• Title/Summary/Keyword: 거부권

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Acceptance, Modification and Rejection of Paternalism in Korean Medical Law (한국 의료법에서 후견주의 이념의 수용, 변형 그리고 거부 - 치료중단에 대한 법원 판결을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Na-Kyoung;Harmon, Shawn H.E.
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2010
  • This article analyzes two leading Korean cases which led to opposite conclusions: the Boramae Hospital Case (Korean Supreme Court 2002 Do 995) and the Shinchon Severance Hospital Case (Korean Supreme Court 2009 Da 17471). In doing so, it pays particular attention to the acceptance, modification, and rejection of paternalism, specifically 'physician paternalism' and 'familial paternalism', both of which have long and strongly influenced the Korean medical environment. In Boramae Hospital, the Court emphasized the obligation of the physician in terms of the life of the patient (eg: protecting and preserving the life and welfare of the patient). Its position seemed to be based on the traditional physician paternalism which presupposes the ability of physicians to identify right and wrong choices according to natural laws. However, the Court saw itself as the final arbiter of who identifies and determines the real world content and consequences of that natural law. In short, the Court elevated itself to the supreme guardian of the patient, and held that its decision cannot be overruled by that of the patient's family. So without specifically referring to the importance of the family and the role of familial decisions, both long-observed traditions in medical decision-making in Korea, the Court shifted away from familial paternalism. In Shinchon Severance Hospital, the Court explained the meaning of the patient's powers of self-rulemore concretely, explaining its scope and substance in greater detail. The Court held that one can exercise the right of self-rule, even over issues such as death, in the form of 'previous medical directions'. However, this case does not represent a wholesale acceptance of medical autonomy (ie: it does not accept self-rule unconditionally). Rather, the Court accepted the importance of the opinions and decision of physicians and of the Hospital Ethics Commission, and the Court still retained to itself the authority to review and make alterations to 'material' decision. The Court did not overlook the importance of the decision of the patient's family, but it also did not relinquish its status as supreme guardian, emphasizing the 'objective' nature of a decision from the court.

The Labeling Effect and the Politics of hostile Exclusion in Korean Society - Centered on 'Pro-North Korean leftist Forces'/'Pro-Japanese Dictatorship Forces' - (한국사회에서의 낙인효과와 적대적 배제 정치 - '종북좌파'/'친일독재 세력'을 중심으로 -)

  • Sunwoo, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.271-296
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    • 2018
  • In this article, I intend to reveal critically both the intrinsic crux and main problems of the politics of hostile exclusion based on the effect of labeling which was designed precisely as an impure political technique and has been operated for too long in Korean society by the conservative ruling class that centered on various negative ideological labels like 'pro-North Korean leftist forces.' Firstly, what is called the 'conservative ruling class' in Korean society is in itself an antinationalistic and antidemocratic pro-Japanese dictatorship group. Secondly, the conservative ruling class as a pro-Japanese dictatorship group has utilized politically the labeling effect which regards antigovernment Korean members as pro-North Korean or rebellious persons. This group's hostile politics, based on the ideological labelling effect, deprives antigovernment persons and groups of the qualification of Korean citizenship, in order to hold and retain their supreme power in Korean society. Thirdly, the conservative ruling class has attempted to stigmatize the citizens who participate in a movement for democracy as a pro-North Korean leftist force, but such a politically impure manner is typically completely unjustified groundless labeling. Fourthly, the attempt to define the conservative ruling class as a pro-Japanese dictatorship force is normatively justified and resonably appraised insofar as such a definition has been proved to be worthy of confidence. Finally, the trial to consider Roh's regime and pro-Roh (pro-Moon) groups as a kind of Yeongnam hegemonism by several critical intellectuals and current politicians from Honam region is not only merely a groundless and unconvincing labelling, but also the failed outcome of the attempt to systemize logically their emotional antipathy and repulsion toward Roh and pro-Roh (pro-Moon) groups.

