• Title/Summary/Keyword: 건강가치

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Effect of Chestnut on lipid Metabolism and Antithrombotic Capacity in Rats (랫드에서 밤의 과육 및 내피가 지방대사 및 항혈전능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, So-Jung;Kim, Mi-Hwan;Kim, Jin;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Ho;Park, Young-Seok;Park, Byung-Kwon;Kim, Byeong-Soo;Kim, Sang-Ki;Choi, Chang-Sun;Ryu, Gi-Hyung;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of dried powder of chestnut on lipid metabolism, anti-thrombotic effect in rats. Thirty 5-week-old male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomly allocated into five groups and used for experiment. We examined the lipid metabolism and antithrombotic capacity of SD rats administered for 5 weeks with 0.16 g/kg, 0.5 g/kg chestnut flesh powder and 0.16 g/kg, 0.5 g/kg chestnut inner shell and flesh powder mixture, respectively. Food intake, body weight gain and food efficiency ratio were also checked. The levels of serum triglyceride and tree fatty acid were not statistically significant between the all experimental groups. However, the antithrombotic capacity and total lipid levels of the treatment groups were significantly lower than those of the negative control group. These results suggest that the supplementation of chestnut on diet lower the total lipid level in SD rats.

Cutoff Values of Body Mass Index and Body Fat Measures for Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Population (한국인에서 대사증후군의 선별검사로서 체성분 분석 및 체질량지수의 타당성연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Byoung-Gwon;Kim, Joon-Youn;Kim, Jung-Man;Yoo, Byung-Chul;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Hong, Young-Seoub
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated cut-off values of body mass index (BMI) and body fat measures for metabolic syndrome (MS) in elderly Koreas. Questionnaire surveys, anthropometric measurements, medical examinations, and body composition analyses were conducted for 10,077 subjects aged 40-65 years in the health examinee cohort in Korea between 2004 and 2006. Cut-off values were identified using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for both men and women. Stratified analyses by weight range (<60, 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89, ${\geq}90\;kg$ for men; <50, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, ${\geq}80\;kg$ for women) were conducted. Among male subjects, the cut-off points were $25.5\;kg/m^2$ for BMI with a sensitivity of 70.0% and a specificity of 72.0%, and 26.1% for body fat percentage with a sensitivity of 60.6% and a specificity of 76.4%. Among female subjects, the cutoff points were $24.1\;kg/m^2$ for BMI with a sensitivity of 73.3% and a specificity of 68.8%, and 31.5% for body fat percentage with a sensitivity of 76.7% and a specificity of 65.6%. Stratified analysis by weight range showed that the cutoff points of BMI and body fat measures tended to higher as weight level increased. The results of our study suggest cut-off values of BMI and body fat measure for MS were similar to the general obesity criteria in Korea.

Diagnostic Value of Serum Cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19 in Lung Cancer (폐암에서 혈중 Cytokeratin 8, 18, 19의 진단적 가치)

  • Choi, Chang Min;Kim, Woo Jin;Oh, Jin Young;Kang, Young Ae;Yoo, Chul Gyu;Lee, Choon Taek;Kim, Young Whan;Han, Sung Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.388-394
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    • 2003
  • Background : Monoclonal antibodies directed against well-known epitopes on cytokeratin (CK) 8, 18 and 19 (Monototal) have been used in the development of a new diagnostic tool for lung cancer. In the mid-1990s, CK 19 fragments (Cyfra 21-1) became popular and widely used for such diagnosis. This is the first study specifically designed to compare these two markers. Method : The serum levels of CK 8, 18 and 19 were measured using two-site monoclonal/polyclonal immunoradiometric assay kit in 57 healthy adults and 289 patients who were admitted to Seoul National University Hospital from May to September, 2002. The lung cancer group comprised 129 primary lung cancer patients; 116 with non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and 13 with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The control group comprised 160 non-malignant pulmonary lung disease patients and 57 healthy adults. A total of 166 twin Monototal and Cyfra 21-1 serum assays were obtained; 76 with lung cancer, 70 with non-malignant pulmonary lung disease and 20 healthy adults. Results : The mean serum value of Monototal was $412.47{\pm}455.45U/L$ in NSCLC, $237.08{\pm}145.15U/L$ in SCLC, $126.54{\pm}95.72U/L$ in non-malignant pulmonary lung disease, and $63.68{\pm}31.66U/L$ in healthy adults. The serum values of the lung cancer groups were significantly higher than those of the control group (p<0.01). Using a cut off value of 188U/L, sensitivity and specificity was 66.4% and 81.9% in NSCLC, and 43.8% and 81.9% in SCLC, respectively. The serum levels of CK 8, 18 and 19 were higher in advanced NSCLC than in early stage disease. Conclusion : The serum levels of CK 8, 18 and 19 may be useful in the diagnosis of NSCLC.

