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An Experimental Study on the Water Temperature Sensitivity of Exotic Fishes (외래어종의 수온 민감성에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Son, Minwoo;Park, Byeoung Eun;Byun, Jisun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.483-483
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    • 2018
  • 우리나라 하천 생태계에서 외래어종은 토착 어류의 개체수를 빠르게 감소시키고 서식처에서 우점종이 되어 생태계 교란을 야기하고 있다. 이러한 현안의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 외래어종과 관련된 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 대표적 외래어종인 배스와 블루길을 대상으로 수온에 따른 서식처 형성을 관찰한다. 그 후 계절별로 형성된 서식처 안에서 수온을 조절하여 외래어종의 생태환경에 따른 민감성을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 수행하였다. 실험실 연구를 진행하는 동안 외래어종이 서식처를 형성할 때 민감하게 반응하는 수온 차가 계절에 따라 달라짐을 발견하였다. 이 사실을 증명하기 위해 농업용 저수지로부터 채집한 배스와 블루길을 길이 12 m, 깊이 0.6 m, 폭 1 m의 하천과 유사한 자연적 환경이 갖추어진 수조에 이식한 후, 외래어종이 서식처를 형성할 때 계절에 따라 어떻게 반응하는지 면밀히 관찰하였다. 수조를 3개의 구역으로 나누어 좌측 끝단을 히터를 설치한 온수대, 우측 끝단을 냉각기를 설치한 냉수대, 중앙은 온도 조절장치를 설치하지 않은 중수대로 구분하여 실험하였고 계절 마다 수온을 조절하며 수온 차와 서식처 형성의 상관성 분석이 진행되었다. 실험 진행 시 수온을 제외한 수조 안 환경은 동일하게 유지하였다. 실험 결과, 동계에는 실험실 수조의 평균 수온이 $12.88^{\circ}C$이고 어류는 각 구간별 수온의 차이가 $1^{\circ}C$ 이하에도 민감하게 반응하며 조금이라도 수온이 높은 구역에 서식처를 형성하였다. 춘계에는 평균 수온 $16.15^{\circ}C$가 되면서 어류가 온수대에 서식처를 형성하기는 하나 각 구간별 $1^{\circ}C$ 정도의 차이에는 중수대까지 서식처를 형성하였다. 즉 동계보다는 수온 차이에 둔감하게 반응하는 특성을 보였다. 또한 춘계에서 하계로 넘어가는 과도기에 수조의 평균 수온이 $21^{\circ}C$로 올라가자 외래어종은 각 구간별 수온 차이와는 관계없이 이미 서식처로 형성했던 온수대를 넘어 수조 전체에 좀 더 확산된 형태의 서식처를 형성하였다. 하계에는 수조의 평균 수온이 $25.67^{\circ}C$였으며 수온을 조절하여 관찰한 결과 외래어종은 약 $24^{\circ}C$ 수온보다 낮은 냉수대에 서식처를 뚜렷하게 형성하는 모습을 보였다. 즉 외래어종은 $20{\sim}24^{\circ}C$ 정도의 수온에 서식처를 가장 선호 하며 동계에는 수온이 가장 높은 곳, 하계에는 가장 낮은 곳에 형성하는 것으로 판단된다. 실험을 진행하는 동안 수조 내 구역의 구분을 위해 공통으로 설치된 가림판 부근에 외래어종의 군락이 형성된 것을 통해, 향후에는 외래어종의 서식처 형성과 장애물과 같은 지형적인 요인이 미치는 영향에 관한 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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Seasonal Changes of Shorelines and Beaches on East Sea Coast, South Korea (동해안 해안선과 해빈의 계절적 변화)

  • Kim, Dae Sik;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.147-164
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed characteristics and tendencies of seasonal change on shoreline and beach with 8 beaches at East Sea coast by topographical survey for 2 years from March 2012 to February 2013. The shorelines of East Sea coast appeared that amount of seasonal change was bigger than amount of annual change. The seasonal change tendencies between Gangwon-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do coast areas existed some regional differences. To synthesize seasonal changes on 8 beaches of East Sea coast, shoreline advance and beach deposit showed clearly in summer and shoreline retreat and beach erosion showed clearly in autumn. This result is different from tendencies of seasonal change in many mid-latitude coast areas of the world, but generally corresponds with reference studies in west coast and east coast. The major factor of beach erosion showing mostly in summer is storm wave caused by typhoon. The beach erosion by storm wave also occurred in late winter. And it assumes that the beach deposit showing mostly in autumn is result of equilibrium processes of coast area against strong erosion in summer.

