• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근거 중심 의학

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Oral-Motor Facilitation Technique (OMFT): Part I-Theoretical Base and Basic Concept (구강운동촉진기술: 1 부-이론적 배경과 기초 요소)

  • Min, Kyoung Chul;Seo, Sang Min;Woo, Hee-soon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2021
  • Introduction : Oral motor function is basic function of sensory exploration, feeding, and communication, that develops from the fetal stage to childhood. Problems with oral motor function result in difficulty within handling food in the oral cavity, decreased swallowing and feeding skills, difficulty with communication, and problems with oral hygiene. To treat these symptoms, oral motor therapy is provided for normalizing sensory adaptation in the oral cavity, and increasing postural control, oral movement and oral motor function. Discussion : The oral motor facilitation technique (OMFT) was developed for increasing general and integrated oral motor function based on the following: 1) understanding orofacial muscular physiology; 2) a comprehensive approach to sensory·adaptation·behavior·cognition; 3) sensorimotor stimulation by a manual approach; 4) motor control and motor learning theory. The OMFT is a new evidence-based treatment protocol, for children and adults with neuromuscular and oral motor problems. Conclusion : The goal of this article is to provide a theoretical background for OMFT development and the basic concept for the clinical application of OMFT. We hope that this article will help oral motor therapy experts to provide effective therapy in a more professional way.

Effects of Lifestyle, Stress and Life Satisfaction on Sleep Quality in University Student : Focusing on Department of Occupational Therapy Students (대학생의 생활양식, 스트레스 및 삶의 만족도가 수면의 질에 미치는 영향 : 작업치료학과 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Mi-Young;Kang, Gu-Yong;Han, Jee-Su;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects for lifestyle, stress and life satisfaction on sleep quality in university students. The participants were 46 university students attending the department of occupational therapy. Participants responded to responses to the lifestyle questionnaire and Morning and Evening Questionnaire-Korean version(MEQ-K). The levels of stress and life satisfaction reported by participants were obtained using the Korean version of Perceive Stress Test-4(K-PSS-4) and Korean version of Satisfaction With Life Scale(K-SWLS). The quality of sleep was assessed using Korean Modified Leeds Evaluation Questionnaire(KMLSEQ). An independent t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed to investigate factors related to quality of sleep. The analysis of correlations between health status, morning type of chronotype, and life satisfaction showed a significant positive correlation between quality of sleep. As a result of analyzing the quality of sleep according to the chronotype, the main family house and dormitory group showed higher sleep quality than the boarding group. As a result of the multiple regression analysis, the chronotype predicts quality of sleep. This study could provide information to improve the quality of sleep for university students by identify factors affecting sleep for university students in occupational therapy.

Analysis of Occupational Therapy Intervention Research for Improving Memory: Focus on Single-Subject Research Design in Korean Academic Journals (기억력 향상을 위한 작업치료 중재 연구 분석: 국내 단일대상연구 중심으로)

  • Jung, Yu-Jin;Choi, Yoo-Im
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to identify the characteristics and analyze the quality of studies on memory improvement using a single-subject research design. Methods : Six studies were selected through the Research Information Sharing Service (RISS), Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS), and National Digital Science Library (NDSL). Keywords were memory training, stroke, early dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and single-subject research design. The characteristics and quality levels were analyzed between January 2011 and October 2020. Results : Regarding the quality level, the middle level (7-10 points) was 66.7% of the four articles, and the high level (11-14 points) was 33.3% of the two articles. Reversal designs were used in all studies. Independent variables were errorless learning, smartphone application, cognitive training system (CoTras), spaced retrieval training (SRT) with errorless learning, spaced retrieval training, and iPad applications. The dependent variables included memory, attention, electroencephalogram, instrumental activities of daily living, depression etc., which increased after the intervention. The total session, study period, and intervention time were varied. Conclusion : In single-subject research design related to memory training, occupational therapy intervention was confirmed as an effective method for improving memory and attention. The quality level of single-subject research design was moderate or higher, and high-quality level of studies should be conducted by additional design to increase the validity in the future.

