• Title/Summary/Keyword: 간지(干支)

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A Study of the Correlation between Stroke Incidence by Climate of Day and Stems and Branches (기후(氣候) 및 간지(干支)와 중풍(中風) 發病日(발병일)에 관(關)한 상관성(相關性) 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Hyo-Jae;Hwang, Min-Young;Baik, Yun-Seon;Ju, Dae-Hwan;Han, Chang-Ho;Shin, Gil-Cho;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study investigated the correlation between the incidence by the climate of the day and the Stems and Branches(干支) of stroke patients. Methods : From January in 2000 to March in 2008, we studied 370 stroke patients hospitalized at Dongguk University Bundang Hospital. Each participant was investigated for the day's average temperature, the day's average air humidity, the day's average wind speed, and the day's Stems and Branches (干支) in oriental medical theory. Results: Concerning the day's average temperature, the group at a temperature under 18 $^{\circ}C$ had the highest risk. For the day's average air humidity, the group at over 60 % humidity showed a higher ratio of stroke. In respect of the day's average wind speed, the group at speeds under 2.26 $^m/s^2$ (the last 5 years average wind speed in Gyeonggi-do) had a higher risk. In the aspect of Stems and Branches (干支), stroke occurred more in Yin day(陰日) than in Yang day(陽日). In the view of the Five Circuits (五運), the Wood (木) was most common followed by Fire(火). Using the relation between Stems and Branches (干支), the mutuality cooperate pattern was more common than the mutuality control group and same characteristic group. Using the Theory of Five Circuits (五運) and Six Qi (六氣), the Fire group (火) showed the highest risk. The Wood group (木) came next. Conclusions : We could suggest that stroke attack might have some significant relationship with climate, stems, and branches in oriental medical theory.

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Correlation Between Atherosclerosis and Geometrical Characteristic Changes of Blood Vessels (혈관의 형태학적 특성변화와 동맥경화와의 상관관계)

  • Suh, Sang-Ho;Roh, Hyung-Woon;Kwon, Hyuck-Moon;Lee, Byoung-Kwon;Kim, Gye-Young;Lee, Na-Young
    • 순환기질환의공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.23-24
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    • 2005
  • 위와 같은 결과로부터 개인마다 다르게 형성되는 혈관의 형상이 혈류역학적 특성을 변화시켜 동맥경화의 발생에 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 즉, 동일한 관상동맥일지라도 기하학적 형태변화에 따라 좌주간지의 길이가 짧을수록, 좌전하행지와 좌회선지의 분지부 각도가 넓을수록, 동맥경화의 발생이 용이한 형태가 되는데, 이로 미루어 혈관의 형상이 혈류의 유동조건을 변화시켜 혈관내피세포의 손상, 혈류의 정체시간 연장 등으로 나타나 동맥경화가 발생되는 인자가 된다.

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A Study on the Development Selection Criteria of Hilly/Mountainous and Less-Favored Areas (중산간지 조건불리지역 선정기준 설정 및 유형화)

  • Lee, Seok-Joo;Han, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.8 no.3 s.17
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to define the concept of Hilly/Mountainous and Less-Favored Areas from the viewpoint of agricultural infrastructure, and to establish selection criteria and categorize of that areas. Using three type guidelines which were the rates of forest(above 50%), farmhouse population(above 50%) and infrastructure improvement(below 50%), the regions of 605 Eup Myon were selected to Hilly/Mountainous and Less-Favored Area. And for applying to regional development planning, the legions of eup myon were classified 4 types using average of the rate of forest and aged farmhouse population(75%, 17.5%). To conserve the farmland in Hilly/Mountainous and Less-Favored Areas, it requires continuous research on systematic approach method. Especially, it is necessary to investigate a development formula according to farmland scale and desolated degree through analysis of the actual condition of farmland.

A Study on the Ultrasonographic Liver Fat Density , Obesity Index and Serum Lipids in Korean Adults (성인남녀의 초음파조영술로 측정한 간지방밀도와 혈청지질의 상관관계 연구)

  • 한영순
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.648-657
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    • 1997
  • This study was to investigate the ultrasonographic liver fat density , obesity index, and serum lipids. One hundred and one (43 males, 58 females)healthy adult subjects were examined using anthropometric indices, biochemical measurements and ultrasonography. The average levels of ULFD, TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C were 122.4mg/dl, 201.1mg/dl, 144.9mg/dl, 49.8mg/dl 122.3mg/dl, respectively for males and 117.9mg/dl, 199.1mg/dl, 130.6mg/dl, 50.6mg/dl, 122.3mg/dl, respectively for females. Males had higher levels of ULFD, TC , TPH, LPH and AI than the females but the differences were not significantly. LDL-C, TC , LPH, TPH and AI of obese groups by KI were significantly higher than those of nonobese groups. Ultrasonnographic liver fat density showed positive correlation with BW, W/H and TG. Objective measurement of ultrasonographic liver fat density is useful for the parameter of obesity.

