• Title/Summary/Keyword: 강제효과

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The Influence of perceptual load on target identification and negative repetition effect in post-cueing forced choice task (순간 노출되는 표적의 식별과 부적 반복효과에 지각부하가 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Inik;Park, ChangHo
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • Lavie's perceptual load theory (Lavie, 1995) proposes that the influence of distractors would be blocked as the load gets higher. Studies of perceptual load have usually adopted the flanker task, developed by Eriksen and Eriksen (1974), which measures reaction time on the target flanked by distractors. In the post-cueing forced task, participants should report the identity of the target cued later, and negative repetition effect (NRE) has often been observed. NRE means the effect that the accuracy of identification is worse when the target is flanked by the same nontargets than when flanked by different nontargets. This study has tried to check whether perceptual load has an effect on identification rate and NRE. Experiment 1 manipulated the similarity between targets and a distractor, and observed a tendency of NRE, but not the effect of perceptual load. Experiment 2 used 4, 2 (in two kinds of diagonal arrangement), or none distractors of the same identity to burden more perceptual load. NRE was significant and perceptual load showed significance but not a linear trend. Experiment 3 checked again whether NRE would be varied according to two levels of perceptual load strengthened by positional variability of load stimuli, but did not find the effect of perceptual load. It is concluded that perceptual load might have a limited effect on the early stage of perceptual processing due to divided attentional processing of the targets briefly exposed. Implications of this study were discussed.

Antidepressant Effect of Acer tegmentosum Maxim on Forced Swimming Test in the Rat (강제수영실험을 통한 산청목의 항우울효과)

  • Jin, Byung-Moon;Lee, Gil-Hyun;Hyun, Kyung-Yae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6739-6745
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    • 2014
  • Acer tegmentosum Maxim (AT) is a species of the maple genus, which is native to North-Eastern China and Korea. Traditionally, AT has been already used for pain relief in Korea. On the other hand, its antidepressant-like activity and related molecular mechanisms is not completely understood. Using the Forced Swimming Test (FST), the effects of a subacute treatment with AT(100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, p.o.) on the immobility and FST-induced changes to the immune parameters, cortisol, ACTH, and cytokine, in rats were investigated. The tendency of immobility showed a dose-dependent decrease in FST. The levels of cortisol, IL-6 and $IL-1{\beta}$ in the peripheral blood were increased significantly after FST exposure. Overall, these results suggest that AT treatment can decrease the immobility time and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the FST, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory effects of AT might be involved in the antidepressant-like effect.

A Review of the Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy in Stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자에게 적용된 수정된 강제유도 운동치료에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Jong-Min
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 2013
  • Constraint Induced Movement Therapy(CIMT) is intense in that patient's unaffected arm is restrained for 90% of waking hours during a two-week period while they also participate in activity sessions using the affected arm for 6 hours/day. However CIMT showed that an issue for applying it to clinics of patients with stroke, and then modified constraint induced movement therapy(mCIMT) was designed to minimize the issue. Application on mCIMT for the patients has been studied in various ways. As a result, it has proved the effect on functional improvement of patients with stroke through methods such as MAL, FMA, WMFT, ARAT, FIM, SIS and so forth. It's considered that modified constraint induced movement therapy can be useful applied on clinical experiments of occupational therapy, as it is a way of treatment of upper extremity function, activities of daily living and an improvement of the quality of life for stroke patients.

Prediction of Water Quality Change in Downstream of the River by Dongjin Gate Operation (동진강제수문 방류조건에 따른 하류 수질변화 예측)