Recognition and Attitude to Implement at ion of Service Area Assigned System of Public Health Programs among the Health Officer (공공보건사업의 지역담당제 실시에 관한 보건기관 근무 공무원의 인식과 태도)

  • Kim, Mi-Soon;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Nam-Song
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-41
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    • 2001
  • Since medical clients and the community they live in are expected to be center of future public health and medical care system, new service programs must be developed with patients focused on in line with widening public access of information and social participation. Patients- focused service shall mean the area- oriented provision of public health service. In this study, health officers working at public health centers, public health sub- centers and medical offices in Jeonbuk- do area were taken for population in order to investigate their attitudes toward and knowledge about the service area assigning system under the public health programs. Findings from the survey to 260 health officers, divided by general category, are as follows : Government officers at public health organizations appeared to have high grade of understanding to the service area assigning system and also great appreciation for the necessity of it. Regarding the timing for the system to be introduced, they support the gradual implementation and, as for the type of service to be provided, they preferred home nursing and treatment of chronic diseases. Highly positive responses were centered on the health classes under the health promotion projects, and as far as health projects for the old are concerned, services for home nursing, for the disabled and for home- alone people are favored most. On the other hand, budgeting, manpower and reorganization are rated as prerequisite to establishment of the service area assigning system. From the viewpoint of system side, the improvement of working conditions is rendered as most urgent, while the information system for establishing the service area assigning system is conceived far from satisfactory. Proper assignment of specialists was noted as mostly important to establish the delivery system for medical service through the service area assigning system by team. As merits of the service area assigning system, it is pointed out that, through the system, health clients can better be managed and the nursing quality will be improved thank to the enhanced specialization. It is also perceived that the district health service is not well prepared to respond to the increased and diversified needs of community people and, furthermore, service programs of health centers have not been fully developed. The most serious problem standing in the way to expansion of health projects is, it is noted, uniformity (formality) of the project. Based on the results of the survey which suggest time has ripen to introduce the service area assigning system, following strategies are proposed to anchor down the system as soon as possible: First, we should introduce the system gradually, starting from the area selected, and in consideration of area specialities, refraining from the hitherto stereotyped way of providing health service. Second, we should seek to properly assign the specialists and improve the working conditions of the assigned officers by securing sufficient budget, since it is a most urgent step to lay foundation for the service area assigning system. Third, best service program should be developed to meet the satisfaction of community people by responding to their needs and solidifying the management of medical clients. Fourth, wide scope of study should further be conducted in order to help this system take roots in the central living of community residents since pilot project on the experimental base attended by specialists only can not win popularity among the masses.

