the persuasion knowledge model, consumers activate their persuasion knowledge to see the agent's commercial motive; there are several antecedents to the persuasion knowledge activation such as the source familiarity, the marketer's effort and the appropriateness of persuasion. Also, existing studies have pointed out the sponsor-event fit and the sponsor's integrity as crucial factors which influence consumer attitude. By taking a survey of people who watched the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, we tried to examine how the sponsor familiarity and the sponsor-event fit as pre-existing variables which have been formed based on the prior consumer knowledges/memories as well as the sponsor effort and the sponsor integrity as situational variables activated based on the specific persuasion episode influenced persuasion knowledge. We also tried to test the potential moderating role of sponsorship type (i.e., official sponsorship versus marketing focused) on the causal path from the persuasion knowledge and the consumer attitude from the perspective of the appropriateness of persuasion. The results show that the sponsor familiarity, the sponsor-event fit, and the marketer's effort have significant effects on the persuasion knowledge activation, and the sponsorship type has moderating role in the sponsorship effectiveness. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

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Popularization of Marathon through Social Network Big Data Analysis : Focusing on JTBC Marathon (소셜 네트워크 빅데이터 분석을 통한 마라톤 대중화 : JTBC 마라톤대회를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Su;Kim, Chi-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2020
  • The marathon has long been established as a representative lifestyle for all ages. With the recent expansion of the Work and Life Balance trend across the society, marathon with a relatively low barrier to entry is gaining popularity among young people in their 20s and 30s. By analyzing the issues and related words of the marathon event, we will analyze the spottainment elements of the marathon event that is popular among young people through keywords, and suggest a development plan for the differentiated event. In order to analyze keywords and related words, blogs, cafes and news provided by Naver and Daum were selected as analysis channels, and 'JTBC Marathon' and 'Culture' were extracted as key words for data search. The data analysis period was limited to a three-month period from August 13, 2019 to November 13, 2019, when the application for participation in the 2019 JTBC Marathon was started. For data collection and analysis, frequency and matrix data were extracted through social matrix program Textom. In addition, the degree of the relationship was quantified by analyzing the connection structure and the centrality of the degree of connection between the words. Although the marathon is a personal movement, young people share a common denominator of "running" and form a new cultural group called "running crew" with other young people. Through this, it was found that a marathon competition culture was formed as a festival venue where people could train together, participate together, and escape from the image of a marathon run alone and fight with themselves.

Investigation on the Awareness and Preference for Wood Culture to Promote the Value of Wood: I. Awareness of Wood and Cultural Experience (목재의 가치증진을 위한 목재문화에 대한 인식 및 선호도 조사: I. 목재와 문화체험에 대한 인식)

  • HAN, Yeonjung;LEE, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.616-642
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    • 2021
  • Improving public awareness of wood is essential for achieving the goal of establishing wood culture by expanding the use of wood. This study presents a basic examination of the strategy of revitalizing wood culture and a survey of its current status and requirements. The survey was divided into seven categories: awareness of wood culture; use characteristics of wood culture; preference and demand for wood culture; awareness of sub-fields of wood culture; awareness of the cultural resources of wood; trends of wood utilization; and wood-related living environment. Based on the survey results, the study analyzed four items: awareness of wood and cultural experience; awareness of the cultural resources of wood; wood-related living environment and trends of wood utilization; and preference and demand for wood culture. In this study, the public awareness of wood and cultural experiences, the first of four items, was analyzed using the survey results. Generally, wood and wood culture are viewed as materials and a cultural heritage, respectively. Moreover, wood is ecofriendly. However, no substantial difference was observed between the two perceptions. Forty-five percent of the respondents reported that using wood exerts a positive effect on the body and mind. However, such use also destroys forests. Additionally, the recognition of wood-related workers, such as engineers or skilled workers, was relatively low compared with educators, such as wood education experts. Moreover, less than 50% of the respondents answered that major projects related to wood culture are well-known, whereas 30% participated in wood education, such as woodworking experience, where the majority required hand tools. Furniture, wooden accessories, and wooden buildings were among the objects that individuals intended to make through the wood culture program. Approximately 23% of the respondents were aware about the wood culture experience center, while approximately 50% had visited it. The response rate to woodworking technology was 73%, where the highest response was found for wood education experts. To improve public awareness about wood, the importance of entertainment factors over educational factors should be considered in the experience of individuals. To provide opportunities to experience wood culture for more individuals, developing and actively promoting various contents, including entertainment elements, are necessary.

