• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조재해석

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Quantitative Structure Determinations of Glycine/Cu(100) and Cu(110)

  • Kang, J.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 2006
  • The first quantitative structure determination has been obtained for Cu(100)/glycine $(NH_2CH_3COOH)$. The molecule is adsorbed on the surface via two functional groups: the nitrogen of the amino group and one or both two oxygen atoms of the carboxylate group are bonded in near atop site. The Cu-N is tilted $5^{\circ}\pm4^{\circ}C$, away from the surface normal whilst the Cu-O is tilted by $9^{\circ}\pm2^{\circ}C$. The chemical bonding lengths are determined with $2.05\pm0.02\;{\AA}$ for both Cu-N and Cu-O. This bonding geometry is similar to that of glycine on Cu(110). A reanalysis of O Is from the Cu(110)$(2\times3)$pg-glycine show two oxygen atoms are inequivalent, with one being offset $0.29\;{\AA}$ more than the other.

SLM using GIS data formats for 3D virtual model of research (SLM 포맷을 이용한 GIS 데이터의 3D 가상모델에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Ah;Seo, Laiwon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, devices using the smart ponwa IT service is activated, to research how the fusion of two or more devices will be able to be interest in the soybeans. One of them in the mobile sector through the development of network and hardware digital geo-spatial map of the rapid advances being made and the computer, how do you map data to efficiently simulate a 3D environment, providing services through a virtual environment focused on whether be. In this study, augmented reality and GIS (Geographic Information System), SLM (Static LOD Model) that combines augmented reality technology on the basis of the basic concepts and approaches in geographic space and how Augmented Reality Based on this interpretation of the relevant content What to do in the development and utilization has a purpose. In this study, the conventional SLM 3DS model data structure of a data format conversion of the proposed possibilities for analyzing and, SLM model generation and format of the existing three-dimensional visualization tools SLM model format for converting a format to a model function, and visualization features. In addition, 3D virtual model to propose a format for efficiently making.

A Theoretical Approach to Social Innovation: A Conceptual Typology and Implications (사회혁신의 이론적 고찰 : 개념의 유형화와 함의)

  • Jeong, Seohwa
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.888-914
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    • 2017
  • The main aim of this study is a meta-theoretical investigation to explain the current theoretical landscape of social innovation theories and researches. First of all, this paper makes a typology of social innovation based on concepts and sectors of social innovation. Second, in terms of societal innovation, which it is a kind of social innovation systematic approach, this paper draws some implications for social innovation policy. My key argument is that social innovation could be specified in three different sectors, public innovation, market innovation, and social economy innovation. However, all of them have attention to such as improving a quality of life and making society more sustainable, so it can be argued that those different sectors are structured on social innovation altogether with common goals. Finally, in order to activate the social innovation ecosystem, the government has to play a key role as a facilitator to make sustainable networks and a governance of social innovation that is needed to coordinate between different features and roles of social innovation sectors.

New DNA of the Korean welfare state: Towards social liberalism and freecurity (한국 복지국가의 새로운 DNA: 사회적 자유주의와 자유안정성을 향하여)

  • Choi, Young Jun
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.39-67
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    • 2018
  • The Korean welfare state has achieved remarkable development during the last two decades, but simultaneously we have witnessed growing prevalent social conflicts and exclusion in the society. This research argues that the source of current problems lies in the nature of the Korean welfare regime, so called, 'paternalistic liberalism'. The paternalistic liberalism has been formulated by the combination of legacies of the developmental state and neo-liberalism. Paternalism with the growth-oriented and employment-centered approach has been a significant factor to restrict individuals' freedom and happiness in the Korean welfare state. It has also been embedded in the Korean welfare state such as social insurance, workfare programs, and centralized social services. In this context, this research proposes social liberalism, pursuing real freedom for all, as a new paradigm for the Korean welfare state. Breaking from the old path, Freecurity, combining freedom and security, which is argued to be the upgraded version of flexicurity, is also newly proposed as the operating model of social liberalism.

The theoretical foundation and ideological character of Cho Soang's threefold equalitarianism (조소앙(趙素?) 삼균주의(三均主義)의 사상적 토대와 이념적 성격)

  • Lee, Sangik
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.30
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    • pp.87-121
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    • 2010
  • Soang excavates the idea of equality in our national indigenous thoughts and the theoretical structure of threefold egalitarianism in our traditional Confucianism. He also digests diverse Western thoughts and introduces some of them into his theory. At first sight, his theory looks like an assembly of diverse Western thoughts. However, he always justifies it with our traditions. Even if his theory and political position fails in his time, it gives us valuable instructions. First, if the failure of his political center position means an opening road toward Korean division, his political position must be a future guide for the reunification of Korean peninsula. Second, if the bi-polarization is a serious disease of our society, then his view of egalitarianism must be a efficient guide for curing our society. Third, as European Union shows us, the kingly view of world family is a feasible guide for realizing world peace in future.

