• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학교수 방법

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Analyses of Science Education Theories in the Question Items of the Examination for Appointing Secondary School Science Teachers (중등과학교사임용시험 문항에 나타난 과학교육학 이론의 분석)

  • Lee, Bongwoo;Shim, Kew-Cheol;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Kim, Jonghee;Choi, Jaehyeok;Park, Eunmi;Yoon, Jihyun;Kwon, Yongju;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.794-806
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze what kinds of science education theories are targeted in the "Examination for Appointing Secondary School Science Teachers (EASST)." For the analyses, we extracted the contents related to the science education theories in the question items of the EASST of 2008 through 2012, and categorized those theories into science curriculum, history of science and philosophy of science, scientific inquiry, theory of teaching and learning, model of teaching and learning, and assessment. The results of this study indicated that the theory of teaching and learning appeared most frequently and there were high proportions of question items related to the following topics: contents in science curriculum, scientific method, contemporary philosophy of science, process of inquiry, Ausubel's theory, learning cycle model by Lawson, cooperative learning, criteria of performance assessment, and etc. While we, as science educators, believed that the other categories such as 'history of science' provides important topics for pre-service science teachers, questions items dealing with those were rarely found in the past EASSTs. As EASST has strong influences on the professional developments of pre-service science teachers, more research should be pursued on how much and what domains of science education theories would be appropriate for the test.

소집단 협동학습이 교양 천문학 수업에 미치는 영향

  • 이명현;김석환;김은주;김주환
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.31-31
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    • 2004
  • 2002년 2학기부터 천문학 전공자들과 커뮤니케이션 및 교육학 전공자 사이의 학제 간 협력을 통해서 교양 천문학 수업 향상을 위한 연구를 해오고 있다. 특히 과학을 전공하지 않는 대학생을 위한 천문학교육 컨텐츠 개발과 교수 방법에서의 커뮤니케이션의 역할에 초점을 맞춰서 연구를 진행해왔다. 2002년 2학기부터 2003년 2학기까지 연세대학교 교양 과목인 ‘우주의 이해’ 수강학생들을 대상으로 실시한 소집단 협동학습의 결과를 학생 상호간 커뮤니케이션 능력과 학업 성취도를 중심으로 논의한다. (중략)

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과학영재학교 교육과정 운영실태와 학생 반응분석

  • 문경근;박일영;박수경;정권순;추봉욱;곽미용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for the Gifted Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2003
  • 2002년 3월부터 영재교육법 시행령이 적용됨에 따라 과학기술부에서는 교육인적자원부, 부산광역시 교육청과의 협약을 통하여 부산과학고등학교를 과학영재학교로 지정하였으며 2003년 3월 신입생 입학 이후 현재까지 운영되고 있다. 과학영재를 조기에 발굴하여 맞춤식 교육을 체계적으로 실천함으로써 지식기반 사회를 선도할 수 있는 창의적인 과학영재를 육성하려는 과학영재학교의 설립목적에 부합되도록 계획, 운영, 평가되기 위해서 현재 진행되고 있는 운영 전반에 대하여 점검 및 분석이 이루어질 필요가 있다. 이에 과학영재학교 운영상의 주요 측면인 교육과정 운영 분야에 대하여 그 실태와 학생 반응을 분석하는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 과학영재학교의 교육과정 기본 방침은 과학 분야에 대한 깊은 이해와 논리적, 비판적, 창의적 사고력과 태도를 통하여 지식을 창출하는 자기 주도적 탐구자의 양성을 전제로 하고 있으며 교육과정 편제는 교과, 자율연구, 위탁교육 및 특별활동으로 구성되어있다. 교과에는 국어, 사회, 외국어, 예체능을 포함하는 보통교과와 수학, 과학, 정보과학을 포함하는 전공교과가 있다(과학영재학교 교수요목안내서, 2003). 본 연구에서 교육과정 편제, R&E, 교수학습 및 평가의 하위 영역별로 그 실태와 각 영역별 학생 설문 결과를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영재학교 교육과정 편제 및 운영에 대한 학생들의 인식을 조사한 결과, 심화 선택과목의 학점 비중을 더 높여야한다는 의견과 보통교과의 학점을 줄이고 전공교과의 학점을 늘려야 한다는 의견이 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 대상 학생들이 과학영재학교 선발과정에서 수학, 과학 각 분야별 우수자로 선발된 경우가 많아 학생 개인적으로 자신감을 가지는 과목만 집중적으로 학습하고자 하는 의도의 반영으로 볼 수 있다. 이와 관련하여 영재교육과정의 운영지침(이상천, 2002)에 의하면, 대학 수준의 내용을 그대로 도입하는 속진보다 창의성과 사고력 계발에 보다 충실할 수 있도록 내용의 폭을 넓히고 접근방법을 달리하는 심화 중심으로 교육과정을 구성하고 운영한다고 하였다. 그러나 현재 개발된 교육과정 편성과 운영은 창의성 교육의 구현보다는 압축형 속진 교육과정의 특성이 강하여, 이와 같은 운영지침을 실현하기 어려운 것이 현실이므로 교육과정 편제의 개선이나 운영지침에 적합한 교육내용의 개발이 시급히 이루어져야 할 것이다. 둘째, R&E(Research & Education)는‘연구를 통한 교육’,‘교육을 통한 연구’를 의미하며 과학영재교육과정의 가장 큰 특징이라 할 수 있는 자율연구와 위탁교육을 위한 프로그램이다.