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Development of a Comprehensive Model of Disaster Management in Korea Based on the Result of Response to Sampung Building Collapse (1995), - Disaster Law, and 98 Disaster Preparedness Plan of Seoul City - (우리나라 사고예방과 재난관리 모형 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.289-316
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    • 2000
  • 우리나라의 경우 지역사회 재난 관리계획과 훈련이 보건의료적 모형이라기 보다는 민방위 모형에 입각하기 때문에 사고 현장에서의 환자 중증도 분류, 합리적 환자배분 및 이송, 병원 응급실에서의 대처 등이 체계적으로 이루어지지 못하고 있으며, 지역사회가 이에 즉각적으로 반응할 수 없다. 본 연구는 삼풍 붕괴사고 시에 대응방식과 그 후의 우리나라 응급의료 체계를 분석함으로써 대형사고 예방과 재난관리를 위한 우리나라 응급의료체계의 개선방안과 간호교육에서의 준비부분을 제시하고자 한다. 1 삼풍 사고 발생시에는 이를 관장할 만한 법적 근거인 인위적 재해에 관한 재난관리법이 없었다. 따라서 현장에서는 의학적 명령체계를 확보하지 못했기 때문에 현장에서의 응급 처치는 전혀 이루어지지 못하였다. 현장에서의 중증도 분류. 응급조치와 의뢰, 병원과 현장본부 그리고 구급차간의 통신 체계 두절, 환자 운송 중 의료지시를 받을 수 있도록 인력, 장비, 통신 체계가 준비되지 못하였던 점이 주요한 문제였다. 또한 병원 응급실에서는 재난 계획이 없거나 있었더라도 이를 활성화하여 병원의 운영 체계를 변환해가지 못하였다. 2. 삼풍백화점 붕괴사고 한달 후에는 인위적 재해에 대한 재난관리법이 제정되고, 행정부 수준별로 매년 지역요구에 합당한 재난관리 계획을 세우도록 법으로 규정하였다. 재난 관리법에는 보건의료 측면에서의 현장대응, 주민 참여, 응급 의료적 대처, 정보의 배된. 교육/훈련 등이 포함되어 있어야 한다. 그러나 법적 기반이 마련된 이후에도 한국 재난 계획 내에는 응급의료 측면의 대응 영역은 부처간 역할의 명시가 미흡하며, 현장에서의 응급 대응과정을 수행할 수 있는 운영 지침이 없이 명목상 언급으로 그치고 있기 때문에 계획을 활성화시켜 지역사회에서 운영하기는 어렵다. 즉 이 내용 속에는 사고의 확인 /공고, 응급 사고 지령, 요구 평가, 사상자의 중증도 분류와 안정화, 사상자 수집, 현장 처치 생명보존과 내과 외과적 응급처치가 수반된 이송, 사고 후 정신적 스트레스 관리, 사고의 총괄적 평가 부분에 대한 인력간 부처간 역할과 업무가 분명히 제시되어 있지 못하여, 사고 발생시 가장 중요한 연계적 업무 처리나 부문간 협조를 하기 어렵다. 의료 기관과 응급실/중환자실, 시민 안전을 책임지고 있는 기관들과의 상호 협력의 연계는 부족하다. 즉 현재의 재난 대비 계획 속에는 부처별 분명한 업무 분장, 재난 상황에 따른 시나리오적 대비 계획과 이를 훈련할 틀을 확보하고 있지 못하다. 3. 지방 정부 수준의 재난 계획서에는 재난 발생시 보건의료에 관한 사항 전반을 공공 보건소가 핵심적 역할을 하며 재난 관리에 대처해야 된다고 규정하고 있다. 그러므로 보건소는 지역사회 중심의 재난 관리 계획을 구성하고 이를 운영하며, 재난 현장에서의 응급 치료 대응 과정은 구조/ 구명을 책임지고 있는 공공기관인 소방서와 지역의 응급의료병원에게 위임한다. 즉 지역사회 재난 관리 계획이 보건소 주도하에 관내 병원과 관련기관(소방서. 경찰서)이 협동하여 만들고 업무를 명확히 분담하여 연계방안을 만든다. 이는 재난관리 대처에 성공여부를 결정하는 주요 요인이다. 4 대한 적십자사의 지역사회 주민에 대한 교육 프로그램은 연중 열리고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 교육주제는 건강증진 영역이며. 응급의료 관리는 전체 교육시간의 8%를 차지하며 이중 재난 준비를 위한 주민 교육 프로그램은 없다. 또한 특정 연령층이 모여있는 학교의 경우도 정규 보건교육 시간이 없기 때문에 생명구조나 응급처치를 체계적으로 배우고 연습할 기회가 없으면서 국민의 재난 준비의 기반확대가 되고 있지 못하다. 5. 병원은 재난 관리 위원회를 군성하여 병원의 진료권역 내에 있는 여러 자원을 감안한 포괄적인 재난관리계획을 세우고, 지역사회를 포함한 훈련을 해야 한다. 그러나 현재 병원은 명목상의 재난 관리 계획을 갖고 있을 뿐이다. 6. 재난관리 준비도를 평가할 때 병원응급실 치료 팀의 인력과 장비 등은 비교적 기준을 충족시키고 있었으나 병원의 재난 관리 계획은 전혀 훈련되고 있지 못하였다 그러므로 우리나라 재난 관리의 준비를 위해서는 현장의 응급의료체계, 재난 대응 계획, 이의 훈련을 통한 주민교육이 선행되어야만 개선될 수 있다. 즉 민방위 훈련 모델이 아닌 응급의료 서비스 모델에 입각한 장기적 노력과 재원의 투입이 필요하며, 지역사회를 중심으로 대응 준비와 이의 활성화 전략 개발, 훈련과 연습. 교육에 노력을 부여해야 한다. 7. 현장의 1차 응급처치자에 대해서는 법적으로 명시하고 있는 역할이 없다. 한국에서는 응급구조사 1급과 2급에 대한 교육과 규정을 1995년 이후 응급의료에 관한 법률에서 정하고 있다. 이 교육과정은 미국이 정하고 있는 응급구조사 과정 기준과 유사하지만 실습실이나 현장에서의 실습시간이 절대적으로 부족하다. 덧붙여 승인된 응급구조사 교육 기관의 강사는 강사로서의 자격기준을 충족할 뿐 아니라 실습강사는 대체적으로 1주일의 1/2은 응급 구조차를 탑승하여 현장 활동을 끊임없이 하고 있으며, 실습은 시나리오 유형으로 진행된다. 그러므로 우리나라의 경우 응급 구조사가 현장 기술 인력으로 역할 할 수 있도록 교과과정 내에서 실습을 강화 시켜야하며, 졸업생은 인턴쉽을 통한 현장 능력을 배양시키는 것이 필요하다. 8. 간호사의 경우 응급전문간호사의 자격을 부여받게 됨에 따라, 이를 위한 표준 교육 지침을 개발함으로써 병원 전 처치와 재난시 대응할 수 있는 역량을 보완해야 한다. 또한 현 자격 부여 프로그램 내용을 고려하여 정규자격 간호사가 현장 1차 치료자(first responder)로 역할 할 수 있도록 간호학 교과과정을 부분 보완해야한다.

