• Title/Summary/Keyword: 건축연구

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A Feng Shui Analysis of the Locations of the Main Buildings in the Palaces of Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 궁궐 정전(正殿)의 배치형식에 투영된 풍수구조)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Go, Je-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.18-39
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    • 2016
  • The study pertains to reviewing and discussing of the master plan of the main buildings in the palaces of Joseon Dynasty regarding on a Feng Shui concept that has been implemented on the palace axis that is originated from the main mountain. Gyeongbokgung (景福宮) Palace is located on the northwest coner of Hanyang (漢陽) and on the tip of the main mountain which is in contrast a quite distinguishable from the location of the Fobidden city in Beijing located in the middle of a vast basin. Changdeokgung (昌德宮) Palace as well is also located on the tip of Eungbong (鷹峯), a part of Samkaksan (三角山) mountain, of which the locations were designed for the palaces to receive the benevolent force from the main mountain. The same concept was also applied to appointing the ideal location of the maJor buildings such as Jungjeon (正殿: The throne hall), Pyunjeon (便殿: The king's office) and Chimjeon (寢殿: The king and queen's residence) in the palace that must receive the benevolent force from the qui stream also originated from the main mountain, as such that the buildings have in close relationship with the king. Amisa (蛾眉砂) had been considered as an important geographical milestone of the estate where the palace is located, especially as the guiding landmark for other buildings that must be on the land axis. The land axis with the Amisa as the starting point attributed the Feng Shui as an important measure that determines the location and the shape of other buildings. The buildings location was appeared as having the conceptual buildings location as 'front office-back bedroom building (前朝後寢)' and 'three gates-three sectors (三問三朝)' as per the Rites of Zhou (周禮). On both palaces, Amisa is located on the benevolent point of the land, and the king's bed room buildings are located near the Amisa. The main offices were located on the south of the king's bed room buildings. By practicing this type of concept, consequently the king can receive the pure benevolent force first. In the case of the clearly distinguished locations of the buildings in Gyeongbokgung Palace, Chimjeon, Pyunjeon and Jungjeon were located on the same main qui stream. However, in Changdeokgung Palace where scattered qui stream is observed, the buildings are located on the scattered qui stream. The study found that the type of location of Jungjeon receives least amount of benefit from the Feng Shui but reflects primarily the king's authority rather than order and formality of the space.

The Actual Conditions and Improvement of the Eco-Forests Mater Plan, South Korea (우리나라 생태숲조성 기본계획 실태 및 개선방향)

  • Heo, Jae-Yong;Kim, Do-Gyun;Jeong, Jeong-Chae;Lee, Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.235-248
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to the actual conditions and improvement of the eco-forests master plan in South Korea, and suggested its problems and improvement direction. Results from survey and analysis of limiting factors or constraints in the construction plans of eco-forests in Korea revealed that there were highly frequent problems involving site feasibility, topographic aspect, and existing vegetation. The results of survey on the status of land use indicated that the average ratio of the use of private estate was 29.7%, so then it was estimated that a great amount of investment in purchase of eco-forest site would be required. Results from survey on major introduced facilities showed that there was high frequency of introduction of infrastructure, building facility, recreational facility, convenience facility, and information facility, and that there was low frequency of introduction of plant culture system, ecological facility, structural symbol and sculpture, and the likes. There was just one eco-forest park where more than 500 species of plants grew, and the result of investigation indicated that the diversity of plant species in 11 eco-forest parks was lower than the standards for construction of eco-forest. Results from analysis of the projects costs revealed that investment cost in facilities was higher than planting costs, and that a large amount of investment was made in the initial stage of the project. There was no planned budget for the purpose of cultivating and maintaining the plants and vegetation after construction of eco-forest. The basic concepts in construction of eco-forests were established according to the guidelines presented by the Korea Forest Service; however, the detailed work of the project was planned with its user-oriented approach. Then the construction of eco-forest was being planned following the directions, which would lead to development of a plant garden similar to arboretum or botanical garden. Therefore, it is required that the architect who designs eco-forest as well as the public officer concerned firmly establish the concepts of eco-forest, and that, through close analysis of development conditions, a candidate site to fit the purpose of constructing eco-forest be selected, and also a substantive management plan be established upon completion of construction of eco-forest.