A Study on the new autonomous police system in Korea

  • Oh, Yoon-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.551-575
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    • 2007
  • 한국에서의 경찰제도는 국가경찰의 형태로 운영되어와 획일적이고 중앙집중식의 경찰활동에 대한 거부감이 전반적으로 있어왔다. 그러나 지역주민의 의사에 따른 자율규율에 의한 다원적 민주주의를 실현하고 국민의 기본권을 실질적으로 보장하기 위하여 지난 1995년 지방자치단체의 장과 지방의회 의원의 동시선거가 시행되어 온 이래 10여년이 흘렀다. 그러나 지방자치제도가 시행되기 이전부터 자치경찰제도에 대한 논의는 지속적으로 이루어져 왔다. 자치경찰제에 있어서 주요쟁점의 핵심사항은 자치경찰제를 도입하는 것의 득실관계라고 볼 것인데 이는 관점과 어느 측면에 중점을 둘 것인가에 따라 다르게 나타나게 된다. 지방자치의 존재 이유 중에는 주민 복지적 차원에서 주민의 안전보호가 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 특히 자치경찰제는 수사권독립과 함께 지난 몇 대에 걸친 각 대통령의 선거공약이었기 때문에 노무현 정부 출범 이후 정부는 지방분권차원에서 정부혁신지방분권위원회에서 여러 가지 검토를 해 온 바 있다. 2004년 1월에 정부혁신지방분권위원회의 지방 분권과제 주요과제로 자치경찰제 방안을 검토하기 위해 위원, 관계 공무원 10명으로 자치경찰 T/F를 구성하여 운영한 이 후 자치경찰제 도입방안에 대하여 경찰정과 실시 단위 및 수행 사무 등 주요 쟁점에 대해 협의하면서 실천 가능한 방안을 마련하기 위해서 스페인, 프랑스, 이태리, 그리스 자치경찰기관을 현지 방문하여 외국 자치경찰 제도를 조사한 후 2004년 9월 중순에 자치경찰(안)을 발표하였다. 이 안은 크게 경찰을 사법경찰과 행정경찰로 구분하는 개념 하에 최초로 나온 자치경찰제에 대한 구체적 시행 안이라는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이나 지금까지의 기대수준에 과연 부응하는 안이 될 수 있을 것인가에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다. 동 사안은 2005년 하반기에 시범적으로 시행하고 민선 4기 자치단체장이 출범하는 2006년 하반기에 본격적으로 시행될 것으로 발표하고 발표와 동시에 정부혁신지방분권위원회에서는 본 자치경찰제 기본방향과 법안제정의 원칙과 구체적인 내용에 대한 토론회를 개최하는 등 다양한 홍보를 하였으나 여러 가지 문제점으로 인하여 아직 시행되지 못하고 있다. 따라서 과연 이 안이 한국에서의 자치경찰제 시행에 효과적인 안인가 그렇지 않으면 대선공약을 지키기 위한 일종의 정치적 고려를 한 졸속적인 안이 아닌가에 대한 논란이 제기되고 있다. 지금까지 한국에서는 자치경찰에 대한 많은 토의가 있어 왔으나 이번에 제하고 있고 현재 지방자치단체에서 시행하고 있는 기존 법집행방식과 거의 차이가 없는 상태시된 안은 적어도 지금까지 논의되어왔던 제도와는 매우 생소한 자치경찰 제도를 근간으로 에서 ‘무늬만 자치경찰’ 이라는 비판이 일각에서 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 현재 자치단체에서 시행하고 있는 행정 경찰적 기능을 다소 보완하고 제복착용과 조직을 하나 더 만든 정도가 아닌가 하는 정도이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 정부혁신지방분권위원회에서 제시한 자치경찰제도(안)을 중심으로 자치경찰제도 운용의 목적 충족과 실질적인 효과의 측면에서 분석하고 바람직한 자치경찰제도의 운용에 대해 살펴본다.

