• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 영상

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  • Nam, U.W.;Rhee, J.G.;Kong, K.N.;Park, Y.S.;Jin, K.C.;Jin, H.;Park, J.H.;Yuk, I.S.;Seon, K.I.;Han, W.;Lee, D.H.;Ryu, K.S.;Min, K.W.;Edelstein, J.;Korpela, E.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2002
  • We describe some performance of the detector electronics system for the FIMS (Far-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph) mission. The FIMS mission to map the far ultraviolet sky uses MCP (micro-channel plate) detectors with a crossed delay line anode to record photon arrival events. FIMS has two MCP detectors, each with a ~25mm$\times$25mm active area. The unconventional anode design allows for the use of a single set of position encoding electronics for both detector fields. The centroid position of the charge cloud, generated by the photon-stimulated MCP, is determined by measuring the arrival times at both ends of the anode following amplification and external delay. The temporal response of the detector electronics system determines the readout's positional resolution for the charge centroid. High temporal resolution (<$35{\times}75$ps FWHM) and low power consumption (< 6W) were achieved for the FIMS detector electronics system.

The Post modern parodies in "The Congress" (<더 콩그레스 The Congress>에 나타난 포스트모던 패러디)

  • Moon, Jae-Cheol;Choi, Sook-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.157-182
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    • 2015
  • Mr. Folman, an Israeli director, used a highly stylized form of animation in a decidedly adult way to make his documentary about the 1982 war in Lebanon, "Waltz With Bashir," in 2008. After 5 years, he has used another distinctive approach, fusing animation with live action in his latest film, a trippy and surreal undertaking called "The Congress." He dismantled the means through parodies, the core of post-modernism art and built a new meaning to create a unique world view and unique aesthetics. In this study, parodies of the modern concept of post-modernism being used as a major strategy in the creation of art have appeared the four characteristics of post-modern parody: 1) intertextuality, 2) dissolution and fusion of genres, and 3) strengthening of irony, and 4) pastiche. This study is characteristic of post-modern parody that discusses the relevance of contemporary parody and postmodernism being developed by analyzing how they appear on the practical work. Furthermore, through analysis of "The Congress", this study discusses the post-modernist world view and the creative way of creating an experimental art with parody.

Human Visual System-Aware Optimal Power-Saving Color Transformation for Mobile OLED Devices (모바일 OLED 디스플레이를 위한 인간 시각 만족의 최적 전력 절감 색 변환)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyeok;Kim, Eun-Sil;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 2016
  • Due to the merits of OLED displays such as fast responsiveness, wide view angle, and power efficiency, their use has increased. However, despite the power efficiency of OLED displays, the portion of their power consumption among the total power consumption is still high since user interaction-based applications such as instant messaging, video play, and games are frequently used. Their power consumption varies significantly depending on the display contents and thus color transformation is one of the low-power techniques used in OLED displays. Prior low-power color transformation techniques have not been rigorously studied in terms of satisfaction of the human visual system, and have not considered optimal visual satisfaction and power consumption at the same time in relation to color transformation. In this paper, we propose a novel low-power color transformation technique which strictly considers human visual system-awareness as well as optimization of both visual satisfaction and power consumption in a balanced way. Experimental results show that the proposed technique achieves better human visual satisfaction in terms of visuality and also shows on average 13.4% and 22.4% improvement over a prior one in terms of power saving.

An Efficient Clustering Algorithm based on Heuristic Evolution (휴리스틱 진화에 기반한 효율적 클러스터링 알고리즘)

  • Ryu, Joung-Woo;Kang, Myung-Ku;Kim, Myung-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.1_2
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2002
  • Clustering is a useful technique for grouping data points such that points within a single group/cluster have similar characteristics. Many clustering algorithms have been developed and used in engineering applications including pattern recognition and image processing etc. Recently, it has drawn increasing attention as one of important techniques in data mining. However, clustering algorithms such as K-means and Fuzzy C-means suffer from difficulties. Those are the needs to determine the number of clusters apriori and the clustering results depending on the initial set of clusters which fails to gain desirable results. In this paper, we propose a new clustering algorithm, which solves mentioned problems. In our method we use evolutionary algorithm to solve the local optima problem that clustering converges to an undesirable state starting with an inappropriate set of clusters. We also adopt a new measure that represents how well data are clustered. The measure is determined in terms of both intra-cluster dispersion and inter-cluster separability. Using the measure, in our method the number of clusters is automatically determined as the result of optimization process. And also, we combine heuristic that is problem-specific knowledge with a evolutionary algorithm to speed evolutionary algorithm search. We have experimented our algorithm with several sets of multi-dimensional data and it has been shown that one algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms.

