• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갈등전환

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축평원 리포트 - happy! 가족의 발견 응. 너는 그러냐?

  • Lee, Myeong-Jae
    • KAPE Magazine
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    • s.231
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 2015
  • 가족친화 인증기관인 축산물품질평가원에서는 부부 간 인식차이로 발생할 수 있는 갈등요인 사전예방과 인식전환을 통해 일가(家)양립을 지원하고 행복한 가정생활 증진을 돕기 위해 행복증진 프로그램으로 '가족사랑 체험-Happy가족의 발견' 행사를 개최했습니다. '한 미음으로 가는 차이 여행'을 슬로건으로 10월 29~30일 개최된 이번 행사는 총 17가족, 22명이 참가했습니다. 아래 고객홍보팀 이명재 과장의 수기와 참가 가족의 이야기로 1박 2일의 다복한 시간을 들여다봅니다.

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Problems inherited from Habermas/Luhmann-debate: The relation between communication and action and the problem of attribution (하버마스와 루만의 논쟁이 남긴 문제: 소통과 행위의 관계 및 귀속)

  • Jung, Sunghoon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.120
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    • pp.89-119
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    • 2018
  • Among the controversial issues of Habermas/Luhmann-debate, the more important issue today is the achievement of the two scholars after the debate rather than confirming the old antagonistic framework of critical theory versus systems theory. 'Communicative action' and 'discourse' are such issues. Starting from these issues, Habermas established a theory of communicative action, and Luhmann regarded elements of social systems as communications and considered actions as elements of system's self-observation. In particular, Luhmann's work, which regards communication as a primary concept and action as a result of attribution to the actor, was a very productive conversion of sociological tradition. Nevertheless, this conversion lacks a solution of intensified attribution conflicts. I think it is necessary to pay attention to the 'Versta¨ndigung' in Habermas' concept of communicative action in order to solve the problem of infinitely repeated attribution conflicts.

An Experience of Living Lab as Energy Transition Experiment: The Case of Urban Living Lab for Mini-PV System in Seong-Dae-Gol, Seoul, KOREA (에너지전환 실험의 장으로서 한국 리빙랩의 경험: 성대골의 도시지역 미니태양광 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jun han;Han, Jae kak
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.219-265
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    • 2018
  • Recently, interest in energy tranisition is rising. Energy transition requires active participation and cooperation of diverse stakeholders, including users / citizens, in that it requires not only changes in technological factors but also changes and coordination of various social factors. Living labs are attracting attention as one of the ways to do this. This article is a detailed analysis of the activities of the mini-PV living lab in the urban area from 2016 to 2017 at the Seoul, Sung Dae Goal. Through the Living Lab, mini PV DIY products, backup centers, local financial services, and the development of a variety of education and training strategies have been achieved. These activities and achievements were analyzed through questions raised on strategic, tactical, and operational levels, as well as through multi-level perspective and interaction between initiative, regime, and niche. In conclusion, this living lab activity confirmed the possibility of a 'transition lap' to solve social problems such as sustainability of energy production and utilization. In particular, it gained remarkable results in terms of the operational leves of transition management governance, that is, transition experiment, and it was also remarkable in that it was the initiative of citizens. However, it did not proceed without difficulty. In particular, structural problems such as the conflict between the flexibility inherent in living lab and the bureaucratic rigidity of the financial support organization have appeared. There was also a limitation that there was no 'transition field' on the strategic level necessary to replicate and expand strategic niches while spreading the knowledge gained from the transition experiment, forming the vision of transition.

A Study on Communication Quality(COMMQUAL) in Marketing Channel Dyad (유통경로 핵심 양자간 의사소통 질 (COMMQUAL)에 관한 연구)

  • 박진용
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2003
  • This study suggests new perspective of interorganizational communication. The importance of communication quality is increasing because it affects performance of marketing channels. In perspective of information exchange, communication quality consists of accuracy, availability, timing, and credibility. In research model, the antecedents of communication quality adopt willingness of information sharing and capability of efficient communication. To examine effects of communication quality on channel performance, research model includes relation of communication quality and conflicts. For empirical test, relation of PC makers and their dealers is decided as a focal dyad. Findings indicate that overall hypotheses are supported except the relation of willingness of information sharing and communication quality.

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The Effect of an Internal Marketing Strategy on the Causes of Conflicts in the Foodservice Industry (외식업체 내부 마케팅 전략이 갈등 원인에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jin-Ha
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.161-173
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    • 2010
  • The foodservice industry should be customer-oriented and service-oriented because production and consumption occur simultaneously and sales depend on customers' participation in the foodservice industry. In this respect, it is faced with maintaining minimum human resources with efficient management systems and policies which employees can offer quality services. This study, therefore, aims to find out how internal marketing strategies affect conflict perception. The result of the study is as follows. Communication, service training, employee benefits and a reward system are generally important in the internal marketing. In particular, it is considered that employee benefits and a reward system based on finance are more important to employees than any other factor. Accordingly, companies should consider facilities offered to the employees, vacation and employee benefits. Also, it is shown that communication-obstacles take high proportion in the cause of conflicts and employee benefits in the internal marketing. This study showed the possibility of internal marketing used as a management method of human resources and a solution for resolving conflicts.

