• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경정맥 요법

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Effects of Music Therapy on Anxiety of Intravenous Urology Patients (음악요법이 경정맥요로조영 검사시 환자의 불안에미치는 영향)

  • Yeo, Jin-Dong;Ko, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2017
  • This study is a research based on the non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design whose purpose is to examine the effects of music therapy on the anxiety of patients who take the Intravenous Urography test and their feeling of discomfort during the test. "The first hypothesis that the experimental group who receive music therapy will be lower in score for anxiety during the Intravenous UrographyI test than the control group who do not was supported because after the therapy, the experimental group was found significantly decreased in that score in comparison to the control group. "The second hypothesis that the experimental group who receive music therapy will be fewer in vital signs after the Intravenous Urography test than the control group who do not" was rejected in terms of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. But the same hypothesis was partially supported because the two groups showed a significant difference in pulse rate after the test. "The third hypothesis that the experimental group who receive music therapy will be less in the feeling of subjective discomfort during the Intravenous Urography test than the control group who do not" was verified to find that the two groups were significantly different from each other in the feeling. Specifically, there was a significant difference between the two groups in only one sub-area of that These findings suggest that music therapy could be an alternative method which can effectively reduce the state anxiety of patients during the Intravenous Urography test.

Hypokalemia-induced Polyuria with Nocturia after Intravenous Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy in a Henoch-Sch$\ddot{o}$nlein Purpura Nephritis Patient (Henoch-Sch$\ddot{o}$nlein Purpura 신염 환자에서 경정맥 고용량 스테로이드 충격요법 후 발생된 저칼륨혈증으로 인한 다뇨증과 야간뇨)

  • Kim, Geun-Jung;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2010
  • Patients with moderate to severe degrees of Henoch-Sch$\ddot{o}$nlein purpura (HSP) nephritis receive high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy (IMPT). Although the regimen is generally safe and effective, various complications occasionally develop. administration of excessive corticosteroid can induce urinary potassium wasting leading to hypokalemia. Polyuria, one of the complications of hypokalemia, is related to both increased thirst and mild nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. And hypokalemia itself also impairs the maximal renal urinary concentration ability. Although polyuria or nocturia after IMPT is not common, it is correctable immediately by oral potassium supplementation. Therefore, during IMPT, careful history taking of nocturia as well as monitoring urine volume, serum and urine potassium level at regular follow-up are necessary because even mild hypokalemia can provoke urine concentrating ability defect. We experienced a case of 11 year-old boy with HSP nephritis who suffered from hypokalemia-induced polyuria with nocturia right after IMPT.

Cancer of the Hypopharynx (하인두암)

  • Seel David John;Chung Sung-Min;Park Yoon-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1987
  • 하인두암은 거의 대부분 이상동(Pyriform Sinus) 에서 발생하며 상당한 정도 진행 시까지 별다른 증상을 나타내지 않는다. 저자들은 1966년부터 1985년까지 만 20년간 하인두에서 발생된 암환자 63명을 중심으로 임상 관찰 및 문헌고찰과 함께 발표하는바이다. 원발병소로는 전체 중 58명에서 이상동, 하인두벽(hypopharyngeal wall) 3명, Postcricoid hypopharynx 와 pharyngopalatine fold 에서 각각 1명씩의 발생빈도를 보였다. 저자들은 설저(base of tongue)암, supraglottic Ca. 및 경부 식도(cervical esophagus)암 경우는 모두 제외시켰다. 임상증상으로서는 경부 종괴(lump)가 33 예로써 가장 현저했으며 또한 첫증상으로써 연하곤란(dysphagia) 또는 sore throat를 나타낸 경우는 32 예 이었다. 그 외에 hoarseness 가 20 예, bloody sputum 4 례 및 호흡곤란 2 예의 순이었다. 내원까지의 증상기간은 대부분 $4{\sim}6$ 개월 이었다. 흡연관계는 1일 1값 이상의 중등도 흡연 경우는 전체의 58% 이었으며 흡연 사실이 있었던 경우는 전체의 88% 이었다. 연령별 발생빈도는 50대$\sim$60대에서 48명으로서 현저히 높았다. 완치 목적의 수술적 치료는 24명에서 시행하였으며 치료 거절은 16명이었다. 치료 거절하였던 환자들 중 81% 가 임상적 제 4 병기였으며 보조적 치료 요법을 실시한 환자들의 78% 에서 제 4 병기였다. 또한 완치 목적의 치료 실시 경우의 67% 에서 제 4 병기였다. 수술요법은 일반적으로 "후두 인두 적출술 및 양측 경정맥 임파군 곽청술"(laryngopharyngectomy with bilateral jugular dissection) 또는 후두 인두 적출술 및 동측의 표준 광범위 경부 곽청술(standard radical neck dissection) 과 반대측의 경정맥 임파군 곽청술을 시행하였다. 3 년 이내와 3 년 이상무병 상태(free of disease) 경우가 각각 4명씩이었다. 마지막 예후 추적 조사시까지 무병 상태였던 환자를 포함하여 예후 추적 조사기간 중 추적 실패 경우는 7명이었다. 확정된 3 년 생존율(determinate 3-year survival rate) 은 31% 이었다. 수술 사망이 1명 있었으며 재발경우는 9 명이었다. 재발부위로는 원발병소 재발이 7명, 경부 재발 1명 및 원격전이가 1명 이었으며, 저자들은 이에 대한 실패 원인을 규명코져 하였다.

