• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과제와 활동

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Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Modification of Derivative Tasks (중등 수학 예비교사의 미분계수 과제 변형)

  • Kim, Ha Lim;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.711-731
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how pre-service secondary mathematics teachers modify mathematical tasks from a textbook and learning opportunities they have during the task modification. In the pursuit of this purpose, tasks was selected from derivative units in a textbook and five pre-service teachers was asked to modify the tasks. The findings from analysis are as follows. First, the cognitive demands of modified tasks were maintained or higher than those of the originals. Pre-service teachers' tendency toward conceptual understanding of derivative seems to make the result. Second, task modification provided a lot of learning opportunities for pre-service teachers. They tried to know intention of curriculum and textbook, realized the importance of predicting students' responses, and had opportunities for cooperation and reflective thinking.

민간기업 연구개발활동의 성과지표 개발

  • 배종태;봉선학
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1997.12a
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 1997
  • 최근들어 환경변화가 가속화되고 기업의 환경적응성이 중요해짐에 따라 R&D 활동의 평가과정이 학습의 핵심적인 단계로서 새롭게 부각되고 있다. 또한 R&D 활동에서 결과 중심적 접근, 사업부와의 연계 등이 강조되면서 구체적 R&D 성과평가가 연구관리(R&D management)의 중요한 이슈가 되고있다. 그러나 그동안 R&D 성과평가는 R&D 활동 자체가 불확실성을 가지는 특성으로 인하여 체계적 접근이 이루어지지 못하여 왔으며 최근에 들어 R&D 성과평가 부문이 연구관리 및 기술경영분야의 도전적 연구과제가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 R&D 성과평가를 어떻게 접근할 것인지에 대한 접근방법과 성과 지표의 내용, 성과지표의 선택 및 개발절차, 향후 연구과제를 중심으로 제시한다. 본 연구의 세부내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 민간기업 연구개발활동의 성과평가에 적용가능한 평가의 분석틀(framework) 및 관점(perspective)을 제시하였다. 기존 평가모형에 대한 문헌고찰을 바탕으로 종합적, 체계적인 평가분석틀을 도출하고, 측정가능한 성과지표군을 제시하였다. 또한 성과지표들을 다양한 기준에 따라 분류하고 각 분류에 따라 적용가능한 성과지표군을 제시하였다. 둘째, 각 기업별 특성을 고려하고 경영전략과의 연계를 명확히 할 수 있는 구체적인 성과지표를 개발하기 위하여 4단계의 R&D 성과 평가지표 개발절차를 도출하였다. 셋째, 향후연구를 위한 성과평가 연구분야의 주요 연구과제들을 5가지로 정리하여 제시하였다.

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Perspectives and Challenges of Computing Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Collaborative Problem Solving and Computational Thinking (컴퓨터 교육의 전망과 과제: 계산적 사고 및 협력적 문제 해결 능력 향상을 위한 융합적 접근)

  • Lee, Eunkyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2013.07a
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    • pp.203-206
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 컴퓨팅 집약적인 현대와 미래 사회를 대비하기 위한 컴퓨터 교육의 목표를 계산적 사고 및 이를 바탕으로 한 협력적 문제 해결 능력의 향상으로 보고 이를 실현하기 위한 컴퓨터 교육의 전망과 과제를 제시하였다. 계산적 사고 향상을 위한 컴퓨터 교육은 컴퓨터과학을 전공하는 학습자 뿐 아니라 모든 학습자를 대상으로 이루어져야 하며 이를 위해 초 중등학교 컴퓨터 교육과정의 체계적인 개선 및 계산적 사고를 바탕으로 한 간학문적 융합 학습 활동의 설계 및 평가 전략의 개발이 요구된다. 또한 여학생, 특수교육대상 학생과 같은 정보 소외 계층 학습자들의 컴퓨터과학에 대한 관심과 참여를 조장하고 협력적 문제 해결 활동을 지원하기 위한 학습 환경을 제시하여야 한다. 따라서 이러한 과제를 해결하기 위한 새로운 접근으로 예술과 컴퓨터과학의 융합 교육 활동인 E-Textiles 프로젝트의 특성과 연구 동향, 국내 적용 방안을 제시하였다.