The Political-Economic of Capitalism and its Effects on Spatial Dynamics (도시공간의 변화에 내재한 정치${\cdot}$경제적 논리의 규명-서울시 도심재개발을 대상으로-)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 1993
  • In Korea, the urban studies of geography have mainly dealt with such a series of research as system of urban place and internal structure of urban area. The existing studies have been carried out with ecological approach. Ecologists, now a days, regard organiation and transfor-mation of the urban space as the process of invasion, succession, and segregation. However it is more proper that cities should be considered not as fragmantary objects, as some ecologists insist, but as synthetic ones in social structure. This research, with adopting a case of the renewasl of central area in Seoul, tried to make it clear that the formation and transition of the city is a product of social structure and examined polical and economic logic which exists in variation of urban space in detail. The results of this study are as follows; Urban renewal of central area is closely related with production and reproduction in capitalist society. In urban center, as business activities had increased since 1973 due to decen-tralization of production process, the necessity of reorganizing the land use in existing central area accordingly increased. The urban renewal program of central area in Seoul was inrroduced under such situation. The urban renewal of central area reflecting the capital logic has changed the central area with six hundred year's tradition. From the urban renewal of central area, not only was the central area, which traditionally had been mixed with various fun-ctions, simplified into the unitary area of busi-ness, but also physical landscape changed. As the land lot in renewal area expanded into regular shape, buildings became larger and taller. The program tremendously raised the price of related area. Aiming at these profits caused by the raised price, a great number of capitalists participated in the program. And as the benefit ratio of the manufacture sector continuously dropped with the economic recession, the pro-gram was carried out much more vigorously. That was because the idle capital accumulated during the recession was invested in property sector and was self-proliferated. The urban renewal raised the land value of central area and drove out the people living in this area. The people moved into the whole parts of the city resulting diffused squatter settlements. And the urban changes in central area were results of the policy of municipal authorities, who supported and systematized the changes lawfully and administratively, as well as reali-zation of capital logic. Due to the renewal policies of central area in Seoul, much more renewals by the only capitalists were carried out than those by the people themselves living in that area. The integration of land ownership in the law of urban renewal shows the reason of that. Moreover, the law allows the third deve-loper to participate in the tasks and admits the land expropriation rights. The municipal autho-rities guaranteed the profitability of the tasks through finacial aid, tax benifit, and relaxation of regulations for construction. As examined above, the changes in the land use of urban space have been led not by the ecological process of development of the city itself, but by the restructuring of capitalism and the intervention of the government authorities.

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Shape Scheme and Size Discrete Optimum Design of Plane Steel Trusses Using Improved Genetic Algorithm (개선된 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 평면 철골트러스의 형상계획 및 단면 이산화 최적설계)

  • Kim, Soo-Won;Yuh, Baeg-Youh;Park, Choon-Wok;Kang, Moon-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.4 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is the development of a scheme and discrete optimum design algorithm, which is based on the genetic algorithm. The algorithm can perform both scheme and size optimum designs of plane trusses. The developed Scheme genetic algorithm was implemented in a computer program. For the optimum design, the objective function is the weight of structures and the constraints are limits on loads and serviceability. The basic search method for the optimum design is the genetic algorithm. The algorithm is known to be very efficient for the discrete optimization. However, its application to the complicated structures has been limited because of the extreme time need for a number of structural analyses. This study solves the problem by introducing the size & scheme genetic algorithm operators into the genetic algorithm. The genetic process virtually takes no time. However, the evolutionary process requires a tremendous amount of time for a number of structural analyses. Therefore, the application of the genetic algorithm to the complicated structures is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The scheme genetic algorithm operators was introduced to overcome the problem and to complement the evolutionary process. It is very efficient in the approximate analyses and scheme and size optimization of plane trusses structures and considerably reduces structural analysis time. Scheme and size discrete optimum combined into the genetic algorithm is what makes the practical discrete optimum design of plane fusses structures possible. The efficiency and validity of the developed discrete optimum design algorithm was verified by applying the algorithm to various optimum design examples: plane pratt, howe and warren truss.

