• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교사 인식

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Perception and need of directors, child care teachers, and pre-service teachers on revised child care practicum (보육실습 개정안에 따른 어린이집 원장, 보육교사, 예비보육교사의 인식 및 요구)

  • Choi, Suk-Ran;Seo, Won-Kyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and need for the revised child care practicum (January, 2017) in Korea. The participants were in three groups: 32 directors, 143 child care teachers and 130 pre-service teachers. Questionnaire were used ot collect the data and t-test, x-test and ANOVA were done for analysis. All three groups responded positively for the revised edition (extending the period of practicum from 4 weeks to 6 weeks). And perceived the extending the period is necessary for the quality of child care centers. Directors with the higher level of education perceived the revision clearly than others. Most of teachers perceived the change through teacher retraining program. All groups pointed out for the implementing the revised edition successfully, supporting and cooperative system is in need for three groups.

Changes in a Novice Teacher's Epistemological Framing for Facilitating Small-Group Modeling: From "Filling in Blanks" to "Social Construction of Scientific Reasoning" (소집단 모형구성 수업 진행에서 나타난 초임 과학 교사의 인식론적 프레이밍 변화 탐색 -'빈칸 채우기'에서 '사회적 추론 구성'으로-)

  • Eun-Ju Lee;Heui-Baik Kim;Soo-Yean Shim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2024
  • The aim of this study was to explore how a novice science teacher's epistemological framing, characterized from her modeling instruction, evolved over time. We observed that the teachers' framing changed over time, as she collaborated with researchers to plan, facilitate, and reflect on a series of lessons to support students' small-group scientific modeling. We tried to understand how such experiences contributed to the changes in her framing. One 8th grade science teacher with two years of teaching experience participated in the study. The teacher collaborated with researchers for four months to co-plan and facilitate 18 lessons that included small-group scientific modeling. She also engaged in cogenerative reflection on the lessons for 13 times. All of her lessons and reflections were video-recorded, transcribed, and qualitatively analyzed for the purpose of the study. Our findings showed that the teacher's epistemological framing, characterized from her interactions with students during modeling lessons, evolved during the study period: transitioning from an emphasis on students merely "filling in blanks" to prioritizing "constructing personal reasoning" and ultimately to focusing on the "social construction of scientific reasoning." The teacher's perception about what students are capable of changed, as she observed students during the modeling lessons, and this led to the shifts in her framing. Furthermore, through her engagement in planning, implementing, and reflecting on modeling lessons with researchers, she came to recognize the value of student collaboration in knowledge-building processes. These results can offer implications for supporting and studying teachers' epistemological framing and modeling-based teaching by partnering with them.

The Change of Pre-Service Science Teachers' Epistemological Views of Education in the Field Education Programs (현장교육 프로그램에 따른 예비과학교사들의 인식론적 교육관의 변화)

  • Maeng, Hee-Ju
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.304-316
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the change of pre-service science teachers' epistemological views of education according to the stages of the field education programs application. For this study, surveys and interviews were carried out threes times before and after participation through participant observation of classes and teaching practices. All data recorded and collected of 28 pre-service science teachers who had answered entire surveys were transcribed and analyzed. The conclusion is as follows; before the participant observation of classes, the pre-service science teachers had views of traditional education affected by epistemology of objectivism. After the participant observation of classes, the views of traditional education increased due to in-service teachers that showed teaching methods through the course of the participant observation. However, it was changed significantly into the views of modern education affected by epistemology of constructivism through the course of the teaching practices. Based on the conclusions of this study, it was identified that the field education programs might have both positive and negative influence on the change of the views of education for the pre-service science teachers. Therefore, Pre-service science teachers should have a opportunity to intensify of constructivism epistemological views of education through the field education programs. The teacher training institutions have to provide systematic and organic cooperation with schools.

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An Analysis of Understanding Aspects Required by Teachers and Perceived by Students in the 'Reproduction and Genesis' unit (생식과 발생 단원에서 교사가 요구하는 이해와 학생이 인식하는 이해 측면 분석)

  • Kim, Myung-hee;Chu, Cho-won;Kim, Young-Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.600-608
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    • 2011
  • The ultimate goal of instruction is for learners to understand contents they have to learn in class. Therefore, shedding light is needed on the characteristics of understanding required by teachers and perceived by students when class is conducted for the purpose of understanding. To do this, 87 middle school teachers were requested to write down questions they asked to improve the understanding of learners in 'reproduction and genesis' unit. They were categorized according to Wiggins & McTighe's six aspects of understanding and a questionnaire was developed based on the data. A survey was conducted on 90 teachers and 370 ninth-grade students. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the teachers demanded explaining, interpreting and perspective a lot, but applying, empathy and self-knowledge were scarcely required. Second, the teachers demanded explaining the most, and the students as well. The next aspect of understanding in both groups was interpreting, followed by perspective, applying, empathy and self-knowledge. There were significant differences among the opinions of the students according to gender (p<0.05). Third, the students persevered explaining, applying and self-knowledge the same way as the teachers demanded, but not for interpreting, perspective and empathy. This study is expected to provide some information to achieve the instruction objectives of understanding successfully.