Real-time CRM Strategy of Big Data and Smart Offering System: KB Kookmin Card Case (KB국민카드의 빅데이터를 활용한 실시간 CRM 전략: 스마트 오퍼링 시스템)

  • Choi, Jaewon;Sohn, Bongjin;Lim, Hyuna
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2019
  • Big data refers to data that is difficult to store, manage, and analyze by existing software. As the lifestyle changes of consumers increase the size and types of needs that consumers desire, they are investing a lot of time and money to understand the needs of consumers. Companies in various industries utilize Big Data to improve their products and services to meet their needs, analyze unstructured data, and respond to real-time responses to products and services. The financial industry operates a decision support system that uses financial data to develop financial products and manage customer risks. The use of big data by financial institutions can effectively create added value of the value chain, and it is possible to develop a more advanced customer relationship management strategy. Financial institutions can utilize the purchase data and unstructured data generated by the credit card, and it becomes possible to confirm and satisfy the customer's desire. CRM has a granular process that can be measured in real time as it grows with information knowledge systems. With the development of information service and CRM, the platform has change and it has become possible to meet consumer needs in various environments. Recently, as the needs of consumers have diversified, more companies are providing systematic marketing services using data mining and advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques. KB Kookmin Card, which started as a credit card business in 1980, introduced early stabilization of processes and computer systems, and actively participated in introducing new technologies and systems. In 2011, the bank and credit card companies separated, leading the 'Hye-dam Card' and 'One Card' markets, which were deviated from the existing concept. In 2017, the total use of domestic credit cards and check cards grew by 5.6% year-on-year to 886 trillion won. In 2018, we received a long-term rating of AA + as a result of our credit card evaluation. We confirmed that our credit rating was at the top of the list through effective marketing strategies and services. At present, Kookmin Card emphasizes strategies to meet the individual needs of customers and to maximize the lifetime value of consumers by utilizing payment data of customers. KB Kookmin Card combines internal and external big data and conducts marketing in real time or builds a system for monitoring. KB Kookmin Card has built a marketing system that detects realtime behavior using big data such as visiting the homepage and purchasing history by using the customer card information. It is designed to enable customers to capture action events in real time and execute marketing by utilizing the stores, locations, amounts, usage pattern, etc. of the card transactions. We have created more than 280 different scenarios based on the customer's life cycle and are conducting marketing plans to accommodate various customer groups in real time. We operate a smart offering system, which is a highly efficient marketing management system that detects customers' card usage, customer behavior, and location information in real time, and provides further refinement services by combining with various apps. This study aims to identify the traditional CRM to the current CRM strategy through the process of changing the CRM strategy. Finally, I will confirm the current CRM strategy through KB Kookmin card's big data utilization strategy and marketing activities and propose a marketing plan for KB Kookmin card's future CRM strategy. KB Kookmin Card should invest in securing ICT technology and human resources, which are becoming more sophisticated for the success and continuous growth of smart offering system. It is necessary to establish a strategy for securing profit from a long-term perspective and systematically proceed. Especially, in the current situation where privacy violation and personal information leakage issues are being addressed, efforts should be made to induce customers' recognition of marketing using customer information and to form corporate image emphasizing security.

A study on the figurative art expression reflected on the relationship with the animal companion and the inner self - Focusing on works by Lee Heeyeong -

  • Lee, Hee-Young;Cho, Myung-Shik
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.42
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    • pp.293-313
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    • 2016
  • The target stimulating human's sensitivity can include several things; the first is human like us including beautiful women and cute babies. The next ranking is the dog animal that established itself as a human's companion. It is the 3B law(beauty, baby, beast - much used in the ad or election due to the positive image) that is widely used in the advertising. This relationship is being expressed in the art history for a long time. Dogs that have lived a history more than 10 thousand years with humans hunted, protected flock of sheep, and kept the farmer's house and property. They have been human's assistants and companion who entered into the modern urban culture. Like this, dogs have adapted to several situations endlessly such as the nomadic life, farming, country life, and urban life. This paper will explore the close relationship of humans and companion animals through various icons of dogs and pups that appeared through a number of artists' skills. The companion animal means an animal that lives with people, which means the relationship of round-trip rather than the one-way relation those each other gives a help. Therefore, there artist tries to examine the figure of great hunter for survival, highly evaluated figure as the royal dignity, and the mascot-like figure delivering the daily happiness to modern people as presenting joy through a discussion of the 'countenance', a visual signal of the dogs and pups. They have been influenced by screen and popular media in 20C. Snoopy, a main character of and the movie <101 Dalmatians> made a success on the theater and television when Beagle and Dalmatian were prevalent. These main characters make audience feel happy involuntarily. Like this, the continuous and old friendship of the human and dogs will be confirmed again through the icon of dogs and pups consisting of the communication of artists and readers in the modern shape art, and it is hoped to be a psychological stabilizing effect to modern people living in the intense modern society. Therefore, it is expected this study paper will be reborn as a new text and be expanded as an effective communication in the journey of dogs and human in the future in investigating the communion of dogs and human.

