• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대시

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Analysis of Consciousness and Model on Land for the Another use After Quarrying (채석장의 부지 활용에 대한 의식 및 모델 분석)

  • Park, Jae Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.3
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2012
  • The study was conducted to develop an effective forest resources use models for an alternate use of abandoned quarry by an attitude survey. According to the result of survey, a pessimistic view due to dust, noise pollution, and forest damage was 5% higher than an affirmative view by economic benefits from the development of quarry. The 42% of the respondents preferred the alternate use of abandoned quarry and the 25% of the respondents wanted an art and cultural space. The optimum size of alternate use was 5-10 ha (43%) with the requirement of nearby residents (32%). According to the SWOT analysis for abandoned quarry, the strength factors were an effective use of land, the content development of modern industrial inheritance + cultural and art fusion, attraction for nearby city and visitors, a harmony of beauty landscape and clean environment, and a sustainable increase of domestic and foreign visitors with the 5-day-work week. The opportunity factors were the improvement of traffic networks through KTX and local highway, the creation of the new growth engines with the establishment of artistic creation belts, the providing of unique cultural and art space through grafting of tour and education, the creation of local income through stone processed goods, and the vitalization of local development through eco-city. The weakness factors were a psychological remoteness and backwardness, and the weakness of staying tour infra. The threat factors were a poor financial support for sustainable development in nearby quarry and a modify of legal and institutional system for the alternated use of abandoned quarry. The developed restoration models for the alternate use in abandoned quarry are classified to a sculpture park, a waterfall and lake park, a rock-climbing, a sports park + forest park, a native botanical garden, a culture and art park, a complex park, a water storage site, a water storage site to extinguish forest fire, a geriatric hospital, an agricultural facility, and a school site types etc. The results suggest that the alternate use in the abandoned soil and stone quarry is needed to establish facility use models with consideration of user's preference.

Gender politics and the monster-abject representation method of the posthuman age. - Focused on works by Kim Eon-hee and Han-Kang - (포스트휴먼 시대의 젠더정치와 괴물-비체의 재현방식 - 김언희와 한강의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Baik, Ji-yeon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.50
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    • pp.77-101
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    • 2018
  • Even in our modern era, the projection of monsters in the recent literature contains the critical imagination of human existence for the posthuman age. The meaning of the monster-abject, especially as from the perspective of feministic criticism, contains criticism of the violent and oppressive patriarch as observed in the modern times. This article focuses on the gendered imagination of the discussions of the "abject" discussed by Julia Kristeva, and the "monstrous femine" discussed by Barbara Creed. Kim Eon-Hee's poems and Han Kang's novels, which have been examined extensively for analysis, show that the practical strategy of abject that goes beyond hate and sublime, wonder and joy through the imagination and concepts of monsters. The monster-abject strategy of Kim Eon-Hee's poem can be summarized by the narrative method of mirroring and the imagination of the truncated body. Mirroring falsification, which mimics the male speaker, is a method that some feminists strategically utilize in relation to the problem of female aversion in recent years as noted in the literature. In Kim Eon-Hee's poem, "becoming a man" and "imitating a man," through the method of mirroring appear as an image of cutting to dismantle the body. In that way, the narrative strategy of the abject that draws out abominations and bizarre effects which contains a strong critique of the patriarchal dominant ideology. The monster-abject strategy of Han-Kang's novel is embodied through the being of plants and the process of vegetarian-anorexia process. The world of the adject which was oppressed in the Han-Kang's novel, returns to the senses of the body through the symbol of the body. It is noted that the fictional characters who realize the repressed desire through the pathological symptom expressed by the female, go on to body perform active transformation. The sense of a body in a novel is not only a rejection of the world of animalman-civilization, but also a radically questioning of the noted and recognized boundaries between human beings and non-human being entities. The two writer's works show that the imagination of the monster-adject is not limited to rejecting the existing gender categories, but also goes in the direction of exploring the possibilities of various associated gender actions.

