• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대의식

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Das Problem des Selbstbewußtseins Zwischen Vernunft und Existenz: Im Zentrum auf die Transformationen von Kants Selbstbewußtseinstheorie in Heideggers Analytik vom Dasein, Apels Lehre von diskursiver Vernunft, und Ebelings Lehre von Widerstandsbewußtsein (이성과 실존 사이에서 자기의식의 문제: 하이데거의 현존재 분석론, 아펠의 담론적 이성 이론, 그리고 에벨링의 저항의식 이론에서칸트의 자기의식 이론에 대한 변형들을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chungjoo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.120
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    • pp.217-250
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    • 2018
  • Subjekt oder $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist ein grundlegendes Prinzip neuzeitlicher Philosophie. Das $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist bei Kant $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$(analytische Einheit der Apperzeption als klare Selbstbeziehung) in Objekts $bewu{\ss}tsein$(synthetischer Einheit der Apperzeptuion). Dabei zeigt er ein Reflexionsmodell des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$. Aber er $erkl{\ddot{a}}rt$ nicht systematisch ein $Verh{\ddot{a}}ltnis$ zwischen synthetischer Einheit und analytischer Einheit der Apperzeption, und auch $l{\ddot{o}}st$ er nicht theorienimmanente und formale Schwierigkeiten von Zirkelargument bzw. unendlicher Iteration in der Reflxionsstruktur des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$. Aufgrund der Voraussetzungen seiner eigenen Fundamentalontologie kritisiert der $fr{\ddot{u}}he$ Heidegger, $da{\ss}$ Kants $traditionsabh{\ddot{a}}ngige$ $Subjektivit{\ddot{a}}tstheorie$ Symptome der Seins vergessenheit zeigt, transformiert Kants $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseinstheorie$, interpretiert Kants transformierte Theorie als $subjektivit{\ddot{a}}tstheoretische$ $Begr{\ddot{u}}ndung$ der traditionellen Ontologie von Vorhandenheit, und versteht sie als ersten Schritt und erstes phlosophisches Modell seiner Fundamentalontologie. Durch kritische Interpretation von Kants Lehre von Selbstaffektion und $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ deutet er ein Modell des $Selbstbewu{\ss}tseins$ als des $ph{\ddot{a}}nomenologischen$ $Horizontsbewu{\ss}tseins$ an. In diesem Modell der vorreflexiven und unmittelbaren Selbstbeziehung entstehen Schwierigkeiten von Zirkelargument bzw. unendlicher Iteration nicht. Apel kritisiert Kants $selbstbewu{\ss}te$ Apperzeptionstheorie in dem Sinne, $da{\ss}$ sie solipsistisch sei, und in seiner Transzendentalpragmatik $vervollst{\ddot{a}}ndigt$ er Kants transzendentalphilosophische $G{\ddot{u}}ltigkeit$ in der Dimension von $Intersubjektivit{\ddot{a}}t$ diskurierender Menschen. Hierbei ersetzt die Kommunikationsgemeinschaft Kants Apperzeption oder $Bewu{\ss}tsein$ ${\ddot{u}}berhaupt$. In der transzendentalpragmatischen Sicht, die auf den sprachlichen Bezug des Denkens und Erkennens und die Kommunikationsgemeinschaft geht, beruht das $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$ oder die Reflexion des Subjekts wesentlich auf seinem sprachlich vermittelten sozialen Bezug. Also geht es nicht um Zirkelargument und unendliche Iteration in denkender Selbstbeziehung des Subjekts. Ebeling hebt Heideggers Daseinsanalytik auf das Niveau von Apels Transzendentalpragmatik an und entwickelt Fundamatalpragmatik ${\ddot{u}}ber$ $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ gegen allgemeinen Tod. Dieser $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ ist fundamentalpragmatische Transformation von Kants $Selbstbewu{\ss}tsein$. Der $Widerstandsbewu{\ss}tsein$ der Vernunft bleibt in der solipsistischen Dimension nicht und ist ein $Bewu{\ss}tsein$, das in der Widerstandsgemeinschaft durch Argumentation universalisiert werden kann. Hierbei geht es nicht um Zirkelargument und unendliche Iteration.

