• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과제중심접근

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A Study on The Comic Presentation Through Three-Dimensional Shot (입체적인 쇼트를 통한 코믹연출연구)

  • Hwang, Kil-Nam;Kim, Jae-Woong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2008
  • When making a comic film, the comic presentation that uses stress and exaggeration is the important subject among other things. In this study we tried to investigate the comic effect using the movement of three-dimensional shot. To conduct this study, we extracted the shot manufactured through the Flow Motion of a 3D Production Program Virtual Camera and a High Speed Motion Picture Camera. The shot manufactured applying this manufacturing skill and using three-dimensional production method for the video contents efficiently made was classified into several scenes. The focus of this study is to search for the factor that makes the atmosphere of a story comic through three-dimensional production shot. According to the shot analysis, three-dimensional production method plays a role in developing more stories on space and time by visualizing stories in three dimensions, which makes the most use of the movement of camera, lens and the utilization of focus. In addition, in the presentation where many comic and exaggerated factors are provided, we used the technology that stresses a scene using the size of a shot and the lasting time and presented the method that exaggerates space using a 3D Production Program Virtual Camera and a High Speed Motion Picture Camera. By reviewing the qualitative improvement and the efficient method on making comic films through the possibility that the atmosphere of this three-dimensional shot can apply to the effect for comic presentation, we tried to approach the comic presentation.

Impact Analysis for Transit Oriented Street Design (A Case Study for Kangnam Street in Seoul) (대중교통우선가로제 시행방안 및 기대효과 분석 (강남대로 중앙버스전용차로 도입을 중심으로))

  • 황기연;이조영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2003
  • Considering the high density developments along the major traffic corridors in Seoul, transit-oriented street designs will be a very effective to control traffic congestion along the corridors. For testing the effectiveness, we selected. for our case study, Kangnam Street, which is one of the most highly developed corridors in Seoul The traffic study on Kangnam street in 2000 shows that the daily average bus speed is 11.73km/h, which is 5km/h lower than the auto speed. The Central Bus Lane system was applied on the Kangnam street to test impact on bus speed as well as auto speed. Simulation results show that with Central Bus Lane have been improved the travel speeds of bus as well as auto on Kangnam street from 14.4km/hr to 35.0km/hr and from 25.1km/hr to 26.1km/hr, respectively. The bus market share increases about 6-8 percentages. Especially, 13.4% of bus users are increased for long-distance trips.

Trends in Child Sexual Abuse Literature -Articles Published from 2000 to 2008- (아동성학대 연구 경향 -2000~2008에 발표된 국내외 주요 학술지 논문을 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, Hye-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.32
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    • pp.129-160
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    • 2010
  • This paper provides a review of research in the area of child(hood) sexual abuse. Particularly, the paper focuses on understanding the direction of research trends in Korea on this topic by evaluating the methodological changes, diversity of topics, and factors associated with research participants. The systemic, comprehensive review includes 28 articles in 14 primary Korean Journals and 261 articles in "Child Abuse and Neglect" and "Child Maltreatment" published from 2000 to 2008. Foci of the reviewing process were; (1) Do the transition of research methods follow scientific saturation? (2) What are the main subject areas of the field? (3)Who are the research participants and from where were they recruited? The review finds that overall, the number of CSA studies fluctuated in early 2000, but remained stable which means that academic interests have remained along with the social concern. The Korean CSA studies are imbalanced in terms of scientific saturation. Studies with theoretical methods are short in numbers, but there is a rapidly growing number of research using qualitative approaches. The review also highlights that most quantitative research utilized cross-sectional survey methodology. The major research themes that were most frequently found were studies on factors associated with CSA and evaluation of treatment modalities. However, research on perpetrators and measurement scale development were rather rare. In the CA&N and CM articles, study participants are frequently recruited from mental health clinics or related social agencies. Korean samples usually come from schools than communities and young children and their mothers seem to be excessively represented. Balanced research efforts are strongly suggested.