Stimme aus der Seinsquelle Hölderlins Gedicht >Andeoken< und Philosophische Hermeneutik (존재원천의 소리 - 횔덜린의 시 '회상'과 철학적 해석학 -)

  • Lee, Kyeong-bae
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.117
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 2011
  • In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um das Primat des Seins und die Ereignisontologie, denen der Diskurshorizont zwischen der Ontologie der philosophischen Hermeneutik und der dichterischen $Repr{\ddot{a}}sentation$ der Seinsquelle in $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ spekulativem Gedicht, >Andenken<, das die spekulative Philsophie als eine Philosophie ${\ddot{u}}ber$ das Wissen um Ursein vor dem Denken darstellt, zugrunde liegt. $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ und Hermeneutische Ontologie nimmt erstens das Ursein, das die ontologische Voraussetzung des Denkens sei, als die nicht nur logische, sondern auch temporale Quelle auf Grund der Kritik an der reflexiven Struktur des modernen Denkens an. Zweitens suchen beide die $Gesinnungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ des Urseins, das niemals ein begreifbarer Gegenstand des Denkens war, deshalb immer schon ${\ddot{u}}ber$ das Denken ${\ddot{u}}bertrefflich$ ist, auf der ontologischen Seite aus der selbstnegierenden Bewegung des Seins, auf der erkenntnistheoretischen Seite aus dem sprachlichen Ausdruck des Seins: Insofern das reflexive Denken die analytische Unterscheidung zwn Prinzip hat, ist das Ursein deshalb der logische Ursprung des analytischen Denkens, weil das Unterschiedene aus dem Einen geteilt wird. Und das Ursein ist deshalb auch die geschichtsphilosophische Arsche, weil das Viele die geschichtliche Selbstentwicklung des Einen ist. Aus dessen Grund $l{\ddot{a}}sst$ das Sein, das allem vorausgeht, mit seiner geschichtlichen Selbsterscheinung als negativer $Selbstverkl{\ddot{a}}rung$ und darnit zugleich mit dem sprachlichen Ausdruck als der epischen Symbolisierung solcher Ereignissen sich selbst als etwas sein. Das Wort des Verstandes, das nur die Negationsbewegung der Analyse ist, kategorisch einbegrenzt ist, kann daher nicht das Verweilen bei dem Geschehen der $urspr{\ddot{u}}nglichen$ Seinsquelle sein. Das dichterische Wort, das der Stimme aus der Seinsquelle $zugeh{\ddot{o}}rig$ ist, ${\ddot{u}}bersetzt$ die Selbstbewegung des Urseins auf den hermeneutischen Sinnhorizont, in dessen Spielraum das Ursein sich selbst aussagt. $Schlie{\ss}lich$ hoffe ich damit, in dieser Arbeit davon ${\ddot{u}}berzeugend$ vorderseite zu legen, dass $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ Gedicht, >Andenken< nicht nur die poetische Gesinnung auf die Seinsquelle, sondern auch die hermeneutische Ontologie der Seinsquelle ist.

