• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고 비저항

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Breeding of Strawberry 'Okmae' for Forcing Culture with Less Labor Requirement for Fruit Thinning (적과 노력 절감용 촉성 딸기 '옥매' 품종 육성)

  • An, Jae Uk;Shim, Jae Suk;Yoon, Hae Suk;An, Chul Geon;Hwang, Yeon Hyeon;Chang, Young Ho;Shon, Gil Man;Rho, Chi Woong;Jeong, Byoung Ryong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.780-783
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    • 2012
  • A new strawberry cultivar (Fragaria ${\times}$ ananassa Duch.) 'Okmae' was developed from a cross between 'Toyonoka' and 'Maehyang'. This cultivar has a good fruit quality and suitable number of flowers per cluster for labor saving in fruit thinning. 'Gyoengnam No. 1' was selected as an elite line with vigorous plant growth, higher soluble solids content and fruit firmness after examining its characteristics and productivity in forcing cultures from 2007 to 2009. Farmer's field trial of 'Gyoengnam No. 1' was conducted in 2010 and it was registered as 'Okmae' thereafter. The general characteristics of 'Okmae' are vigorous growth habit, erect plant type, less number of leaf and elliptic leaf shape. 'Okmae' has long peduncle and 9-10 flowers per flower cluster which need less labor for fruit thinning. Fruits of 'Okmae' are conical having a bright red and glossy skin color. Although 'Okmae' has a smaller average fruit number per plant of 21.9 than that of the control cultivars, it's possible to produce high yield because of greater fruit weight of 26.0 g. 'Okmae' showed a high soluble solids content of $11.6^{\circ}Brix$, low acidity of 0.37%, and high firmness of $14.5g{\cdot}mm^{-2}$. It is sensitive to anthracnose and powery mildews, but high-quality strawberry can be harvested by using effective control measure.

A Study on the Changes of Gender Identity Found in the Character of Elsa on Frozen -Focus on Queer Theory- (겨울왕국의 엘사 캐릭터에 나타난 젠더 정체성의 변화 -퀴어이론을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jun-Soo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.38
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2015
  • The work appeared a featured female character in the Disney animation film begins with 'Snow White' released in 1937. After then, the 11 female characters appeared included 'Tangled' in 2010. Female characters reveal their identity due to obedient, family-oriented and marriage with prince and then gradually develop to heroine who leads to man, and is independent, pioneering, and sometimes saves the nation. Nevertheless, the ending of the Disney animation was still not escape the institutional, traditional discourse. Female characters are followed to meet the featured actor kissing and marriage, or was to show the virtues of sacrifice for the actor. However, Elsa in 'Frozen' is the character with an independent identity compared with the patriarchy, male chauvinism and heterosexual dichotomous discourse given so far in Disney. In this study, it is to explain the change of gender identity in the character of Elsa through Queer theory that deconstructs the distinction between sex and gender, and is constituted by the actions typed and performed the gender concept, and is dismantling the dichotomy itself such as male/female, heterosexual/homosexual. The performative of Queer make the boundaries between lesbian-gay, sexuality and heterosexual ambiguous. It can be said that the performative has political nature resisted to the dominant discourse through these parodiable strategy. The performative showed of Elsa is in the boundaries between the sisterhood and the heterosexual. When analyzed in a heterosexual perspective Elsa's identity is to be understood as simply just love the intimacy of a sister and a sister. On the other hand, if you focused on the relationship between women and the relationship between Elsa and Anna is recognized as the point of view of homosexuality. Because if you look at the concept of lesbian continuum, the homosexual love in the female characters of Disney seems like a bond between women, easier than heterosexual love can be hidden sexual desires. Elsa has developed into a performative identity through the expression of performative and the inhibitory of queer identity. And then the her sorcery that was initially contraindicated and the presence of a fear became to the 'lesbian phallus'. The sorcery that can be seen the signifying phallus against to the privileges of heterosexual patriarchy is recognized in the world of Arendal. Elsa is a new women featuring Disney characters. as this character is analysised by Queer theory, this study seeks to expand the area of the various character analysis methods.