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The Concept of 'Risk' and the Proportionality Review of Infectious Disease Prevention Measures (감염병 팬데믹에서의 '리스크' 개념과 방역조치에 대한 비례성 심사의 구체화 -집합제한조치에 대한 국내외 판결을 중심으로-)

  • You, Kihoon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.139-207
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    • 2022
  • As various state restrictions on individual freedom were imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns have been raised that excessive infringements on fundamental rights were indiscriminately permitted based on the public interest of preventing infectious diseases. Therefore, the question of how to set acceptable limits of liberty restrictions on individuals has emerged. However, since the phenomenon of infections spreading to the population is only predicted statistically, how to deal with the risk of the infected individual as a subject of legal analysis has become a problem. In the absence of a theoretical framework of legal analysis of risk, the risk of infected individuals during the pandemic was not analyzed strictly, and proportionality review of infection prevention measures was often only an abstract comparison of the importance of public interest and individual rights. Therefore, this research aims to conduct a theoretical review on how risk can be conceptualized legally in a public health crisis, and to develop a theoretical framework for proportionality review of the risk of liberty-limiting measures during a pandemic. Chapter 2 analyzes the legal philosophical concepts of risk, which are the basis for liberty restrictions during a public health crisis, and applies and extends them to the pandemic. Chapter 3 reviews previous studies related to liberty restriction measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and points out they have a limitation that specific criteria for the proportionality review of public health measures in the pandemic have not been presented. Accordingly, Chapter 3 specifies the methodological framework for proportionality review, referring to the theoretical discussion on risks in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 reviews the legitimacy of gathering restriction orders, applying the theoretical discussion in Chapter 2 and the criteria for proportionality review established in Chapter 3. In particular, Section 4 examines logic of proportionality review in judicial precedents over the ban on gathering restrictions implemented in the COVID-19 pandemic. In analyzing the precedents, the logic of proportionality review in each case is critically reviewed and reconstructed based on the theoretical framework presented in this research.

Effects of Visiting Prehabilitation Program against Functional Decline in the Frail Elderly: A Prospective Randomized Community Trial (허약노인을 위한 방문재활 프로그램의 장애발생예방 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-O;Lee, Heeyeon;Ho, Seung Hee;Park, Hyunsuk;Park, Chulwoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1293-1309
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    • 2010
  • This study is aimed to evaluate the effects of community-based prehabilitation program developed to prevent functional decline in the frail elderly and to provide a basis to practically operate this program in the public health care service. From March to August 2009, 110 frail elderly people were recruited among the registered participants of the home visit program in Korea to perform a prospective randomized community trial. We randomly assigned these people into two groups. One group (n=50) participated in the visiting prehabilitation program for 3 months focusing on improving their muscle strength of upper and lower limbs, walking ability, and balancing. The other group (n=60) underwent our visiting fall prevention program for control. To assess the effectiveness of prehabilitation program, physical functioning (PF) and short physical performance battery (SPPB) were measured for the primary outcomes and also some other indicators: exercise performance, nutritional status, emotional functioning, experience of admission, and events of fall. As a result, significant improvements of geriatric functional status were noticed among the participants. After 3 months, PF increased by 1.3 ± 3.8 points in prehabilitation group and decreased by 1.1 ± 5.4 points in controls (p=.020). SPPB improved by 2.4 ± 2.0 points in prehabilitation group and increased only 0.3 ± 1.5 points in controls (p<.001). Significant effects were also shown in their exercise performance tests and emotional status, the number of multiple falls, and the experience of functional decline after the fall (p .002-.038). Visiting prehabilitation program is safe and effective program for frail older adults. Thus, it is strongly recommended to universally adopt this program to prevent functional decline in the frail elderly.

Changes in Mental Health Status of Patients in the Community Treatment Center during the Quarantine Period (생활치료센터 환자의 격리 치료 기간 중 정신건강 상태 변화)

