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A Study on the Knowledge and Use of Essential Oil by People of Different Age -Focused on women in Zhejiang, China-  

Ying, Qiaomeng (Dept. of Beauty Science, Kwangju Women's University)
Kim, Kyeong-Ran (Dept. of Beauty Science, Kwangju Women's University)
With the advent of the age of"untact" modern people are pursuing a healthy body and mind. In order to achieve well-being, LOHAS and Wellness,people prefer to use natural affinity alternative therapies, Aromatherapy. This study focuses on women in their 20s~50s in Zhejiang Province, with the aim of investigating their knowledge and use of essential oils.The questionnaire was divided into four parts: 3 questions for general question, 11 questions for knowledge, 13 questions for use and 9 questions for satisfaction. In addition, the study was conducted using the WeChat and the Wenjuanxing Program from July 5 to August 30, 2019. Finally, a total of 617 questionnaires were analyzed. In this study, SPSS WIN 21.0 program is used for frequency analysis. The level of knowledge and satisfaction is verified by Cronbach's α. And the following analysis results were obtained by frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test(χ2), one-way ANOVA on the understanding level and usege of essential oils according to age. The results were as follows. The most common characteristics of subjects were the 20s, university students, essential oil recognition was high in having experience. There is no great difference in knowledge or satisfaction depending on age. knowledge and satisfaction was moderate. The results of experience in the use of essential oils were higher among all age groups, those who in their 30s did not think that the use of essential oils would be effective. However, people in their 20s and 40s and older have unclear answers, indicating that results showed a difference. The results of the survey on usage showed that there were significant differences in period of use, place of purchase, method of purchase, purpose of use, place of use, number of use, frequency of use, body parts of use. According to the study, awareness and knowledge of essential oils vary according to age, and those in their 20s use essential oils for facial skin, and those in their 30s and older use essential oils for stress relief and body management. This study provides basic information on marketing related to diversified essential oil products according to age.
Chinese Women; Age; Essential Oil; Knowledge and Usege;
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