• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교수자 요구분석

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The Effect of Instruction for 'Family Life Planning' based on Backward Design on Learners' Understanding and Satisfaction (백워드 수업설계를 적용한 '가족생활 설계' 영역 수업이 학습자의 이해도 및 수업만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoo, Se Jong;Lee, Yon Suk
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to conduct the instruction for 'Family Life Planning' based on backward design and measured the learners' understanding and satisfaction for testing validity. In short, the result of this study are as follows: In this study, first of all, the students could explain significant concepts, knowledge, and principles for the planning of family life; they could interpret and apply them; they have perspectives on them; they could empathize them; and they could have self-knowledge. The students could also accomplish high achievements for important concepts related to the field of family life planning. In conclusion, this study showed that the developed instruction was very effective for the students to achieve fruitful results, accelerating the learners' persistent understanding. Second, the learners had high satisfaction on the instruction of Family Life Planning based on backward design with the average score of 3.68 out of the perfect score 4. The students could be satisfied with the developed instruction since they could have high interest in the class thanks to diverse learning materials, and they could take an active part in the learning tasks based on group activities and questions. Also they could apply the contents that they learned through task performances to new situation and context. Therefore, this study proved that the developed instruction enhanced the learners' satisfaction on class.

Professional Practical of Physical Activities and Support Requests from Child Care Center Teachers of Infants Aged 1 to 2 (어린이집 영아반교사(1~2세반)의 신체활동 실행과 지원요구)

  • Lee, Young Shim
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data on physical activity management plans for different developmental levels in infants. This study analyses the difference between support requests and the professional practical of evaluations, content selection, and physical activity management plans displayed by teachers of one and two-year-old infants. Methods: The subjects of the study were 221 teachers from child care centers throughout J-do to whom a questionnaire containing 51 questions was distributed. Collected data was verified with a chi-squared test and an independent samples t-test. Results: First, among variables of professional practical of physical activities, some factors including class size, class planners and leaders, the number of outdoor classes per week and requisite time, parts of related education plans, parts of content selection for physical activities, and parts of the evaluation of physical activities showed significant differences depending on the class. Second, among variables of support requests when implementing physical activities, some factors including methods of preparing physical activity plans, teaching -learning methods, evaluation methods, body expression activity programs, and parts of physical exercise in the standardized child care curriculum of refresher and extension courses showed significant differences depending on the class. Conclusion/Implications: This study discusses the effective management of refresher and extension courses as a way to improve physical activity management plans and teachers' support requests for infants aged 1 to 2.

A Study on the Objectives of Cultural Property Education for establish of the U.V.E.C.(Understand, Value, Enjoy, Create) Cultural Property Education (U.V.E.C.(Understand, Value, Enjoy, Create) 문화재교육 정립을 위한 문화재교육 목표 연구)

  • PARK Sanghye
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.278-294
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    • 2022
  • To date, cultural property education has seen rapid quantitative growth due to national and personal needs. However, qualitative growth is lacking. The objectives of cultural property education have not been established, and therefore, even its identity is not clear. The most pressing issue at present in cultural property education is to first set objectives. This study aimed to analyze the objectives of current cultural property education, identify the problems, and set new objectives to meet significant national and personal needs in terms of education. The problems with the objectives of current cultural property education are that the persons interested in the education do not understand the concept of the education objectives clearly and that the objectives do not contain much actual content of the education. Also, the objectives of the education do not take into account the dynamic competencies and interests of the learners and do not satisfy the changes of the times. To solve these problems, new cultural property education, called 'U.V.E.C.,' was offerred. U.V.E.C. education is aimed at understanding cultural properties, recognizing their value, and enjoying them, and at creating culture. The objectives of U.V.E.C. cultural property education were set such that they can be modified flexibly in a learner-centric way with clear and practical format and contents. Based on this direction, stepwise objectives were set including overall objectives, detailed objectives, and practice objectives, and objective cases of each step were proposed. Considering the generality of the education and the distinct characteristics of the cultural properties, the U.V.E.C. education objectives took into account the diversity of behavioral objectives, clearness in statements, the objectives of problem solving, the initiative of learners and openness for expression outcomes. The U.V.E.C. objectives are clear and specific so that teachers can enhance their pedagogical efficiency and learners are able to develop interesting and diversified competencies. In addition, it is expected that the U.V.E.C. objectives will significantly affect objective setting for education on cultural properties which have not been studied widely. Further systemic and specific studies on the contents and methods of the U.V.E.C. education would help to change the overall education on cultural properties and position the field as a new academic area.