A Feasibility Study of AMT Application to Tidal Flat Sedimentary Layer (갯벌 지역의 하부퇴적층에 대한 AMT 탐사의 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Lee, Choon-Ki;Park, Gye-Soon;Choi, Su-Young;Yoo, Hee-Young;Choi, Jong-Keun;Eom, Joo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2007
  • The marine seismic prospecting using a research vessel in the shallow sea near the coastal area has certain limits according to the water depth and survey environment. Also, for the electrical resistivity survey at seashore area, one may need a specially designed high-voltage source to penetrate the very conductive surface layer. Therefore, we have conducted a feasibility study on the application of magnetotelluric method (MT), a passive geophysical method, on investigating of shallow marine environment geology. Our study involves both theoretical modeling and field survey at the tidal flat area which represent the very shallow marine environment. We have applied the audio-frequency magnetotelluric (AMT) method to the intertidal deposits of Gunhung Bay, west coast of Korea, and analysed the field data both qualitatively and quantitatively to investigate the morphology and sedimentary stratigraphy of the tidal flat. The inversion of AMT data well reveals the upper sedimentary layer of Holocene intertidal sediments having a range of 13-20 m thickness and the erosional patterns at the unconformable contact boundary. However, the AMT inversion results tend to overestimate the depth of basement (30-50 m) when compared with the seismic section (27-33 m). Since MT responses are not significantly sensitive to the resistivity of middle layer or the depth of basement, the AMT inversion result for basement may have to be adjusted using the comparison with other geophysical information like seismic section or logging data if possible. But, the AMT method can be an effective alternative choice for investigating the seashore area to get important basic informations such as the depositional environment of the tidal flat, sea-water intrusion and the basement structure near the sea shore.

Effect of Dietary Probiotics Supplementation Contained with Astaxanthin Produced by Phaffia rhodozyma on the Productivity and Meat Quality of Ducks (Astaxanthin을 생성하는 Phaffia rhodozyma를 포함한 미생물제제의 급여가 오리의 성장과 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim K. S.;Lee J. H.;Shin M. S.;Cho M. S.;Kim Y. P.;Cho S. K.;Kang Y. J.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of dietary probiotics supplementation contained with astaxanthin synthesizing microorganism 'Phaffia rhodozyma' on the productivity and meat quality of ducks. Growth performance carried out during 45 days for day-old ducks offered in Joowonori incorporated. A total of 150 day-old ducks(cheribery) of mixed sex(M:F=1:1) were allotted into 5 groups. The basal diets were added with low levels of astaxanthin containing probiotics. We investigated mortality, bodyweight, and feed conversion used by growth performance. 45day-old ducks were butchered and carried out nutrients composition analysis, meat quality test, organoleptic examination, fatty acid analysis, cholesterol analysis, storage test, and astaxanthin concentration analysis. Control showed $3.7\%$ mortality and treatments showed $0\%$ mortality. These results showed improvement of immunity, for influence of dietary probiotics supplementation contained with astaxanthin. The control gained 2.68 kg and treatment gained 2.84 kg. The control was 2.15 and treatment was 1.83 for feed conversion. Treatment was increased feed conversion than control as significantly. The results of meat quality test showed that treatment was tender and taste more than control. The results of nutrients composition analysis showed that treatment was produced low fat and high protein meat. Ducks meat of treatments contained higher unsaturated fatty acid and lower cholesterol than control. The case of carotenoids confirmed that astaxanthin and $\beta-carotein$ were accumulated in duck meat.

Studies on the Host Range of Colletotrichum dematium Isolated from Anthracnose of Pepper and Toxic Metabolites Produced by the Pathogen (고추 탄저병균(炭疽病菌) Colletotrichum dematium의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 대사독소(代謝毒素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Hi Wang;Yu, Seung Hun;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1987
  • This studies were conducted to investigate pathgenicity and host range of Colletotrichum dematium isolated from anthracnose of pepper, and phytoxicity of its culture filtrate and the partially purified toxin. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigation on the host range of C. dematium has revealed that pepper as well as soybean, tomato, spinach, and beet were highly susceptible, egg plant and water melon were moderately susceptible and stone leek was slightly suceptible, but no symptoms were produced on carrot, tabacco, cucumber and melon. 2. The culture filtrates of C. dematium in Czapeck dox liquid media were toxic to leaves of pepper and caused necrosis and wilting of the plant. The toxicity of culture filtrates was most active at 15 days after fungal growth in Czapeck dox liquid media and the toxin productivity in still culture was higher than that in shaking culture. 3. The partially purified toxic substance was isolated from the culture filtrates by the acetone precipitation method. When cuttings of various pepper cultivars were placed in the toxin solutions, suceptible cultivars and resistant cultivars were equally toxic and showed necrosis and wilting of the leaves. 4. Several other plants such as soybean, tomato and carrot were also affected with the toxin solution by shoot cutting bioassay and showed veinal necrosis, leaf spots and wilting of the shoots. 5. The acetone precipitation toxin affected seed germination of pepper, cucumber, sesame and egg plant and inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl of the seedlings.