Two aspects of transforming ShimChungJeon for modern times (근대 시기 <심청전> 극적 변용의 두 양상 -잡극 <심청왕후전>과 시나리오 <효녀 심청전>을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Yukyung
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.33
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    • pp.185-210
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    • 2016
  • This thesis explores how JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon and the Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon scenario have transformed ShimChungJeon, a notable work of Pansori literature, dramatically for modern times. By analyzing the adapter's consciousness and changing direction in these two works, it was found that ShimChungJeon was tailored to audiences in the 1900s. JobGeuk and the scenario are attempts to transform ShimChungJeon to meet cultural needs in the 21st century and to make the works appealing to the public. The aspects of the transformation of JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon are 1) reinforcement of logical causality, 2) weakening the humor and simultaneously emphasizing the work's surreal nature, and 3) dramatic expression by song. The aspects of the change in direction of the Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon scenario are 1)the insertion of a new narrative, 2)trying to evoke both humor and tragic sadness, 3)seeking newness with the reassignment of time and events. JobGeuk ShimChungWangWhoJeon is the first example of the transformation of ShimChungJeon's dramatic style and Devoted daughter ShimChungJeon is the first transformation of its scenario. These two works show how ShimChungJeon can be adapted to modern times and new cultures, and how ShimChungJeon can be made relevant and be enjoyed by the public regardless of the era.

The Modern Representations of Prince Hodong stories (호동왕자 서사의 근대적 재현 양상 연구)

  • Yu, In-Hyeok
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • no.26
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    • pp.413-433
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    • 2011
  • What this study aims is to analyze that how the stories of Prince Hodong are represented in modern historical fictions. The stories have been reproduced in many forms such as TV dramas, films, fictions, plays. It can be depicted that the narratives are indeed national and popular. Interestingly, however, the description of Hodong has not been found in pre-modern documents or fictions. The story began to appear and became popular in 1935 by Yoon Baek Nam. It can be explained that the narratives are the one of the example of the invented tradition since it became visible in modern period. Yoon, Lee Tae Joon, and Yu Chi Jin have constructed the character of Hodong what we are familiar with. Yoon depicted Hodong as a romatic lover with the motif of a lovers suicide. Lee and Yu put a context of nationalism by explaining Nakrang as a Nakrangkun of Hansagun(the four colonies of China). These are pure invention of the writers which cannot be found in The History of Three Kingdoms(三國史記). These characters are closely related with the surrounding of their own society. Yoon shows how the past can be seen as a nostalgic object by modern aesthetic perspective. Lee illustrates the ambiguous thought of a colonial intellectual who (anti)internalizes the ideology of militarism. Yu tries to find the way to recover the muscularity of the nation by re-colouring the memory of the past. These, the representations created in various contexts, make our common knowledges of Prince Hodong nowadays.

East Asia on the Move in 1919 -The Revolutionary Movements of March 1st and May 4th (역동하는 동아시아의 1919 - 혁명의 기점으로서의 3·1운동과 5·4운동 -)

  • 백영서
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    • no.23
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    • pp.5-37
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    • 2019
  • The March 1st Movement in Korea and the May 4th Movement in China, which both occurred in 1919, have often been thought to reflect each other like two mirrors. This paper is an attempt to reexamine the relationship between these two events in terms of simultaneity, and thus to articulate their world-historical significance. Their distinctive historical character is also understood through the perspective of an interlocking East Asia, by which is meant that although imperial Japan, semi-colonial China, and colonial Korea were all connected to the modern world-system, these three states each occupied different positions within the hierarchy of interstate relations. The differences between the anti-Japanese national movements of colonial Korea and those of semi-colonial China deserve particular attention, since they help to reveal the complexities of (semi-)colonial modernity, and may provide some clues for overcoming modernity. In this context the theory of the Double Project of Modernity is useful, which describes the process of simultaneously adapting to and overcoming modernity. The (re)remembrance of the March 1st Movement and the May 4th Movement is more than a historical issue: it is also an existential issue. The historical significance of these two events should be beyond doubt, and to make this clear it is proposed to rename them respectively as the March 1st Revolution and the May 4th Revolution. This renaming is surely justified by the way that people gathered at these events.

