• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공격방지

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Nuclear Terrorism and Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism(GICNT): Threats, Responses and Implications for Korea (핵테러리즘과 세계핵테러방지구상(GICNT): 위협, 대응 및 한국에 대한 함의)

  • Yoon, Tae-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.26
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    • pp.29-58
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    • 2011
  • Since 11 September 2001, warnings of risk in the nexus of terrorism and nuclear weapons and materials which poses one of the gravest threats to the international community have continued. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aim, principles, characteristics, activities, impediments to progress and developmental recommendation of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism(GICNT). In addition, it suggests implications of the GICNT for the ROK policy. International community will need a comprehensive strategy with four key elements to accomplish the GICNT: (1) securing and reducing nuclear stockpiles around the world, (2) countering terrorist nuclear plots, (3) preventing and deterring state transfers of nuclear weapons or materials to terrorists, (4) interdicting nuclear smuggling. Moreover, other steps should be taken to build the needed sense of urgency, including: (1) analysis and assessment through joint threat briefing for real nuclear threat possibility, (2) nuclear terrorism exercises, (3) fast-paced nuclear security reviews, (4) realistic testing of nuclear security performance to defeat insider or outsider threats, (5) preparing shared database of threats and incidents. As for the ROK, main concerns are transfer of North Korea's nuclear weapons, materials and technology to international terror groups and attacks on nuclear facilities and uses of nuclear devices. As the 5th nuclear country, the ROK has strengthened systems of physical protection and nuclear counterterrorism based on the international conventions. In order to comprehensive and effective prevention of nuclear terrorism, the ROK has to strengthen nuclear detection instruments and mobile radiation monitoring system in airports, ports, road networks, and national critical infrastructures. Furthermore, it has to draw up effective crisis management manual and prepare nuclear counterterrorism exercises and operational postures. The fundamental key to the prevention, detection and response to nuclear terrorism which leads to catastrophic impacts is to establish not only domestic law, institution and systems, but also strengthen international cooperation.

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Analysis of Data Encryption Mechanisms for Searchable Encryption (검색가능 암호시스템을 위한 데이터 암호기법의 문제점 분석)

  • Son, Junggab;Yang, Yu-Jin;Oh, Heekuck;Kim, Sangjin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the need for outsourcing sensitive data has grown due to the wide spreading of cost-effective and flexible cloud service. However, there is a fundamental concern in using such service since users have to trust external servers. Therefore, searchable encryption can be a very valuable tool to meet the security requirements of data outsourcing. However, most of work on searchable encryption focus only on privacy preserving search function and relatively lacks research on encryption mechanism used to actually encrypt data. Without a suitable latter mechanism, searchable encryption cannot be deployed in real world cloud services. In this paper, we analyze previously used and possible data encryption mechanisms for multi-user searchable encryption system and discuss their pros and cons. Our results show that readily available tools such as broadcast encryption, attribute-based encryption, and proxy re-encryption do not provide suitable solutions. The main problem with existing tools is that they may require separate fully trusted servers and the difficulty in preventing collusion attacks between outsiders and semi-trusted servers.

Response Methods against Acts of Terrorism That Utilize Unmanned Aircraft (무인항공기 테러의 대응방안)

  • OH, Jea-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.30
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    • pp.61-83
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    • 2012
  • Al-Qaeda follower who planned to attacks the Pentagon and the Assembly by unmanned aircraft equipped with explosives was caught in the dictionary in September 2011. In addition, high-performance unmanned aerial vehicles in the United States 'sentinel' of the technology being leaked to Iran in late 2011 was an accident. Terrorist attacks on the forces used unmanned aircraft will be the day the not too distant. The purpose of this research is to provide response plans against acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts to prevent large losses of lives such as the terrorist attacks of September 11. Discussing in detail, this research suggests revising and newly implementing the definition and categorization of unmanned aircrafts as well as relevant punishment in current aeronautics regulations as an initial response against acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts. This is in order to newly implement and revise current relevant regulations that inadequately address the rapidly developing and changing unmanned aircrafts which will lead to increased sense of alarm for the potential terrorists, and also to introduce a systematic tool to punish those who commit such acts by clearly establishing the grounds for punishment. Also, under the binary operating system over airspace currently implemented globally, it is impossible to identify and control the infiltration of airspace by unmanned aircrafts. Recognizing such limitations, this research suggests a combined operation of airspace for unmanned and manned aircrafts as a second way of response for acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts. A systematic integrated operation of airspace will appropriately control unmanned/ manned aircrafts that were not previously reported or otherwise have deviated from navigation routes, and will be able to prevent terrorism attempts utilizing aircrafts beforehand.