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Pre-service teachers' errors and difficulties in task modification focusing on cognitive demand (수학 예비교사들이 과제의 인지적 노력 수준 변형에서 겪는 오류와 어려움)

  • Kang, Hyangim;Choi, Eunah
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the errors and difficulties which pre-service secondary teachers shows during the task modification in consideration of the cognitive demand and to provide significant implications to the pre-service teacher education program related to the modification of the mathematical tasks. In the pursuit of this purpose, tasks were selected from perpendicular bisector units and 24 pre-service teachers were asked to modify the tasks to higher and lower level tasks. After the modification activities, opportunities for reflection and modification were provided. The findings from analysis are as follows. Pre-service teachers had a difficulty to distinguish between PNC tasks and PWC tasks. Also, We identified the interference phenomena that pre-service teachers depended on the apparent elements of the task. Pre-service teachers showed a tendency to overlook the learning objectives and learning hierarchy during the task modification, and to focus on some types of task modification. However, pre-service teachers were able to have meaningful learning opportunities and extend the category of tools to technology including Geogebra through self-reflection and correction activities on task modification. The above results were summed up and we presented the implications to the task modification program in the pre-service secondary teacher education.

Analysis of Inquiry Tasks in Earth Unit of the 10th Grade Science Textbooks (10학년 과학 교과서 지구 단원의 탐구 과제 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yul;Kim, Myung-Suk;Park, Ye-Ri
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2005
  • An analysis was done on the “inquiry sections” of Earth Science chapters of 10th grade science textbooks. The Inquiry sections were classified into different types and the frequencies of basic process skills, integrated process skills, and inquiry activities were measured in section to find out whether they sufficiently satisfy the requirements based on the 7th National Curriculum. The number of selected science textbooks that have been used in high school for this study were eleven. The number of inquiry tasks were on an average of 24.0. The types of inquiry sections and the elements of basic and integrated process skills were different in every textbooks. The number of inquiry activities were also different and analyzed more than those presented. They were not integrated activities but presented as scientific process skills. The basic process skills and integrated process skills presented in textbooks were $16\%\;and\;77.2\%$, respectively. However, the distribution of two kinds of process skills were analyzed to be $45.6\%\;and\;55.4\%$, respectively. In the process skills, the frequencies of inferring $(49.5\%)$ and data interpretation (68.7%) were the highest; however, the other process skills including recognizing problem, formulating hypothesis and generalization were not even presented in any of the text books. Due to the lack of the definitions of Science process skills and inquiry activities in the 7th National Curriculum, each text book defined these terms differently. It suggests that the meaning of inquiry, science process skills, and inquiry activities should be operationally defined in the national curriculum and the criteria for construction of inquiry activities are required.

The Analysis of Proportional Reasoning Tasks in Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (초등학교 수학 교과서에 제시된 비례추론 과제의 분석)

  • Song, Dong Hyun;Park, Young Hee
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-79
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    • 2022
  • Current mathematics It is necessary to ensure that ratio and proportion concept is not distorted or broken while being treated as if they were easy to teach and learn in school. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the activities presented in the textbook. Based on prior work, this study reinterpreted the proportional reasoning task from the proportional perspective of Beckmann and Izsak(2015) to the multiplicative structure of Vergnaud(1996) in four ways. This compared how they interpreted the multiplicative structure and relationships between two measurement spaces of ratio and rate units and proportional expression and proportional distribution units presented in the revised textbooks of 2007, 2009, and 2015 curriculum. First, the study found that the proportional reasoning task presented in the ratio and rate section varied by increasing both the ratio structure type and the proportional reasoning activity during the 2009 curriculum, but simplified the content by decreasing both the percentage structure type and the proportional reasoning activity. In addition, during the 2015 curriculum, the content was simplified by decreasing both the type of multiplicative structure of ratio and rate and the type of proportional reasoning, but both the type of multiplicative structure of percentage and the content varied. Second, the study found that, the proportional reasoning task presented in the proportional expression and proportional distribute sections was similar to the previous one, as both the type of multiplicative structure and the type of proportional reasoning strategy increased during the 2009 curriculum. In addition, during the 2015 curriculum, both the type of multiplicative structure and the activity of proportional reasoning increased, but the proportional distribution were similar to the previous one as there was no significant change in the type of multiplicative structure and proportional reasoning. Therefore, teachers need to make efforts to analyze the multiplicative structure and proportional reasoning strategies of the activities presented in the textbook and reconstruct them according to the concepts to teach them so that students can experience proportional reasoning in various situations.