Characteristics of Youth Attraction Types by Industrial Complexes in Korea (산업단지 청년유인력 유형별 특성 분석: 청년유인력 종합지수를 중심으로)

  • Sa, Hoseok;Woo, Hansoun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.181-200
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    • 2021
  • The phenomenon that young people avoid employment in industrial complexes, which is one of the biggest issues at social and economic dimension, is getting more important. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of youth attraction types by industrial complexes by making Youth Attraction Index. First, as the correlation between youth distribution of each industrial complex and youth attraction index of each industrial complex is analyzed, it shows a high level of correlation coefficient. There is also positive correlation between youth distribution of industrial complexes and other specific sectors except for accessibility. In addition, industrial complexes with superior working environment, innovation environment and amenities of surrounded areas are included in type I(type with superior youth attraction) and different characteristics are shown by each type. In consideration of these, policy priorities of each type are suggested. Based on these results, customized package programs need to be established for each type of youth attraction.

Project Management for the Productivity Improvement of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): Industrial Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises (중소기업 생산성 향상을 위한 기계설비 제작 프로젝트 관리: 산업기계설비 제조기업을 중심으로)

  • Song, Youngmin;Jeong, Jongpil;Park, Byungjun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, it was found that most of the machinery facilities problems generated by clients could be prevented in advance by systematically managing the mechanical equipment production process of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that produce machinery facilities. Major point of this process is to establish an operating system that corresponds to reality of facility manufacturers as it represents 63% of machinery facilities problems that occur in customers and is a task that needs to be solved most intensively. Technical issues account for 23% of machinery facilities problems occurring at the client's companies and should be approached from a long-term perspective as they are directly related to the technical capabilities of the manufacturers. Organizational problems account for 14% of machinery facilities problems occurring in customer companies, and can change depending on the relationship of members and the nature of the human being, such as morality and motivation. In addition, we propose the establishment of an Internet-based production process management platform for smooth and efficient transfer of information between customers and machinery facilities manufacturers.

The First Year of the Moon Jae-In Government: An Assessment (문재인 정부 1년의 평가와 전망)

  • Kang, Won-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims at making an assessment about the first year of the Moon Jae-in government. President Moon was elected amid political insecurity over the impeachment of then-president Park Geun-hye. However, the Moon administration settled in fairly smoothly despite no transition period of presidential power. Political and economic stability was soon restored, and the tensions between the US and North Korea over the North's nuclear weapons program were, to some extent, managed along with the agreement of the North-South summit and the US-North Korea summit. Pyeongchang hosted the 2018 winter olympics and paralympics successfully. Moon continued very positive approval ratings of higher than 70%. However, he has something to be desired. His leadership seems to rely heavily on a limited number of close staff in the Blue House, alienating the governing the Minjoo Party of Korea. He should build better relationship with opposition parties particularly given a divided government. Rectification of the lingering negative practices should also produce institutional solutions. Above all, Moon should carefully watch out to prevent scandals over corruption and power abuse around him and his family, which would lead to a precipitous decline of the approval ratings and the abrupt weakening of the leadership.

A Study on the Supply Status and Methods of Improvement for Social Welfare Facilities -Focused on the Senior·Child·Disabled Welfare Facilities- (사회복지시설 공급현황 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 -노인·아동·장애인 복지시설을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Byung-so;Lee, Myeong-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.337-355
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    • 2021
  • Demographic changes such as an aging and low fertility, as well as changes in industrial structure and residential environment, revealed the limitations of urban development policies. Accordingly, the government is making efforts to ensure a prosperous life for the people by including the plan to expand the living SOC in the national urban regeneration policy. The main priority tasks of the Living SOC include the establishment of welfare infrastructure for children and the vulnerable. This means that interest in welfare is increasing recently. In this study, we analyzed the supply status of welfare facilities for the senior, child and the disabled in 17 cities and provinces nationwide using LQ (Location Quotient). After analyzing the causes of the imbalance in the supply of welfare facilities by region, the improvement plan was suggested. Each welfare facility was highly localized by region, especially the accessibility gap between cities and provinces is very large. Welfare finances were similar in most cities and provinces, with the exception of some cities and provinces. In the case of cities with very high living standards, sufficient facilities were not provided. Improvement methods are as follows; Combination of welfare facilities that can maximize space efficiency, Securing appropriate welfare finance in consideration of living standards by city and province, Differentiation of supply method considering demand and user types for welfare facilities.

