• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공사계획업무

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765KV 사업추진계획

  • Han, Yeop;Kim, Jae-Yeong;Kim, Yong-Wan;Lee, Seok-Jin
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 1994
  • 전압격상사업 추진을 위해 우리 공사는는 80년대 초반부터 기술연구원을 중심으로 기술적인 문제를 연구하고 전북고창군에 실증시험장을 건설하였으며, 92년 6월에 본사에 765KV 격상추진반을 설치하여 운영하고 있다. 765KV 격상추진반은 기술, 송전, 변전 3개 부서로 나뉘어져 각 분야별로 관련기술검토 및 업무를 수행하고 있으며, 본 논고에서는 그 간의 수행업무내용 및 앞으로 추진할 계획에 대해 대략적으로 살펴보고자 한다.

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Improvement scheme of utilization of the results of the post-construction evaluation system (건설공사 사후평가 수행결과 활용도 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Du-Heon;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2013
  • Post-evaluation system reflects the results of performing a public construction project in the future similar public construction projects to be utilized in the planning. However, the current system simply compares the expected values, such as demand, B/C ratio, cost of construction, construction period, with the actual values after the completion of construction. In addition, most public owner does not actively conduct the post-construction evaluation tasks, so that the evaluation results has not been returned to early stage of a construction project. In this study, status of the post-construction evaluation system is investigated by a survey of the public owner and the construction project evaluation system of the United States and Japan was analyzed. This paper presents the improvement scheme of utilization of the results of the post-construction evaluation system. Through improving the post-construction evaluation system, it is expected that public agencies would easily utilize the post-construction evaluation.

An advanced nation's case study considering integrated control for construction work quality.safety.environment (건설공사 품질.안전.환경 통합관리를 고려한 해외 사례 고찰)

  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Kim, Woon-Soo;Jeong, Han-Gyo;Noh, Joung-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.819-823
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    • 2008
  • Currently, the quality management, safety management and environment management of domestic construction work does not form a infrastructure for integrated control which have been developed according to the unique characteristics based on respective the law. In other words, the quality manager and safety manager of human resources is set to a legal arrangement personnel, but environment manager of human resources is not. In addition, quality management standard is to perform the work to PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) system which is reflected in all of the requirements of KS A ISO 9001 standard, but safety management plan and hazard harmfulness prevention plan are not properly reflected P(Plan), C(Check) and A(Action) system and focusing on only 4 section Do(D) in KOSHA 18001 standard requirement. Moreover environmental management plan is not even established requirement. Through examining the operation practices of an advanced nation prior to building the integrated control standard for construction work qualify safety.environment, the possibility of applying domestic is reviewed, and then this study is going to research the operation practices of Singapore.

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Reorganization of KNR -Transforming into a Corporation (철도 공사화에 다른 조직구조 개편 방안)

  • 정정웅
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1995.05b
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    • pp.312-337
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    • 1995
  • 0 현 철도조직의 운영 실태는 지능식 조직에 따른 수직적 계통의식의 심화로 부문간 협조체계가 미흡하고, 경영성과에 대한 책임소재가 불분명하며, 원가의식이 희박한 것으로 진단하고 있음 0 공사화를 계기로 시장원리에 의한 책임경영 확보를 위해 조직구조를 포함한 경영체제를 다음과 같이 개편할 계획임 0 조직구조는 현 조직을 전면 해체하여 사업부제 구조로 개편하고자 함 기본구조는 본사스랩, 사업본부, 직할기관, 지사 및 정비창 그러고 현업 기관으로 구성하되, 사업본부는 철도업무의 핵심 기능별로 영업, 시설, 건설, 차량 및 사업개발본부로 구분하며, 현재의 지방청 및 현업소속도 본부별로 재편할 계획입 0 사업본부간에는 경영성과 및 책임의 영확회를 위해 내부거래시스댐을 도입하여 상호견제와 선의의 경쟁의식을 제고시키고자 함 O 한편, 경영평가시스템을 활성화하여 부문별 성과중 부진사항에 대한 원인분석과 사후대책 수립에 활용하며, 평가의 결과에 따라 인센티브 브를 제공할 것임 0 위와같은 개편체제를 통하여 구성원들의 성과개선 의식을 함양하고, 기반이 구축된 후 중장기적으로는 외주화, 자회사화등을 통한 가벼운 조직을 추구할 것임 0 포한, 업무전산화.자동화등 운영시스댐을 정비하고, 미래의 성장 목표언 비전을 명확히 제시하여 의식 및 업무수행 스타일의 개혁을 유도하며, 철도가 생활.문화.정보의 Center로서 역할을 수행할 수 있는 철도문화를 개발.창조하고자 함

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The Establishment of Roles and Titles of Quality Control Personnel for Construction Project Quality Assurance (건설공사 품질확보를 위한 품질관리 관련자의 역할 및 호칭 정립)

  • Lee, Chang-Hyo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.871-878
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    • 2017
  • The quality control personnel of the construction work shall establish and execute the quality control plan or the quality test plan and check the qualification of the used materials according to the process, the management of the test and inspection equipment, the quality education, the own quality inspection and measures. Management and quality test of Korea and plays an important role in preventing accidents. However, related organizations did not explicitly disclose their roles in quality testing and quality control tasks while changing the names of quality control personnel to test personnel and quality managers when revising related laws and regulations and the application of labor costs. Therefore, a research of this is needed to improve conflicting situation. In this study, the ambiguous title relation to the quality control persons is improved to meet the requirements of the construction work based on related laws and regulations, and each role and title is classified as 'quality tester' and 'quality manager'. In other words, the person who carries out the quality test of the "Construction Quality Test Standard" specified in the Guideline for Quality Management of Construction Projects shall be the "Quality Tester" and the person who performs the quality control plan establishment and execution work specified in the Enforcement Rule of the Construction Technology Promotion Act shall be referred to as the 'Quality Manager'.