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The Differential Becoming and Transformation of a Region through the Life-world of Women-A Case Study of Seongnam City- (성남시 여성의 생활세계를 통해서 본 지역의 차별적 생성과 변화)

  • 이윤호
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.599-619
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 지난 30여 년 동안 두 번의 신도시개발 정책으로 인하여 이원적 도시구조를 지니게 된 성남시의 차별적 생성과 변화를 행위주체자로서 여성을 선택하여 그들의 생활세계-생활사, 사회.경제적 배경, 지역정체성, 지역사회의 관계, 일상과 생활공간-를 통하여 공간과 사회와의 관계에서 경험적으로 입증하고자 하였다. 그 결과 성남시는 차별성을 지닌 두 지역사회를 생성하게 되었으며, 각 장소의 행위주체자(여성)의 생활세계에 있어서도 차별적 특성을 나타내어 기존시가지 주부들은 신시가지에 <가까이 하려는> 경향을, 신시간지 주부들는 <구별짓기>의 경향을 나타내고 있었다. 또한 전업주부의 일상생활을 통해서 볼 때 기존시가지의 경우에는 오전에는 주로 부업활동에, 오후에는 주변 이웃과의 교제활동을 주로 함으로써 자신의 거주지를 생산현장으로서의 공간으로 형성해 가고 있는 반면 신시가지 주부들은 오전에는 사적인 생활 즉 여가활동에, 오후에는 자녀교육활동에 참여하는 등 자신의 거주지를 소비현장으로서의 공간으로 형성해 가고 있었다.

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Plasma and Liver Cholesterol Lowering Substances in Gyrophora Esculenta (Sogi) I. Effects of Gyrophora esculenta (Sogi) on the plasma and liver cholesterol in rats (석이(石茸)버섯 (Gyrophora eseulanta) 중(中)에 함유(含有)되여있는 간장(肝臟) 및 혈장(血漿)콜레스테롤의 저하(低下) 생리활성물질(生理活性物質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -제(第) 1 보(報)- 식이버섯이 흰쥐의 헐장과 간 콜레스테롤에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Chon-Ho;Fukuba, Hiroyasu
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 1983
  • Sprague-Dawley계(系) 숫놈 흰쥐에게 석이버섯 분말을 사료에 첨가 (0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, 5.0%, (群)) 하여 6주간 사육한후 혈장 및 간장중에 콜레스테롤의 변화(變化)를 측정(測定)한 결과 다음과 같다. 1) 석이버섯 분말 첨가군에 있어 기본식이군이나 대조군에 비하여 체중증가나 사료섭취량에 특별한 차이나 영향을 나타내지 않았다. 2) 그러나 혈장 및 간장지질량, 혈장 및 간장콜레스테롤치에 있어서는 현저하게 저하했음을 보였다. 3) 이러한 저하(低下)는 첨가량 증가에 따라 저하율이 뚜렸했으나 간지질량 측정에서 3.0% 첨가군이 가장 효과를 나타냈다.

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State of The Art of Offshore Survey Technology for Monitoring Underwater Gas Export Pipeline Installation at DongHae-1 Gas Field (동해-1 가스전 해저배관 설치공사에 적용된 최신 해양 측량기술)

  • Park, Joseph
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.722-740
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문은 최근의 석유탐사 및 개발사업 현장에서 사용되고 있는 최신의 측량기술 및 해양공사의 측량 기술 표준화 동향을 소개하고, 이에 기반하여 동해1 가스전 해저배관 공사에 적용한 사례를 기술하였다. 해저배관 시설공사를 수행하기 위한 사전측량 및 시공지원 측량은 다양한 탐사장비가 동원되며, 각 장비들의 운영, 자료처리, 해석, 도면화를 위하여 실시간지원이 가능한 시스템을 운영하는 기술이 요구된다. 이를 위하여 해저배관 시공단계별(Pre-Installation Survey, Touch-down Monitoring, As-laid As-Built Survey, Post-installation Survey) 요구되는 측량성과 및 이를 획득하기 위한 소해측량 시스템의 성능평가 및 정확도 분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 해저지형 탐사를 위해 동원된 소해측량시스템(Swath Sonar System)에서 취득되는 수심(Bathymetry) 및 후방산란 음압(Backscattered Amplitude) 자료를 맵핑하여 해저배관의 설치 경로를 측량하는 기법에 대하여 소개하고, 추후 해저배관 보호 및 관리시의 효율적인 모니터링 기법을 제시한다.

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Electron Microscopic Study of Fat-storing Cells in Liver of Rabbits Given Ginseng (인삼투여가토(人蔘投與家兎) 간지방섭취세포(肝脂肪攝取細胞)의 전자현미경적관찰(電子顯微鏡的觀察))

  • Lee, Jae-Hyun;Woun, Bong-Rae
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 1980
  • The light and electron microscopic observations were carried out in order to know the morphological changes of the fat-storing cells (FSC) in the liver of rabbits given Ginseng for 30 days. The results obtained were as follows: The FSC of experimental group was shown the appearance of a few large lipid droplets, enlarged rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, some residual body in the enlarged rER and the nuclear body in some cases. As these findings, it could be suggested that the Ginseng affect the synthesis and accumulation of lipid on the FSC.

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Time Delay Control of Noncolocated Flexible System in z-Domain (비병치 유연계의 시간지연 이산제어)

  • 강민식
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1089-1098
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    • 1992
  • This paper concerns a discrete time control of noncolocated flexible mechanical systems by using time delay relation. A stability criterion of closed-loop system is derived in discrete time domain and a graphic method is developed for designing controllers. Based on this method, a derivative controller is designed for a simply supported uniform beam in the cases of colocation without time delay and of noncolocation with time delay. Some simulation results show the effectiveness of the suggested control.