• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교실 기자재

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An Integrated Management System of the Educational Equipments and Contents of Secondary School (중등학교의 교육 기자재 및 콘텐츠 통합 관리 시스템)

  • Park, Sun Hwa;Park, Jae Heung;Seo, Yeong Geon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2015
  • These days due to the introduction of the subject classroom system, the classrooms for the subject are arranged and various advanced educational equipment is provided in the classroom such as the actual object image processor, electronic blackboard, and educational photographer which are helpful to the class. With the increase of these equipments, the number of remote controller of individual educational equipment also increases, therefore it is complicate to manage the remote controllers and teachers need to learn the usage of them. So the system supports a remote control for managing the educational equipment by the one remote controller and the instructional supplement. The system consists of the hardware which is similar to popular remote controller and the software which is installed on the teacher's PC and supports controlling the educational equipments, recording the instruction, writing on the blackboard, and automatic power off of the equipment. By introducing the system the teacher could reduce the time consumed by the equipment's control and useless electric waste.

Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction of Kwanghee Middll School Building (서울 광희중학교 재개발계획 연구요약)

  • Min, Chang-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 1996
  • 본 연구는 광희중학교 학구내에서 재개발로 인하여 증가되는 인구수을 예측하여 장래 중학교 학생수를 예측하였다. 2016까지 학급당 학생수를 37명으로 하고 36학급 규모의 학교를 추구한다면 중학교는 적어도 1개 더 건축하여야만 재개발로 늘어나는 제1학군의 학생수를 수용할 수있을 것음을 분석하였다. 또, 교과과정을 분석한 결과 도덕 2.5교실, 국어 6교실, 사회 5교실, 수학 5교실, 과학 5교실, 체육 4교실, 음악 2교실, 미술 2교실, 가정 1.5교실, 기술 3교실, 영어 5.5교실, 한문 1교실, 컴퓨터 1교실로 분석되어 이용율이 88%가 되었다. 본 연구는 광희중학교 구체적 건축계획에 앞서 계획의 모델을 설정하여 이를 토대로 계획에 임하였다. 광희중학교 주변의 접근성, 교통 조건, 소음 상태, 지역사회인의 이용, 전망 등의 환경 분석을 토대로 4개의 죠닝(Zonning)안을 제시하여 평가한 후 가장 바람직한 안을 선정하였다. 이를 토대로 브록(Block)프랜을 5개 작성하여 평가후 1개 안을 채택하여 구체적 평면 계획안을 작성하였다. 36학급 37명 학생수를 기준으로 교과교실형으로 계획하였으며 특별 교실형의 학습도 가능하게 계획하였다. 교수, 학습의 복합화에 대처하여 칸막이를 이동 가능한 형태로 계획하였으며, 일반 교과도 컴퓨터를 이용한 수업이 가능하게 정보 코너를 설치하였다. 지역사회인에게 열린 교실이 되게 계획하였고 개별 학습이 가능한 구조로 계획하교 기자재의 선진화를 대비한 학습 환경의 제고도 고려하였다. 본 연구의 입면 형상은 주변 건물과 조화되게 수평적 요소가 강조되는 형상이 되도록 계획하며 고층의 아파트의 위협을 상쇄시키기 위하여 지붕이 있는 구조로 계획하여 지역사회에서 중심임을 강조하도록 계획하였다.

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Analysis of Overseas Cases and Field Requirements for SW Education Classrooms (SW교육 교실 구축을 위한 해외 사례 및 현장 요구조사 분석)

  • Ahn, Sung Hun
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.355-364
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, in order to prepare a classroom model that can effectively operate SW education, this study explored cases of creative educational space construction overseas and conducted a demand survey on elementary and middle school teachers. As a result, in overseas cases, classrooms were constructed in various forms, and furniture in the classrooms were produced in various shapes and sizes, and the cases using advanced equipment were explored. As a result of the survey on the education site, it was found that the most desired installation is a fluid type that can restructure the space by freely moving the facilities according to the teaching method. The results of the analysis are expected to be of great help in rebuilding computer labs or building infrastructure for future SW training.