Aesthetic Landscape Assessment Based on Landscape Units in the Han River Riparian Area (경관단위 기반 수변환경의 심미적 평가 - 한강 수변을 대상으로 -)

  • Bae, Min-Ki;Park, Chang-Sug;Oh, Chung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to propose management strategies through aesthetic landscape assessments for landscape units in the Han River riparian(HRR) area. First, this research reclassified the HRR into "natural," "artificial," "agricultural," and mixed landscape types and selected 37 representative case areas(about $1km{\times}1km$). This study found 71 landscape units in consideration of topography and land surface classification. Landscape assessment consisted of landscape quality and landscape integration assessment. The criteria for assessing landscape quality were "naturalness," "interest," "uniqueness," and "landscape function." "Landscape quality" was ranked into five grades using a matrix. The landscape integration assessment consisted of an inner integration assessment in each landscape unit and outer integration assessment among landscape units. As a result of the field study, case sites were found to have 4,288 landscape units and an area of $42.8km^2$. The forest area was found to have the most space with $11,580,905m^2$(27.1%), while the wet lands had just $52,348m^2$(0.1%). In the landscape quality assessment, about 30.5% of the total area consisted of landscape units that scored highest in "naturalness". In the landscape integration assessment, about 39.3% of the total area consisted of landscape units which scored highest in "integration", denoting visual interrelation and harmony. The existence of disparities in landscape quality in accordance with the form of the landscaping was determined using a Oneway ANOVA, with "naturalistic" landscaping scoring the highest and "artificial" landscaping scoring lowest. This study may contribute to making the HRR area a more ecologically sound and visually attractive landscape space. It is recommended that the aesthetical and ecological value of the landscape unit should be assessed simultaneously in the future.

Production of yuzu granules using enzyme treated yuzu pulp powder and evaluation of its physiochemical and functional characterization (유자박 식이섬유를 이용한 유자과립 제조 및 이화학적 특성조사)

  • Seong, Hyeon Jun;Lee, Bo-Bae;Kim, Duck-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Ha, Ji-Young;Nam, Seung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2021
  • In this study, solubilized yuzu pulp powder (EYP) was produced using enzyme treated yuzu pulp powder (YP) and used to manufacture yuzu granules (0-20% EYP content). The physicochemical, product stability, and functional properties of Yuzu granules were compared among five enzyme treatments. Among the five treatments, CL had the highest YP solubilization yield (48.68%). Microstructural observation of EYP using FE-SEM revealed that its surface became irregular and porous after enzymatic treatment. Compared to YP, EYP had 2 times lower insoluble dietary fibers and 3 times lower hemicellulose and cellulose content. Among the yuzu granules, IV (yuzu granules with 15% EYP) had an excellent water and oil holding capacity and flowability. IV granule had the highest narirutin and hesperidin content of 3.4 mg and 2.2 mg/g DW, respectively and the highest antioxidant (68.4%) and tyrosinase inhibitory activities (82.5%). Therefore, EYP or granule with EYP can be used as a functional component in food industry or pharmaceutical field.

Analysis on Socio-cultural Aspect of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality (PM10, PM2.5) Improvement in Seoul (서울지역 미세먼지 문제 개선을 위한 사회문화적 지불의사액 추정)