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The Change of Health Service before and after the Unification of two Health Subcenters in a Rural Area (한 농촌지역 2개면 보건지소 통합전후 보건의료사업 변화 연구)

  • Sul, Sue-Jeong;Park, Hyang;Sohn, Seok-Joon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2000
  • A comparative study was made about health resources, medical care service statistics and public health service statistics by health subcenters at Jangdong and Jangpyung townships, Jangheung County, Chollanamdo before and after the unification of two health subcenter to improve their function. 1. While two general physicians, one dentist, 4 nurse aids arid one oral hygienist were working at two health subcenters with simple facility with examination room and public health office in 1997 prior to the unification, in 1999 after the unification of two health subcenters 14 staff including a specialist physician, a general physician, a dentist, a herb hygienist, a radiology technician and a physical therapist were working in the new health subcenters equipped with appropriate facilities in two storey building. 2. In 1997 before the unification the yearly total income of two health subcenters was 78,815 thousand won(about 14,000 won per capita) and the amount was 140,376 thousand won(about 25,000 won per capita) in 1999 after the unification. And the income was used for operation of health subcenters excluding personnel expense. 3. While 90.5% of visitors to the health subcenters came for general medical care, and 91.6% came for the revisit before the unification, after the unification 71.2% came for general medical care, 10.8% for dental care, 16.5% for oriental physician's care, 29.7% for the first visit and 70.3% for revisit. Most common problem cared for was musculoskeletal disorder like arthralgia. Average treatment cost per person per month was 9,363 won before the unification and 8,309 won after the unification. 4. Through the comparison of execution rate of public health services before and after the unification. the practice rate of most health service among target population including visiting service for chronic illness, maternal and child health service and immunization service increased after the unification. The practice rate of tuberculosis control service, hypertension control and diabetes management was a little decreased. In conclusion, continuous effort to satisfy all persons in two townships and evaluation are necessary to coincide with the spirit of unification of two health subcenters.

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DNA damages with Fpg/Endo Ⅲ FLARE Assay in cynomolgus monkeys exposed to stainless steel welding fume (용접흄 흡입노출 영장류에서 Fpg/Endo Ⅲ FLARE Assay를 이용한 DNA 손상 및 회복)