The Influence of the repeated learning of moving picture materials applying 'the development of mathematical power' program on The Self-Directed Learning (수학적 힘의 신장 프로그램을 적용한 교실 수업 동영상 자료 반복 학습이 자기 주도적 학습에 미치는 영향 - 수학 I 을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun Kyung-Hae
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.20 no.2 s.26
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    • pp.295-326
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    • 2006
  • Despite the importance of mathematics education, many students in high school have lost their interests and felt difficulties and they don't have 'mathematical' experience with meanings attached because of the entrance examination. This paper attempted to resolve these problems and find the teaching-method with which students can study by themselves with more confidence. Nowadays students' use of Internet is very popular. After develop 'the development of mathematical power' program based on mathematics history, history, science, the application of problems in real world, and self-evaluation, I made students repeat them after making teaching lessons in classroom as moving pictures. Through this processes, I attempted to develop the Self-Directed Learning' ability by making public education substantial. First of all I analyzed the actual conditions on 'Self-Directed Learning' ability in mathematics subject, the conditions of seeing and hearing in Internet learning program, and students' and their parents' interests in Internet education. By analyzing the records, I observed the significance of the introducing mathematics history in mathematics subject in early stager, cooperative-learning, leveled-learning, self-directed learning, and Internet learning. Actually in aspect of applying 'the development of mathematical power' program, at first I made up the educational conditions to fix the program, collected the teaching materials, established the system of teaching-learning model, developed materials for the learning applying Internet mail and instruments of classroom, and carried out instruction to establish and practice mathematics learning plan. Then I applied the teaching-learning model of leveled cooperation and presentation loaming and at the same time constructed and used the leveled learning materials of complementary, average, and advanced process and instructed to watch teaching moving pictures through Internet mail and in the classroom. After that I observed how effective this program was through the interest arid attitude toward mathematics subject, learning accomplishment, and the change of self-directed learning. Finally, I wrote the conclusion and suggestion on the preparation of conditions fur the students' voluntary participation in mathematics learning and the project and application on 'the development of mathematical power' program and repeated learning with the materials of moving pictures in classroom.

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Analysis on the Teachers' Utilization Levels of Smart Devices for Their Improvement (스마트기기에 대한 교사의 활용 수준과 개선 사항에 대한 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Chongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2014
  • Smart classrooms have been set up nationwide to utilize smart devices for teaching and learning in the knowledge- based society, As this trend might quickly spread, we have investigated the utilization levels, and issues around the facilities from the experienced teachers. In order to study the impact of easy access to smart devices, the teacher sampling groups were divided into two: one teacher group responsible for smart classrooms and the other group teaching in ordinary classrooms. Survey questions dealt with teacher needs analyses, their expectation of their students' attitude changes, their satisfaction and utilization levels of smart devices currently built in classrooms. The results showed us that teachers have vague expectation about the smart devices and want more highly applicable devices for instruction, improvement of their compatibility with other multimedia devices or applications as well as to improve the resolution of electronic boards. and basic functions of information search and videos that they use everyday.

An Analysis of Compatibility and Usability of Digital Textbook and Device in The Smart Classroom (스마트 교실에서 디지털교과서와 디바이스 호환성, 사용성 분석)

  • Choi, Sang-hyeon;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.338-341
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    • 2016
  • Smart Education began with the smart generation. But It did not activated and stopped Provisionally. Because Digital contents for smart education are low quality, and education devices are expensive. In this paper, we analyze compatibility and usability of essential digital textbook and device in smart education. Through this paper to indicate the optimum effectiveness in using a limited budget. To activate the smart education spread again. To enhance its position as the home of Smart Education. Improve the quality of education and to contribute to the future development of the nation.