2.5D Mapping Module and 3D Cloth Simulation System (2.5D Mapping 모듈과 3D 의복 시뮬레이션 시스템)

  • Kim Ju-Ri;Kim Young-Un;Joung Suck-Tae;Jung Sung-Tae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.13A no.4 s.101
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    • pp.371-380
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    • 2006
  • This paper utilizing model picture of finished clothes in fashion design field various material (textile fabrics) doing Draping directly can invent new design, and do not produce direction sample or poetic theme width and confirm clothes work to simulation. Also, construct database about model and material image and embodied system that can confirm Mapping result by real time. And propose clothes simulation system to dress to 3D human body model of imagination because using several cloth pieces first by process to do so that can do simulation dressing abstracted poetic theme width to 3D model here. Proposed system creates 3D model who put clothes by physical simulation that do fetters to mass-spring model after read 3D human body model file and 2D foundation pattern file. System of this treatise examines collision between triangle that compose human body model for realistic simulation and triangle that compose clothes and achieved reaction processing. Because number of triangle to compose human body is very much, this collision examination and reaction processing need much times. To solve this problem, treatise that see could create realistic picture by method to diminish collision public prosecutor and reaction processing number, and could dress clothes to imagination human body model within water plant taking advantage of Octree space sharing techniques.

Optical Monte Carlo Simulation on Spatial Resolution of Phosphor Coupled X-ray Imaging Detector (형광체 결합형 X선 영상검출기의 공간 해상력 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션)

  • Kang, Sang-Sik;Kim, So-Yeong;Shin, Jung-Wook;Heo, Sung-Wook;Kim, Jae-Hyung;Nam, Sang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.328-328
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    • 2007
  • Large area matrix-addressed image detectors are a recent technology for x-ray imaging with medical diagnostic and other applications. The imaging properties of x-ray pixel detectors depend on the quantum efficiency of x-rays, the generated signal of each x-ray photon and the distribution of the generated signal between pixels. In a phosphor coated detector the light signal is generated by electrons captured in the phosphor screen. In our study we simulated the lateral spread distributions for phosphor coupled detector by Monte Carlo simulations. Most simulations of such detectors simplify the setup by only taking the conversion layer into account neglecting behind. The Monte Carlo code MCNPX has been used to simulate the complete interaction and subsequent charge transport of x-ray radiation. This has allowed the analysis of charge sharing between pixel elements as an important limited factor of digital x-ray imaging system. The parameters are determined by lateral distribution of x-ray photons and x-ray induced electrons. The primary purpose of this study was to develop a design tool for the evaluation of geometry factor in the phosphor coupled optical imaging detector. In order to evaluate the spatial resolution for different phosphor material, phosphor geometry we have developed a simulation code. The developed code calculates the energy absorption and spatial distribution based on both the signal from the scintillating layer and the signal from direct detection of x-ray in the detector. We show that internal scattering contributes to the so-called spatial resolution drop of the image detector. Results from the simulation of spatial distribution in a phosphor pixel detector are presented. The spatial resolution can be increased by optimizing pixel size and phosphor thickness.

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Analysis of Recent Research Trend in the Mining Industry and Rock Engineering in North Korea (북한의 광업 및 암반공학 분야 최신 연구동향 분석)

  • Kang, Il-Seok;Park, Young-Sang;Song, Jae-Joon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2020
  • Recent research trend of North Korean mining and rock engineering in the past 10 years was analyzed by a literature review of mining and rock engineering papers published in North Korean major mining journals, 'mining engineering', 'geological and geographical science' and 'technology innovation' published in 2008-2017. Basic database was established by organizing bibliographic information and abstract data of research papers in each journal. For each journal, paper submission trend classified by research field was analyzed using the basic database. And further study was conducted to the papers which showed distinguishing methodology and result, to analyze the trend of North Korean mining and rock engineering. The literature study showed a recent trend of quantification and automation in mining and rock engineering researches in North Korea, which seems due to recent changes in North Korea's science and technology policy and deterioration of the mining conditions. The results of this study can be applied in the feasibility studies of North Korea's mineral resource development projects. Future inter-Korean technical cooperation and site survey on North Korean field can secure complement the reliability of this study.