Characristics and Management Plans of Myeongwoldae and Myeongwol Village Groves Located in, Jeju (제주 팽림월대(彭林月臺)의 경관특성 및 관리방안)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Chol, Yung-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify the spacialty, to illuminate the existence and values of Myeongwoldae(明月臺) and Forest Myeongwol, and to suggest the sustainable usage, preservation and management plans with the purpose of ecological and cultural landscaping characteristic and value identification. The result of the study is as follows. Castle Myeongwol and Port Myeongwol shows the status of Hallim-eup Myeongwol District which is the administrative center of western Jeju as well as is the fortress. Building Wolgyejeongsa and School Woohakdang, the head temple of education and culture, located in Myeongwol District represents the spaciality of Myeonwol-ri which was the center of education. Stand Myeongwol is one of the most representative Confucian cultural landscapes in Jeju Island and the field of communion with nature where scholars enjoy poetries, nature, changgi(Korean chess), and go in the Joseon Dynasty period. It was found that the current relics of Myeongwoldae was recovered through the maintenance project conducted by Youth Group Myeongwol composed with Hongjong-si(洪鍾時) as the center during the Japanese colonial era in 1931. It seems that the stonework of Myeongwoldae composed of three levels in the order of square, octagon, and circle based on the heaven-man unity theory of Confucianism and the octagon in the middle is the messenger of Cheonwonjibang(天圓地方), in other words, between the square-shaped earth and the circle-shaped sky. It is assumed that both Grand Bridge Myeongwol and Bridge Myeongwol were constructed as arched bridges in early days. Bridge Myeongwol is the only arched bridge remaining in Jeju Island now, which has the modern cultural heritage value. In Forest Myeongwol, 97 taxa of plants were confirmed and in accordance with 'Taxonomic Group and Class Criteria of Floristic Specific Plants', eight taxa were found; Arachniodes aristata of FD IV and Ilex cornuta, Piper kadsura, Litsea japonica, Melia azedarach, Xylosma congestum, Richosanthes kirilowii var. japonica, Dichondra repens, Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki of FD III. Otherwise, 14 taxa of naturalized plants including Apium leptophylihum which is imported to Jeju Island only were confirmed. In Forest Myeongwol, 77 trees including 41 Celtis sinensis, 30 Aphananthe aspera, two Wylosma congestum, a Pinus densiflora, a Camellia japonica, a Melia azedarach, and an Ilex cornuta form a colony. Based on the researched data, the preservation and plans of Myeongwoldae and Forest Myeongwol is suggested as follows. Myeongwoldae, Bridge Myeongwol, and Forest Myeongwol should be managed as one integrated division. Bridge Myeongwol, an arched bridge which is hard to be found in Jeju Island is a high-standard stonework requiring long-term preservation plans. Otherwise, Grand Bridge Myeongwol that is exposed to accident risks because of deterioration and needs safety diagnosis requires measures according to the result of precise safety diagnosis. It is desirable to restore it to a two-sluice arched bridge as its initial shape and to preserve and use it as a representative local landmark with Stand Myeongwol. In addition, considering the topophsis based on the analysis result, the current name of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Monument No. 19 'Myoengwol Hackberry Colony' should change to 'Myeongwol Hackberry-Muku Tree Colony'. In addition, the serial number system which is composed without distinction of hackberry and muku tree should be improved and the regular monitoring of big and old trees, specific plants, and naturalized species is required.

A Study on the History and Species of Street Trees in Seoul (서울시 가로수 역사와 수목 고찰)