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Changes in Teachers' Beliefs of Science Teaching and Learning Through Inservice Program Experiences Focusing on Student-Centeredness (학생중심성에 초점을 맞춘 교사 연수프로그램을 통한 과학교사들의 과학수업과 학습에 대한 신념 변화 연구)

  • Shin, Myeong-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2004
  • For teachers to develop new beliefs regarding science teaching and learning, they must undergo a process similar to what they are trying to provide their students. Seventy-one Korean secondary school teachers including 20 earth science teachers have participated in such process. In the four-week long summer workshop hosted by University of Iowa, science teachers were exposed to several activities and lectures wherein they experienced student-centered lessons by playing the roles of both teachers and learners. This study examined the influence of such experience on the teachers’ beliefs about science teaching and learning. Changes in teachers’ beliefs were found in seven question items on the subjects of goals of science learning, the roles of science teachers and students, and classroom practices after workshop participation; it was found that teachers’ beliefs of science learning and teaching shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered. Although this shift does not denote a complete shift from one extreme to the other, it is meaningful to note that teachers’ beliefs after attending the workshop were interpreted to be either anti- or contrary to teacher-centered. One of the possible factors for making such positive changes may have been teamwork or the teachers’ cooperative learning experience.

An Analysis of the Problems of Experiment and Observation in Elementary Science Instruction (초등학교 과학과 실험 및 관찰 수업 사례에서 나타난 수업의 문제점: 도시 지역의 수업 사례를 중심으로)

  • 정은영;홍미영
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the problems of elementary science instruction, especially in experiment and observation, and suggest the directions to improve current elementary science instruction in terms of teaching methods and strategies. Data from instructions implemented by 7 elementary teachers were used to extract the problem of elementary science instruction. According to the results of instruction observation, such problems as follows are identified: 1) shortage of discussion regarding results of students' activities, 2) insufficiency of interactions among teacher-student/student-student, 3) shortage of guidance for students on observation, 4) absence of explanation on apparatus, 5) teachers' insufficient knowledge on science, 6) inappropriate use of teacher-made worksheets. Desirable directions for the improvement of present elementary science instruction were proposed.

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Exploring Writing Education Standards for Secondary School Science Teachers (중등 과학교사 글쓰기 교육 기준 탐색)

  • Eo, Seon-Sug;Cho, Hee-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.182-200
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    • 2012
  • There is growing recognition that secondary students must be given the opportunity to write in their science classrooms as well as in scientific inquiry based learning situations, yet the development of writing education standards for secondary school science teachers still needs to be addressed. The primary objective of this research was to explore the writing education standard for secondary school science teachers. The research objective was attained through the use of literature analyses. Drawing upon those results of the related literature analyses, this study suggests a list of writing education standards for secondary school science teachers. The list consists of 17 education standards and includes 42 sub-standards in total across four education areas.

