• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고등학교 교실

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An Analysis on Argumentation in the Task Context of 'Monty Hall Problem' at a High School Probability Class (고등학교 확률 수업의 '몬티홀 문제' 과제 맥락에서 나타난 논증과정 분석)

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Cho, Cheong-Soo
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.423-446
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to look into the characteristics of argumentation in the task context of 'Monty Hall problem' at a high school probability class. As a result of an analysis of classroom discourses on the argumentation between teachers and second-year students in one upper level class in high school using Toulmin's argument pattern, it was found that it would be important to create a task context and a safe classroom culture in which the students could ask questions and refute them in order to make it an argument-centered discourse community. In addition, through the argumentation of solving complex problems together, the students could be further engaged in the class, and the actual empirical context enriched the understanding of concepts. However, reasoning in argumentation was mostly not a statistical one, but a mathematical one centered around probability problem-solving. Through these results of the study, it was noted that the teachers should help the students actively participate in argumentation through the task context and question, and an understanding of a statistical reasoning of interpreting the context would be necessary in order to induce their thinking and reasoning about probability and statistics.

Comparing Two Peer Tutoring Methods in the Mathematics Classroom: Design and Implementation Research (고등학교 수학 교실의 또래교수 설계 및 실행 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Ahra;Min, Kyung Chan;Lim, Woong
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.179-200
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    • 2020
  • The study investigates how two different methods of peer tutoring impact academic achievement and student affect in a high school mathematics class. The two methods include the one-on-one non-reciprocal peer tutoring and the one-on-four interactive peer-tutoring method. We looked into students' cognitive gains and their affect toward mathematics after students had experienced peer tutoring for six weeks. Further, we analyzed student responses in a survey about peer tutoring activities. A finding is that the two methods produced no statistically significant difference in both cognitive gains and student affect toward mathematics. As students expressed views about their peer tutoring experiences, their comments, however, revealed the multifaceted aspects of peer tutoring in the classroom setting. In turn, this supports the use of diverse peer tutoring methods especially when the teacher makes incremental changes in teaching practices to improve student learning. Findings also indicate that appropriate peer tutoring experiences have the potential to create intellectually safe learning environments with high student engagement. This underscores the benefit of designing and implementing diverse peer tutoring methods that are effective in engaging students in learning and increasing the opportunity to learn and create knowledge with peers.

A Study on the Policy Direction of Space Composition of the Future School in Old High School - Focused on The Judgment of Space Relocation for the Application of the High School Credit System - (노후고등학교의 미래학교 공간구성 정책방향에 관한 연구 - 고교학점제 적용을 위한 공간 재배치 판단을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Lim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • This study is a case study to identify the spatial composition and structural problems of existing schools for spatial innovation as a future school that can operate a credit system for old high schools and establish a mid-to-long-term arrangement plan as a credit system operating school capable of various teaching and learning in the future. The study results are as follows: First, most of the problems of the old high schools entailed that there was very poor connectivity between buildings as most of them were arranged in a single, standard design-type unit building and distributed in multiple buildings. In addition, the floor plan of each building is suggested to be a structure in which student exchange and rest functions cannot be achieved during the break period due to the spatial composition of the classroom and hallway concepts. Second, in the direction of the high school space configuration for future school space innovation, the arrangement plan should be established by reflecting the collective arrangement in consideration of the shortening of the movement route and the expansion of subject areas due to the movement of students on the premise of the subject classroom system. Moreover, it is desirable to provide a square-type space for rest and exchange in the central area where communication and exchange are possible according to the moving class. Third, as the evaluation criteria for relocating old high schools, a space program is prepared based on the number of classes in the future, and legal analysis of school land use and land use efficiency analysis considering regional characteristics are conducted. Based on such analysis data, mid-to-long-term land use plans and space arrangement plans for the entire school space such as the school facility complex are established.

A Study on the Adequacy Evaluation of Criteria of Occupant Load Density in School Classrooms (학교 교실의 재실자밀도 기준 적정성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Dong-Goo;Hwang, Eun-Kyoung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the adequacy of a school classroom's occupant load density standard to cope with the issues associated with the decreasing number of students and regional variations. Therefore, this study analyzed the occupant load density standards of kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and universities using the data open to the public by the Ministry of Education. The results revealed a high variance in the occupant load density according to the school type. The median values were 1.49, 3.45, 2.64, 2.45, and $3.41m^2/person$ for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and universities, respectively. Although the occupant load density was higher than the current standard ($1.9m^2/person$), except for kindergarten, the present standard did not need to be improved immediately, considering the purpose of calculating the maximum occupancy. On the other hand, if improvements are made in line with other enhancements of a national education policy, it will be possible to mitigate the measure to $2.5m^2/person$ based on the survey results.

The Investigation of the Demands about School Science and the Perception about Scientifically Specialized High School (학교 과학에 대한 수요자 요구조사 및 과학특성화 고등학교에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Son, Jeongwoo;Lee, Bongwoo;Lee, Ki-young;Lee, Changjae;Choi, Jaehyeok;Jeon, Hwayoung;Han, Inki;Han, JaeYoung;Hong, Juneuy
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2009
  • Korean 7th national curriculum gave the right to elect the advanced subject such as physics II, chemistry II. Students could elect the subject by their aptitude and interest. But, actually, the choice was constrained by school circumstances such as the number of teacher and the number of class. high school students. We investigated the demand about school science and perception about scientifically specialized high school in which the students could have all advanced science subjects by the survey of 336 middle school students including 148 students in the science education center for the gifted, 220 high school students, and 70 science teachers in capital region. As results of this study, most of the high school opened chemistry and biology advanced subjects, but only 37.1% of them opend physics advanced subject. This constrained students' right of elect the subject by their interest. While most of middle school and high school students normally demanded the more experiment in the class and the easier science content, the students in the science education center for the gifted demanded more science class time. The students who wanted to have science career had very positive recognition of scientifically specialized high school and science teachers agreed to running the scientifically specialized high school.