  • Chung, Mahn;Kim, Se Min;Park, Young Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.443-443
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    • 2018
  • 새만금유역의 동진강유역에 위치한 동진강제수문은 서해 바닷물 역류에 따른 농경지의 염분피해를 예방하고 고부천과 연계된 부안지역의 농업용수 공급을 위해 설치되었다. 동진제수문은 그간 정읍시 신태인읍, 김제시 부량면, 부안군 백산면의 약 770 ha 농경지에 대해 염분피해를 예방하였고 영농과 한발 시에는 부안군 일대 농경지에 농업용수를 공급할 수 있었다. 하지만 새만금 간척사업등 대규모 국토개발로 주변 자연환경이 크게 변화하여 제수문은 염해방지기능을 상실하게 되었고 현재는 농업용수 공급원으로써의 기능만 남아 있다. 현재 동진강제수문은 관개기에 농업용수 취수를 위해 수문을 닫아 본류의 유량을 저류시키고 있으며, 비관개기에도 대부분 제수문을 닫아놓는 형태로 운영되고 있다. 이러한 갑문폐쇄로 인해 하류의 유입유량이 차단되고 상류 체류시간이 증가되어 수질에 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다. 농업용수사용을 위해 저류되어있는 유량을 효율적으로 방류한다면, 외부수자원에 의존하지 않고 유역 내에서 자체적으로 새만금호의 유입량을 확보할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 동진강 하류의 수질개선에도 기여할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 동진강제수문의 내용적을 산정하여 용수공급능력을 파악하였고, 새만금유역과 호 내의 복잡한 수체 형상, 유입 및 유출 구조를 반영하는데 적합한 모델을 적용하였다. 재현성이 검토된 모델 결과를 이용하여 새만금호의 유입부인 동진강 하류의 수질을 모의하였으며, 구성한 모형의 결과와 용수공급능력을 바탕으로 동진강제수문에서의 방류조건을 가정하여 모의를 수행하였다. 방류조건별 수질개선효과를 살펴보면, Scenario 3 > Scenario 2 > Scenario 1의 순서로 수질개선율이 크게 나타났다. 동진강제수문에서의 방류량이 증가할수록 하류의 농도가 점차 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 동진강제수문의 방류량으로 인해 유황이 개선되고 호 내 오염부하농도가 감소하는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 농업용수 필요량을 제외한 유량을 하류의 환경유지용수로 확보하고 이를 수질관리취약 시기에 탄력적으로 방류하여 정체수역의 수질오염을 감소시키고 목표수질을 만족하도록 운영되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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A Review of the Plasticity and Constraint Induced Movement Therapy : Children With Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy (신경가소성 원리를 이용한 강제유도운동치료에 대한 고찰: 경직성 편마비형 뇌성마비 아동을 대상으로)

  • Cho, Sang-Yoon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2013
  • Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy(CIMT) is considered as one of the most interesting upper extremity rehabilitation in the field of neurorehabilitation. CIMT is an intensive training provided in the affected upper limb for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 2 weeks, while unaffected arm is restrained for 90% of waking hours. Recently, instead of CIMT, modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy(mCIMT) has been applied because of the clinical limitations of CIMT. CIMT or mCIMT studies have used various outcome instruments to measure different aspects of upper limb function after intervention. There are various kinds of evaluation tools to measure different aspects of upper limb function after CIMT intervention. It has been proven that Pediatric Motor Activity Log(PMAL), Quality of Upper Extremities Skills Test(QUEST), Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function(MAULF), Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA) are effective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cortical change in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after CIMT. As a result, use-dependent cortical reorganization was revealed. Also, increased activity of the contralateral motor cortex and decreased activity of the ipsilateral cortex were found. It supports the mechanism of cortical reorganization, the principles of neural plasticity and specifically activation of the contralateral cortex, for improving upper limb function after CIMT.

A Systematic Review of Modified Constraint- Induced Movement Therapy in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy (뇌성마비 유형 중 편마비 아동을 위한 수정된 강제유도 운동치료의 효과에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Hong, So-Young;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2012
  • Objective : This research investigated the intervention effects, protocol of modified constraint-induced movement therapy in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Methods : For the key words of a database search, "Cerebral Palsy", "Hemiplegia", "Constraint Induced Movement Therapy", "modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy" were used. We examined papers published in journals from January 2001, when the modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy was first suggested, to May 2011, using PubMed, Medline. Ovid. Results : A total of 10 papers were analyzed and results of modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy were an effective therapeutic method to improve motor function, quality of movement and that they also increased the frequency of functional use of the affected hands of hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Conclusion : This paper conducted a systematic review of the research literature reporting on the effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Analysis of the fewer number of papers, there was limitation that we consider studies at all levels of evidence. However the restraint methods should be decided according to the characteristics of the individually and apply a variety of therapeutic activities, there is positive support for the use of modified constraint-induced movement therapy to improve the recovery of the paretic upper extremity with cerebral palsy.