  • Rim, Kyung Taek;Kim, Soo Jin;Chung, Yong Hyun;Kim, Hyeon Yeong;Maeng, Seung Hee;Yu, Il Je
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.272-281
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    • 2007
  • 선박제조업을 비롯한 운송업 및 건축업 등의 다양한 분야에서 용접기술이 이용되어 옴에 따라 용접근로자들에 대한 산업보건학적 관심이 높아지고 있다. 노출정도가 다양하기는 하지만 용접흄은 6가 크롬을 비롯한 금속화합물과 유해가스, 화학물질 등을 복합적으로 포함하고 있는 스테인레스 스틸 용접흄에 대한 유전독성영향을 평가하기 위하여 흡입챔버를 이용, 실험동물인 영장류에 스테인레스 스틸 용접흄을 노출시키고 혈액 내 lymphocytes에 생성된 용접흄 노출농도 및 시간별 DNA 손상정도 및 그 회복효소를 측정함으로써, 유해성이 완전하게 확인되지 않은 용접흄에 노출되어 나타날 수 있는 암을 비롯한 심각한 건강영향을 예방하기 위한 각 지표들을 찾아 그 유용성을 비교하고자 하였다. 영장류를 노출시키기 위해 robotic arm을 장치한 영장류 흡입노출 시스템을 개발하였으며, 이 노출 시스템을 이용하여 수컷 영장류 6마리에 대해 용접흄 노출시험을 실시하였는데 실험군은 대조군 2, 저농도 ($31mg/m^3$) 노출군 2, 고농도 ($63mg/m^3$) 노출군 2마리로 구성하였고, 1일 2시간씩 일주일에 5일 동안 용접흄에 노출시켰다. 노출 농도는 지속적으로 모니터링 하였고, 노출과정 중에 영장류의 혈액을 채취하여 lymphocytes를 분리, 단세포 DNA 손상을 선별하기 위해 DNA 손상회복 효소인 E. coli formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg)와 endonuclease Ⅲ (Thymine Glycol-DNA glycosylase) 투여와 Comet asaay (single cell gel electrophoresis, 단세포겔전기영동기법)를 결합시켜 이용하는 Fpg/Endo III FLARE 분석법을 사용하였다. Fpg enzyme에 의한 olive tail moment값의 변화는 16주 노출군부터 노출부검(34주)군 까지 노출농도가 높아짐에 따른 olive tail moment 기하평균 값의 양 반응관계를 보기는 어렵지만, 고농도군의 경우 27주 노출군에서 가장 높은 olive tail moment 값을 보이고 이후 차츰 감소하였다. 한편 16주에서 22주까지의 노출기간에서는 대조군에 비해 노출군에서 DNA손상정도(olive tail moment값)는 모두 유의하게 높았으나, 6, 12, 18, 25, 31, 33, 35주간 노출하였을 때는 다른 결과를 보였다. 각 실험군의 Fpg enzyme에 의한 tail length값의 분포를 살펴볼 때, 저농도군 및 고농도군에서 27주간 노출하였을 때 가장 높은 tail length 값을 보이고 이후 차츰 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 16, 22주간 노출하였을 때 대조군에 비해 노출군에서 tail length 값이 유의하게 높았으나, 20주간에서만 양 반응관계가 관찰되었고, 다른 주간에서는 양 반응 및 기간 반응관계를 나타내지는 않았다. Endo III enzyme에 의한 olive tail moment값의 변화는 기간별 노출군에서 대조군에 비해 높은 DNA손상정도(olive tail moment값)를 나타내는 결과들이 있었지만, 10, 12, 16, 22, 25, 31주간 노출하였을 때 등 상당수 노출기간에서 반응관계를 나타내지는 않았다. 각 실험군의 Endo III enzyme에 의한 tail length값의 분포를 살펴볼 때, 18, 20, 27, 33주간 노출하였을 때 대조군에 비해 노출군에서 tail length 값이 조금 높았지만, 양 반응 및 기간 반응관계를 보이지 않았고 수치의 크기가 불규칙하게 변화하였다. 즉, DNA에 있어 산화된 pyrimidine을 형성하여 손상된 부위의 염기를 제거함으로써 AP site (abasic site)를 만들고 이들이 Comet assay를 통해 break로 전환된 것을 포함한 DNA손상을 측정하기 위하여 endonuclease III (Endo III)를 첨가시킨 Endo III FLARE 분석법을 실시한 결과, 본 연구에서 나타난 결과는 용접흄 노출 영장류에서 Olive tail moment 및 tail length 공히 노출량 및 노출기간 반응관계를 볼 수 없었다. Endo III FLARE 분석법을 통한 산화적 DNA 손상지표는 영장류에 적용하기에는 적응반응현상으로 대조군과 유의한 차이도 관찰할 수 없었고 더욱이 역으로 대조군에서의 자연발생적 수치가 더 높아질 수 있어 용접흄 노출 영장류의 모니터링 지표로 사용하기에는 제한점이 있었다.

An Analysis of Elements in Yen-Ben Street That Form a Sense of Place as an Ethnic Enclave (소수민족집단체류지역(Ethnic Enclave)으로서의 옌볜거리의 장소성 형성 요인 분석)

  • Han, Sung-Mi;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2009
  • This study seeks those elements that form a sense of place in Yen-Ben Street, which represents a typical ethnic enclave in Seoul, to provide a basic resource in the creation of an urban landscape that can provide a positive space for cultural diversity. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: First, the element of a physical environment that develops a sense of place was in fact the poor dwellings that correspond to the economic condition of Korean Chinese. While this element has a negative cognition to outsiders, Korean Chinese feel positively toward it. Secondly, signboards were a physical element of sense of place which retains cultural identity as a means of communication inside the community. Thirdly, it was found that activities such as shopping, recreation, and the exchange of information that are found in the pursuit of daily life act as an essential element in the formation of a sense of place even more than architectural elements. Fourthly, the appropriation of space by Korean Chinese and the isolation from the surroundings were obvious. This isolation is perceived as a negative sense of place formation to outsiders in Yen-Ben Street. Fifthly, the aspects of cultural dualism, mingling the concepts of home country, language, writing, and food have also affected the formation of a sense of place in the area. Sixthly, transience was a prominent phenomenon of Yen-Ben Street and is strengthened by illegal immigration. Although transience causes negative impacts such as in a lack of concern for the residential environment, it acts as a positive factor in the sense of place by mitigating uneasiness, and strengthening insider ties and cooperation.

