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A Study on the Policy Direction of Space Composition of the Future School in Old High School - Focused on The Judgment of Space Relocation for the Application of the High School Credit System -  

Lee, Jae-Lim (한국교원대학교 교육정책대학원)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.21, no.3, 2022 , pp. 1-13 More about this Journal
This study is a case study to identify the spatial composition and structural problems of existing schools for spatial innovation as a future school that can operate a credit system for old high schools and establish a mid-to-long-term arrangement plan as a credit system operating school capable of various teaching and learning in the future. The study results are as follows: First, most of the problems of the old high schools entailed that there was very poor connectivity between buildings as most of them were arranged in a single, standard design-type unit building and distributed in multiple buildings. In addition, the floor plan of each building is suggested to be a structure in which student exchange and rest functions cannot be achieved during the break period due to the spatial composition of the classroom and hallway concepts. Second, in the direction of the high school space configuration for future school space innovation, the arrangement plan should be established by reflecting the collective arrangement in consideration of the shortening of the movement route and the expansion of subject areas due to the movement of students on the premise of the subject classroom system. Moreover, it is desirable to provide a square-type space for rest and exchange in the central area where communication and exchange are possible according to the moving class. Third, as the evaluation criteria for relocating old high schools, a space program is prepared based on the number of classes in the future, and legal analysis of school land use and land use efficiency analysis considering regional characteristics are conducted. Based on such analysis data, mid-to-long-term land use plans and space arrangement plans for the entire school space such as the school facility complex are established.
Old school; Credit system; Space relocation; Green smart;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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