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교수학적 상황론에 입각한 효과적인 극한지도

  • Go, Sang-Suk;Yang, Pil-Suk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.11
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문은 고등학교 교육과정상에서 학습자들이 오류를 범하기 쉽고, 어려워 하는 극한에 대해 보다 효과적인 지도방법을 제시한다. 현실적으로 교수활동은 교실이라는 공간에서 일정한 수업시간동안에 교사와 학습자와의 관계속에서 이루어진다. 그 속에서 학습자들은 주변의 세계를 관찰함으로써, 혹은 추측과 반박을 통해 시행착오적으로 사고함으로써 혹은 모순, 어려움, 불균형을 일으키는 주위환경에 동화 ${\cdot}$ 조절을 함으로써 자신을 적응시켜 가면서 학습하게 된다. 따라서 교수학적 의도가 미비한 환경은 학습자에게 획득하기를 기대하는 학습을 할 수 없게 한다. Brousseas의 교수학적 상황론에 근거하여 교육의 현장인 교실에서의 교사와 학생간의 상호작용에 따른 교수-학습의 중요성에 초점을 둔 본 논문은 Freudenthal의 역사발생적 원리에 의한 극한의 정의와 학습자의 오류수정을 위한 교수학습 전략으로 Lakatos의 발견술을 제안하였다. 또한 극한 개념에 대해 실생활에서 학습자에게 쉽게 동화 ${\cdot}$ 조절이 일어날 수 있는 학습 방법을 제안하였다.

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A Classroom Space Design based on User Centered Design (사용자 중심 디자인 기반 교실 공간 설계)

  • Choi, Ho-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to design educational space that will respond to changing educational curriculum and creative educational activities. The study was conducted with user centered design method in which students and teachers who actually use space participate directly in space design, moving away from the one-sided approach by experts. The design of educational space, which is the subject of this study, was carried out by the opinions of users and the opinions of users were collected through the descriptive and mapping measure forms by analyzing previous researches and actual space cases on user centered design. Based on the opinions collected by the survey form, total four spaces, Type A, two Type B, and Type C, were designed. The fact that the user directly commented on the space plan to be used and actually participated in the space design would be helpful for users' deep interest in the results of this study and students' academic improvement.

A Study on the Space Planning for Science High Schools (과학고등학교 공간계획에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Han-Hee;Lee, Hwa-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2011
  • This research aims at proposing the space planning and architectural guideline required in designing the Science High School. It investigates specific features of the science high school which are distinguished from the general high school and analyses the compositional figure of teachers and students, the teaching methods and its educational curriculum, especially the revised educational curriculum in 2009. Meanwhile, it explores the administrative systems and facilities of the existing science high schools through both the document survey and on-the-spot interview. Such endeavor results in proposing the space classification, the space composition methods and a classroom managing system, which would be suited to the science high school. Finally it presents the architectural guidelines for planning the special subject learning area that is composed of a special subject classroom, a specified lab, medial space, a project and research room and teacher's room. The result of this study could be the fundamental resources for programming the special purposed high school as well as the science high school building.

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Electroencephalography Activities Influenced by Classroom Smells of Male High School (남자고등학교 교실냄새에 대한 뇌파반응)

  • Ryu, Hyun;Ko, WooHyong;Kim, JongWoo;Kim, SooRin;Kim, Min Kyung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.387-396
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the influence of classroom smells (foot odor, hair smell, sour smell, and sweat smell) of male high school and sweat smell and the offensive odor substance (ammonia and butyric acid) on the electroencephalography (EEG) activities of 20 female volunteers, ranging in age from 30 to 50 were studied. The representative response of brainwave index by these smells stimuli was most pronounced on temporal lobes among the brain lobes. By comparison with background EEG activities on temporal lobes, the smells reduced the relative alpha band power (0.04~0.13) and increased the relative beta band power (0.02~0.06) and the relative gamma band power (0.03~0.09). The alpha wave was deactivated, high beta (18~30Hz) and gamma (30~50Hz) waves were remarkably activated. The order of EEG fluctuation caused by the smell stimulus is as follows; hair smell > butyric acid > foot odor, sour smell > ammonia > sweat smell. It means that the classroom smells cause an excessive brain arousal and straining and may be reducing one's attention and learning ability.

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A Study on the Characteristic of Space Recomposition and the Change of Operation Method of high schools in the Rural Area (농촌지역 고등학교의 운영방식 변화와 공간 재구성의 특징 연구)

  • Yang, Kum-Suek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2014
  • This study is to clarify the actual condition of the plan of high schools in the rural area. Recently, many high schools are remodeling the buildings and facilities based on departmental system. This study, through analyzing on 5 remodeling cases of high school in gyeongnam area. This article discuses about the basic characteristics of the plan composition and the education program of 5 high schools. This study is showing the variation before and after remodeling and space organization types. The results of this study are summarized as follows; We studied 5 high schools in 2012~2013 of them, which located in the rural area. We studied the location of department classrooms, teachers' labs and home bases of them. 1) Most of them take horizontal zoning system in the department classrooms. 2) The number of teachers' labs were increased in most of floors. On the other hand, most of Labs' area were decreased. Every department classroom zone has one teachers' lab. 3) Sample schools took much more spaces of home-base and media-space than before.