• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구매경험

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Developing the Strategies of Redesigning the Role of Retail Stores Using Cluster Analysis: The Case of Mongolian Retail Company (클러스터링을 통한 유통매장의 역할 재설계 전략 수립: 몽골유통사를 대상으로)

  • Tsatsral Telmentugs;KwangSup Shin
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2023
  • The traditional retail industry significantly changed over the past decade due to the mobile and online technologies. This change has been accompanied by a shift in consumer behavior regarding purchasing patterns. Despite the rise of online shopping, there are still specific categories of products, such as "Processed food" in Mongolia, for which traditional shopping remains the preferred purchase method. To prepare for the inevitable future of retail businesses, firms need to closely analyze the performance of their offline stores to plan their further actions in a new multi-channel environment. Retailers must integrate diverse channels into their operations to stay relevant and adjust to the shifting market. In this research, we have analyzed the performance data such as sales, profit, and amount of sales of offline stores by using clustering approach. From the clustering, we have found the several distinct insights by comparing the circumstances and performance of retail stores. For the certain retail stores, we have proposed three different strategies: a fulfillment hub store between online and offline channels, an experience store to elongate customers' time on the premises, and a merge between two non-related channels that could complement each other to increase traffic based on the store characteristics. With the proposed strategies, it may enhance the user experience and profit at the same time.

Effect of Consumer Confusion on Word of Mouth and Trust Through Anger: Focusing on The Moderation Effect of Consumer's Negative Affectivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty (소비자 혼란이 분노를 통해 구전, 신뢰에 미치는 영향: 소비자의 부정적 감정 성향과 불확실성 인내력 부족의 조절역할을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Sun-Jung;Kang, Bo-Hyeon;Lee, Soo-Hyung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.113-141
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    • 2011
  • Companies are competing each other, and as the competitions became higher, consumer's information processing for purchase became more complicated. Consumer confusion problem is getting more serious, but there are still not much considerations on this problem. The purpose of this study is to find out that the consumer confusion can causes consumer's negative emotion(anger). This research studied the mediation effect of negative emotion on the relationship between consumer confusion, which was classified into three categories, and two consequences, word-of-mouth and trust. And also it concentrates on moderating effects of negative affectivity and intolerance of uncertainty in the relationship between consumer confusion and negative emotion. For the empirical study, we carried out a survey targeting consumers who live in the Dae-gu metropolitan area. The specific results of this study are as follows. First, all sub-dimensions of the consumer confusion had a positive effect on anger. Second, anger had a positive effect on word of mouth and on the other hand, anger had a negative effect on trust. Third, negative affectivity had a moderating effects on the links between overload and ambiguity confusion with anger, and intolerance of uncertainty only had a moderating effects on the links between overload confusion and anger.

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Effects of Nutrition Education Program Based on Social Cognitive Theory for Low Sodium Consumption among Housewives Living in Certain Regions of Seoul (서울시 일부 지역 주부의 나트륨 섭취 감소를 위한 사회인지이론 기반의 영양 교육 프로그램의 적용 및 평가)

  • Baek, Jae Yeon;Yi, Hae-Yeon;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Kirang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.1243-1252
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    • 2017
  • There are limited programs for low sodium intake based on the nutrition education model for housewives who cook family meals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of model-based nutrition programs for low sodium intake among housewives residing in Seoul by incorporating social cognitive theory. A questionnaire survey before and after education was conducted on 140 housewives who participated in the 'Low Sodium Nutritional Education Program' delivered by a district public health center for 12 weeks from November 2015 to January 2016. The contents of the nutrition education program and program evaluation items were based on the action plans for 'Less Sodium Healthy Practice' suggested by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The results show that program participants showed a lower preference for sodium, higher selection of low sodium dishes from restaurants or cafeteria if available, and increased awareness of the need of restaurants to serve low sodium dishes compared to before. In terms of behavioral changes, there were significant improvements in checking nutrition labeling and selection of foods with low sodium, use of low sodium food products, use of natural seasonings to reduce salt intake, and consumption of fast foods and processed foods. On the other hand, requesting less salty meals when ordering and introducing restaurants or cafeterias with healthy and low sodium menus turned out to be difficult to put into practice. In conclusion, the nutrition education program for sodium intake reduction for housewives was effective in increasing knowledge, environment recognition, and behaviors related to low sodium intake but not behaviors related to physical environmental factors. Therefore, further nutrition education programs and practices for sodium intake reduction should be comprehensively implemented with improvement of physical environments for low sodium intake.