The Great Opening of the Later World in Daesoon Thought and the World of Pre-experientialism from the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth as Understood in Yi-Jing Studies (천지개벽의 역학적 사유에서 본 대순사상의 후천개벽과 선험주의적 세계)

  • Kim Yon-jae
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.47
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    • pp.1-37
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    • 2023
  • This essay seeks to answer the question of how best to understand Korean new religious movements (KNRMs). KNRMs have the characteristics of folk religion, ethno-religion, or popular religion. KNRMs are products of the national consciousness promoted by Korean society during the Late Joseon Dynasty at the turning point of modern Yi-Jing Studies. From the perspective of social evolutionary theory of developmental history, during that period, Joseon (Korea), like China, was faced with a double-edged sword consisting of the strength of tradition and the upheaval of modernity. If the strength of tradition depended on the Yi-Jing Studies to promote national enlightenment toward anti-imperialist aims, then it was equally the case that modernity depended on the sense of urgency to guide the people to secure livelihoods and edification regarding anti-feudalism. In this essay, the KNRMs that appeared during this transition period of Yi-Jing Studies will be a significant focus, and the worldview of Daesoon Thought will be the main focus. As one of the central topics, intensive discussion will be dedicated to the issue of the nature of pre-experientialism (先驗主義) which characterized the Great Opening (開闢). The principles of Daesoon Thought have a religious dimension of realistic awareness that guides the people's lives and edifies them. The process of the Great Opening aims to secure an ontological clock that tracks the Great Itineration of the world toward Daesoon Truth. This in turn as a process establishes the epistemological world of the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth (天地公事) and reaches the axiological boundary of the future world. The links among the Three Realms is characterized by a pre-experientialist line that experiences the space-time nature of the universe as the Great Opening of the Later World (後天) within the framework of Heaven and Earth. Throughout this course, humans look to enjoy the infinite vitality of the universe from within their own finite vitality. Therefore, Daesoon Thought can overcome perceived reality through pre-experientialist channels such as the Great Opening of the Later World and aim for a state of self-awareness such as the Earthly Paradise. This is an attempt to participate and practice in the actual world rather than pursuing a world of transcendental ideas, and therefore, it tends to be proactive in the world rather than exhibit a passive tendency to be worldliness. In conclusion, the truth of Daesoon Thought, which is characterized by the Great Opening of the Later World, contains a future-oriented outlook that longs for a Nextopia full of hope and promise rather than idealistic fancy towards a Utopia or well-founded dread and disdain towards Dystopia.

The Aspects of Modernity in ImcheonByeolgok(林川別曲) by Okgukjae(玉局齋), Lee Un-young: Based on Using Greimas's Actant Model (옥국재(玉局齋) 이운영(李運永)의 <임천별곡(林川別曲)>에 나타난 근대성(近代性) 양상(樣相) - 그레마스의 행위소 모형을 중심으로)

  • Park, sujin
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.57
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    • pp.91-120
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    • 2018
  • This study was contemplated about an aspects of modernity that was discovered of ImcheonByeolgok(林川別曲) written by Okgukjae Lee, Un-young in 18th Century. It was composed time that unprecedented state in the 18th century. So, I considered that Modernity was the most appeared at 18th Century. During this period, Changes has happened in ideology and system in terms of politics, economy, society and culture. This change is the beginning of a new modern consciousness. There is also a tendency to think of Imcheonbyeolgok as the autobiographical story of Lee, Yun-young. It seems that Lee, Yun-young has a progressive scholarly thought, but he did not reveal his own situation by insulting him. Therefore, I am not realistically valid for being able to see it as an autobiographical story that he actually experienced. Also, although ImcheonByeolgok is known as a love song, it is hard to see it as a love song because its satirical features are strong. and It is characterized by the peculiar form of narrative being described as a dialogue. I picked two aspects of modernity in ImcheonByeolgok. One is resistance to love and desire, and the other is disintegration of the order of identity. The two aspects of this paper were presented as Greimas's Actant Model. ImcheonByeolgok is the result of efforts to show the changing modern Joseon Dynasty's elements in the form of resistance and resistance to Joseon's feudal society, such as Confucian ideology and identity systems. Thus, I suggested the corrupt ruling class of Joseon's feudal society and the exploited working class life as an old living and a grandmother instead of 'resistance' and 'disposal' in the 18th century. The criticism of traditional feudal societies that emerged in the 18th century turned out to be a hegemony that distinguishes the Middle Ages from the Modern Age, which resulted in differences between the ages before and after the 18th century. Although these hegemony were not clearly distinguished in household literature in the 18th century, it was established and developed in the 19th century. I suggested that Lim's Star Song was an important work that played an important role in bringing about this change.