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The Effect of Chemical Composition and Sintering Temperature on The Improvement of Physical Properties of Mn-Zn Ferrites (Mn-Zn ferrite의 성분 및 소결 온도에 따른 물리적 특성의 향상 연구)

  • 고재귀
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 1995
  • The basic composition of Mn-Zn ferrite was $Mn_{0.631}Zn_{0.316}Fe_{2.053}O_{4}$(specimen A), $Mn_{0.584}Zn_{0.312}Fe_{2.104}O_{4}$(specimen B) and $Mn_{0.538}Zn_{0.308}Fe_{2.154}O_{4}$(specimen C) with additional 0.1 mol % $CaCo_{3}$ and 0.04 mol % $V_{2}O_{5}$. For high per¬meability and acceleration of grain growth, $CaCo_{3}$ and $V_{2}O_{5}$. was added. The mixture of the law materials was calcinated at $950^{\circ}C$ for 3 hours and then milled. The compacts of toroidal type were sintered at different temperature($1250^{\circ}C$, $1300^{\circ}C$, $1350^{\circ}C$) for 2 hours in $N_2$ atmosphere. The effects of the various raw material composition and sintered temperature on the physical properties of Mn-Zn ferrite have been investigated. They turned out to be spinel structure by X-ray diffraction and the size of grain from SEM was from $18\;\mu\textrm{m}\;to\;23\;\mu\textrm{m}$. As the sintering temperature was increased from $1250^{\circ}C$ to $1350^{\circ}C$, the initial permeability and magnetic induction has increased and the both of Q factor and coercive force has decreased. The coercive force and curie temperature were almost the same at each specimen Their values were about 0.45 Oe and $200^{\circ}C$. The frequency of specimen will used in the range from 200 kHz to 2 MHz. The basic composition of $Mn_{0.584}Zn_{0.312}Fe_{2.104}O_{4}$(specimen B) sintered at $1300^{\circ}C$ shows the best results at magnetic induction (Br & Bm).

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A Study on Visual Identity of Korean Government (우리나라 행정부의 시각 정체성 연구)

  • Cho, Ju-Eun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2006
  • As we cannot think of our lives without a nation, it is closely related to almost every part of our daily lives. The role of government is becoming more important in the complex modern society as an essential element of national authority even though the government has indirect and secondary characteristics in its functional performance. Therefore, the government has to be efficient in planning and executing its policies, and it needs to be representative and fair as part of a national authoritative community. In the 21st century when symbolic and cultural importance of images are becoming more important, it is crucial for the government organizations to have an integrated identity design system that can satisfy both of these requirements of the government. However, the C.I.(Corporate Identity) of each Korean administrative branch has been developed separately and sporadically, which resulted in lack of consistency as part of the government. Shape and material of their C.I.s that follow short term design trend and popularity also lack uniqueness which can be distinguished from those of any private corporation. This may show that our government lacks systematic administrative capability, since image of a feature represents its characteristics and reality, and their recognition and evaluation from others become identity of the feature. In this perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to suggest an identity design system that has certain rules and regularity with wide variety of possible alterations for the central administration in Korea. In order to represent this visually, identity design system with both integrity and variety of possible alteration is created based on traditional Korean culture, especially the concept of Umyang-ohaeng and Samjae.

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Survey of Pesticide Use in Leaf and Fruit Vegetables, Fruits, and Rice Cultivation Areas in Korea (우리나라 엽채소류, 과채류, 과수류 및 벼 재배 지역에서의 농약 사용실태 조사)

  • Ha, Huen-Young;Park, Sung-Eun;You, Are-Sun;Gil, Geun-Hwan;Park, Jae-Eup;Lee, In-Yong;Park, Kee-Woong;Ihm, Yang-Bin
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2016
  • In order to investigate actual pesticide usage, this survey was carried out with farmers growing four crop groups, leaf vegetables, fruit vegetables, fruits, and rice from 2012 to 2015. Five hundred sixty farmers were selected in main crop production areas and were asked about their pesticide uses during the growing season. Investigations on pesticide damages to crop in recent 5 years showed that fruit vegetables had the highest proportion of damage at 14%, followed by rice at 11%, orchards at 11%, and leaf vegetables at 8%. Compared to the results of a pilot study which took place from 2009 to 2011, fruit vegetable damage increased by 4% while damage to rice and orchards decreased by 7-9%. This means continuous education on mixed spraying, usage methods, and precaution is required. In the survey on the safety guidelines for pesticide use, 6 items were well observed (89.0-95.0%), but one item for use of protective gear had the lowest observance (81.7%). A measure for protective gear for poisoning prevention is required. The survey of pesticide usage per area ($kg\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$) showed that 1.65, 4.93, 10.98, and $3.16kg\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$ of pesticides were applied to leaf vegetables (6 species), fruit vegetables (6 species), fruits (6 species), and rice, respectively, which decreased from the usage reported in the pilot study. This change was likely caused by more effective pesticides and fewer pest outbreaks; therefore, shipments of pesticides have been decreasing. In the case of paddy rice herbicides, 43 products, including butachlor, were used for $1.3kg\;ha^{-1}$. Herbicides represent 44% of pesticides used in paddy rice.