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Flavor Characteristics of Kakdugi by Radish Cultivars and Seasons (무 품종 및 계절에 따른 깍두기의 향미특성)

  • Kim, Mee-Ree;Jhee, Ok-Hwa;Yoon, Hwa-Mo;Yang, Cha-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.762-771
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    • 1996
  • Chemical and sensory characteristics of kakdugi which was prepared with various radish cultivars and harvesting seasons were analyzed during 7-day storage. Average pH of small radish cultivar kakdugi was higher than that of large ones, and total acidity was lower in small ones. Reducing sugar content was the highest in kakdugi of autumn radish. Organic acids such as lactic, succinic and fumaric acid analyzed by GC increased until the third day of fermentation, whereas volatile isothiocyanates analyzed by GC/MS continued to decline. There was a significant difference in flavor characteristics of large radish kakdugi across seasons, in contrast to no significant difference in those of small radish kakdugi except sweet taste and reducing sugar content in which interaction existed between season and cultivar. Score of overall acceptability was higher in small radish than large ones with Dongja showing the highest score of overall acceptability. Overall acceptability of autumn Dongja kakdugi was positively correlated with radish kakdugi odor and sour odor, respectively, but negatively with total acidity, lactic acid content, sweet taste and pungency, respectively. By multiple regression analysis, overall acceptability in spring Dongja kakdugi is expressed as a function of overall acceptability = -0.1115 + 1.2519 savory taste + 1.5159 malic acid -0.0054 total isothiocyanate + ${\varepsilon}$.

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Seasonal Food Intake Status of the Long-lived Elderly People in Kyungpook Sung-Ju (경북 성주지역 장수노인의 계절별 식품섭취 상태)

  • 백지원;구보경;김규종;이성국;이혜성;이연경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.691-700
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate food intakes of the long-lived elderly and to obtain the data for establishing dietary guidelines that may be recommended for the general population for the sake of longvity. The subjects of the study were 224 elderly people of age over 85 years living in Kyungpook Sung-Ju area who have no problem in daily living. The food consumption survey was carried out seasonally by the repeated 24-hr recall method for one year. The subject group for this study was composed of 58 males and 166 females, the average age being 87 years old. Food intakes of the winter were more than any other seasons. The mean daily total food intake per capita was 594.4g, 513.5 g (86.4%) from plant foods and 79.3 g(13.3%) from animal foods. The sequence of high intakes of food groups were cereals, vegetables, fruits, fishes, legumes and meats. Boiled white rice, beef soup, soybean paste soup, soybean paste stew, broiled yellow croaker, kimchi, ra myon and broiled noodles were consumed most frequently. In conclusion, the subjects consumed much more plants foods than animal foods and consumed more natural and seasonal foods than processed foods and also showed food habits of eating small meals. Dietary habits of eating small meals containing abundant amount of fresh plant foods might partially contribute to the longevity of the subjects.

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Association of the RORA Gene Polymorphism and Seasonal Variations in Mood and Behavior (RORA 유전자 다형성과 기분 및 행동의 계절성 변동의 연관성)

  • Kim, Hae-In;So, Soo-Jung;Yang, Hee Jung;Song, Hyun Mi;Moon, Joung Ho;Yoon, Ho-Kyoung;Kang, Seung-Gul;Park, Young-Min;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Leen;Lee, Heon-Jeong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: Several evidence has been suggested that the circadian gene variants contribute to the pathogenesis of seasonal affective disorder. In this study, we aimed to investigate the polymorphism in RORA (Retinoid-related orphan receptor A) gene in relation to seasonal variations among healthy young adults in Seoul, Korea. Methods: A total of 507 young healthy adult subjects were recruited by advertisement. Seasonal variations were assessed by the Seasonality Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). Single-nucleotide polymorphism in the RORA rs11071547 gene was genotyped by PCR in 507 individuals. Considering summer type as confounding factor, we conducted analysis 478 subjects except 29 subjects of summer type. The Chi-square test was conducted to compare differences between groups of seasonals and non-seasonals. Association between genotypes and Global Seasonality Score (GSS) were tested using ANCOVA (Analysis of covariance). Results: In this sample, the prevalence of SAD was 12.1% (winter type 9.3%, summer type 2.8%). There is no significant difference in genotyping distribution of RORA rs11071547 between groups of seasonals and non-seasonals. Global seasonality score (GSS) and scores of all subscales except body weight and appetite were not significantly different between the group with C allele homozygote and the group with T allele homozygote and heterozygote (p-value 0.138). Scores of body weight and appetite were significantly higher in group with C allele homozygotes. Conclusion: These results suggest that RORA gene polymorphism play a role in seasonal variations in appetite and body weight and is associated with susceptibility to seasonal affective disorder in some degree in the population studied.