A Comparative Analysis of the Teaching-Learning Program for the Thinking Extension of Information-Gifted by Models (정보영재의 사고력 신장을 위한 교수-학습 프로그램의 모형별 결과 비교 분석)

  • Deok-Gil Jung;Byung-Joe Kim;Young-Uhg Lho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1162-1165
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    • 2008
  • 이 논문은 정보영재 교육 중에서 프로그래밍을 위한 사고력 신장에 적합한 교육 프로그램 모형을 개발하고 이의 구현을 위하여 실제적인 예를 보여 교육 프로그램의 타당성과 유효성을 검증하였다. 이 논문은 트리와 트리 탐색을 이용한 사고력 신장 교육 프로그램으로 4단계로 구성되는 교육 프로그램을 제안하였으며, 구성되는 트리의 유형과 탐색 방법에 따라 세 가지 모형으로 세분화된다. 이 모델을 통하여 학생들은 문제를 트리로 표현하는 방법을 학습하게 되며, 트리로 구성된 문제를 해결하기 위하여 각각의 트리 모형에 따른 적절한 트리 탐색 방법을 통하여 문제를 해결하는 방법을 배우게 된다. 이 교육 프로그램 모형을 실제 교육 현장에서 적용하여 각 모형별로 그 결과를 비교 분석한다.

What is Most Important in Science Class: Various Perspectives on Teaching Abilities (과학 수업에서 무엇이 가장 중요한가: 학습지도 능력에 대한 다양한 관점)

  • Han, JaeYoung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 2011
  • Science class is the starting point of science education where science teacher and students meet together to teach and learn science. Therefore successful science class is the main concern of various educational partakers, such as teachers, students, parents, school administrators, and science education researchers. In order to find what is important among the teaching abilities of science teachers, a survey was conducted to the various educational partakers. As the result of survey, students chose 'progressing a lesson' and 'teacher's attitude' are important, and in-service teachers chose 'analyzing learner characteristics and curriculum' and 'teacher-student interaction' are important, while the pre-service teachers and parents chose 'teacher-student interaction' and 'progressing a lesson' are important. In addition, the school administrators chose 'setting up teaching-learning strategy' and science education researchers chose 'understanding curriculum and developing teaching-learning method' is important along with 'analyzing learner characteristics and curriculum.' In the communication on science education among different educational partakers, these result can be used as the basic information to understand the different perspectives on a science class.

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A Study on the Learning Objectives, Instructional Design, and Evaluation Methods in the Software Developing Education (소프트웨어 제작 분야의 성취 목표, 교수학습 방법 및 평가 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Young-Sik;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2014
  • Software developing education teaches students computer programming, which allows them to actively use IT and talk to computers. In this study, we analyzed computer science curriculum in the United Kingdom, the United States, India, and Estonia. In order to teach 1st - 9th grade students computer programming, we suggested the learning objectives, instructional design, and evaluation methods in software developing education focusing on Information Science. The objectives were divided into four phases, which were determined by age and grade level. Then, we determined 2-3 outcomes for each phase.

A Fundamental Study on Developing the Enrichment Curriculum for Gifted Children in Informatics Education Using Delphi Method (Delphi 기법을 적용한 심화형 정보 영재교육과정 개발의 기초연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Sun;Kim, Yung-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the enrichment curriculum connected to a Revised Version of 7th National Informatics Curriculum in Middle School for gifted students in IT education. This study uses a Delphi Method to develop a curriculum which is comprised of educational objectives, educational contents, teaching-learning method and educational evaluation. This study carried out a three-round delphi survey in 'The problem-solving method and its procedure' field from grade 1 to grade 3. In this study, first, the responses of the experts about educational objectives, educational contents, teaching-learning method and educational evaluation of each grade were analyzed. Second, organized items were designed. Finally, important items were selected by statistics.

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