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Intrapleural Perfusion Hyperthermic-Chemotherapy for Pleural Seeding of Lung Cancer (폐암의 흉막파종에 대한 흉막강내 온열-항암제 관류요법)

  • Jheon, Sang-Hoon;Kang, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sub;Kwon, Oh-Choon;Ahn, Wook-Su;Lee, Eung-Bae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.608-610
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    • 2002
  • Lung cancer with pleural seeding has poor prognosis and is generally treated by intravenous anticancer chemotherapy only. We performed intrapleural perfusion hyperthermic-chemotherapy in two lung cancer patients with pleural seeding. Herein, we report our outcome with literature review.

Primary Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Right Ventricle with Right Atrial Invasion -Report of 1 case- (우심실에 발생하여 우심방을 침범한 원발성 비호지킨씨 림프종 -1예 보고-)

  • Park, Ki-Sung;Ahn, Wook-Su;Lee, Sub;Kwon, Oh-Choon;Ko, Moo-Sung;Jheon, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.376-381
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    • 2004
  • Primary cardiac lymphoma is an extranodal malignant lymphoma of any cell type involving only heart and pericardium without dissemination. Patients usually present symptoms of heart failure, arrhythmias, pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. Diagnosis of primary cardiac lymphoma can be performed by echocardiogram, CT and MRI and cytologic examination of pericardial effusion or transvenously biopsied cardiac tissue. Prognosis of primary cardiac lymphoma is poor. Because of poor prognosis, early diagnosis and complete surgical excision is essential and postoperative systemic chemotherapy or radiotherapy is useful. In this case extensive tumor infiltration on the right ventricle and atrioventricular groove preclude surgical excision. Tissue biopsy revealed primary cardiac lymphoma. After postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the size of intracardiac mass is decreased in follow up chest CT scan and echocardiogram and symptoms of patient are relieved. Therefore, we report a case of primary cardiac lymphoma with review of literatures.

Urinary Stone in Children (소아 요로 결석에 관한 연구)

  • Eun Young-Min;Rho Kwang-Sik;Kim Pyung-Kil;Han Sang-Won
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 1997
  • Even though the urinary stones are rare in children, careful observation and monitoring are necessary because the incidence has been increasing. This study is aimed to document the characteristics of urinary stones in children including the symptoms, diagnosis, with or without urinary tract infection, other urinary tract anomaly and treatment. 45 patients under the age of 15 years with urinary stones hospitalized during Jan. 1986 to Jun. 1996 at Severance Hospital were reviewed retrospectively. Patients' mean age was 6.5 years and sex ratio (male : female) was 5.4:1. The most common symptom was gross hematuria. Stones accompanied with urinary tract infection was 46.7%, and stones associated with urinary tract anomaly was 35.6%. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotorny, hydration and diuretics were the treatment modality used. Urinary stone were found to be a significant cause of urinary tract obstruction in children, requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Although KUB, IVP, and ultrasonography were commonly used to make the diagnosis, many cases were detected only by ultrasonographic study.