Analysis of User Demand for University Library Services in Korea (국내 대학도서관 이용자 수요 분석)

  • YouRa Youn;Youngmi Jung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.229-254
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    • 2023
  • The university library's service strategy needs to be established based on users, who are actual service consumers, including an outlook on changes in the social environment. Accordingly, in this study, college and graduate students, instructors, and researchers who are university library users were identified to understand users' perceptions of the university library functions and services currently provided, and the demand for services that need to be improved or developed. Data was collected through an online survey, with 1,216 responses from the student group and 433 responses from the researcher group. The survey results were organized by each group, and implications were drawn from common results. First, it was found that both groups had a continuous demand for strengthening the collection and access to information resources. Second, there was a need to expand information provision services, such as strengthening the sharing of information resources through cooperation with other organizations and wishing to use overseas academic materials in various ways. Third, although the library was recognized as an important institution, it was found that satisfactory use was not achieved due to lack of publicity. Fourth, it was found that university libraries recognize that they must provide open services to everyone without discrimination. The results of this study can be used as basic data when establishing strategies to develop and improve university library services optimized for users.

Development of 'the safety' theme-based integrated teaching·learning process plans for the middle school Home Economics Instruction (중학교 가정과 수업을 위한 '안전' 주제 중심 통합 교수·학습 과정안 개발)

  • Kim, Nam Eun;Chae, Jung Hyun;Cho, Jae Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the safety theme-based integrated teaching learning process plans for the middle school Home Economics(HE) Instruction and ultimately to contribute for the middle school students to live their safe lives. To achieve the goals of this study, HE curriculum documents from the 1st to the 2015 revision were analyzed and a survey was conducted to identify the middle school students' current status of safety accidents and needs on the HE safety education. The respondents of the survey were the 512 students of one ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ Girls' Middle School in Busan. And then, the seven integrated themes were selected, each seven integrated theme-networks were formed, and safety theme-based Home Economics curriculum and learning materials were developed. The results of this study were as the follows. The safety education content has continually been included from the first HE curriculum of 1954 to the 2015 revised HE curriculum. The middle school student respondents highly needed the content of 'the methods to deal with sexual violence and prostitution prevention', 'suicide prevention', and 'bullying net' for the HE safety education. All the 42 items were needed for the HE safety education by the respondents. The safety theme-based HE teaching learning process plans developed finally included the seven integrated themes, which were (1) dietary life safety, (2) adolescents' sex and safety, (3) adolescents' relationships with friends and safety, (4) family life and safety, (5) dwelling life and safety, (6) adolescents' egos and safety, and (7) social environment and safety. Each integrated theme consisted of three to six small themes, which amounted to total 28(for 35 lessons). Each small theme was presented with learning objectives and particular goals. The total 157 learning materials including the Home Economics curriculum were developed, which offered learning objectives and content for each safety theme, total 28 teaching and learning plans(for 35 lessons) were developed, which offered specific instructions for the easy implementation of the curriculum in the classroom, 28 PPTs, 25 film materials, four reading materials, 61 workbooks, 14 activity sheets, 16 evaluation sheets, 3 test sheets, 2 reference materials, and 4 learning material models(the refrigerator model, traffic lights for discussions, food tray model and stickers, and food mileage card). In this study, the safety education themes of 'clothing life and safety', 'conflict and safety', 'professional life and safety', and 'consumer and safety' were not addressed because these theme were not needed highly by the respondents. Therefore, for the further development of the teaching learning process plans for the HE safety education, it is necessary to develop and evaluate the teaching learning process plans to address the themes of 'clothing life and safety', 'conflict and safety', 'professional life and safety', and 'consumer and safety'.

The Content Analysis of the Clothing Life Unit in the Technology.Home Economics Textbooks of Middle School Based on the Elaboration Theory (정교화 교수이론에 근거한 중학교 기술.가정 교과서 의생활 영역 분석)

  • Heo, YoungSun;Choi, MinJi;Son, Juyoung;Kim, SaetByeol;Baek, MinKyung;Shim, Huensup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed the 12 different technology home economics textbooks I, II for middle school students and the content systems of the textbooks by 7 instructional strategies in Reigeluth's elaboration theory. The units analyzed were 'Clothing and self-expression' and 'Eco-friendly clothing life and recycling by reform'. The purpose of this study was to provide basic information for the development of textbooks and teaching materials by analyzing current textbooks. Researchers analyzed the textbooks individually using pre-developed analysis frame using Reigeluth's elaboration theory. The results of the study were as follows. The conceptual elaboration process was used in the unit of 'Clothing and self-expression' of all the textbooks used in this study, and procedural elaboration process was mostly used in the unit of 'Eco-friendly clothing life and recycling by reform'. The strategies of advance learning ability were presented mostly in the forms of 'Learning Objective', 'Thought Opening', 'Key terms' in either unit and sub unit. The strategies of summarizer were presented as 'Unit Summary', 'Cleanup' and 'Assessment'. The strategies of synthesizer were used in all the textbooks as the 'Exploration' to increase the students interest through the promotion of the learning content in a variety of activities and projects. The cognitive activator strategies were shown in all of the textbooks using mostly 'Figure,' and others such as 'Table,' 'Diagram', and 'Explanation of Terms'. The strategies of learner control were used to guide the supplement and deepen the learning by various forms. However the analogy strategies were hardly used in units of textbooks analyzed in this study. As a result, the technology home economics textbooks I, II for middle school students applied the Reigeluth's elaboration theory, except the analogy strategies. It is recommended to utilize th analogy strategies and various activities to enhance the students' understanding and participation.