Seismic Amplification Characteristics of Eastern Siberia (동시베리아 지역의 지진 증폭 특성)

  • Park, Du-Hee;Kwak, Hyung-Joo;Kang, Jae-Mo;Lee, Yong-Gook
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2014
  • The thickness of permafrost in Eastern Siberia is from 200 to 500 meters. The seasonally frozen layer can vary from 0 to 4m depending on ground temperature and its location. The shear wave velocity varies from 80m/s in summer to 1500m/s in winter depending on soil type. When melted, large impedence will occur due to the difference between the shear wave velocity of seasonally frozen soil and that of permafrost layer. Large displacement may occur at the boundary of the melted and the frozen layer, and this phenomenon should be considered in a seismic design. In this research, one-dimensional equivalent linear analyses were performed to investigate the effects of the seasonally frozen layer on ground amplification characteristics. Soil profiles of Yakutsk and Chara in Eastern Siberia were selected from geotechnical reports. 20 recorded ground motions were used to evaluate the effect of input motions. As the thickness of seasonally frozen layer and the difference in the shear wave velocity increases, the amplification is shown to increase. Peat, very soft organic soil widely distributed throughout Eastern Siberia, is shown to cause significant ground motion amplification. It is therefore recommended to account for its influence on propagated motion.

Seasonal Dynamics of Enzymetic Activities and Functional Diversity in Soils under Different Organic Managements (시용 유기물을 달리한 토양에서 미생물 군락의 효소활성과 기능적 다양성의 계절적 변화)

  • Park, Kee-Choon;Kremer, Robert J.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2009
  • Soil microbial activity and diversity are affected by organic sources applied to improve soil quality and fluctuate seasonally. We investigated the effects of municipal compost (MC), poultry litter (PL), and cover crops of spring oats and red clover (RC) on soil enzyme activities, and soil bacterial community-level physiological profiling (CLPP) in a Mexico silt loam in North Central Missouri, USA. Temporal patterns of these parameters were observed by periodic five soil sampling from spring to fall over a two year period. MC increased soil dehydrogenase (DH) activity consistently beginning about three months after MC application; fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolytic activity significantly began to increase by the September of the first year but fluctuated during the following period. DH activity responded more directly to the amount or properties of organic residues in soils while FDA hydrolysis and CLPP were generally influenced by composition of organic sources, and enzyme activities and CLPP showed seasonal variation, which depended on organic sources and soil moisture. MC and cover crops may be useful organic sources for enhancing general soil microbial activity and altering soil microbial diversity, respectively. Because microbial activities and diversity are dynamic and subject to seasonal changes, the effects of organic amendments on these parameters should be investigated frequently during a growing season.