헤이안큐[平安宮]·헤이안쿄[平安京]의 구조와 변모 - 고대도성에서 중세 도시로 -

  • 하시모토 요시노리
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.32-75
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    • 2013
  • 도성은 왕권이 존재하는 것뿐만 아니라 왕권을 지지하는 지배계층이 모여 거주하는 곳이다. 그리고 중앙집권적 통일지배를 실현하기 위한 정치 의례의 장으로서 전근대 동아시아 세계에 공통적으로 건설되었다. 그 기원은 중국에서 유래하며, 일본은 율령제(律令制)를 바탕으로 하는 천황제 고대국가가 실현되는 7세기 말 '藤原京(후지와라쿄)'에서 처음으로 지상에 출현한다. 7세기 말부터 거의 1세기 간 복도제(複都制)가 채택되었기에 '등원경(藤原京)' 이후 도성은 여러 곳에 건설되었고, 때로는 천도되었다. 그러나 8세기 말 '長岡京(나가오카쿄)'에서는 복도제(複都制)를 지양했고, '平安京(헤이안쿄)'에 도읍을 정한 이후, 중세 근세를 거쳐 근대에 이르기까지 헤이안쿄-교토에는 1100년에 걸쳐 왕권이 지속적으로 존재하여 지금의 '京都市'(교토시)에 이르게 된다. '등원경(藤原京)'가 고대 일본 최초의 도성이었다면, '평안경(平安京)'는 마지막 도성임과 동시에 중세 도시로 변모해 가는 전환점에 위치하고 있다. '등원경(藤原京)'이래 남북축선에 대한 선대칭 구조를 의식해 도성이 축조 되었고, '평안경(平安京)'에서는 이러한 구조가 가장 강하게 표현되었지만, 9세기 초 천황과 관인들의 의식 정무의 동선이나 좌석 배치에 있어서 동서방향이 채용되게 되었고, 이에 더해 9세기 말에는 천황의 거소가 도성의 축선에서 벗어나게 된다. 또한 10세기 중반 경 '平安宮(헤이안큐)'에서는 '內裏(다이리)'를 중심으로 한 잦은 화재가 발생해 천황은 궁외로 거소를 옮기게 되었다. 이후 천황이 궁 바깥에 거주하는 것이 일반화 되었고, '평안궁(平安宮)'는 의식을 행하는 장소로서 한정적으로 유지 수리가 될 뿐이었으나 결국에는 그것마저 어려워져 폐쇄에 이르게 된다. 한편 귀족의 저택도 7세기 이래의 남북축선에 대해서 동서의 선대칭 구조로 부터, '寢殿造(신덴즈쿠리)'라고 불리는 건물배치도 공간구성도 비대칭인 건물양식이 주류를 이루어 갔다. 이상과 같이 일본의 고대 도성의 특징을 잘 가지고 있었던 최후의 도성 '평안경(平安京)'는 남북을 축선으로 하는 선대칭 구조가 가장 뚜렷하게 나타났으나, 9세기 '평안궁(平安宮)'의 변화를 시작으로 11~12세기에 크게 변모해갔다. 이처럼 고대국가의 도성이 가지고 있었던 남북을 축으로 하는 구조를 버리고 동서방향으로 동선을 취한 움직임은 고대국가의 이념을 탈피하여 다음 시대로 전환하는 중요한 한 걸음이었다고 생각된다.