Changing Aspects of the Wall Types of Hahoe Village (하회마을 담장 형태의 변화양상)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on the Andong Hahoe Village and seeks to identify the shape of the walls since the 1970s. The change of walls can be divided into four periods based on characteristics of materials, shape and distribution. The following is a summary of the results: First, In the 1970s, when Andong Hahoe Village was not designated as a cultural heritage, roof tiles hung on the earthen walls in the middle of the village were major forms. On the outside of the village, rice straw and pine needles were put on the earthen walls or bush clover walls were put in place around if walls were not built. Second, after being designated as a cultural heritage in the 1980s, readjustments for cultural heritages were carried out at the primary stage. However, the distribution of cultural heritages and major changes were not determined at this time since readjustments were mainly focused on the renovation of derelict houses or maintenance of infrastructures. Third, in the past the use of stone bricks for the Hahoe Village site had been difficult, but in the 1990s, replacements with soil-stone walls were identified and the usage of roof tiles increased. The portion of earthen walls, which used to be the major form in the prior era, decreased and this seems to have continued until the 2000s. Fourth, via a field survey, it was found that most of Hahoe village walls consisted of soil cement bricks mixed with cement, steel, lime, gravel. etc. Also, the scope of straw-stricken walls and bush clover walls were reduced to a section of area outside of the village. Fifth, from the 1970s to the present, there were changes to the walls in Hahoe Village including an increase in usages of new materials and an expansion of houses with tiled roofs on top in accordance with the replacement of walls of existing houses. Relevant reasons for this have been identified, such as the fading value of Fungsui(風水) and lack of original records, insufficient awareness and expertise in non-building areas, and the relationship between residents on repairing the wall.

A Study of Deconstruction in Clothing -Comparison of Clothing with Architecture- (복식에 나타난 해체주의 양식연구 -건축과 복식의 비교-)

  • 전혜정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.32
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    • pp.293-312
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    • 1997
  • Deconstructionism is a philosophical stream in the latter half of 20'th century which goes against western metaphysics and tries to deconstruct the dualism e.g. eastern/west-ern man/woman. Its main concepts are 'indi-vidual' 'other' 'difference' 'restoration of the repressed' 'decentralization' 'Today it shows strong influences in literature art, and other social fields. This study investigated inner meanings and exterior forms represented in clothing on the base of Jacques Derrida's theory in order to re-search modes of deconstruction in is. And it compared clothing with architecture among other genres of art in order to discover similarities between through and modes of art in a certain period. For illuminating concept of deconstruction I referred to the literatures of preceding studies and for deconstruction's characteristics in both clothing and architec-ture I referred work's collection book $\ulcorner$collec-tions$\lrcorner$ and other related books dealing from 1960's to this point. As a rsult there are four modes of decons-truction in both clothing and architecture as follows; 1) Differenance which is a concept of the dif-ference in time and space as being trace. 2) In termeaning of meanings which is not present in reality but re-interpreted a new in the future. 3) Interxtuality in which a texte is not alone but with others 4) Dis.De phenomenon in which distortion and fragmentation forms occur as the result of the denial of perfection and reson. There are characteristics of modes of de-construction in clothing as follows; 1) Differance; R.Gigli, P. Rabanne. G.Bersace, V.Westwood are representatives of the cloth-ing which is combined with the past the pres-ent and the future or is re-viewed as the clothing of the past in the present point of view. J. Watanabe R. Dawakubo I miyake are representatives of the clothing which is out-date but re-viewed in the sense of recollec-tion and re-usage. 2) Intermeaning of meanings: R. kawakubo I, Miyake Y,Yamamoto are representatives of the clothing which is incomplete but re-interpreted in the future and appears to be new-fashioned according to ways of bnding wearing throwing on and tying J.C. Castel-bajac K.Hamnett S.Sprouse are representa-tives of the clothing which is made up of ab -stract forms scribbling or symbolic letters which appears to be different according to view-point of observers. 3) Intertextuality ;J.P.Gaultier K.Hamnett, Comme des Gar ons are representatives of intertextuality of gender which avoids the 여-ality of man/woman J.P Gaultier G,Versace J. galliano are representatives of the intertex-tuality of time place and occasion which mixes temporality extensity and purposiveness. J.P Gaultier G,Versace are representatives of the intertextuality of coordination which combines items different in image purpose and use. P.Rabanne A,Courr ges R,Gernreic I,Miyake are representatives of the intertextuality of mat-ter which uses heterogeneous matter different from cloth. 4) Dis.De-phenomenon: R, Kawakubo I.Mi-yake J.P.Gaultier are representatives of the de-composition which discloses distortion and exag-geration of form through destructing the estab-lished way of construction J.Galliano R.Kawa-kubo Devota Y Lomba arte representatives of the decentring which restores the repressed and the alienated on the one hane and shows front-centrality on the other. Comme des Gar ones is representative of the discontinuity because of which right and left up and down are not in har-mony with one another. J,Galliano J.P,Gaultier T,Mugler are representatives of the disruption by way of which one makes one's body exposed through intentional slashes or holes. As a consequence deconstructionism enabled us to investigate similarities between through of deconstruction and modes of art interms of diffrance Intermeaning of meanings intertextuality and Dis De-phenomenon. And we found that deconstruction was a phase of development in that it as a all-comprising and multiple concept tries to pursue the new through deconstruction.