An Experience of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in 9 Pediatric Patients (소아에서 시행한 치료적 혈장교환술 9례의 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee Jee-Hyun;Jeon Ga-Won;Park Sung-Eun;Jin Dong-Kyu;Paik Kyung-Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the therapeutic effect of plasmapheresis in various pediatric diseases. Methods : Therapeutic plasmapheresis was performed by COBE Spectra centrifugation. Nine cases were included in this study. The number an[;. method of plasmapheresis, together with the progress and prognosis of each case were retrospectively reviewed. Results : The patients' ages ranged from 26 mont]Is to 16 years of age, and the mean age was 9.9 years. There were S males and 4 females. The underlying diseases requiring plasmapheresis included 2 cases of hemolytic uremic svndrome(HUS), 1 case of lupus nephritis, 2 cases of rapidly Progressive glomerulonephritis(RPGN), 1 case of focal segmental glomorulosclerosis(FSGS), 1 case of systemic vasculitis after pulmonary hemorrhage, 1 case of acute renal failure associated with pulmonary hemoIThage, and 1 case of acute rejection after renal transplantation. The average number of plasmapheresis performed was 6.2 times with a range of 3 to 13 times. The patients with HUS, lupus nephritis, ANCA positive systemic vasculitis induced by pulmonary hemorrhage and ARF-associated pulmonary hemorrhage showed a good response to therapeutic plasmapheresis, but the patients with RPGN, refractory FSGS, and acute rejection after renal transplantation were not responsive to treatment. The most common side effect was hypocalcemia which was rarely symptomatic. Vital signs were not compromised. Conclusion : Although it is presumptuous to generalize the therapeutic effects of plasma pheresis in different diseases due to the small number of study subjects, this study shows that plasmapheresis may be an effective therapeutic modality in various pediatrics diseases and should be considered as a therapeutic option.

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Development of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation Method for Domestically Bred Chrysanthemum Cultivar 'Moulinrouge' and Genetic Change of Leaf Morphology Using AtSICKLE Gene (아그로박테리움를 이용한 국내개발 국화품종 '무랑루즈'의 형질전환 기술 및 AtSICKLE 유전자를 이용한 엽형 변화 국화 형질전환체 개발)

  • Kim, Yun-Hye;Park, Hyun-Myung;Jung, Ji-Yong;Kwon, Tack-Min;Jeung, Soon-Jae;Yi, Young-Byung;Kim, Gyung-Tae;Nam, Jae-Sung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2010
  • 'Moulinrouge' was selected as the best regenerating cultivar among 18 different spray-type chrysanthemum cultivars bred in the Gyeongnam Flowers Breeding Research Institute. When the leaf explants from standard- and spray-type chrysanthemum 'Jinba' and 'Moulinrouge' were incubated on MS basal medium supplemented with $0.5mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ BA and $1.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ NAA, both 'Jinba' and 'Moulinrouge' induced adventitious shoots that can be regenerated into plantlets. Based on these regeneration conditions, we developed an efficient $Agrobacterium$-mediated chrysanthemum 'Moulinrouge' transformation method by using sequential selection of shoots from low ($10mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$) to high ($30mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$) concentrations of kanamycin after co-cultivation of leaf explants with $Agrobacterium$ for 10 days and induction of shoots. All kanamycin resistant plants investigated with genomic PCR analysis carried the report gene, $AtSICKLE$, in their genome. Although expression levels of the report gene in the transgenic plants investigated with RT-PCR were relatively low because of inefficiency of CaMV 35S promoter in chrysanthemum, transgenic lines expressing $AtSICKLE$ efficiently showed leaf epinasty phenotype. We expect that our results will provide a useful method that can perform a high-throughput investigation of genes isolated and studied well in model plants for molecular breeding of chrysanthemum.