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Augustin und die Rhetorik (아우구스티누스와 수사학)

  • Hahn, Seok-whan
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.116
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    • pp.389-410
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    • 2010
  • Augustin wurde sozusagen von der Rhetorik zum Christentum bekehrt. Der einstmalige Rhetorikprofessor (bis 386) distanziert sich von seiner $fr{\ddot{u}}heren$ Kunst. Aber er $kn{\ddot{u}}pft$ als Bischof im vierten Buch seiner weniger bekannten Schrift "De doctrina Christiana" (DDC; abgef. 427) wieder an die antike Rhetorik, speziell an Cicero, an. So wird die augustinische $Sp{\ddot{a}}tschrift$ $f{\ddot{u}}r$ eine antike Rhetorik in christlicher Verwendung gehalten. Es stellt nun die Frage, was Augustin zur $R{\ddot{u}}ckkehr$ zu seiner $fr{\ddot{u}}heren$ Kunst bewegte. Neuere Forschungen sehen in Augustins Werk eine Grundlage der mittelalterlichen Predigttheorie oder einen $blo{\ss}en$ Versuch, die Rhetorik vom Makel des Sophistischen zu befreien. Gewiss ist seine Einstellung zur "leeren Beredsamkeit" der Sophistik eindeutig, aber dies war eine Haltung, die letztlich von allen seinen christlichen Zeitgenossen geteilt wurde und folglich eines geringen Beweises bedurfte. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die Augustins $sp{\ddot{a}}terem$ Einfluss und seiner Ablehnung der Zweiten Sophistik geschenkt wird, kann den Blick $tr{\ddot{u}}ben$ $f{\ddot{u}}r$ seine Rolle bei der $L{\ddot{o}}sung$ eines christlichen Dilemmas aus dem vierten Jahrhundert. Augustin sah die Gefahren einer entgegengesetzten rhetorischen $H{\ddot{a}}resie$. Die $S{\ddot{u}}nde$ des Sophisten besteht darin, dass er die Notwendigkeit des Inhalts verneint und glaubt, nur die forma alleine sei $w{\ddot{u}}nschenswert$. Der gegenteilige Fehler, dem Geschichtsschreiber der Rhetorik niemals einen Namen gegeben haben, beruht auf dem Glauben, dass derjenige, der im Besitz der Wahrheit ist, auch ipso facto in der Lage ist, die Wahrheit anderen zu ${\ddot{u}}bermitteln$. Es handelt sich um eine $ausschlie{\ss}liche$ $Abh{\ddot{a}}ngigkeit$ von der materia. Augustin erkannte eine Gefahr und benutzte DDC dazu, eine Verbindung von Inhalt und Form in der christlichen Predigt voranzutreiben. Nur wenn man daher das Buch als einen Teil der $gro{\ss}en$ Debatte des vierten Jahrhunderts ansieht, tritt seine historische Bedeutung klar hervor. Der Leser ist beeindruckt davon, dass der Autor darauf insistiert, es sei eine Torheit, dem Feind ein $n{\ddot{u}}tzliches$ Instrument zu ${\ddot{u}}berlassen$. Augustin $erkl{\ddot{a}}rt$, dass die Kunst der Beredsamkeit rege in Gebrauch genommen und nicht kurzerhand abgelehnt werden solle, weil sie mit dem Makel des Heidentums behaftet sei. Kurz gesagt, geplant ist das vierte Buch von DDC als eine ratio eloquentiae Christianae.

Application and Expansion of the Harm Principle to the Restrictions of Liberty in the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis: Focusing on the Revised Bill of the March 2020 「Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act」 (코로나19 공중보건 위기 상황에서의 자유권 제한에 대한 '해악의 원리'의 적용과 확장 - 2020년 3월 개정 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」을 중심으로 -)