The Effect of Resource Scarcity on Ageism in the Younger Generation: The Moderating Effect of Socioeconomic Status (자원 부족이 청년세대의 노인차별주의에 미치는 영향: 사회경제적 지위의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Inyeong;Park, Hyekyung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.139-165
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we focused on the socio-structural factors that cause ageism, investigating whether the influence of the resource scarcity on ageism in the younger generation depends on socioeconomic status. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an online study of 219 adults in their 20s and 30s. Specifically, participants were randomly assigned to either the resource scarcity priming condition or the control condition, and completed a writing task. After this, participants responded to ageism and socioeconomic status items. As a result, the effect of resource scarcity on ageism was not significant. However, we found that socioeconomic status moderated the impact of resource scarcity on ageism. In other words, resource scarcity priming has been shown to significantly reduce ageism for individuals who have relatively lower socioeconomic status. This finding is in line with previous studies in which people of low socioeconomic status were found to be more sympathetic to socially disadvantaged individuals suffering deleterious situations such as resource scarcity. This work is significant in that we have looked at both the situational and personal factors influencing ageism, and in that we have attempted to examine the causal influence of resource scarcity on ageism through an experimental approach. However, since the alternative explanation of the findings has not been completely excluded, replication through further studies will be necessary.

Development of Convergence Skin Care Education Program to Foster Creativity and Character Building of University Students - Focusing on life care - (대학생의 창의인성 함양을 위한 피부미용 융·복합 교육프로그램 개발 - 라이프케어를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jeong-Yeon;Kang, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed at developing a convergence education program about skin care and social welfare with the purpose of operating liberal arts courses to foster the creativity and character building of university students and the development findings are as follows. The name of the developed course is "beauty treatment welfare and community service" and details were developed for the course overview, goals of the course, textbooks, course management, assignments, and assessment. The lesson goals of this course are character building by fostering creative and outstanding individuals demanded by the society and equipped with the basic knowledge of majors like skin care and social welfare as well as the capability to share and consider through service learning related education for the increase in convergence critical thinking skills and the convergence of skin care and social welfare. The details of the course comprised of introduction about the course, understanding the concept of convergence, understanding the concepts of skin care and social welfare, convergent thinking education and practicum, and education about service learning performance sharing meeting. The service learning is targeted on the socially disadvantaged, such as children and elders, and students can engage in service twice a week with 3 hours for each service session. The assessment is evaluated with midterm (30%), final exam (30%), report (20%), and attendance (20%). This study stresses importance on the development of a convergence education program for skin care and social welfare, which are still undeveloped while convergence education is expanding in university, and with this research as the start, it is anticipated for various approaches to be actively implemented about convergence education in the field of beauty treatment.

Village Museum Establishment Process, Characteristics and Tasks in Jeonju Urban Regeneration Projects (문화적 도시재생사업에서 마을박물관 설립운영과 과제 : 전주노송늬우스박물관 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Sungsil;Lee, Jungwoo
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2021
  • Nosong-dong is used to be center of the administration, education and transportation in Jeonju. It has ironically been the location of the city's prostitution quarter 'called Seonmichon'. This place is recently selected as an area of urban regeneration by Jeonju. The project has involved numerous programs which gradually transfer this place for the women's rights and arts. This paper focuses on exploring the socio-cultural meanings of a community museum, an archive for gender equality, and an exhibition site for local artists. The Seonmichon quarter has long been stigmatized as an area of ill repute and regarded with contempt by the surrounding neighborhood. It is space where polarized interests are entangled. City authority has tried to reflect this by presenting a variety of perspectives on the Seonmichon district. An initiative of the community museum has been its hosting of several exhibitions around the themes of women's rights and community arts. The most remarkable aspect of the exhibitions that have taken place in the heart of the Seonmichon district has been the active participation of local community residents as a catalyst for progressive social change. The paper's overall purpose is to provide an introduction and analyze the process of development of the exhibition initiative, and further examine the social role and meaning of the community museum in Nosong-dong, as well as its future tasks and directions.