FOCUS - 인프라의 고령화 실태와 개선 과제

  • 한국시멘트협회
    • Cement
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    • s.198
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2013
  • 인프라(Infrastructure)는 도로, 다리, 철도, 에너지, 상하수도 등과 같이 일상생활과 경제활동에 필수적인 사회기반시설로 국민의 안전과 삶의 질, 경제성장에 큰 영향을 미친다. 국내 인프라 건설이 활발했던 1970년대 이후 30년 이상 경과함에 따라, 고령화된 인프라와 관련된 안전사고가 발생하는 등 대책 마련의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 여기서는 현대경제연구원 김동열 수석 연구위원의 '인프라 고령화의 실태와 개선과제' 보고서를 통해 인프라 고령화의 현황, 문제점, 향후 과제 등에 대해 살펴본다.

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The Effect of Task oriented Imagination Training on the Function of Upper limb and Daily Activities of Chronic Stroke Patients (과제 지향적 상상훈련이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 기능과 일상생활활동에 대한 다중회귀분석)

  • Son, Young-Hyo;Kim, Seung-Il;Jung, Hwa-Shik;Park, Soo-Hee;Chung, Hyun-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.1163-1174
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    • 2015
  • This study is aimed at identifying the effect the task-oriented imagination training of chronic stroke patients have on the function of upper limb and their daily activities(: ADL). The research subjects were composed of 30 chronic stroke patients with over three months of ailment history, with each group composed of 15 patients assigned to the experiment group and the control group, respectively. The experiment group was subjected to the task-oriented training and the imagination training at the same time, while the control group was subjected to the task-oriented training only. All Interventions were performed for 5 times per week over the period of 8 weeks and 30 minutes per session. In order to monitor the changes as a result of the Intervention program, the MFT and OPTIMAL were employed for the upper limb function while the MBI was employed for the ADL to measure the values before and after the Intervention, respectively, with the results shown below. As a result, MFT, OPTIMAL and MBI showed significant difference between before and after in group. And Mental practice group showed more improvement.

Pre-service teachers' motivation in group activities for developing knowledge for teaching and practical competency: The case of the task value (교수 지식과 실천적 역량을 위한 그룹 활동에서 예비교사들의 동기: 과제 가치 사례)

  • Choi, Song-Hee;Kim, Dong-Joong
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.341-362
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the qualitative characteristics of pre-service teachers' motivation while they are participating in group activities for developing mathematical essay assessment problem and revising it. For this purpose, we analyzed individual factors about group learning activities as well as contextual factors about practical competency (in developing and revising mathematical essay assessment problem through collecting data of student responses to the problem). As results of data analyses, autonomy, among individual factors regarding group learning activities, was one of the main characteristics in attainment value, utility value, and intrinsic value, whereas task, authority, and grouping, among contextual factors regarding practical competency, appeared to have a positive impact on task value. These results suggest how to think of specific ideas and articulate them in designing a curriculum to develop student-evaluation expertise for pre-service teachers.

Age-Specific Brain Activation in Secondary School Students' Self-Regulating Activities on Biological Tasks -fNIRS Study (생물 과제의 자기조절 활동에서 나타나는 중등학생의 연령별 두뇌 활성 -fNIRS 연구)

  • Lee, Seo-Ri;Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze secondary school student's brain activity on assimilation, conflict, and accommodation processes of self-regulation. The self-regulation task was presented a biological phylogenetic task, and the brain activity was measured and analyzed with fNIRS. As a result, a significant activation was found in the left DLPFC, OFC, and FP regions in the conflict process compared to the assimilation process, and a significant activation was found in DLPFC and VLPFC in the accommodation process. As the age increase, the DLPFC also increases in the conflict process and VLPFC increases in the assimilation process. In addition, comparing conflict and accommodation process, the 7th grade students show a significant brain activity in the right VLPFC, the 9th grade students show significant brain activity in the left FP and DLPFC areas in the accommodation process. However, the 11th grade students did not show any significant brain activity at this process. These results presumably show that the neurological research method could be applied to educational research in cognitive activity and classroom instructional situation.