  • Kim, Jaewan;Jung, Taeyong;Lee, Taedong;Lee, Dong Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2019
  • Over the last few years, air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) has emerged as one of the most concerned and threatening environmental issues among the residents. It brings about various harmful effects on human health, as well as ecosystem and industrial activities. Governments and individuals pay various costs to mitigate the level of air pollutants. This study aims to empirically find the willingness to pays (WTP) among the parents from different socio-cultural groups - international and domestic groups to mitigate air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in their residential area. Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) is used with employing single-bounded dichotomous choice technique to elicit the respondent's WTP. Using tobit (censored regression) and probit models, the monthly mean WTP of the pooled sample for green electricity which contributes to improve air quality in the region was estimated as 3,993 KRW (3.58 USD). However, the mean WTP between the international group and domestic group through a sub-sample analysis shows broad distinction as 3,325KRW (2.98 USD) and 4,449 KRW (3.98 USD) respectively. This is because that socio-cultural characteristics of each group such as socio-economic status, personal experience, trust in institutions and worldview are differently associated with the WTP. Based on the results, the society needs to raise awareness of lay people to find a strong linkage between the current PM issue and green electricity. Also, it needs to improve trust in the government's pollution abatement policy to mobilize more assertive participation of the people from different socio-cultural background.

Agrifood consumer competency index and food consumption behaviors based on the 2019 Consumption Behaviors Survey for Food (농식품 소비자역량지수와 식품소비행태에 관한 연구: 2019년 식품소비행태조사자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Eun-kyung;Kwon, Yong-seok;Lee, Da Eun;Jang, Hee Jin;Park, Young Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study investigated the food consumption behaviors in Korean adults, according to the agrifood consumer competency index (ACCI). Methods: Data obtained from the 2019 Consumption Behaviors Survey for Food were analyzed. A total of 6,176 adults (2,783 males, 3,393 females) aged ≥ 19 years, were included in the study. Based on the score of agrifood consumer competency index, the subjects were classified into three groups. The dietary habits, eating-out and food-delivery/take-out behaviors, opinion of food labeling, and concerns for domestic products were compared among the 3 groups. Results: The ACCI scores of the male and female subjects were 63.6 and 64.8, respectively. Subjects of both genders in the highest tertile of the ACCI were more likely to have a higher education level and higher health concerns, as compared to subjects in the lowest tertile (p < 0.05). Male subjects having highest tertile of the ACCI reported significantly more exercise and alcohol consumption, as compared to subjects in the lowest tertile (p < 0.05). A higher score of the ACCI also portrayed a higher satisfaction in own diet and greater checking of the food label. Moreover, subjects with a higher score of the ACCI showed greater satisfaction and reliability in the food label, as well as increased concerns for domestic agrifoods, local foods, and eco-friendly foods. Subjects in the lowest tertile of the ACCI acquired their dietary information from acquaintances, whereas subjects in the highest tertile of the ACCI learnt the information from food labels themselves. Conclusion: These results are indicative of the food consumption and behaviors of Korean adults according to their ACCI scores, and provide basic data that will be useful for implementing an effective food policy.

Ecological Renewal Plan of Urban Parks for the Revitalization of Urban Green Axis in Gangdong-Gu (강동구 도시 녹지축 기능 활성화를 위한 도시공원의 생태적 리뉴얼 방안 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Ah;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2023
  • In this study, among the construction-type parks in Gangdong-gu, targeting parks with high environmental and ecological value located on the urban green axis, a plan was prepared for the ecological renewal of urban parks, and a design that applied to them was proposed. The renewal target site was selected by analyzing the general condition of Gangdong-gu and urban parks, the land use and green area ratio, park green area, and the green axis of Gangdong-gu. Gangdong-gu has 54 parks, including 2 neighborhood parks and 52 children's parks. In the first stage of the current status review, 17 parks were extracted through locational value analysis, such as location and adjacency to the natural axis and green axis. In the second stage, eight parks were selected among the first-stage extraction parks based on the ratio of green spaces and open spaces within each park service area. In the third stage, two of the second stage extraction parks were selected based on whether the legal standard of the park area was met, and in the fourth stage, one of the third stage extraction parks was selected through an aging survey of the park. As for the urban ecological status of the renewal target site, the status of land use in the aspect of entropy reduction, the status of soil cover in the aspect of water circulation, and the status of planting structure in the aspect of biodiversity were investigated. As for the status of the three renewal sites, the green area was insufficient at 18.3-45.3%, and the facility area was 54.7%-81.7%, which was judged to have low urban temperature reduction effects. The impervious pavement area accounted for 34.5% to 48.9% of the park area, accounting for most of the facility area, and it was judged that the water circulation function was insufficient. The planting structure consisted of a single layer and a double layer structure, and although the tree layer was good, the lower vegetation was poor, and there was no planting site of edible plants or large hardwood trees, so the biodiversity was low. After the ecological renewal design of Seonrin Children's Park, Dangmal Children's Park, and Saemmul Children's Park, which were selected as the renewal targets in this study, the ecological area ratio of each park increased by 1.4 to 3 times than before the renewal. If the urban parks located on the urban green axis are examined from the perspective of the urban ecosystem and renewed ecologically, it is judged that the expected effect will be high in reducing entropy, improving water circulation, and laying the foundation for biodiversity in terms of the urban ecosystem.