  • Song, Suk-Ho;Kim, Min-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2020
  • The present study was conducted as part of basic research for selecting species of street trees with historical value in Seoul. It also made up a list of traditional landscape trees for a variety of alternatives. The following results are shown below. As to the history of street trees in Korea, records on to-be-estimated street trees are found in historical documents written in King Yangwon during the second year of Goguryeo Dynasty (546) and King Myeongjong during 27 year of Goryeo (1197). However, it is assumed that lack of clarity is found in historical records. During the 23 year of King Sejong in the early Joseon Dynasty (1441), the record showed that the state planted street trees as guideposts on the postal road. The records revealed that Ulmus spp. and Salix spp. were planted as guidance trees. The street tree system was performed in the early Joseon Dynasty as recorded in the first year of King Danjong document. Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis, Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta, Castanea crenata, Styphnolobium japonicum and Salix spp. were planted along the avenue at both left and right sides. Morus alba were planted on streets during the five year of King Sejo (1459). As illustrated in pieces Apgujeong by painter Jeongseon and Jinheonmajeongsaekdo in the reign of King Yeongjo, street trees were planted. This arrangement is associated with a number of elements such as king procession, major entrance roads in Seoul, place for horse markets, prevention of roads from flood and indication. In the reign of King Jeongjo, there are many cases related to planting Pinus densiflora, Abies holophylla and Salix spp. for king procession. Turning king roads and related areas into sanctuaries is considered as technique for planting street trees. During the 32 year of King Gojong after opening ports (1985), the state promoted planting trees along both sides of roads. At the time, many Populus davidiana called white poplars were planted as rapidly growing street trees. There are 17 taxa in the Era of Three Kingdoms records, 31 taxa in Goryeo Dynasty records and 55 taxa in Joseon Dynasty records, respectively, described in historical documents to be available for being planted as street trees in Seoul. 16 taxa are recorded in three periods, which are Era of Three Kingdoms, Goryeo Dynasty and Joseon Dynasty. These taxa can be seen as relatively excellent ones in terms of historical value. The introduction of alien plants and legal improvement in the Japanese colonial period resulted in modernization of street tree planting system. Under the six-year street tree planting plan (1934-1940) implemented as part of expanding metropolitan areas outside the capital launched in 1936, four major street trees of top 10 taxa were a Populus deltoides, Populus nigra var. italica, Populus davidiana, Populus alba. The remaining six trees were Salix babylonica, Robinia pseudoacacia, platanus orientalis, Platanus occidentalis, Ginkgo biloba, and Acer negundo. Beginning in the mid- and late 1930s, platanus orientalis, Platanus occidentalis were introduced into Korea as new taxa of street trees and planted in many regions. Beginning on 1942, Ailanthus altissima was recommended as street trees for the purpose of producing silks. In 1957 after liberation, major street tree taxa included Platanus occidentalis, Ginkgo biloba, Populus nigra var. italica, Ailanthus altissima, Populus deltoides and Salix babylonica. The rank of major street tree species planted in the Japanese colonial period had changed. Tree planting trend around that period primarily representing Platanus occidentalis and Ginkgo biloba still holds true until now.

A Study on Urban Gardening in Everyday Life toward Sustainable Urban Regeneration - Case of Sujin 2-dong, Seongnam-si in South Korea - (지속가능한 도시재생 모색을 위한 일상적 도시정원 가꾸기 유형 특성 연구 - 성남시 수진2동을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-min;Choi, Jung-Kwon;Park, Eun-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2016
  • What are the roles and functions of urban gardening created by citizens in Sujin 2-dong, Seongnam-si? This study has looked into urban gardening in everyday life in a bid to find possible solutions for sustainable urban regeneration. The paper has examined the types, functions, and characteristics of urban gardens in Sujin 2-dong, where the urban restoration project is in progress. This study has conducted primarily on-site inspections and interviews. The research findings are as follows. Most urban gardens in Sujin 2-dong have a vertical structure rather than a regular ground-based one due to lack of land. Six major locations of building a garden include the front of a building, rooftop, top of a gate, stairs, wall, and yard. Rooftop gardens are most common and are built mostly for production purposes. Due to architectural characteristics of this village, there are relatively many stair gardens built mostly for aesthetic purposes. The garden in front of a building has served multiple functions, including formation of entry, privacy protection, and prevention of unauthorized parking. Other than those, detached houses have quality urban gardens built with greater effort and care, while multi-household houses have seen a decrease of stair gardens and an increase of vertical gardens due to their comparatively limited space. By utilizing this research, we hope to show that it is important to understand the local's wisdom and voice for a sustainable urban environment as well as keep these findings in mind during the construction of new buildings. This study would be expected to be useful as primary research for urban gardening in everyday life and alternative ways of urban regeneration.