  • Jeong-Wook Seo;Jeonga Yoo;Jin-Yong Jun;Jiho Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.293-308
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    • 2024
  • Background: Assessing the change in mental health status of quarantined patients in community treatment centers at the time of admission and discharge, and inferring the influencing factors. Methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 1,941 quarantined patients from three community treatment centers. Changes in anxiety, psychological distress, post-traumatic stress, depression, and self-harm ideation between admission and discharge were categorized as either "improved" or "worsened." Inference was performed to determine the probability of worsening in mental health status. Results: The mental health status of quarantined patients, such as anxiety and depression, was relatively higher than that of the general population. Anxiety (84.3% improved) and psychological distress (79.0% improved) were reduced during quarantine treatment. However, some patients continued to experience moderate to severe levels of anxiety (11.2%) and psychological distress (11.0%) at discharge. As for depression, the depression of moderate or higher level was increased at the time of discharge (28.7%→36.7%) compared to admission. The deterioration of anxiety and psychological distress was found to be the most significant factor influencing the worsening of depression at discharge (odds ratio [OR] for anxiety deterioration, 2.04; OR for psychological distress deterioration, 3.56). These effects were also observed similarly in post-traumatic stress and self-injury ideation. Conclusion: Improving anxiety and psychological distress among quarantined patients in community treatment centers can reduce the worsening of post-traumatic stress, depression, and self-injury ideation at the time of discharge. These findings provide evidence for the need for active mental health management from the initial stages of quarantine treatment.

Standard Performance Measurements of GE $Advance^{TM}$ Positron Emission Tomography (GE $Advance^{TM}$ 양전자방출단층촬영기의 표준 성능평가)

  • Jeong, Ha-Kyu;Kim, Hee-Joung;Son, Hye-Kyung;Bong, Jung-Kyun;Jung, Hai-Jo;Jeon, Tae-Joo;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Jong-Doo;Yoo, Hyung-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish optimal imaging acquisition conditions for the GE $Advance^{TM}$ PET imaging system by performing the acceptance tests designed by National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) protocol and General Electric Medical Systems (GEMS) test procedures. Materials and Methods: Performance tests were carried out with $^{18}FDG$ radioactivity source and phantoms by using a standard acquisition mode. Transaxial resolution and scatter traction tests were performed with a line source and axial resolution with a point source, respectively. A cylindrical phantom made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was used to measure sensitivity, count rate losses and randoms, uniformity correction, and attenuation inserts were added to measure remaining tests. The test results were acquired in a diagnostic acquisition mode and analyzed mainly on high sensitivity mode. Results: Transaxial resolution and axial resolution were measured as average of 4.65 mm and 3.98 mm at 0 cm, and 6.02 mm and 6.71 mm at 20 cm on high sensitivity mode, respectively. Average scatter fraction was 9.87%, and sensitivity was $225.8kcps/{\mu}Ci/cc$ of trues. Activity at 50% deadtime was $4.6{\mu}Ci/cc$, and the error of count rate correction at that activity was from 1.49% to 3.83%. Average nonuniformity for total slice w3s 8.37%. The accuracy of scatter correction was -0.95%. The accuracies of attenuation correction were 5.68% for air, 0.04% for water and -6.51% for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Conclusion: The results satisfied most acceptance criteria, indicating that the GE $Advance^{TM}$ PET system can be optimally used for clinical applications.

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The Combination of Yin-Yang and Five Elements in Lu's Spring and Autumn - Focusing on the Rules of Four Seasons Thought in the Twelve principle (『여씨춘추(呂氏春秋)』에서의 음양(陰陽)과 오행(五行)의 결합(結合) - 십이기(十二紀)의 월령사상(月令思想)을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Jueun;Yun, Muhak
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.133-164
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    • 2014
  • In "Lu's Spring and Autumn", the ideas of all the schools before Qin Dynasty were compiled and the diagram of the Trinity of heaven, earth and man using the category of Yin-yang and the five elements of the universe since the ancient times was established. This can be assessed to be the blueprint for a unified empire closely connecting time and space, and objects in heaven and on earth centered around human beings. In specific, Yin-yang and the five elements of the universe were combined to categorize and schematize all things in the universe, and connect them to human affairs at the same time. Its contents convert almost all academic fields including politics, economics, society, military, astronomy, geography, medical science, education and history. Particularly, the documents popular during the age of civil wars and the ideas of Jikha scholars were synthesized and specified. Yet, it went beyond simple collection of the thoughts and documents since the ancient times in terms of contents and forms, and the method of 12 months for 1 year was selected and prescript was expanded to the various fields of politics and the society. In the Twelve principle, Yin-yang and the five elements, and the ten celestial stems and the earthly ones were combined, the contradiction from the process was solved, and the Rules of Four Seasons Thought was completed. Therefore, even though some parts of the idea of Yin-yang and the five elements in "Lu's Spring and Autumn" is found here and there from other documents, the unificative systematization of the whole has an important meaning in the history of thought. In summary, it has been proved that the Rules of Four Seasons Thought in "Lu's Spring and Autumn" was not limited to the physical unity of Yin-yang and the five elements of the universe, but qualitatively specified particularly in the aspects of agriculture from the people's side and politics from a leader's position.