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The Post modern parodies in "The Congress"  

Moon, Jae-Cheol (중앙대학교 첨담영상대학원 영상학과 애니메이션 이론 전공)
Choi, Sook-Young (중앙대학교 첨담영상대학원 영상학과 애니메이션 이론 전공)
Publication Information
Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2015 , pp. 157-182 More about this Journal
Mr. Folman, an Israeli director, used a highly stylized form of animation in a decidedly adult way to make his documentary about the 1982 war in Lebanon, "Waltz With Bashir," in 2008. After 5 years, he has used another distinctive approach, fusing animation with live action in his latest film, a trippy and surreal undertaking called "The Congress." He dismantled the means through parodies, the core of post-modernism art and built a new meaning to create a unique world view and unique aesthetics. In this study, parodies of the modern concept of post-modernism being used as a major strategy in the creation of art have appeared the four characteristics of post-modern parody: 1) intertextuality, 2) dissolution and fusion of genres, and 3) strengthening of irony, and 4) pastiche. This study is characteristic of post-modern parody that discusses the relevance of contemporary parody and postmodernism being developed by analyzing how they appear on the practical work. Furthermore, through analysis of "The Congress", this study discusses the post-modernist world view and the creative way of creating an experimental art with parody.
Post-modern parody; Parody; Post-modernism; Intertextuality; Dissolution and fusion of genres; Irony; Pastiche;
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  • Reference
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