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Development of a Interface Structure of Bogie and Carbody in Mountain Tram running on sharp Curves (급곡선 급경사 운행 산악트램의 대차 및 차체 연결 구조 개발)

  • Seo, Sung-il;Mun, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2018
  • Mountain trams are an environmental-friendly transportation system that run wirelessly on an embedded track constructed on previous mountain roads, and can run despite the frozen road. On the other hand, there is some difficulty on sharp and steep tracks. In this study, after possible technical problems were defined in mountain trams running on a sharp and steep track, the design solutions for the interface structure of bogie and carbody were proposed. In addition, a prototype was made and its performance was tested to verify the solutions. Because the difference in the distance of the inner and outer rails on a sharp curve is severe enough to interrupt running, independent rotating wheels with different angular speeds were developed and applied. To prevent derailment due to the large attack angle and lateral force caused by the previous vehicle of 2bogie-and-1carbody on the sharp curve, a vehicle with 1bogie-and-1carbody was designed and applied. A prototype vehicle of 1bogie-and-1carbody with independent rotating wheels was made to improve the performance during the test running on a small track. A coupler was designed to absorb the large rotations of 3 degrees-of-freedom between the carbodies of a mountain tram running on the steep curved track. After a small scale prototype was made, the performance was verified by a function test.

Study on Police-led National Response against CBRN Terror by Strengthening the Standing Cooperation System of the Interagencies (다부처 상설 협력체계 구축을 통한 경찰주도 국가 화생방 테러대응 발전방안)

  • Cha, Jang-Hyeon;Kang, Taeho;Kim, Daesoo;Lee, Hochan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.59
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    • pp.217-242
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    • 2019
  • Nowadays, Terrorism has become bloodier. Unlike the past, the recent terrorism has been indiscriminate in the purpose of mass- killing. Given this aspect, the threat of a CBRN attack is the biggest one to modern society. Notably, the possibility of terrorist attacks in Korea by international terrorist groups such as ISIL is higher than ever in consideration of its allusion; crusades and the devil's allied forces. To overcome these circumstances, various measures have been taken for counter terrorism at the state level including anti-terrorist legislation. Under the anti-terrorist act, police have to lead relevant inter agencies when it comes to the CBRN terror. At first glance, current countermeasures would work well. However, in order to respond quickly, the standing cooperations system of related departments need to be set up. In this sense, this article proposed a coagulatory body that could not only consider institutional-oriented organizational restructuring and response but also integrate and operate functions of various specialized institutions. It also stressed that the council should move toward a consultative body of information gathering, distribution and working- level consultation. With this cooperation system, counter-terrorism agencies can respond rapidly, stop wasting their effort and assets by about 30%. Also, they could design the atypical aspect of terrorism into standardized.

Constitutional Protection for the Secrecy of Wire Communication and Freedom of News Reporting on Public Affairs (공적 인물의 통신비밀보호와 공적 관심사에 대한 언론보도의 자유: '안기부 X파일' 사건에 대한 서울고법 2006노1725판결을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seung-Sun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.38
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    • pp.211-244
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    • 2007
  • Article 17 and 18 of the Korean Constitution respectively prescribe the violation of individual's right to privacy and the secrecy of wire communication. Meanwhile, Article 20 of the Criminal Code provides that an act which is conducted within the ambit of laws or pursuant to accepted business practices or which does not violate the social norms shall not be punishable. In 1999, the Constitutional Court held that media reports on public matters of public figures must be given strong constitutional protection, and treated differently from reports on private matters of private figures. In accordance with the decision, the Supreme Court has expanded the scope of constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression since 2002. This study analyzes the issue of media liability for publication of illegally intercepted wire communication by a third person. Particularly, it reviews Seoul High Court's ruling on 'X-file scandal' which disclosed intercepted wire communications between notable public figures regarding a slush fund for a presidential candidate. In the light of this analysis, the study concludes that the media reporting of the intercepted communication does not violate social norms of Article 20, and therefore it is entitled to a constitutional privilege.