A Study on the Knowledge and Use of Essential Oil by People of Different Age -Focused on women in Zhejiang, China-

  • Ying, Qiaomeng;Kim, Kyeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2021
  • With the advent of the age of"untact" modern people are pursuing a healthy body and mind. In order to achieve well-being, LOHAS and Wellness,people prefer to use natural affinity alternative therapies, Aromatherapy. This study focuses on women in their 20s~50s in Zhejiang Province, with the aim of investigating their knowledge and use of essential oils.The questionnaire was divided into four parts: 3 questions for general question, 11 questions for knowledge, 13 questions for use and 9 questions for satisfaction. In addition, the study was conducted using the WeChat and the Wenjuanxing Program from July 5 to August 30, 2019. Finally, a total of 617 questionnaires were analyzed. In this study, SPSS WIN 21.0 program is used for frequency analysis. The level of knowledge and satisfaction is verified by Cronbach's α. And the following analysis results were obtained by frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test(χ2), one-way ANOVA on the understanding level and usege of essential oils according to age. The results were as follows. The most common characteristics of subjects were the 20s, university students, essential oil recognition was high in having experience. There is no great difference in knowledge or satisfaction depending on age. knowledge and satisfaction was moderate. The results of experience in the use of essential oils were higher among all age groups, those who in their 30s did not think that the use of essential oils would be effective. However, people in their 20s and 40s and older have unclear answers, indicating that results showed a difference. The results of the survey on usage showed that there were significant differences in period of use, place of purchase, method of purchase, purpose of use, place of use, number of use, frequency of use, body parts of use. According to the study, awareness and knowledge of essential oils vary according to age, and those in their 20s use essential oils for facial skin, and those in their 30s and older use essential oils for stress relief and body management. This study provides basic information on marketing related to diversified essential oil products according to age.

A Study on the Continuous Usage Intention Factors of O2O Service (O2O 서비스의 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향요인 연구)

  • Sung Yong Jung;Jin Soo Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2018
  • A smart phone has been widely spread around world and makes people enjoy online shopping in any time and any place. Recently it also changes the distribution environment. O2O (Online-to-Offline) service becomes new normal due to its convenience of ease shopping of product and services. O2O service market shows steady and steep growth, It is reported that, however, 80% of the businesses has been discontinued within the first year because of unstable business models, customer dissatisfaction and distrust of service. Therefore, it is very important research issue to find out influential factors promoting continuous usage intention of O2O service. Previous study shows that it only considers online characteristics and lack of analysis about offline characteristics and social impact factors. The purpose of this paper is to find out continuous usage intention factors of O2O services by literature review, case analysis, and empirical test. A comprehensive research model and related hypothesis are developed and tested by using a structural equation, Survey was carried out among users who have used O2O service including payment service for at least once. Finally 611 samples are selected out of total 813 surveys. The result shows that the model is theoretically proved and 12 out of 17 hypotheses are accepted. The contribution of this paper is that it provides a new theoretical research model about continuous usage intention factors as well as practical guidelines about promoting continuous usage and growth strategies of O2O service.

Methodology for Identifying Issues of User Reviews from the Perspective of Evaluation Criteria: Focus on a Hotel Information Site (사용자 리뷰의 평가기준 별 이슈 식별 방법론: 호텔 리뷰 사이트를 중심으로)