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Analysis of the Difficulties in the Development of Programs and Class Management in the Hands-on Science Class and Demands for Training of Instructors (생활과학교실 강사의 프로그램 개발과 수업 운영에서 겪는 어려움 및 연수에 대한 요구 분석)

  • Sung-Man, Lim;Han-Sol, Kim;Ha-Na, Choi;Na-Eun, Lee;Seong-Un, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.322-334
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to understand the difficulties experienced in program development and class operation of instructors in the hands-on science class and the needs for training based on them. For this study, an online survey was conducted on 193 instructors in the hands-on science class in 2022, and interviews were conducted on 13 instructors. As a result, the difficulties of developing programs for hands-on science class instructors were due to lack of class content, lack of program development budget, lack of equipment necessary for class operation, and difficulty in applying various educational methods such as discussion and practice. The preferred training contents were in the order of the latest science and technology, reconstruction methods of existing programs, and regional specialization technology. In addition, it was found that the difficulties experienced by instructors in class management stemmed from the method of operating hands-on science classes using experience kits. Accordingly, instructor education should be provided in the direction of helping instructors to provide the best education in the situation of the hands-on science classroom.

Analysis of Perception about Maker Education by Invention Class Students (발명 교실 학생들의 메이커 교육에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Byun, Moonkyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • The goal of this study is to analyze and understand invention classes, student's experiences, and motivation to suggest a future direction for K-12 Maker Education in Makerspace. We collected qualitative data using open-ended survey from 100 Invention class students. Through data analysis, we could explore perceptions of students about their inventions and meaningful experiences when they used technologies for enhancing their idea and problem finding ability using interpretive approach. We found that the main themes are (1) Perception and motivation to join in the invention class courses, (2) Perception and the normal method of obtaining the idea on invention, (3) Finding new technology for enhancing of knowledge for the invention, and (4) Relevance of the learning experience and invention activities in Makerspace. As a result of this study, we found that the educational programs using technologies should focus on supporting implement of prototypes instead of helping students create their own ideas in Makerspace.

Basic Study on the Establishment of AI Convergence Education Room (인공지능융합교육실 구축에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the information education plan of the Ministry of Education and offices of education was analyzed in relation to the construction of the AI convergence education room. And based on this, an appropriate construction direction was suggested. For research, AI convergence education room construction plan, budget amount per school and etc were analyzed in the information education plan of the Ministry of Education, KERIS, KOFAC, and the plan of leading schools for AI education. Although the Ministry of Education is making various efforts to promote SW education and artificial intelligence convergence education, it is found that the number is far insufficient compared to the number of elementary, middle and high schools. Efforts to expand the information education room at the government level are continuously required, and in order to utilize the developed artificial intelligence convergence education room, it is necessary to provide abundant teaching and learning examples for the construction space model. In addition, school-level planning and execution must be followed so that the constructed space can be used appropriately, and management and maintenance plans for equipment are required.

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A Design and Implementation of the EasySoft for Ingenuity development (창의력 계발을 위한 EasySoft 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Kang, Ki-Jun;Seo, Young-Geon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.10b
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    • pp.1269-1272
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    • 2001
  • EasySoft(이하:ES)는 컴퓨터를 처음 배우는 초급자에서부터 프로그래밍 가능자에 이르기까지 다양한 범위의 학습자에게 통합 교과적인 지식을 토대로 알고리즘 교육을 제공하여, 창의성과 논리성 계발의 효과를 거둘 수 있도록 만들어진 학습기자재이다. ES는 EasyLab, EasyC, Visual Basic과 같이 ActiveX를 지원하는 툴과 연동하여 사용한 수 있는 ActiveX 제어도구(EasyOCX)로 구성되어 있다. 학습자는 ES를 통하여 자신의 생각을 구성, 알고리즘화 시켜 프로그래밍하고 코드를 로봇으로 전송하여, 로봇의 움직임과 자신의 의도를 비교, 연구, 반복하는 작업으로 학습하게 된다. ES는 학습기자재가 부족한 교실현장에서 직접 활용할 수 있도록 구성된 것으로, 흥미적 요소와 교육적 요소를 적절하게 조화 시킨 소프트웨어이다. EasyLab은 컴퓨터를 모르는 학습자도 알기쉬운 GUI식 흐름도 기반 S/W를 표방하므로 초등학교에서, EasyOCX나 EasyC의 경우는 EasyLab과 유사한 방식을 추구하되 직접 프로그래밍 하게 되어있어 한 단계 높은 중 고등학교의 교수장면에서 직접 활용이 가능하다.

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