Preference and Tourism Behaviors of the Tourists to the Travel-Destinations in the Eastern Area of Chonnam Province (전남 동부지역 관광지의 선호도와 관광행태에 관한 연구)

  • Chu, Myung-Hee;Lee, Joeng-Rock;Kim, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 1996
  • Tourism is multi-faceted phenomenon which involves movement to stay in destinations outside the normal place of residence. Thus, tourism is a composite phenomenon which incorporates the diversity of variables and relationships to be found in the tourist travel process. Tourism-behaviors are of major economic and social significance. With the growth of mass-tourism, the government departments of tourism is to provide many tourist facilities, to develop travel destination and tourism resources. At same time, the growth of mass-tourism has prompted perceptive travellers to raise many questions concerning the many travel destination and the tourism resources of encouraging further tourism demand. Most of tourism have a mental in their minds about various objects. This allowed him to choose tourism destination as a important rules. In tourism geography, behavioral approach to wildness, tourism resources and places has risen since 1960's. The tourist profile can be viewed under two major categories: the tourist social-economic and behavioral characteristic. Particulary, the motivations, attitude, need, values and preference of travel destinations are of crucial importance in contributing to their desion-making process. In this view, this paper is emprical study investigated travel patterns and behavioral characteristic of tourists and potential tourist in East Chonnam. The purpose of this paper is to show the spatial preference and tourism behavior of travel destinations. For this study, we are undertaken the questionary method employed by recreation geographers in order to collect research data for the East Chonnam-citizens functioned as a major tourist demand. The East Chonnam Province have many tourist-places including national park, provincial park, and local tourist-places. Thus, citizen of the East Chonnam evaluate many tourist-places very high, but evaluate the facilities of tourist place very low. The high ranks of preferences to travel destinations among tourist-places are Hyangilam, Geomoon island, Odongis land, Songkwang temple. The major travel destinations occurred the temporary travel trip are Odong island, Sunam temple, Songkwang temple. Heungkook temple, Hyangilam which are the type of mountainous in located inland. The relationship between the degree of preference and tourism behavior of travel trip for the travel destinations does not correlate each other. The result of analysis about the degree of seasonal preferences presented spatial differences according to characteristics of tourist-places. The typical travel destination are divided into seasons : Odong island. Mt. Backwoon, Goemoon island of spring, Goemoon island, Sungbul valley, Banggukpo beach of summer, Songkwang temple, Mt. Pal young of fall. The future of tourism will be rapidly grow with increase of personal mobility and leisure time, chang of tourism behavior. Thus, it is imperative that planning and development for tour-root, facilities of tourist-places should be implemented to increase tourism demand.

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Exploration of Organizational Members' ESG Attitudes and Recognition of Performance Obstacles: Focusing on Members of Public Institutions (조직구성원의 ESG 태도와 성과 장애요인 인식에 관한 탐색: 공공기관(직업능력개발조직) 구성원을 중심으로)

  • Dong-tae Kim;Eun-young Lee;Jae-kyu Myung
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.5_spc
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    • pp.747-756
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to discover the desirable ESG direction of public institutions and obstacles to promoting ESG management as perceived by members within public institutions. To this end, three research questions were set and FGI was conducted on eight groups of public institution members. As a result of the FGI data analysis, 9 subfactors and 43 meaning units in 3 dimensions corresponding to the answers to the 3 research questions were derived. The first dimension, public institution members' awareness of ESG, consisted of three subfactors: ESG was recognized as an environmental protection trend related to the climate change crisis, and as a marketing tool used by companies to enhance their image. In addition, it was recognized as a newly included public institution management evaluation index. The second dimension, obstacles to the promotion of ESG in public institutions, appeared to be four subfactors: a government-dependent management system strongly influenced by the government, a rigid internal communication system in a top-down manner, the possibility of lack of sincerity in promoting ESG management, limitations of the internal human resource management system, etc. The third dimension, the desirable ESG direction of public institutions, was found to be two subfactors, including priority promotion of activities that meet the unique purpose of public institutions and ESG activities that can grow together with the region as a member of the local community. This study is significant in that, unlike existing studies that discovered positive antecedent factors that affect a company's ESG management performance, it identified factors that impede performance achievement from the perspective of the members who drive ESG.