A Time Sequential Research on Changes in Jangchungdan Park during the Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (일제강점기 장충단공원 변화에 관한 시계열적 연구)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Choui, Hyun-Im
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2013
  • Jangchungdan Park is now perceived as a mere park at the foot of Namsan mountain, but originally it was created to commemorate soldiers of Korean Empire on a site which name was Namsoyeong(南小營) during Joseon Dynasty. During the period of Japanese colonial rule, it was transformed into a park due to the rapidly changing circumstances, so the components expressing the validity of the colonial rule were introduced into the park. This paper examines the time sequential changes of Jangchungdan Park during the period of Japanese colonial rule, and the conclusions can be summarized as given below. Firstly, the park originally was a space to commemorate the soldiers who fought for the Korean Empire. It was built on formerly restricted area at the foot of Namsan Mountain in 1900, and it was arranged putting the ceremonial shrine Dansa (壇祠) as a central building and the annexes in the surroundings of it. The memorial ceremonies were held regularly in spring and autumn until 1909. Secondly, it became a city park for citizens of Gyeongseong-bu(the name of Seoul under the Japanese colonial rule). The authorities of Gyeongseong-bu reorganized Jangchungdan as a park in 1919, prohibited the performance of memorial ceremonies, and the existing buildings except the ceremonial shrine Dansa began to be used as park management facilities. Resting areas and amenities were supplemented for the usage of people from various backgrounds, and the large scale planting of cherry trees made the park a famous place to enjoy cherry-blossoms and other flowers in spring. Thirdly, it was reconstructed as a space to honor the influential personalities of Japanese colonial system. In 1932, Bankmun temple (博文寺) to commemorate Ito Hirobumi was constructed at a location that made it possible for a number of people to overlook Jangchungdan area. During that time, the buildings of traditional Joseon architecture were removed and reconstructed to serve as annexes to Bankmun temple. Due to the strategy to make Jangchungdan park a tourist attraction, Bankmun temple was included into the Gyeongseong sightseeing course, since the wide panorama of Jangchungdan Park and the whole city of Gyeongseong was opening from the temple. Various different components were introduced into Jangchungdan Park due to the rapidly changing circumstances; therefore the nature of the park was either altered or reproduced. Hopefully, the park rearrangement works will be executed paying respects to the memories of the past hereafter.

The Type and Characteristics of Education Archives at Seowon in Joseon (조선시대 서원(書院) 강학(講學) 관련 자료의 유형과 특징)

  • 김자운
    • 유학연구
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    • v.48
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    • pp.129-171
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to collect, to classify education archives of Joseon Seowon, and to examine characteristics of education archives. The subjects of this study are Sosu-Seowon, Dosan-Seowon, Dodong-Seowon, Oksan-Seowon, Donam-Seowon. According to the contents and nature of the archives, I divided educational archives into four types: the record of rules of Seowon education, the record of actual education, the record of ritual, and the record of financial. First, through the record of rules, I have identified how the rules are passed down and changed from Seowon to Seowon and impact of book publishing and distribution on changes in Seowon Curriculum. Secondly, through the record of educational practice, I have examined the size of students participating in Seowon education, the role of officers, the procedures and methods of education, the daily routine in Seowon, the methods of discussion and questions in lectures, and the role of teachers in discussions etc. Third, through the record of rituals, I examined customary rituals such as Gyeongdok(敬 讀), the rites for opening class(開接禮) and the last class(罷接禮), and the rites for Master-Disciple Relationshipe(贄禮) in addition to official rites such as Jeongeuprye(庭揖 禮) and Sangeuprye(相揖禮). Fourth, through the record of financial, we could see howthe late Joseon Seowon tried to continue the education by setting up a financial institution dedicated to education despite severe financial difficulties. The classification criteria and the typification method of education archives of Joseon Seowon that have been attempted in this study can be used as a model for systematically collecting and organizing the education archives of Joseon Seowon. However, this needs to be supplemented and discussed further. In addition, if a methodology can be developed to collect a wide range of materials that have been scattered over various materials through the classification and typification of the materials, it will contribute to expanding the horizon of Seowon research in the future

Meteorological Constraints and Countermeasures in Major Summer Crop Production (하작물의 기상재해와 그 대책)