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Effect of Paroxetine and Sertraline Treatment on Forced Swim Test-Induced Behavioral and Immune Changes in the Mouse (마우스 강제수영에 의한 행동 및 면역반응 변화에 대한 Paroxetine과 Sertraline의 효과)

  • Eum, Se-Yeun;Jeong, Min-Ho;Lim, Young-Jin;Kim, Bu-Kyung;Jeong, Soo-Jin;Hahn, Hong-Moo;Choe, Byeong-Moo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of subacute treatment with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(paroxetine and sertraline) on immobility in the forced swim test(FST) and on FST-induced changes in immune parameters of the mice. Methods : Authors applied a modified method of FST by Porsolt et al. Over 5 BALB/c mice were used for each group of experiments. To explore the changes in immune parameters by FST, authors investigated the production of anti-rat RBC antibody, concanavalin A(ConA)- or lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-stimulated splenocytes proliferation assay and cytokine gene expression. Results : Both paroxetine and sertraline decreased the duration of immobility in a dose-related manner. FST-performed mice showed a significant decrease in mitogenic responses of splenocytes and a slight increasing tendency in anti-rat RBC antibody response. All these responses were attenuated significantly by paroxetine and attenuated nearly nominal significance level by sertraline. The cytokine profiles of ConA-stimulated splenocytes from FST-performed mice showed stronger expression of IL-4 and weaker expression of IL-2 than control mice, and no changes in the expressions of IFN-$\gamma$ and lymphotoxin. IL-6 and IL-10 were not expressed in both group of mice. The pretreatment of paroxetine and sertraline attenuated the altered cytokine expressions in FST-performed mice to some extent. Some alterations of the expressions of IL-6 and IL-10 were observed in the mice which the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors had been pretreated. Conclusion : The subacute treatment of paroxetine and sertraline attenuated the FST-induced behavioral and immune changes, and these serotonin reuptake inhibitors may exert some modulating effects on the immune system by the induction of cytokine gene expression, especially IL-6 and IL-10.

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카르텔 규제와 강제조사권

  • 신광식
    • Journal of Korea Fair Competition Federation
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    • no.96
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2003
  • 카르텔 규제에서 가장 중요하고도 어려운 문제는 위법행위를 적발하고 이를 뒷받침하는 증거를 확보하는 일이다. 카르텔에 대한 법 집행의 실효성을 제고하기 위해서는 반드시 카르텔을 효과적으로 적발$\cdot$입증할 수 있는 조사수단을 갖추어야 하는바, 경쟁당국의 사법경찰권은 카르텔에 대한 법 집행상의 문제를 극복하기 위한 주요 수단이 된다. 한편 카르텔에 대한 강제 조사권은 카르텔의 적발$\cdot$처벌확률을 높임으로써 카르텔 행위자의 자진신고 및 조사협조의 유인을 강화하여 leniency program의 실효성 제고에 기여할 수 있다. 그렇지만 성격상 남용의 우려를 야기하므로 사법경찰관 제도는 반드시 선진국 수준의 엄격한 요건과 절차에 따라 운영되어야 할 것이다.

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내부마찰 측정장치의 소개

  • 김재환
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.142-149
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    • 1983
  • 지금까지 알려진 내부마찰측정방법으로는 자유감쇄법(free decay method), 강제진동법(forced vibration method), 비공진강제진동법(non-resonance forced vibration method) 및 초음파법(ultrasoni method) 등이 있다. 이상의 모든 내부마찰실험방법에 관한 실험장치는 그 기계의 동작특성에 따라 실험주파수가 극히 한정되어 있어 연속적인 변화를 시킬 수 없으므로 완화효과를 연속적으로 추적하기 위하여 온도를 변화시키는 방법이 널리 사용되고 있다. 이상에서 소개한 방법들중 본인들이 국산제작실험에 성공한 바 있는 장치는 자유감쇄법에 속하는 염회진자장치(torsion pendulum device) 이므로 이 장치를 중심으로 내부마찰측정원리와 그의 장치에 관하여 소개하고저 한다.

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Analysis of Air Flow for Improving the Heat Storage Efficiency of the Solar-heated Greenhouse with Rock Bed Storage (자갈축열온실의 축열성능 향상을 위한 공기유동 분석)

  • 이석건;이종원;이현우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2003
  • 자갈축열 태양열온실은 주간에 일사로 데워진 온실 내부공기를 온실하부에 설치된 자갈축열층사이로 강제순환시켜 자갈에 에너지를 축열한다. 이러한 축열과 방열과정을 통하여 겨울철 야간에 난방시스템으로 이용하고, 여름철에는 냉방효과를 꾀하게 된다. 온실내 공기가 축열층을 통과하는 동안의 열전달은 강제대류열전달이며, 이 경우 축열층내의 열이동은 축열층내 공기와 자갈표면온도가 초기에는 열적으로 평형상태로 존재하다가 순환공기의 온도상승에 따라 열전달이 일어나게 된다. (중략)

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