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Job/Occupational Analysis of Secondary Mechanical and Metallurgical Education Teachers Using the DACUM Methodology (데이컴(DACUM) 기법을 활용한 기계·금속 교사의 직무 분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hoon;Seo, Won-Seok;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Jo, Han-Jin;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.130-154
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical and metallurgical education (MME) teachers' job using the Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) methodology. To accomplish the purpose of this study, an MME teachers' job/occupational analysis was conducted in the following steps: "Planning the DACUM workshop," "Recruiting/Constructing the DACUM committee members," "Providing the DACUM orientation," "Holding the DACUM workshop," "Verifying the DACUM result," and "Refining the DACUM chart based on verification data." The DACUM job/occupational analysis was conducted by fifteen DACUM committee members in the DACUM workshop in January, 2015; moreover, the DACUM chart of the MME teachers was verified by the group of subject matter experts. The major findings of the study were as follows. First, this study defined the MME teachers who taught mechanical and metallurgical-related subjects to students with the secondary education teacher certification and performed work related to character education, career guidance, life guidance, and others in a specialized high school, the Meister high school. Second, this study determined 16 duties and 199 tasks for fulfilling the MME teachers' job; moreover, the study extracted the importance, difficulty, and frequency of each task and demand for the entry-level workforce. Third, this study provides the DACUM research chart based on the job/occupational analysis results of the MME teachers.

Development of teacher training program for smart education (스마트교육 교사연수 프로그램개발)

  • Jeon, Me-Ae;Maeng, Joon-Hee;Chun, Se-Yeoung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.102-127
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a training program on smart education for teachers, which will contribute to establishing and promoting smart education in schools. To achieve the purpose, researchers set up a process composed of five phases: analysis, design, development,s implementation and assessment. For details of the training program, analysis was conducted on areas such as environment, learners and assignments, and the results were used to design the five subjects - theory and practice of smart education; use of smart education platform; solutions for smart teaching and learning; case studies of smart education; and smart education practice and addiction to smart devices - and 12 learning assignments. Training materials for teachers taking the program and teaching materials that can be used by teachers in schools were developed based on the results of requirement analysis and program design. For the assessment, 72 teachers from elementary and middle schools in D city participated in the training program of through the smart education research centers designated as an in-service training center for teachers. The program was finally completed by incorporating assessments of the participants and consultations with experts. The discussions made in the process of the program development will provide suggestions for future development of training programs on smart education for teachers.

The Study on the Guidelines for Designing the Contents of On-line learning in Design field (디자인 분야의 원격 강의 컨텐츠 개발을 위한 고려 사항)

  • 윤지영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2003
  • This study attempted to explore the guidelines for designing the contents of on-line learning in design field. The studies on the characteristics of design education and design major students as well as the guidelines for on-line learning were also reviewed. The guidelines for designing the contents of distance learning in design field were suggested through the synthesis and analysis of the former studies and the characteristics of design education and the learning style of Korean students. It could be concluded that the considerations were categorized into the following factors; quality of instruction, quality of presentation technique, quality of interaction, quality of evaluation and other surrounding factors. The finding can be used as a helpful guideline for the instructors of the design field who start on-line learning.

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A research on mathematics teachers' perceptions of mathematics education (수학교육에 대한 우리나라 수학교사의 인식조사 연구)

  • Kim, Somin;Kim, Hong-Kyeom
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.423-442
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    • 2019
  • Stepping into the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, we need new mathematics education plans and policies to foster talent in people for future. Investigating the present condition and teachers' perceptions of mathematics education in schools is an essential process in making mathematics education plans and policies that reflect the periodical changes and social needs. Thus, we developed a survey to investigate teachers' perceptions and present condition of mathematics education, conducted the survey for teachers in elementary, middle, and high schools, and analyzed the results of the survey. In this study, focusing on the results of the survey, we interpreted the results and provided implications for mathematics educational policies. Through frequency analysis of individual questionnaires and crosstabulation analysis between questionnaires, we could provide mathematics teachers' overall perceptions of mathematics education and basic information on the conditions of mathematics education in the schools. In addition, the findings of this study suggest that policymakers should consider the followings when developing new mathematics education plans and policies: having the proper number of students per class, reducing non-teaching work, supporting teachers' expertise in evaluation, improving Internet access and technology equipment, supporting the school administrators' change of perceptions of mathematics education, retraining teachers in the active use of ICT or technological tools, and supporting students having difficulty learning mathematics.