  • You, Kihoon;Kim, Dokyun;Kim, Ock-Joo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.105-162
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    • 2020
  • In the pandemic of infectious disease, restrictions of individual liberty have been justified in the name of public health and public interest. In March 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea passed the revised bill of the 「Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act.」 The revised bill newly established the legal basis for forced testing and disclosure of the information of confirmed cases, and also raised the penalties for violation of self-isolation and treatment refusal. This paper examines whether and how these individual liberty limiting clauses be justified, and if so on what ethical and philosophical grounds. The authors propose the theories of the philosophy of law related to the justifiability of liberty-limiting measures by the state and conceptualized the dual-aspect of applying the liberty-limiting principle to the infected patient. In COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the infected person became the 'Patient as Victim and Vector (PVV)' that posits itself on the overlapping area of 'harm to self' and 'harm to others.' In order to apply the liberty-limiting principle proposed by Joel Feinberg to a pandemic with uncertainties, it is necessary to extend the harm principle from 'harm' to 'risk'. Under the crisis with many uncertainties like COVID-19 pandemic, this shift from 'harm' to 'risk' justifies the state's preemptive limitation on individual liberty based on the precautionary principle. This, at the same time, raises concerns of overcriminalization, i.e., too much limitation of individual liberty without sufficient grounds. In this article, we aim to propose principles regarding how to balance between the precautionary principle for preemptive restrictions of liberty and the concerns of overcriminalization. Public health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic requires a population approach where the 'population' rather than an 'individual' works as a unit of analysis. We propose the second expansion of the harm principle to be applied to 'population' in order to deal with the public interest and public health. The new concept 'risk to population,' derived from the two arguments stated above, should be introduced to explain the public health crisis like COVID-19 pandemic. We theorize 'the extended harm principle' to include the 'risk to population' as a third liberty-limiting principle following 'harm to others' and 'harm to self.' Lastly, we examine whether the restriction of liberty of the revised 「Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act」 can be justified under the extended harm principle. First, we conclude that forced isolation of the infected patient could be justified in a pandemic situation by satisfying the 'risk to the population.' Secondly, the forced examination of COVID-19 does not violate the extended harm principle either, based on the high infectivity of asymptomatic infected people to others. Thirdly, however, the provision of forced treatment can not be justified, not only under the traditional harm principle but also under the extended harm principle. Therefore it is necessary to include additional clauses in the provision in order to justify the punishment of treatment refusal even in a pandemic.

A Basic Study to Establish a Framework Act on Landscape Architecture (조경 기본법 제정을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Shin, Ick-Soon;Koo, Bon-Hak;Byeon, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the necessity of the tentatively-named "Framework Act on Landscape Architecture" as an umbrella law in the field of landscape architecture regarding legal, industrial, and academic aspects and is intended to provide basic data to suggest the optimal legal system and legislative proceedings to control it. This study can be summarized as follows: First, a form of framework act on landscape architecture is appropriate for a compromise between ideal type and political framework. Some content is suitable for proclamatory character including present and future issue related to the landscape architecture fields. Second, legislative proceedings are more reasonable as motions coming from assembly proposals rather than government. Motions by assembly proposal recommend the following procedure: submission of a legislative bill by an assemblyperson, passing of a permanent commission, review by government, leading approval by emphasis on correspondence with the principle to carry out government affairs, proclamation. Third, a frame based on content and form can be made up of a total of 7 chapters 34 articles. The function must include the following: the suggestion of direction for government policy, the systematization of the institution and what it includes, the control of government administration, a public service system regarding public relations for landscape architecture and so on. The results of this study will form a social consensus about the necessity of a framework act regarding landscape architecture fields and contribute to informing the importance of landscape architecture as related to other industrial fields.

A Study on the Retransmission Consent and Arbitration for the Retransmission of Terrestrial Broadcasting Signal in Japan (지상파채널의 재전송 동의와 중재 기준에 관한 연구 - 일본의 사례분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwan
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.48
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    • pp.46-62
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    • 2009
  • The current study attempted to review the standards of retransmisison consent and arbitration for the terrestrial broadcasting signal. The standards are based upon the principles encouraged by the MIAC(Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications). It has been criticized that the standards of judgement for the retransimission consent and arbitration are ambiguous and arbitrary in Japan. In 2009, MIAC announced five decisions regarding the retransmission of over-the-air. The result of the current study found that the regulations of compulsory over-the-air signal retransmission have been sustained until now. The retransmission policy of the Japan government based upon three principles; localism, proper cause and copyright act. The judgment is dependent on the intrepretation of MIAC's standard about these three principles.