태화강 주변지역 지하수의 수질특성 및 계절별 수질변화 양상

  • Lee Jong-Seong;Kim Do-Sun;Yun Hye-Jeong;Choi Yeong-A;Choi Yeong-Seon;Im Jong-Seon;Yun Han-Jik;Lee Jin-Yeol;Jeong Su-Geun;Ham Yu-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.441-445
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    • 2005
  • 태화강 주변지역 지하수의 계절적 수질 변화를 보고자 현장측정 항목(수온, pH, 알칼리도, 전기전도도), 일반 항목(증발잔류물, 총경도, 과망간산칼륨소비량), 음이온물질$(F^-,\;Cl^-,\;{NO_3}^-,\;{SO_4}^{2-})$, 양이온물질$(Ca^{2+},\;Mg^{2+},\;K^+,\;Na^+)$등으로 구분하여 분석하였으며, 총 70개 지점을 대상으로 2004년 5월, 10월 2회에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 지역별 수질특성을 살펴보면 남구지역은 $Ca-Mg-HCO_3,\;Ca-Mg-HCO_3-Cl,\;Ca-Mg-Na-Cl-HCO_3,\;Na-Cl-HCO_3$의 4가지 유형이 전체 시료의 74%를 차지하였으며, $Ca-Mg-HCO_3$형이 가장 우세하게 나타났고, 중구지역 지하수에서는 $Ca-Mg-HCO_3-Cl,\;Ca-Mg-Na-HCO_3-Cl,\;Ca-Mg-HCO_3$의 3가지 유형이 전체 시료의 60%를 차지하는 것으로 나타났으며, 이중에서 $Ca-Mg-HCO_3-Cl$형이 가장 우세하게 나타났다. 두 지역의 수질 변화를 살펴보면. 전기전도도는 남구는 $731.5{\mu}s/m^3$에서 $529.8{\mu}s/m^3$, 중구는 $752.6{\mu}s/m^3$에서 $621.6{\mu}s/m^3$로 201.7, $131.0{\mu}s/m^3$만큼 작아져 두 지역 모두 같은 양상을 보였으나, Hardness 및 TDS의 경우 남구지역은 5월보다 10월에 평균, 최대값이 모두 낮게 나타났다. 또한 $Cl^-$의 경우 지역적, 계절적으로 큰 차이를 보이고 있으며 남구는 5월 68.2mg/l, 10월에는 61.7mg/l로 다소 감소하였으나 중구의 경우 5월 75.5mg/l, 10월 122.1mg/l로 다소 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 양이온 분포 비율 및 농도는 비슷하게 나타났으며, 계절적으로 5월보다 10월에 모두 높게 나타났다. 두 지역 모두 양이온물질 중 나트륨의 분포비율 및 농도가 5월보다 10월에 다소 높게 나타났다. 연구 지역 지하수의 계절적 수질변화를 살펴보면 두 지역간의 지하수질 및 분포특성에 있어 다소 차이를 보이고 있으며, 특히 중구 지역에서 5월보다 10월에 나트륨과 염소이온의 증가가 다소 나타나는 것으로 관찰되었다. 또한 연구지역 중 특이지점($Cl^-$:1,000mg/l이상)은 남구는 5월에 2개에서 10월에는 3개 지점으로 증가하였으며, 중구는 5월, 10월 모두 4개 지점으로 나타났다.

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Relationship with the Phenology of Cherry Blossoms and Associated Festival : Case of Changwon Jinhae Gunhangje (벚나무의 계절현상과 이를 이용한 지역축제와의 관계 - 창원시 진해 군항제 사례 -)

  • Do, Yuno;Kim, Seong-Bo;Joo, Gea-Jae;Choi, Kee-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.446-453
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    • 2013
  • Festivals using plant phenology is one of the examples can represent the ecosystem services. Changwon Jinhae Gunhangje is typical spring festival using cherry blossoms phenology. This research was done to define relationship between flowering of cherry blossoms and Gunhangje. Phenological data (Julian day) of cherry blossoms and visitor number of Gunhangje from 1987 to 2013 were collected. Differences of Phenological phase of cherry blossoms and duration of Gunhangje was analyzed. Trend analysis was performed to know changes of flowering and budding day of cherry blossoms. Correlations between visitor number of Gunhangje and environmental factors was defined by factor analysis and regression analysis. Results are showed that during the 26 years, periodicity of flowering and budding day was not identified or even identified it was not significant. Environmental factors effect on visitor numbers of Gunhangje were defined as temperature factor, day factor, and precipitation factor. Temperature factor was significantly correlated with visitor numbers of Gunhangje. Though Flowering day of cherry blossoms and festival duration was not matched, however, difference of visitor numbers was not showed. These results suggest that fixed duration of Gunhangje would be more effective to visitors than changing the festival duration following the phenological day changes of cherry blossoms.

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Future Projections on the Change of Onset Date and Duration of Natural Seasons Using SRES A1B Data in South Korea (A1B 시나리오 자료를 이용한 우리나라 자연 계절 시작일 및 지속기간 변화 전망)

  • Kwon, Young-Ah;Kwon, Won-Tae;Boo, Kyung-On
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.835-850
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    • 2007
  • This study examines long-term trends of onset dates and durations of season decomposed by applying a lowpass filtering using observed 80-year(1921-2000) data and projected 2040s and 2090s data based on the IPCC SRES A1B emission scenario in South Korea. As recent climate changes on seasonal cycles in South Korea, the onset dates of spring and summer began earlier after 1970s. But onset dates of autumn and winter were delayed. Winter duration was more shortened during the post-1990 period. Summer duration is longer and winter duration is shorter at southern and eastern coastal area. The different of summer duration and winter duration in coastal area was longer than over the inland. The reduction in winter duration in South Korea agrees with results in overall global warming trends as a climate change signal. Future model output data predict that winter will disappear in Gangneung, Busan and Mokpo in the 2090s