멀티빔 자료를 이용한 웹기반의 3차원 해저 지형 가시화

  • 노대훈;박요섭;김학일
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2000
  • 밀티빔 음향 측심기 (Multibeam Echo Sounder)는 탐사선에 수직방향으로 해저면을 주사(Swath)하여, 한번의 송수신(Ping)으로 다중의 빔자료를 얻을 수 있는 측심기로, 해저면에 반사되어 되돌아오는 음파의 음압을 기록하고, 사이드 스캔 소나 자료도 동시에 취득하는 기능을 가지고 있으므로, 측심된 해저 지형(Bathymetry)과 해저 지형을 덮고 있는 해저면의 퇴적 상황(Sediment Environment)도 동시에 얻을 수 있는 다목적 측심기이다. 본 논문에서는 L3사의 Sea Beam 2100 멀티빔 음향 측심기를 통해 얻은 자료를 처리하여, 3차원 공간 데이터인 DEM(Digital Elevation Model)을 생성하고, VRML을 이용한 웹상에서의 해저 지형 가시화를 통해, 세계 어느 곳에서나 웹을 통하여 쉽게 정보를 공유할 수 있는 3차원 해저 지리 정보 시스템의 구현을 목적으로 한다. 멀티빔 음향 측심기를 통해 얻어진 자료는 항해 자료 보정, 음속 보정, 빔 좌표 계산과 분리, 오측심 자료 제거, 조석 보정 등의 단계를 거쳐 측심자료의 정확도 및 신뢰도를 높이는 과정을 거치게 된다. 보정된 멀티빔 음향 측심자료는 무작위 점 사상(Point Topology)으로 산재 되어 있는 빔 자료를 임의의 단위영역으로 변환하는 과정을 거쳐야 하는데, 이 과정을 격자화라고 한다. 자료의 격자화를 통해 3차원 공강 데이터인 DEM 파일을 제작하고, 이 DEM 파일과 음압 영상을 이용해 웹상에서의 3차원 해저 지형의 가시화를 실현한다. 웹상에서의 3차원 지형 가시화에서 방대한 양의 지형 데이터는 데이터 전송 시간과 렌더링 시간에 치명적인 문제이다. 따라서, 렌더링 시간과 데이터 전송 시간을 단축시키기 위한, 지형 자료의 LOD(Level of Detail)를 통해, VRML을 이용한 보다 효과적인 웹상에서의 3차원 해저 지형의 가시화를 실현한다.면 기업은 고객으로 공간적인 제약으로 인한 불신을 불식시키는 신뢰감을 주게 된다. 이러한 고객서비스 향상과 물류비용 절감은 사이버 쇼핑몰이 전국 어디서나 우리의 안방에서 자연스럽게 점할 수 있는 상황을 만들 것이다.SP가 도입되어, 설계업무를 지원하기위한 기본적인 시스템 구조를 구상하게 된다. 이와 함께 IT Model을 구성하게 되는데, 객체지향적 접근 방법으로 Model을 생성하고 UML(Unified Modeling Language)을 Tool로 사용한다. 단계 4)는 Software Engineering 관점으로 접근한다. 이는 최종산물이라고 볼 수 있는 설계업무 지원 시스템을 Design하는 과정으로, 시스템에 사용될 데이터를 Design하는 과정과, 데이터를 기반으로 한 기능을 Design하는 과정으로 나눈다. 이를 통해 생성된 Model에 따라 최종적으로 Coding을 통하여 실제 시스템을 구축하게 된다.the making. program and policy decision making, The objectives of the study are to develop the methodology of modeling the socioeconomic evaluation, and build up the practical socioeconomic evaluation model of the HAN projects including scientific and technological effects. Since the HAN projects consists of 18 subprograms, it is difficult In evaluate all the subprograms simultaneously. Despite, each program is being performed under the category of HAN projects, so the common soci

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A Study on Extending Successive Observation Coverage of MODIS Ocean Color Product (MODIS 해색 자료의 유효관측영역 확장에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Kim, Hyun-Cheol;Park, Kyungseok;Lee, Sangwhan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2015
  • In the processing of ocean color remote sensing data, spatio-temporal binning is crucial for securing effective observation area. The validity determination for given source data refers to the information in Level-2 flag. For minimizing the stray light contamination, NASA OBPG's standard algorithm suggests the use of large filtering window but it results in the loss of effective observation area. This study is aimed for quality improvement of ocean color remote sensing data by recovering/extending the portion of effective observation area. We analyzed the difference between MODIS/Aqua standard and modified product in terms of chlorophyll-a concentration, spatial and temporal coverage. The recovery fractions in Level-2 swath product, Level-3 daily composite product, 8-day composite product, and monthly composite product were $13.2({\pm}5.2)%$, $30.8({\pm}16.3)%$, $15.8({\pm}9.2)%$, and $6.0({\pm}5.6)%$, respectively. The mean difference between chlorophyll-a concentrations of two products was only 0.012%, which is smaller than the nominal precision of the geophysical parameter estimation. Increase in areal coverage also results in the increase in temporal density of multi-temporal dataset, and this processing gain was most effective in 8-day composite data. The proposed method can contribute for the quality enhancement of ocean color remote sensing data by improving not only the data productivity but also statistical stability from increased number of samples.

Dust/smoke detection by multi-spectral satellite data over land of East Asia (동아시아 지역의 육상에서 다중채널 위성자료에 의한 황사/연무 탐지)

  • Park, Su-Hyeun;Choo, Gyo-Hwang;Lee, Kyu-Tae;Shin, Hee-Woo;Kim, Dong-Chul;Jeong, Myeong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the dust/smoke detection algorithm was developed with a multi-spectral satellite remote sensing method using Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Level 1B (L1B) data and the results were validated as RGB composite images of red(R; band 1), green(G; band 4), blue(B; band 3) channels using MODIS L1B data and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization Satellite Observations(CALIPSO) Vertical Feature Mask (VFM) product. In the daytime on March 30, 2007 and April 27, 2012, the consistencies between the dust/smoke detected by this algorithm and verification data were approximately 56.4 %, 72.0 %, respectively. During the nighttime, the similar consistency was 40.5 % on April 27, 2012. Although these results were analyzed for limited cases due to the spatiotemporal matching for the MODIS and CALIPSO satellites, they could be used to utilize the aerosol detection of geostationary satellites for the next generations in Korea through further research.