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The Non-Appropriation Principle and Corpus Juris Spatialis (비전유원칙과 우주법(Corpus Juris Spatialis))

  • Kim, Han-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.181-202
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    • 2020
  • The Non-Appropriation Principle was stipulated in the OST and the MA. However the MA, creating CHM in international law for the first time, attempted to further limit the prohibitions to include ownership of resources extracted from celestial bodies, its rejection by the U.S. and most of the international spacefaring community prevented it from serving as a binding international treaty. Individuals or private enterprises intending to perform space exploitation must receive approval from the nation and may not appropriate outer space or celestial bodies. In the course of this space activity, each party will be liable. Articles 6 and 7 of the OST and the Liability Convention of 1972 deal with matters concerning those problems. The CSLCA of 2015 and Luxembourg Space Resources Law of 2017 allows States to provide commercial exploration and use of space resources to their own nationals and to companies operated by other countries within their territory. These laws do not violate Article 2 of the OST. In the case of the CSLCA of 2015, the law clearly states that it cannot claim ownership, sovereignty or jurisdiction over certain celestial bodies. Even if scholars claim that the U.S. CSLCA and Luxembourg Space Resources Law violate the non-appropriation principle of the OST, they cannot prevent these two countries from extracting the space resources on "the first come, first served" basis. The legal status of outer space including the moon and other celestial bodies is res extra commercium, like the high seas, where the fishing vessels from each country catch and sell fish without occupying the sea. Major space-faring nations must push for the adoption of an international regulatory committee which will oversee applications and issue permits based on a set of robust, modern, and forward-thinking ideals that are best equipped to govern and protect outer space as individuals, businesses, and nations compete to commercialize space through mining and the extraction of space-based resources. The new Corpus Juris Spatialis on the development of space resources, whether it is a treaty or a soft law such as recommendation and declaration, in the case of the Moon and Mars, will cover a certain amount of area to develop, and the development period by the states should be specified.

A Study on the Legal Issues relating to the Aircraft Accident and its Investigation (항공기사고와 사고조사에 관한 법적 제 문제에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jong-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.137-162
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    • 2004
  • Generally the aircraft accident caused a great loss of lives, severe property damages including aircraft's total loss and thus, affect enormous emotional and economic damages to the public. We, therefore, should try every efforts to prevent the re-occurrence of aircraft accident by examining the cause of accident closely and discovering it through aircraft accident investigation. Though the object of an accident investigation is not to apportion blame but to discover a cause or causes of an accident to prevent future accidents, the cause of an accident would play a vital role in determining the liability of the carrier, legal relationship with the third party and jurisdiction, etc. in the aviation litigation. Therefore, it is very important that aircraft accident investigation are carried out by a professional and independent agency. Also, it needs for us to be careful in applying investigation results in the courts not to be deterrent to discovering the cause of accident. Korea now has the Aviation Accident Investigation Agency Board under the Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation, but unfortunately it is often pointed out that it lacks professionalism and independency due to the bureaucratism of the Government. We, therefore, should establish a professional and independent aircraft accident investigation agency like United States' NTSB and reflect the issues mentioned-above on the new Act.

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Evaluation of Imaging Studies in Male Infants less than 3 Months after First Urinary Tract Infection (3개월 이하의 남아에서 첫 요로 감염 후 방사선학적 검사의 평가)

  • Jung Jong Su;Kwon Kyung Ho;Kim Jong Sik;Lee Young Ah;Kim Hyun Jung;Lee Gyun Woo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To evaluate tile frequency of urinary tract anomalies in male neonates less than 3 months old who presented with urinary tract infection(UTI) and to evaluate a appropriate imaging approach after first UTI. Materials and methods : During a period of 5 years from March 1994 to February 1999, 65 male infants less than 3months old(range: 4-92 days, mean: 43 days) with UTI were evaluated. Ultrasound(US) and Voiding cystourethrogram(VCUG) were done in 60 patients. Due to refusal and technological problem, 5 patients were missed. 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan (99mTc-DMSA renal scan) was recommended to most patients but performed in 40 patients. Renal scan was performed at least 3 months later after urinary tract infection. Results : Urinary tract anomalies were found in 26 of 65 infants. Twenty-six had vesicoureteral reflux(VUR), two had both VUR and double ureter, two had both U and posterior urethral valve. In patients with VUR, eight had renal scar or renal atrophies. In case of renal scar or atrophy, grades of VUR were III or above. Conclusion : We suggest that US and VCUG should be routinely performed in infants(<3months)with first UTI. 99mTc-DMSA renal scan should be performed only when renal parenchymal damage was observed in US and VUR grade III or above in VCUG. (J. Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 5 : 30- 5, 2001)

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