Orthophoto Application for Geo-spatial Information Acquisiton of Construction Area(DAM) (공사지역(댐)의 지형정보구축을 위한 정사영상의 활용)

  • 한승희;이형석;이성순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2000
  • It is so sensitive that the matter of compensation for private possessions caused in the course of public construction planning is very important. Especially, more logical planning is necessary when the dam be constructed, because it is mainly controlled by the surface of water, and if that planning is made public, artificial change is occurred in land use in that area for the purpose of rising the compensation. In this study, the plan for the application of aerial photo based ortho image was drew up for solving these problems and for the rational, rapid compensation. Ortho image was made by aerial photo, used as reading material for the change in land use. The modeling of drainage basin, came under the planning surface of water, and the 3D simulation were performed for the scene analysis, the change understanding in land use for a lot number in a certain period by overlapping the digital image, the digital land registration map, and the digital topography map as well as the analysis of the admitted land followed by the height of reservoir water.

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A Implementation of Quick Repairing Service System based on TRS of the KEPCO (전력 무선통신망 기반의 배전 기동보수시스템 구현)

  • Song, Jae-Ju;Shin, Jin-Ho;Jang, Moon-Jong;Yi, Bong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.2606-2608
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    • 2003
  • 신배전정보시스템(NDIS, New Distribution Information System)은 범국가적으로 진행 중에 있는 지리정보시스템(GIS, Geographic Information System)을 한전의 업무특성에 맞게 적용한 시스템이다. 계획, 설계, 공사관리, 설비운영의 단계로 순환하는 배전업무의 특성을 분석하여 적합한 정보체계를 수립하고 이를 근거로 수집된 정보의 종합분석을 통해 경제적이고 합리적인 투자와 보수계획 수립을 가능하도록 지원하는 관리시스템이다. 또한 배전 기동보수업무는 배전선로의 순시점검과 설비의 개 보수, 각종 측정과 점검, 사고와 고장 처리, 설비와 부하관리 등을 포함하는 중요한 업무 중의 하나이다. 그러므로 이런 업무를 이동 컴퓨팅 환경을 토대로 시스템화함으로써 기동보수업무를 체계적이고 종합적으로 관리하는 것이 가능해진다. 또한 기동보수시스템을 신배전정보시스템(이하 NDIS)과 연계함으로써 상호간에 정보공유를 통한 더 유용한 시스템으로 발전할 것이다. 본 시스템 개발 완료후 현장 활용시 업무생산성 및 담당자의 편리성이 증대될 것으로 기대된다.

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A Study on NOS Model System for The Construction Work Planing and Management (건설 시공 계획 및 관리 업무의 적용을 위한 NOS 모델 구축 연구)

  • Choi, Jaejin;Park, Hongtae
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2016
  • This study presented a new NOS model through the following suggestions to apply the construction work planing and management to NOS(Network Operating System). First, This study presented CIMS(construction information classification system) reflected the characteristics of facility classification - functional component classification - functional component classification - work classification - resource classification. Based on this system. this study presented how to establish PMMB(performance measurement management baseline) with proposed master target equation which analyzed the trend of performance measurement management baseline and proposed work target equation which analyzed the execution results. Finally, this study presented NOS model that can be applied to fixed price method and cost plus fee method through the theoretical verification of executive performance analysis method.

A Study on Development of BIM-based Engineering Management System for Temporary Work (BIM기반 가설공사 업무지원시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Changhoon;Han, Choonghee;Lee, Junbok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2020
  • As the amount of information generated in the construction project increases exponentially, design and construction review have a serious impact on the success of the site. For this reason, academic and business circles have been expanding the use of BIM at the whole life, and BIM is now accepted as one of the standards used in the construction industry. However, the BIM-based design for the temporary work is used as an aid to the 2D design because there is no specialized software and there is absolutely lack of a professional engineer. The objective of this research is to develop BIM-based temporary work support system. This system minimizes human errors in BIM-based design, quantity takeoff and inspection and shortens working hours.

법령과고시(3) - 지방계약법 시행령 개정

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.293
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    • pp.98-99
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    • 2014
  • 지방자치단체의 계약업무에 기초가 되는 지방계약법 시행령이 지난 11월 24일 공포되어 시행에 들어갔다. 이번 지방계약법 개정은 지난 해 12월 30일 개정된 국가계약법 시행령 제68조와 동일하게 제77조를 신설하여 '하자책임 구분이 용이하고 공정관리에 지장이 없는 공사에 대하여 기계설비공사와 같은 '설계서가 별도로 작성되는 공사로 명시함으로써 공공공사의 분리발주 활성화를 유도하는 내용을 담고 있다. 이로써 지방계약법에도 분리발주 허용 대상을 구체화 하고 발주기관의 장이 공사의 예산편성과 기본설계 등 사업의 계획단계부터 분리발주의 가능 여부 검토 조항이 명문화 됨으로써 지자체 분리발주가 더욱 활성화 될 것으로 예상된다. 이에 앞서 대한설비건설협회는 분리발주 법제화를 정부, 국회, 제18대 대선후보 등에 지속적으로 건의한 결과 박근혜 정부가 공공공사의 분리발주 법제화가 포함된 40대 중점 국정과제를 확정하고 공공공사의 분리발주 허용 대상과 활성화 조문이 포함된 국가계약법 시행령 제68조를 지난해 12월 30일 개정, 시행에 들어간 바 있다.

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