  • Shin-Han Kwon;Hong-Suk Lee;Eun-Hui Hong
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.398-410
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    • 1982
  • Summer crops grown in uplands are greatly diversified and show a large variation in difference with year and location in Korea. The principal factor for the variation is weather, in which precipitation and temperature play a leading role and such a weather factors as wind, sun lights also influence production of the summer crops. Since artificial control of weather conditions as a main stress factor for crop production is almost impossible, it must be minimized only by an improvement of cultivation techniques and crop improvement. Precipitation plays a role as one of the most important factor for production of the summer crops and it is considered in two aspects, drought and excess moisture. This country, which belongs to monsoon territory, necessarily encounter one of this stress almost every year, even though the level is different. Therefore, the facilities for both drought and excess moisture are required, but actually it is not easy to complete for them. On this account, crops tolerant to drought, excess moisture and pests should be considered for establishing summer crops. For the districts damaged habitually every season, adequate crops should be cultured and appropriate method of planting, drainage and weed control should be applied diversely. Injuries by temperature is mainly attributed to lower temperature particularly in late fall and early spring, although higher temperature often causes some damages depending upon the kind of crops. Sometimes, lower temperature in summer season playa critical role for yield reduction in the summer crops. However, certain crops are prevented to some extent from this kind of stress by improving varieties tolerant to cold, hot weather or early maturing varieties. As is often the case, control of planting time or harvesting is able to be a good management for escaping the stress. Lodging, plant diseases and pests are considered as a direct or indirect damage due to weather stress, but these are characters able to be overcome by means of crop improvement and also controlled by other suitable methods. In addition, polytical supports capable of improving constitution of agriculture into modern industry is urgently required by programming of data for the damages, establishment of damage forecasting and compensation system.

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A study on the recent trends of Islamic extremism in Indonesia (인도네시아 이슬람 극단주의 실태 연구)

  • Yun, Min-Woo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.50
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    • pp.175-206
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    • 2017
  • The current study described the history of Islamic extremism and the recent expansion of international Islamic extremism in Indonesia. For doing so, both content analysis of the existing written documents and qualitative interviews were conducted. For the content analysis, media reports and research articles were collected and utilized. For qualitative interviews, Indonesian students and workers in Korea, Korean spouses married to Indonesian, and Korean missionaries in Indonesia were contacted and interviewed. Qualitative interview was conducted between 30 minutes and 2 hours. On the spot, interviews were recorded and later transcribed into written documents. Due to the difficulty of identification of population and the uneasiness of accessability to th study subjects, convenient sampling and snowball sampling were used. According to the results, Islamic extremism in Indonesia had a deep historical root and generally shared similar historical experience with other muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia where Islamic extremism was deeply rooted in. That is, Islamic extremism began as a reaction to the western imperialism, after independence, Islamic extremism elements were marginalized in the process of construction of the modern nation-state, and Islamic extremist movement was radicalized and became violent during the Soviet-Afghan War. In addition, after 9.11, Islamic extremism in Indonesia was connected to international Islamic extremism network and integrated into such global movement. Such a historical development of Indonesian Islamic extremism was quite organized and robust. Meanwhile, the eastward infiltration and expansion of international Islamic extremism such as IS and Al Qaeda was observed in Indonesia. Particularly, such a worrisome expansion was more clearly visible in the marginalized and underdeveloped countrysides in Indonesia. Such expansion in Indonesia could negatively affect on the security of South Korea. Geographically, Indonesia is proximate to South Korea. This geographical proximity could be a direct security threat to the Korean society, as if Islamic extremism in North Africa and Middle East becomes a direct security threat to Europe. Considering the presence of a large size of Indonesian immigrant workers and communities in South Korea, such a concern is very realistic. The arrest of an Indonesian Islamic extremism supporter in November, 2016, could be a harbinger of the coming trend of Islamic extremism expansion inside South Korea. The Indonesian Islamic community in South Korea could be a passage of Indonesian Islamic extremism into the South Korean society. In this context, it is timely and necessary to pay an attention to the recent trend of Islamic extremism expansion in Indonesia.

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