  • Byun, Sungho;Lee, Donghoon;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 2016
  • As a result of the growth of Internet data and the rapid development of Internet technology, "big data" analysis has gained prominence as a major approach for evaluating and mining enormous data for various purposes. Especially, in recent years, people tend to share their experiences related to their leisure activities while also reviewing others' inputs concerning their activities. Therefore, by referring to others' leisure activity-related experiences, they are able to gather information that might guarantee them better leisure activities in the future. This phenomenon has appeared throughout many aspects of leisure activities such as movies, traveling, accommodation, and dining. Apart from blogs and social networking sites, many other websites provide a wealth of information related to leisure activities. Most of these websites provide information of each product in various formats depending on different purposes and perspectives. Generally, most of the websites provide the average ratings and detailed reviews of users who actually used products/services, and these ratings and reviews can actually support the decision of potential customers in purchasing the same products/services. However, the existing websites offering information on leisure activities only provide the rating and review based on one stage of a set of evaluation criteria. Therefore, to identify the main issue for each evaluation criterion as well as the characteristics of specific elements comprising each criterion, users have to read a large number of reviews. In particular, as most of the users search for the characteristics of the detailed elements for one or more specific evaluation criteria based on their priorities, they must spend a great deal of time and effort to obtain the desired information by reading more reviews and understanding the contents of such reviews. Although some websites break down the evaluation criteria and direct the user to input their reviews according to different levels of criteria, there exist excessive amounts of input sections that make the whole process inconvenient for the users. Further, problems may arise if a user does not follow the instructions for the input sections or fill in the wrong input sections. Finally, treating the evaluation criteria breakdown as a realistic alternative is difficult, because identifying all the detailed criteria for each evaluation criterion is a challenging task. For example, if a review about a certain hotel has been written, people tend to only write one-stage reviews for various components such as accessibility, rooms, services, or food. These might be the reviews for most frequently asked questions, such as distance between the nearest subway station or condition of the bathroom, but they still lack detailed information for these questions. In addition, in case a breakdown of the evaluation criteria was provided along with various input sections, the user might only fill in the evaluation criterion for accessibility or fill in the wrong information such as information regarding rooms in the evaluation criteria for accessibility. Thus, the reliability of the segmented review will be greatly reduced. In this study, we propose an approach to overcome the limitations of the existing leisure activity information websites, namely, (1) the reliability of reviews for each evaluation criteria and (2) the difficulty of identifying the detailed contents that make up the evaluation criteria. In our proposed methodology, we first identify the review content and construct the lexicon for each evaluation criterion by using the terms that are frequently used for each criterion. Next, the sentences in the review documents containing the terms in the constructed lexicon are decomposed into review units, which are then reconstructed by using the evaluation criteria. Finally, the issues of the constructed review units by evaluation criteria are derived and the summary results are provided. Apart from the derived issues, the review units are also provided. Therefore, this approach aims to help users save on time and effort, because they will only be reading the relevant information they need for each evaluation criterion rather than go through the entire text of review. Our proposed methodology is based on the topic modeling, which is being actively used in text analysis. The review is decomposed into sentence units rather than considering the whole review as a document unit. After being decomposed into individual review units, the review units are reorganized according to each evaluation criterion and then used in the subsequent analysis. This work largely differs from the existing topic modeling-based studies. In this paper, we collected 423 reviews from hotel information websites and decomposed these reviews into 4,860 review units. We then reorganized the review units according to six different evaluation criteria. By applying these review units in our methodology, the analysis results can be introduced, and the utility of proposed methodology can be demonstrated.

Perceptions of school meal services of middle school students and dieticians/dietetic teachers in Gwangju area according to the conversion of free meal services (무상급식 전환에 따른 광주지역 중학생과 영양(교)사의 학교급식에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Sook-Wha;Heo, Young-Ran;Ro, Hee-Kyong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction with and perception of the school meal service according to middle school students and dieticians/dietetic teachers in Gwangju area who experienced change to the free meal service and the main contents were as follows. Methods: The research subjects were 197 students (99 boys and 98 girls) and 42 dieticians/dietetic teachers were recruited. Results: Compared to the free meal service before, satisfaction of students was high (53.8%), and 69.9% of students said there was no change in the school meals, however a significant difference was observed between gender. Overall 80.2% of middle school students said that there was no change in menu, 70.6% were no change in the frequency of food with high preference, and 64.0% were no change in leftover of meals. 85.7% of dieticians/dietetic teachers said that there was no change in the student's satisfaction according to the conversion of free meal services; 59.5% of dieticians/dietetic teachers said that there was no change in the frequency of foods with high preference, the variety of vegetables was increased in the qualitative change item of food materials, and 95% of them were not aware of change in the amount of students' leftover foods. Dieticians/dietetic teachers had limitations in selecting menus with purchase and costs of food materials (26.2%) by conversion of the free meal service and their priority considered was the food cost (45.2%) when they selected menus. Change in feeding affairs was office work management (26.2%) and recipe research and development (19.0%). Conclusion: With the results of this study, the satisfaction with the school meal service was not changed in the awareness of students and dieticians/dietetic teachers. Therefore further study is needed to determine the middle school's satisfaction with school meals based on a variety of factors including the environmental food meal services.