Merleau-Ponty's Critical Examination on the Modern View of History (메를로-퐁티의 근대적 역사관 비판)

  • Ryu, Eui-geun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.142
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2017
  • This study purpose is to discuss critically the conception of history in Hegel and Marx by drawing on Merleau-Ponty's existential theory of history, finishing with concluding remarks. Merleau-Ponty insists that history is always history experienced. This thesis is his own principle in investigating human history. From this perspective, he begins to flesh out problems with history which Hegel and Marx had understood idealistically and materialistically respectively. He criticised that if Hegel grasps history in terms of teleology, he failed to explain the source and origin of historical meaning from which history makes sense. He failed to think that what gives history meaning comes from embodied consciousness. This means that history is not made of dialectical thinking. The thing is different from such an imaginative construal. History as it stands is not like that. It is not running around like Hegelian dialectical thinking. Marx understood historical behavior wrongly when he explained class struggle in terms of productive relations. He disregarded how class was sedimented or embodied in the minds of proletarians. Owing to this, Marx could not suppose that class consciousness is determined not causally or externally but by incarnated experience. It is affected in so far as it is affected by somebody, that is, the worker. At that moment only Class consciousness begins to work. Marx did not catch sight of this hidden fact.

A Comparative Study on Relationship between Advertising Sociology and Illustration - Focused on the Images of Modern Women in Commercial Posters in Korea and China- (일러스트레이션과 광고 사회학의 관계 - 한국과 중국의 상품광고 포스터속의 근대 여성이미지를 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Mee-Kyung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2005
  • Illustrations in advertisement uses various social and cultural codes to stimulate the desire to buy in consumers in the first place, since this is an economic phenomenon orchestrated to sell a product. Hence, factors outside the product per se, such as tradition, social issues and class consciousness are introduced. Especially, in modern advertisement a strategy is adopted to differentiate standard products produced by mass production. In order to do so, such factors as mentioned above become as important as physical characteristics of the product per se and its usage value. As a result, phrases or images used for advertisement can have independent influences on the society irrespective of the sales effects on the product. In this respect, it is fair to state that advertisement reflects the phases and consciousness of a given period as a cultural phenomenon. Therefore, based on the premise of characteristics and roles attributed to the advertisement, this thesis proposes to make a comparative study on the images of women in commercial advertisement in Korea during Japanese Imperialism and China during Cultural Colonial period dating from 1900 to 1945. The starting point of this research will cover the period of foreign trade and Japanese Imperialism in Korea and interference of Western Power in China. It will also investigate on the birth of Korean advertisement by Japanese Imperialists and Chinese modern advertisement along with the modernization of Shanghai. Then, I propose to present the illustrations of women in advertisements based on comparative study of their characteristics and expressions as observed in several case studies both in Korea and China. Connotative meanings in such advertisement will be investigated in the context of political, economic and cultural dominance.

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The Study on the modernism characteristics of melodrama in the 1930s (1930년대 멜로드라마의 모더니즘적 특성 연구)

  • Sim, Sang-gyo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.35
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    • pp.203-227
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    • 2017
  • In this thesis, I examined the characteristics of modernism in this work, focusing on the melodrama "Sarang ye soggo donye wulgo(means 'Crying in Love and Crying for Money')", which was popular in the 30s when the consciousness of modernity was overflowing. There has never been an example of a connection between modernism and drama in the 1930s. The characteristic of modernism is clearly embedded in the representative drama of "Sarang ye soggo donye wulgo(means 'Crying in Love and Crying for Money')" at that time. In the title "Sarang ye soggo donye wulgo(means 'Crying in Love and Crying for Money')". 'Don' reveals modern elements. 'Love' can be seen as revealing melodramatic elements. The flair of modern art, which is a background to reveal modern elements, is spread throughout the works. Hongdo fails to complete the relationship with his family, as well as with the couple. It became a person who accepted the modernistic phenomenon by showing the domination of matter. While the typical method of constructing conflicts in the pre-modern narrative works is horizontal and sequential, it can be said that it was in the form of a train station, while the post-modern era of narrative conflict formation from the 30s forms a plurality of conflicts simultaneously, can do. The fear of the ordinary people who see the reality that urban and western values are already rampant by attempting new contents that lead the change of values in "Sarang ye soggo donye wulgo(means 'Crying in Love and Crying for Money')" became a factor to transfer into internal conflict again.