The Environmental Perceptions of Pre-service Secondary School Teachers about the Global Environment (지구 환경에 대한 예비 중등 교사의 환경 인식)

  • Cheong, Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental perceptions of pre-service secondary school teachers about the global environment. The Subjects are 133 pre-service secondary school teachers. As an indicator of environmental perceptions, the modified New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) instrument was used. This modified NEP instrument consists of four dimensions: the negative results of growth and technology, relation of humankind and nature, quality of life, and limits of biosphere. The results of this study suggested that a majority of pre-service secondary teachers held ecological environmental perceptions. They also had a similar environmental perception to education major. However, there were significant differences in environmental perceptions and the variables of education experience on environment-related subjects. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that environment-related subjects. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that environmental education be a mandatory course in education programs.

Mathematics Teachers' Perspectives on Competencies for Good Teaching and Perspective Teacher Education (좋은 수학수업을 위해 수학교사에게 필요한 역량과 교사교육에 대한 현직교사의 인식조사)

  • Kang, Hyun-Young;Ko, Eun-Sung;Kim, Tae-Sun;Cho, Wan-Young;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa;Lee, Dong-Hwan
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.633-649
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    • 2011
  • A variety of competencies for good teaching in mathematics has been discussed. It has been expected that there is discordance between researchers and teachers' perspectives on the competencies. We attempted to investigate teachers' perspectives rather than researchers' to narrow the possible discordance. First, we built a list of competencies for good teaching that mathematics teachers should meet by reviewing literatures. Second, we investigated mathematics teachers' perceptions about what requirements teachers should meet for good teaching, how mathematics learning experiences at the university level influence teachers' competence cultivation, and how pre-service teacher education influence teachers' competence building. Based on the results, we discussed mathematics teachers' competencies for good teaching and provided implications for pre-service teacher education.

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A Study on pre-service mathematics teachers' perceptions of the role and teaching guidance of cooperating teachers in mathematics teaching practicum (수학과 수업실습에서 실습지도교사의 지도 활동 및 역할에 관한 교육실습생들의 인식 연구)

  • Han, Hyesook
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.747-769
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate pre-service mathematics teachers' perceptions of the role of cooperating teachers and teacher interactions during teaching practicum. Thirty-four pre-service mathematics teachers who finished student teaching participated in the study. The researcher collected data from various sources such as a questionnaire, interviews, and written documents. According to the results of the study, more than 50 percent of the participants showed negative responses to all of the questionnaire items on teaching activities or guidance of cooperating teachers. Cooperating teachers mainly played a role in the stage of reflection of student teacher's teaching practice, and they provided specific feedback and guidance of teaching and learning methods and contents. Cooperating teachers played roles as (mathematics) teacher educators, classroom observers, and co-teachers, but their roles as teacher educators or co-teachers should be more stressed for pre-service mathematics teachers' professional development.

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Discrepancy between the Perception and Reality of early Childhood Educators Regarding Creative Competency of the early Childhood Education Institutions (유아교육기관의 창의적 역량에 대한 유아교사의 인식과 실행 간 차이)

  • Kim, Soo-Im;Jung, Na-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2016
  • This research studies the discrepancy between the perception and reality of the early childhood educators regarding the creative competency of the early childhood education institutions, and the differences stemming from the background characteristics of the educators. Subjects were 114 early childhood educators drawn from kindergartens in Daegu and Gyeongbuk province. 180 questionnaires were delivered through physical visit or mail to the institutions. The collected data were analyzed using t-tests, one-way ANOVA and the Scheffe post hoc test, and the result is as thus. Firstly, the discrepancy between the perception and the reality of the educators was significantly different in all sub-domains. Secondly, The discrepancy between the perception and reality, according to the background characteristics, showed significantly different in the following domains: according to the position of the educators, in some sub-domains of autonomy; according to the academic background, in some sub-domains of the leadership; according to the career of the educators, in some sub-domains of diversity; and according to the age of the educators, in some sub-domains of diversity and leadership.

Perception and Change of the Values on Mathematics Learning by Fifth Graders Through the Teaching of a Master Teacher (수석교사의 수업에 따른 초등학교 5학년 학생들의 수학 학습 가치의 인식 및 변화 양상)

  • Pang, Jeong Suk;Yim, Min Jae
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.405-435
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    • 2019
  • Despite the recent emphasis on value research in mathematics education along with the significance of values from a new perspective, there has been a lack of research on the values perceived by teachers and students in Korea. This paper analyzes how fifth-grade students would perceive the values of a master teacher with expertise in elementary mathematics education after her teaching of mathematics and whether their values on mathematics learning would change. According to the study, the students recognized that the master teacher valued understanding, preview-review, picture, problem, and reason in mathematics learning. Among these, the value of understanding was perceived as the core value. An analysis of the students' values on general mathematics learning and personal mathematics learning showed that preview and review were the most important before and after the master teachers' teaching. An analysis of the changes in the values of students showed the greatest change in the value of understanding. Instead of accepting the values of the master teacher as it were, students actively reconstructed and maintained them. Based on these results, this paper has drawn implications regarding the consideration of students' values in mathematics learning.

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