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The Nuclear Security Summit Achievements, Limitations, and Tasks against Nuclear Terrorism Threat (핵테러리즘 위협에 대한 핵안보정상회의 성과, 한계 및 과제)

  • Yoon, Taeyoung
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2017
  • In April 2009, in the wake of President Obama's Prague speech, the international community held four nuclear sec urity summits from 2010 to 2016 to promote nuclear security and prevent nuclear terrorism. The Nuclear Security S ummit has made significant progress in preventing terrorists from attempting to acquire nuclear weapons or fissile materials, but it still has limitations and problems. To solve this problem, the international community should resume the joint efforts for strengthening bilateral cooperation and multilateral nuclear security regime, and the participating countries should strive to protect their own nuclear materials and fulfill their commitments to secure nuclear facilitie s. Second, the United Nations(UN), the IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency), International Criminal Police Or ganization(INTERPOL), the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism(GICNT), and the Global Partnership(G P) must continue their missions to promote nuclear security in accordance with the five action plans adopted at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit. Third, the participating countries should begin discussions on the management and protection of military nuclear materials that could not be covered by the Nuclear Security Summit. Fourth, the intern ational community must strive to strengthen the implementation of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuc lear Material(CPPNM) Amendment and International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrori sm(ICSANT), prepare for cyber attacks against nuclear facilities, and prevent theft, illegal trading and sabotage invo lving nuclear materials.

A Study on Actual state and Influencing Factors of Internet Addiction in Upper Class of Elementary School Children (초등학교 고학년 학생의 인터넷 중독 실태와 중독 요인 연구)

  • Lim, Mi-Ran;Goh, Byoung-O
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2006
  • As the use of computers and the Internet become more commonplace, many children are using the Internet. The Internet is rapidly permeating into the daily lives of elementary school students. There are some positive effects of using the Internet: it helps children's studies and communication skills and relives stress. However, some negative effects are arising, such as aggressive behavior caused by Internet games, sleeping disorders, and Internet addiction. The goal of this disquisition was to find out how an upper class of elementary school children are using the Internet and also the degree of their Internet addictions. The effects that Internet addiction had on various aspects, such as on the individual, family, and school were observed. In the individual aspect, self-respect, self-control, awareness of stress, depression, and personal taste were observed. In the aspect of family, communication with parents, the nursing behavior of parents, family functions, friendliness within the family, and the family's emotional support were observed. In the aspect of school, relationships with teachers, relationships with friends, study activities, compliance to rules and participation in events were observed. By analyzing each cause of Internet addiction, this disquisition hopes to help prevent Internet addiction and to support educational guiding about Internet addiction of elementary school children.

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A Protection System of Medical Information using Multiple Authentication (다중 인증 기술을 이용한 의료정보 보호시스템)

  • Kim, Jin-Mook;Hong, Seong-Sik
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2014
  • Recently, A utilization request of the U-Healthcare services are increasing rapidly. This is because the increase in smartphone users and ubiquitous computing technology was developed. Furthermore, the demand for access to and use of medical information systems is growing rapidly with a smartphone. This system have the advantage such as they can access from anywhere and anytime in the healthcare information system using their smartphone quickly and easily. But this system have various problems that are a privacy issue, the location disclosure issue, and the potential infringement of personal information. this problems are arise very explosive. Therefore, we propose a secure information security system that can solve the security problems in healthcare information systems for healthcare workers using smartphone. Our proposed system, doctors record, store, modify and manage patient medical information and this system would be safer than the existing healthcare information systems. The proposed system allows the doctor to perform further authentication by transmitting using SMS to GOTP message when they accessing medical information systems. So our proposed system can support to more secure system that can protect user individual information stealing and modify attack by two-factor authentication scheme. And this system can support confidentiality, integrity, location information blocking, personal information steal prevent using cryptography algorithm that is easy and fast.

The Authentication and Key Management Method based on PUF for Secure USB (PUF 기반의 보안 USB 인증 및 키 관리 기법)

  • Lee, Jonghoon;Park, Jungsoo;Jung, Seung Wook;Jung, Souhwan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.12
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    • pp.944-953
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    • 2013
  • Recently, a storage media is becoming smaller and storage capacity is also becoming larger than before. However, important data was leaked through a small storage media. To solve these serious problem, many security companies manufacture secure USBs with secure function, such as data encryption, user authentication, not copying data, and management system for secure USB, etc. But various attacks, such as extracting flash memory from USBs, password hacking or memory dump, and bypassing fingerprint authentication, have appeared. Therefore, security techniques related to secure USBs have to concern many threats for them. The basic components for a secure USB are secure authentication and data encryption techniques. Though existing secure USBs applied password based user authentication, it is necessary to develop more secure authentication because many threats have appeared. And encryption chipsets are used for data encryption however we also concern key managements. Therefore, this paper suggests mutual device authentication based on PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) between USBs and the authentication server and key management without storing the secret key. Moreover, secure USB is systematically managed with metadata and authentication information stored in authentication server.