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A Theoretical Approach to Social Innovation: A Conceptual Typology and Implications  

Jeong, Seohwa (한국행정연구원 정부혁신연구실)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.20, no.4, 2017 , pp. 888-914 More about this Journal
The main aim of this study is a meta-theoretical investigation to explain the current theoretical landscape of social innovation theories and researches. First of all, this paper makes a typology of social innovation based on concepts and sectors of social innovation. Second, in terms of societal innovation, which it is a kind of social innovation systematic approach, this paper draws some implications for social innovation policy. My key argument is that social innovation could be specified in three different sectors, public innovation, market innovation, and social economy innovation. However, all of them have attention to such as improving a quality of life and making society more sustainable, so it can be argued that those different sectors are structured on social innovation altogether with common goals. Finally, in order to activate the social innovation ecosystem, the government has to play a key role as a facilitator to make sustainable networks and a governance of social innovation that is needed to coordinate between different features and roles of social innovation sectors.
Theory of Social Innovation; A Conceptual Typology; Meta-Approach; Bibliometrics; Societal Innovation System;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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