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Inflammatory Reponse of the Lung to Hypothermia and Fluid Therapy after Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats (흰쥐에서 출혈성 쇼크 후 회복 시 저체온법 및 수액 치료에 따른 폐장의 염증성 변화)

  • Jang, Won-Chae;Beom, Min-Sun;Jeong, In-Seok;Hong, Young-Ju;Oh, Bong-Suk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.12 s.269
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    • pp.879-890
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    • 2006
  • Background: The dysfunction of multiple organs is found to be caused by reactive oxygen species as a major modulator of microvascular injury after hemorrhagic shock. Hemorrhagic shock, one of many causes inducing acute lung injury, is associated with increase in alveolocapillary permeability and characterized by edema, neutrophil infiltration, and hemorrhage in the interstitial and alveolar space. Aggressive and rapid fluid resuscitation potentially might increased the risk of pulmonary dysfunction by the interstitial edema. Therefore, in order to improve the pulmonary dysfunction induced by hemorrhagic shock, the present study was attempted to investigate how to reduce the inflammatory responses and edema in lung. Material and Method: Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weight 300 to 350 gm were anesthetized with ketamine(7 mg/kg) intramuscular Hemorrhagic Shock(HS) was induced by withdrawal of 3 mL/100 g over 10 min. through right jugular vein. Mean arterial pressure was then maintained at $35{\sim}40$ mmHg by further blood withdrawal. At 60 min. after HS, the shed blood and Ringer's solution or 5% albumin was infused to restore mean carotid arterial pressure over 80 mmHg. Rats were divided into three groups according to rectal temperature level($37^{\circ}C$[normothermia] vs $33^{\circ}C$[mild hypothermia]) and resuscitation fluid(lactate Ringer's solution vs 5% albumin solution). Group I consisted of rats with the normothermia and lactate Ringer's solution infusion. Group II consisted of rats with the systemic hypothermia and lactate Ringer's solution infusion. Group III consisted of rats with the systemic hypothermia and 5% albumin solution infusion. Hemodynamic parameters(heart rate, mean carotid arterial pressure), metabolism, and pulmonary tissue damage were observed for 4 hours. Result: In all experimental groups including 6 rats in group I, totally 26 rats were alive in 3rd stage. However, bleeding volume of group I in first stage was $3.2{\pm}0.5$ mL/100 g less than those of group II($3.9{\pm}0.8$ mL/100 g) and group III($4.1{\pm}0.7$ mL/100 g). Fluid volume infused in 2nd stage was $28.6{\pm}6.0$ mL(group I), $20.6{\pm}4.0$ mL(group II) and $14.7{\pm}2.7$ mL(group III), retrospectively in which there was statistically a significance between all groups(p<0.05). Plasma potassium level was markedly elevated in comparison with other groups(II and III), whereas glucose level was obviously reduced in 2nd stage of group I. Level of interleukine-8 in group I was obviously higher than that of group II or III(p<0.05). They were $1.834{\pm}437$ pg/mL(group I), $1,006{\pm}532$ pg/mL(group II), and $764{\pm}302$ pg/mL(group III), retrospectively. In histologic score, the score of group III($1.6{\pm}0.6$) was significantly lower than that of group I($2.8{\pm}1.2$)(p<0.05). Conclusion: In pressure-controlled hemorrhagic shock model, it is suggested that hypothermia might inhibit the direct damage of ischemic tissue through reduction of basic metabolic rate in shock state compared to normothermia. It seems that hypothermia should be benefit to recovery pulmonary function by reducing replaced fluid volume, inhibiting anti-inflammatory agent(IL-8) and leukocyte infiltration in state of ischemia-reperfusion injury. However, if is considered that other changes in pulmonary damage and inflammatory responses might induce by not only kinds of fluid solutions but also hypothermia, and that the detailed evaluation should be study.