An Exploratory Study on the Effects of Relational Benefits and Brand Identity : mediating effect of brand identity (관계혜택과 브랜드 동일시의 역할에 관한 탐색적 연구: 브랜드 동일시의 매개역할을 중심으로)

  • Bang, Jounghae;Jung, Jiyeon;Lee, Eunhyung;Kang, Hyunmo
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 2010
  • Most of the service industries including finance and telecommunications have become matured and saturated. The competitions have become severe while the differences among brands become smaller. Therefore maintaining good relationships with customers has been critical for the service providers. In case of credit card and debit card, the similar patterns are shown. It is important for them to maintain good relationships with customers, and therefore, they have used marketing program which provides customized services to customers and utilizes the membership programs. Not only do they build and maintain good relationships, but also highlight their brands from the emotional aspects. For example, KB Card or Hyundai Card uses well-known designers' works for their credit card design. As well, they differentiate the designs of credit cards to stress on their brand personalities. BC Card introduced the credit card with perfume that a customer would like. Even though the credit card is small and not shown to public easily, it becomes more important for those companies to touch the customers' feelings with the brand personalities and their images. This is partly because of changes in consumers' lifestyles. Y-generations becomes highly likely to express themselves in many different ways and more emotional than X-generations. For the Y-generations, therefore, even credit cards in the wallet should be personalized and well-designed. In line with it, credit cards with good design can be seen as an example of brand identity, where different design for each customer can be used to recognize the membership groups that customers want to belong. On the other hand, these credit card companies offer the special treatment benefits for those customers who are heavy users for the cards. For example, those customers who love sports will receive some special discounts when they use their credit cards for sports related products. Therefore this study attempted to explore the relationships between relational benefits, brand identification and loyalty. It has been well known that relational benefits and brand identification lead to loyalty independently from many other studies, but there has been few study to review all the three variables all together in a research model. Furthermore, as reviewed above, in the card industry, many companies attempt to associate the brand image with their products to fit their customers' lifestyles while relational benefits are still playing an important role for their business. Therefore in our research model, relational benefits, brand identification, and loyalty are all included. We focus on the mediating effect of brand identification. From the relational benefits perspective, only special treatment benefit and confidence benefit are included. Social benefit is not applicable for this credit card industry because not many cases of face-to-face interaction can be found. From the brand identification perspective, personal brand identity and social brand identity are reviewed and included in the model. Overall, the research model emphasizes that the relationships between relational benefits and loyalty will be mediated by the effect of brand identification. The effects of relational benefits which are confidence benefit and special treatment benefits on loyalty will be realized when they fit to the personal brand identity and social brand identity. In the research model, therefore, the relationships between confidence benefit and social brand identity, and between confidence benefit and personal identity are hypothesized while the effects of special treatment benefit on social brand identity and personal brand identity are hypothesized. Loyalty, then, is hypothesized to have positive relationships with personal brand identity and social brand identity. In addition, confidence benefit among the relational benefits is expected to have a direct, positive relationship with loyalty because confidence benefit has been recognized as a critical factor for good relationships and satisfaction. Data were collected from college students who have been using either credit cards or debit cards. College students were regarded good subjects because they are in Y-generation cohorts and have tendency to express themselves more. Total sample size was two hundred three at the beginning, but after deleting those data with many missing values, one hundred ninety-seven data points were remained and used for the model testing. Measurement items were brought from the previous literatures and modified for this research. To test the reliability, using SPSS 14, chronbach's α was examined and all the values were from .874 to .928 exceeding over .7. Using AMOS 7.0, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the measurement model. The measurement model was found good fit with χ2(67)=188.388 (p= .000), GFI=.886, AGFI=.821, CFI=.941, RMSEA=.096. Using AMOS 7.0, structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the research model. Overall, the research model fit were χ2(68)=188.670 (p= .000), GFI=.886, AGFI=,824 CFI=.942, RMSEA=.095 indicating good fit. In details, all the paths hypothesized in the research model were found significant except for the path from social brand identity to loyalty. Personal brand identity leads to loyalty while both confidence benefit and special treatment benefit have a positive relationships with personal and social identities. As well, confidence benefit has a direct positive effect on loyalty. The results indicates the followings. First, personal brand identity plays an important role for credit/debit card usage. Therefore even for the products which are not shown to public easy, design and emotional aspect can be important to fit the customers' lifestyles. Second, confidence benefit and special treatment benefit have a positive effects on personal brand identity. Therefore it will be needed for marketers to associate the special treatment and trust and confidence benefits with personal image, personality and personal identity. Third, this study found again the importance of confidence and trust. However interestingly enough, social brand identity was not found to be significantly related to loyalty. It can be explained that the main sample of this study consists of college students. Those strategies to facilitate social brand identity are focused on high social status groups while college students have not been established their status yet.

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