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A Study on the Image of Kim Soo-young in the Media -Focused on the drama "The Count of Myeong-dong"(2004) (영상매체에 나타난 김수영 이미지 연구 -드라마 <명동백작>(2004)을 중심으로)

  • Son, Mi-young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the strategy of delivering the drama's poet Kim Soo-young and his literary works to the public through the drama (2004). This drama shows Kim's inner self and his literary view by inserting poems into scenes where the poet suffers internal conflict, while presenting relatively less well-known poems to broaden the public's understanding of poetry. In addition, the drama maintains viewers' interest by properly placing elements of conflict, and effectively shows how the conflict affected his life and the world of time. Therefore, the drama is a meaningful text that embodies a poet named Kim Soo-young in three dimensions along with the historical transformation and social problems of the time and the literary chapter of the time through the video.

The problem on the restortion and performance of "Jainpalkwangdae" (자인팔광대의 복원과 연희적 특징에 따른 문제)

  • Jung, Hyung-ho
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.19
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2009
  • Jainpalkwangdae(慈仁八廣大) of Kyungsan area in Kyungbuk province was restored through over 50 years gap. This play basically has the structure of conflict - reconcillation, which is differentiated from a masque and a tightrope walking. The characters of this play are a nobleman, Malttuki (a servant), a legal wife and a second wife. Their personality is deviant from a existing Korean masque. This weird and artificial appearance may be a problem in the process of restoration. Otherwise, it might be a very different transmission type of masque. Therefore, we need to investigate why Jainpalkwangdae is different from a traditional masque.

A Study of the Acculturation Meaning among Chinese-Chosun Residential Care Attendants in Long-Term Care Setting (조선족 간병인의 문화적응 경험에 관한 연구: 노인 간병서비스를 제공하는 조선족 여성을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Sae-Young;Kim, Gum-Ja
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1263-1280
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    • 2010
  • The present study describes the acculturation meaning of 12 Chinese-Chosun residential care attendants(RCAs) who are currently working in long-term care settings for Korean older adults. Using a qualitative research method, the findings show that the acculturation process of Chinese-Chosun RCAs consists of three stages: entrance, conflict, and adaptation. In the initial stage, the assets of the social and cultural networks among their friends and relatives, who already settled down or employed as RCAs, provided more opportunities for being employed as a RCA. However, most Chinese-Chosun RCAs experienced a number of conflicts while they adapted to mainstream society and perform caregiving tasks. They perceived discrimination, heavy workload, prejudice, and homesick. Nevertheless, they appeared to adapt effectively to Korean society and working environments because they were aware of the various benefits of working as a RCA such as higher wage and more job openings compared to other jobs, a rapport with the patients and patients' families, flexible work hours, and pride as a caregiver. This type of qualitative groundwork will be an important precursor to the design, implementation, and evaluation of acculturation research for minority immigrant workers in the Korean social welfare system.

Intergenerational Conflict and Integration in family (가족 내 세대갈등과 통합)

  • Nam, Soonhyeon
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2004
  • The drastically changing society has brought diverse types of families, and these diversities are changing the concept of the word 'family' itself. Inevitably, these changes cause different viewpoints among family members, developing into conflicts and social issues. In this paper, generational family problems, which are caused by changes within the family as a result of the variously, diversely changing society, are observed to suggest a resolution. Looking into the functional variety that today's structural change within a family demands, several positives changes described below have been observed; Firstly, the change in the way of interaction among family members; Secondly, the demand for continuance on relational functions including love, care, etc, as a psychological resource of family; Thirdly, the conversion from form's sake relationship to actual relationship; and Lastly, the usage of a clearer communications network. The interaction between the parent-children relationship, according to the changes in family life cycle, is also re-focused to seek resolutions for intergenerational conflicts. The results are as follows; Firstly, the changeability of various family types today must be accepted, and the functional aspects of changing families must be emphasized ; Secondly, the mutual-exchanging value of each generation must be accepted, strengthening relational functions between generations; Thirdly, it is necessary to refocus filial piety. In other words, though the intergenerational transmission of family functions may become the basis of lineage and clan formation, it won't be possible without interaction between generation.

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A Case Report about Treatment of Childhood Conversion Disorder with Psychotherapy of Oriental Medicine -The Giungoroen(至言高論), Supportive Psychotherapy and Behavioral Therapy- (한의학 정신요법을 이용한 소아 전환장애 환자 1례 - 지언고론요법(至言高論療法), 지지적 정신치료와 행동치료 -)

  • Suh, Hyun-Uk;Suh, Jin-Woo;Hwang, Eun-Young;Kim, Jong-Woo;Jung, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This case report presents a 7-year-old female patient diagnosed with conversion disorder improved by application of oriental medical psychotherapy, the Giungoroen. Her chief complaint was dysesthesia of anal. Methods : Through interview and several psychological testing such as HTP test, DAF test, JTCI 7-11, we assessed her psychological state and seek for the psychological reason induced her physical symptom, dysesthesia of anal. After assessment we concluded her main psychological problem was loss of love relationship with her parents. So we decided to use supportive psychological therapy and behavioral therapy-like changing upbringing attitudes of her parents, for example- with Herbal medicine treatment. Results : After 2-month of therapeutic period, chief physical symptom of patient-dysesthesia of anal-was reduced to 20% compared with first visit day. Conclusions : The Giungoroen corresponds to supportive psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. And this oriental medical psychotherapy is fairly effective on the treatment of conversion disorder in childhood.

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