An Expression of the theory of 'Corps san Organes' of Deleuze in Contemporary Fashion Design (현대 패션디자인에 반영된 들뢰즈의 기관 없는 신체론과 강도)

  • Wang, Xin-yu;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2020
  • Gill Deleuze is a representative of poststructuralism philosophy who has reevaluated the senses and body. This research reinterprets modern fashion and its relationship with the body based on the core idea of Deleuze's body aesthetics - Body without organs. The results of this study are as follows. First, with the influence of intensity, the body without organs will form three types of body: full body without organs, empty body without organs and cancerous body without organs. Second, modern fashion can create new physical relationships by changing the way of dressing, thus forming the full body without organs. Third, in the empty body without organs, people replace the torture of the body through the destruction of clothing; and the indiscriminate design under egalitarianism will create the cancerous body without organs which full of negative meaning. Through these results, we can have a deeper understanding of the relationship between body and clothing, and apply it to creative expression.

Study on Optimal Design of Traverse Switch System for Maglev Train (자기부상열차용 트레버스 분기기 최적설계 연구)

  • Lee, Younghak;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Lee, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.717-726
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    • 2016
  • Emergency tracks are necessary in case a broken down train evacuates, a train needs to make way for a faster train behind it, or a train suddenly stops and following trains must avoid colliding with it. Magnetic Levitated (maglev) Trains can change track to enter an emergency track using a segmented switch or a traverse switch. On a traverse switch, a train can change its track when the part of the track that the train is on moves to the other track. Currently manufactured Maglev trains have two bodies and the total length is 25 meters. If a traverse switch is used, it will only require 30 meters of track to move the train to the other track, so, when it comes to efficiency of costs and space, the traverse switch surpasses the articulated switch. Therefore, in this paper, an optimized design to secure structural safety and weight lightening is suggested. To achieve these results, the heights of the piled concrete and girders which are both placed on the top of the traverse switch, are set as design variables. The Finite Element Method (FEM), in application of kriging and in the design of the experiments (DOE), is used. Maximum stress, deformation, and structural weight are compared with the results, and through this process structural safety and weight lightening is proven.

춘천-홍천 지역 용두리 편마암 복합체내에 산출하는 남정석: 변성지구조적 의의

  • 조문섭;김종욱
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1993
  • We report on kyanite newly found in the Yongduri gneiss complex of the Chuncheon-Hongcheon area, central Gyeonggi massif. Major mineral assemblage of quartzofeldspathic gneisses in the study area consists of biotite+ garnet+ sillimanite + plagioclase+ quartz${\pm}$kyanite${\pm}$K-feldspar${\pm}$muscovite. Kyanite occurs in four samples, and coexists with sillimanite in three of these samples. In most cases, kyanite is anhedral to subhedral, ranges up to Imm in the maximum dimension, and occurs as metastable relict grains. These observations indicate that the Yongduri gneiss complex has experienced a medium-pressure type metamorphism, followed by low-pressure type one belonging to the sillimanite+K-feldspar zone. Average temperature and pressure of the peak metamorphism are $683{\pm}62^{\circ}C$ and 4.9-5.5 kbar, respectively, when the existing chemical data are re-interpreted. In conjunction with the finding of kyanite in the Cheongpyeong-Gapyeong area (Lee and Cho, 19921, this study demonstrates that kyanite may occur regionally in central Gyeonggi gneiss complex. Moreover, the persistence of kyanite even after the high-T metamorphism of the sillimanitetK-feldspar zone suggests that the central Gyeonggi massif has experienced a tectonometamorphic evolution characterized by a rapid uplift.