Communities' Perception of the Effect of Ecosystem Services on the Forest Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas: A Case Study in Taebaek-si and Jeongseon-gun (강원도 폐광산 산림복구지의 지역사회 생태계서비스 인식조사: 태백시 및 정선군을 중심으로)

  • Bohwi Lee;Dawou Joung;Jihye Kim;Gwan-in Bak;Hakjun Rhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.1
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 2024
  • Rehabilitation of mining areas can reduce damage to ecosystems. However, the effects of rehabilitation on ecosystem services (ESs) and its contribution to local communities are not well known. Thus, the aims of this study were to clearly identify the ES beneficiaries affected by mining activities, to determine how the beneficiaries profit from surrounding areas in cooperation with local stakeholders, and to manage the rehabilitation areas for the ESs that the beneficiaries want. This study chose 18 ESs (4 provisioning, 7 regulating, 5 cultural, and 2 habitat services) based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. A semi-structured questionnaire survey using an 11-point Likert scale was conducted among 87 community residents to investigate social awareness and identify key ESs. The survey results from two local communities showed high awareness and demands mainly on cultural (mental and physical health, aesthetic appreciation, and recreation) and regulating services (local climate and air quality, and moderation of extreme events). These services were related to the daily lives of residents in local communities, provided positive benefits, and potentially improved the residents' future livelihoods. However, the average questionnaire scores were limited to 6-7 points, indicating that the benefits to local communities were meager. The residents' awareness of provisioning service was negative, even if it provided goods and profit opportunities. This indicated a disconnection between local communities and provisioning services due to forest rehabilitation that did not consider local communities that traditionally relied on specific provisioning services before the onset of mining activities. Future forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas must consider the welfare of local communities for sustainable use of rehabilitated forests and enhancing ESs. In this study, only a qualitative evaluation based on frequency analyses was conducted. The quantification and valuation of key ESs are warranted in the future to promote ESs from forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas. The study results would be useful for developing site-specific ES promotion strategies for reforesting mine areas.

Antioxidant activity of partially purified extracts isolated from Acanthopanax sessiliflorum Seeman (오가피 분획 추출물의 항산화효과)

  • Im, Kyung-Ran;Kim, Mi-Jin;Jung, Teak-Kyu;Yoon, Kyung-Sup
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.329-334
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    • 2008
  • The antioxidant activity and the qualitative analysis of Acanthopanax sessiliflorum Seeman were studied by partially purified extract using various methods: extraction by using ethanol solutions and temperatures, and absorption to Diaion HP20 column chromatography using 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% ethanol solutions. Major constituents, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, eleutheroside E, was determinated by HPLC method in Acanthopanax sessiliflorum S. 10% and 20% ethanol solutions contain chlorogenic acid (3.020$\pm$0.080%, 20.500$\pm$1.150%, respectively). 40% ethanol solution contains caffeic acid and eleutheroside E (12.270$\pm$0.360%, 1.670$\pm$0.140%, respectively). Diaion HP20 fractions (10%, 20%, 40%, 60% ethanol solutions) showed the scavenging activity of radicals and reactive oxygen species with the $IC_{50}$ values of $81.534{\pm}0.992{\mu}g/ml$, $1.748{\pm}0.098{\mu}g/ml$, $11.487{\pm}1.768{\mu}g/ml$, $21.960{\pm}0.547{\mu}g/ml$ against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazly radical and $1713.548{\pm}34.565{\mu}g/ml$, $131.419{\pm}2.235{\mu}g/ml$, $200.681{\pm}2.444{\mu}g/ml$, $757.897{\pm}6.868{\mu}g/ml$ against superoxide radicals in the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system, respectively. Especially, 20% and 40% ethanol fractions showed more antioxidant activity than dl-$\alpha$-tocopherol. These results suggest that Acanthopanax sessiliflorum S. extract and Diaion HP20 fractions may be useful as a potential source of nutraceutical and cosmetic products.