A Study on the Factors that Determine the Initial Success of Start-Up (스타트업의 초기 성공을 결정하는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Ho;Yun, Hwangbo;Gong, Chang-Hoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to find out which factors determine the success of start-up in the initial market and what are the most important determinants. For the empirical analysis, the questionnaire related to the analysis of success factors for start-up success was designed according to the quantitative analysis (AHP technique). First, we selected 8 representative success factors for successful start-up in the initial market. In order to determine the degree of priority among these factors, we surveyed 12 entrepreneurs who are interested in entrepreneurship, universities, research institutes, and public officials. As a result of the empirical analysis, 51% of the funds in the tier 1 were ranked as the top priority to determine success factors. Followed by research and development (32.5%), management (8.7%) and marketing (7.8%). In particular, when each of the four items is calculated as 100 according to the result of the tier 1, and the tier 2 is converted, the foreign investment is analyzed as 43.7%. It was followed by 15.14% of R & D facilities, 14.07% of ideas, 8.7% of managerial ability, 7.29% of domestic investment, 5.85% of buyer feedback, 3.3% of development strategy and 1.95% of marketing strategy. Among the eight success factors, overseas investment items showed the closest preference to half, and it was the most important variable that determines the success or failure of market entry. The implication of this study is that many start-ups in Korea expect to receive investment and support from overseas accelerators. This means that overseas investment itself has been recognized as a start-up that makes services and products that can be used in the global market. A high preference for attracting foreign investment is due to the fact that the amount of investment is larger than that of Korea and that it can flexibly cope with the pressure on the performance compared to domestic investors. In this study, it was meaningful that we could confirm this fact through questionnaires of start-up experts. In future research, we need to find a viable alternative through studying how to provide start-up to foreign direct investment at the national level.

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The Effect of The Types of Manufacturing Factories on Transferred Essence and Consumers' Perceived Value: Moderating Safety Product Betrayal (제조공장 유형이 본질 전이와 소비자의 가치 인식에 미치는 영향: 안전제품 배신을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Heonbae;Lee, Yongju
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2016
  • In order to extend FOO, this research has the object to demonstrate existing the difference of transferred essence and value between the types of factories(Original factory vs Extended factory). A safety product should save consumers from possible harm or risk, but it sometimes gives directly some damage to consumers. For example, like the issue of a germicide problem in 2016, a germicide killed consumers because of harmful chemistry even it should kept their health. This situation refer to 'Safety product betrayal', we expected that safety product betrayal presence/absence conditions moderate the relationship between types of factories, transferred essence and value. We selected a car air-bag as a safety product for study and implemented one study with total 213 participants. As a result, the participants evaluated the value of an air-bag manufactured throughout an original factory higher than the value of an air-bag manufactured throughout an extended factory. Futhermore, they evaluated the transferred brand essence of an original factory's air-bag higher than an extended factory's. However, in the safety product betrayal presence condition, the difference of value and transferred essence between an original factory and an extend factory was disappeared. Indeed, once consumers experienced or saw safety product betrayal, they avoided to buy or use safety products. Therefore, consumers evaluated the value and transferred essence of betrayed safety products is low without the types of manufacturing factories. From the past to now, there was no paper about the relationship between the types of manufacturing factories(Orignal factory vs Extended factory) and safety product betrayal in Korea. Therefore, this research on FOO and safety product betrayal can give new theoretical and operational contribution. In the conclusion, we discussed the contribution of the study results and proposed the limitation and future study.

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Personification of On-line Shopping Mall -Focusing on the Social Presence- (온라인 쇼핑몰의 의인화 전략 -사회적 실재감을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Ju-Sik
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-172
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    • 2012
  • While e-commerce market(B2C) grows rapidly, many experts argue that EC(B2C) transactions have not reached its full potential. A notable difference between online and offline consumer markets that is suppressing the growth of EC(B2C) is the decreased presence of human and social elements in the online shopping environments. Generally online shopping lacks human warmth and sociability. In this study, social presence in online shopping mall was proposed as a substitute for face-to-face social interaction in the traditional commerce and author explored what variables affect social presence(human warmth and sociability) on online shopping malls and how human warmth and sociability can influence on online store loyalty. To achieve research objectives, we reviewed literatures related with marketing, psychology and communication research areas. Based on literature review, we proposed a research model on the online shopping mall. To examine the proposed research model, we gathered data by using a self-report questionnaire. Respondents consists of online shoppers with at least five or more times of purchase experience in online shopping malls. Because social presence is a feeling which needs frequent contacts with malls to experience, respondents must have enough purchase experiences. The empirical results are as follows : First, shopping mall's customization efforts influence perceived social presence on the mall significantly. Second, shopping mall's responsiveness influences perceived social presence significantly. Third, perceived activity of community of online shopping mall influences perceived social presence significantly. Mall managers have to activate their customer community to reinforce social presence, resulting in trust building. Finally, perceived social presence influences trust and enjoyment on the mall significantly. And then trust and enjoyment on the mall affect store loyalty significantly. From these findings it can be inferred that perceived social presence appears determinant which is critical to the formation of core variables(trust and loyalty) in existing online shopping papers.

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