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Analysis of Characteristics of the Abandoned Tumulus Site Located at the East Side of the Silla Era Hwang Bok Sa (皇福寺) Site (신라 황복사지(皇福寺址) 동편 폐고분지(廢古墳址)의 성격)

  • Jang, Hojin;Kang, Ryangji
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.88-105
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    • 2020
  • This study examined existing theories of the characteristics of the abandoned tumulus site located at the east side of the Silla era Hwang Bok Sa (皇福寺) site and attempted an archaeological approach based on the derived facts, combining both the results of this study and those of a recently conducted excavation survey. The results of this investigation exhibited the following outcomes. First, the excavation survey revealed that the huge rounded stones discovered on the surface of a rice paddy field located at the east side of the Silla era Hwang Bok Sa were all protecting stones, processed on the front side in the form of a bow, designating a royal tomb. Most of these protecting stones had deviated from their original positions due to subsequent farming practices and some had been re-cycled for construction purposes as fences or foundations for structures built in the Silla era. Considering the prevailing belief in the concept of reincarnation, the bone rank system, and royal authority in the Silla era at that time, it would seem likely that the royal tombs were not intentionally destroyed. Therefore, it is speculated that the stones in this royal tomb were abandoned during construction of the tomb of the King at that time and then naturally re-cycled as building components used in construction sites in later years. Second, this study comparatively analyzed the scale and quality of the supporting stones at the royal tomb site in Guhwang-dong. The analysis results verified that those supporting stones were the same stones from the royal tomb used as supporting stones for statues symbolizing the twelve earthly branch spirits that were restored at the site of the tower at the royal tomb. This confirmed that the statues of the twelve earthly branches spirits sitting at the Hwang Bok Sa site were the protecting stones from a different royal tomb. Accordingly, the conclusion that has been generally accepted to date-that the protecting stones of the statues of twelve earthly branches spirits sitting at Hwang Bok Sa site were probably moved from the royal tomb site in Guhwang-dong-must inevitably be modified. Third, based on the structure of the protecting stones and type of the royal tomb, it is speculated that the individual buried in the royal tomb at Guhwang-dong is one of the kings who followed King Heungdeok and similar times of the buried person of the tomb that was considered as King Gyeongdeok, and who was before the buried person of the tomb that was considered as Kim Yu-sin. In addition, when considering the historical art patterns on the supporting stones of the statues that symbolize the twelve earthly branches spirits, which were moved to the site of the tower at the royal tomb, it is reasonable to believe that the person buried at the royal tomb at Guhwang-dong is likely one of the Kings of the late Silla era of the 9th century.