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A New Integrative Approach to Geography Education in the Social Studies Subject - with respect to Replacement of Geographical Contents in the Elementary-leveled Learning - (지리 교과의 통합교육적 접근방안 - 초등 사회과 학습 내용 조직을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2001
  • The curriculum of integrated social studies is not conceptually established, but various forms pursuing so-called perfect integrated subject have appeared from elementary school to high school. But we cannot find out desirable integration in the elementary school though the apparent goal is to integrate all kinds of social concepts into one unit. The current method of integration has some problems over advantages people initially expected by integration. It is problematic in that students learn fragmental knowledges of geography without capturing the whole geographical concept structure or obtaining their own geographical viewpoint. Therefore, we purpose to reinterpret integration of social studies and reorganize the current textbook into the right direction under the assumption that simple mixture of knowledges is far from our goal of true integration. For this purpose, we suggest a new method for social studies as an integrated subject. Instead of providing knowledges unrelated to each other into one bundle, it helps students to see the real world in his own knowledge framework equipped with geographical viewpoint. The text we claim will show students that geography consists of three key concepts: physical environment, man and environment, and spatial structure. With this text, they will have an easy access to the relationships between key concepts and details, and between geographical concepts and similar concepts from other disciplines. The proposal contributes to both upcoming textbook development and classroom teaching by eliminating problems in the current social studies teaching.

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Quantification of Directional Properties of Channel Network and Hill Slope (하천망과 사면의 방향성 정량화)

  • Park, Changyeol;Yoo, Chulsang
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.211-211
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    • 2011
  • 지형은 강우에 의한 유역 유출응답을 결정하는 중요한 인자이다. 따라서 유역의 지형형태학적 인자를 수문해석에 이용하기 위한 시도는 긴 역사를 갖는다(Rodriguez-Itube and Valdes, 1979). 지형을 구성하는 대표적인 요소로 하천망과 사면을 들 수 있다. 당연히 이들이 어떤 방식으로 결합되는지에 따라 유출특성의 차이가 발생하게 된다(Zevenbergen and Thorne, 1987; Brierley and Fryirs, 2005). 이에 본 연구에서는 하천유역에서 사면과 하천망의 방향적 특성을 정량화하고, 그 둘 사이의 관계를 살펴보고자 한다. 만일 사면의 방향성과 하천의 방향성이 일정한 관계를 가지고 정량화될 수 있다면, 이러한 특성은 보다 간단히 강우-유출 모형에 고려될 수 있을 것이다. 일례로 확률밀도함수 형태로 제시되는 사면과 하천 방향성을 GIUH 이론에 근거하여 재해석할 수 있다. 궁극적으로는 호우 방향성에 의한 유출응답의 차이를 파악할 수 있게 된다. 본 연구에서는 내성천 유역을 대상으로 하였으며, 대상유역의 수치지형도를 수집하여 DEM을 구축하였다. 하천망 추출을 위해 ArcGIS의 Hydro Tool을 이용하였다. 이들 하천망의 방향성은 von Mises 분포에 적용하여 정량화하였으며, 이를 통해 하천유역에서 하천망의 방향적 특성을 살펴보았다. 추가로 하천망과 사면의 방향적 구조를 확인함으로써 이들 특성이 강우-유출 모형에 유연하게 고려될 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 본 연구에서 고려한 von Mises 분포는 하천망의 방향적 특성을 적절히 표현할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 방위 기준으로 정리한 하천망의 방향성은 하나의 mode 특성이 뚜렷하고, 하천 합류점 하천을 기준으로 정리할 경우에는 두 개의 mode 특성이 뚜렷해짐을 알 수 있었다. (2) 하천망의 방향성은 사면의 방향성과 뚜렷한 관계를 갖는 것을 알 수 있었다. 하천망과 사면의 방향적 결합 구조는 유역의 특성을 보다 현실적으로 묘사할 수 있고, 이들 관계를 가정하고 하천망의 방향성이 정량화된다면, 강우-유출 모형에 이들 특성이 쉽게 반영될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. (3) 하천망의 방향성은 고차 하천일수록 뚜렷한 mode 특성을 나타냄을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 고차 하천일수록 그 방향성이 한반도의 주구조선과 잘 일치하는 것으로 기존 연구성과와도 일치하는 것이다. (4) 하천망의 주방향은 하천연장에 대한 영향을 크게 받음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 대상 하천유역의 유역응답에서 하천유출이 사면유출보다 상대적으로 큰 영향력을 갖기 때문이다. 강우-유출 모형에 하천망 방향성을 고려하기 위해서도 하천연장을 고려하여 이들 방향성을 정량화하는 것이 호우 방향에 보다 뚜렷한 유출반응 특성을 나타낼 것으로 보인다. (5) 본 연구에서 고려한 하천망의 방향성 정량화 방안을 이용할 경우 이들 결과는 유출모형에 고려될 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 유출응답 특성을 정량적으로 파악하는데 이용될 수 있다. 방위 기준으로 정리한 하천망 방향성은 실제 유역에 대한 유출모형에 적용이 가능하며, 하천 합류점을 기준으로 정리한 결과는 호우의 방향성에 대한 유출응답의 반응을 정량적으로 살펴보는데 이용될 수 있다.

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