• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가정 수업

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Template Restructuring of Backward design for Home Economics Instruction (가정교과 수업 적용을 위한 백워드 디자인의 템플릿 재구조화)

  • Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.117-136
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is restructuring the template to apply the 'Backward design' for Home Economics Instruction. This study reviewed the theory of Wiggins and McTighe, the advocates of backward design, and examined the template for version 2.0 of Wiggins and McTighe (2011). In addition, This study analyzed various previous researches using backward design, and drew implications for template restructuring for applying backward design on Home Economics Instruction. In addition, the validity of the template was verified through facial validity through the expert council. Through this process, the final 5 stages (1. Curriculum Analysis → 2. Instructional Design (Learning Experience Design ↔ Evaluation Design (Performance Task Planning) → 3. Instruction Flow → 4. Class guide for each class → 5. Evaluation record, and feedback)suggested templates for applying backward design. Future research will use the restructured assumptions and templates to develop teaching materials in the Home Economics areas of the 2015 revised curriculum. In future research, field research should be carried out on how the Home Economics instruction with backward design affects learners.

The Effect of Issue-Centered Discussion in Home Economics on Middle School Students' Critical Thinking (쟁점중심 가정과 토론수업이 비판적 사고력에 미치는 효과)

  • 이영옥;채정현
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to construct an issue-centered discussion instructional model for Home Economics and to determine its effect on middle school students' critical thinking. The research questions were posed as below. 1) The object and content of home economics in the 7th national middle school curricula are analyzed to sort out possible issues. 2) An issue-centered discussion instructional model is constructed to be applicable to middle school home economics class. and a lesson plan is prepared. 3) The effect of the issue-centered discussion instructional model developed in this study on student critical thinking faculty is examined. The findings of this study were as follows : First. seven criteria were selected to determine what types of issues were applicable to home economics lesson. Based on the selected criteria. 41 themes of issues were extracted from the 7th middle school textbooks. and their content validity was verified. Second, an issue-centered discussion instructional model was designed to deal with four themes in eight sessions in the procedure of problem raising, confirming, term defining. tentative alternative selecting, data gathering. discussing/critical approaching. and selecting/concluding. Third, two different third-year classes of K middle school in the city of Busan that consisted of 75 students were respectively selected as an experimental group and a control group, and the experiment was conducted in eight sessions for five weeks to see whether the teaching plan brought any changes to the critical mind of the students. The experimental group exposed to the issue-centered discussion lesson made a significant progress in critical thinking faculty(P<.05). In particular. that instruction gave a favorable impact on demonstration evaluating(P<.05). one of the critical thinking subfactors. When the students were asked to assess the issue-centered discussion lesson. most of them viewed it favorably. In the future, more research efforts should be dedicated to enhancing the practical applicability of issue-centered discussion instruction in home economics education. developing good evaluation tools about critical thinking faculty and finding out how discussion instruction could be conducted more efficiently.

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The Development Teaching Models for Creativity and Personality Education in Home Economics Education - Focusing on the Unit 'Clothing and self-expression'- (가정과교육에서의 창의.인성 수업 모델 개발 - '옷차림과 자기 표현' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study investigated characteristics and developed the teaching models elements of creativity and personality education in home economics education based on its identity and nature. Above all, I investigated premises and assumptions of creativity and personality education in home economics education through literary consideration, and then found out eighteen creativity and personality elements. Thus, I proposed Practical Problem Solving Learning Model, Creative Problem Solving Learning Model, Inquiry Learning Model, and Role Playing Model(experience study) in 'Clothing and self-expression' unit. The study identified that creativity and personality education meets nature of home economics education and strengthens the basics of the creativity and personality education in home economics education. In the future, I recommend the activation of philosophical debating of the creativity and personality education, various class models of creative and personality education, and follow-up study of the creative and personality education.

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A study on Teacher Perception and Classroom Practice of Practical Problem-Focused Home Economics Instruction (실천적 문제 중심 가정과 수업에 대한 교사의 인식과 실행에 관한 연구)

  • Go, Mi-Young;Yu, Nan-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate 1) how the middle school Home Economics teachers perceive the importance of the practical problem-focused instruction, 2) how often they perform the instruction, and 3) what they require for the implementation the instruction. Data were collected from 150 Home Economics teachers via e-mail survey and from 6 Home Economics teachers' face-to-face interviews. Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation, and the results of such analyses as ANOVA, T-test, and correlation were reported using SPSS/win 10.1. The results of this research were as follows: First, even though the majority of the respondents recognized the high need for practical problem-focused instruction, only a small portion of the respondents reported that they performed that instruction in the classroom. There was no correlation between the perception of the need for practical problem-focused instruction and the degree of performance of practical problem-focused instruction. Secondly, the of performance of practical problem-focused instruction was significantly different depending on the years of teaching experience and the subject that the teachers majored in. Job satisfaction had positive correlations with the perception of the need for practical problem-focused instruction and the degree of performance of practical problem-focused instruction. Thirdly, the more teachers shared information and materials with colleagues, the better they tended to be at practical problem-focused instruction. On the other hand, insufficient time for their instruction and a deficiency in understanding the rationale of the instruction were pointed out as barriers to classroom practice. The respondents answered that long-term training programs on the philosophical foundation of practical problem-focused instruction, materials related to the instruction as well as additional credits for Home Economics are most critical to reduce the discrepancy between the teacher perception and the classroom practice of practical problem-focused instruction.

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Development of Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Teaching.Learning Process Plans by Blended Learning Strategy - Focusing on a Unit 'the Youth and Consumer Life' - (Blended Learning(BL) 전략을 활용한 실천적 문제 중심 가정과 교수 학습 과정안 개발 - '청소년과 소비생활' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to develop practical problem-based home economics teaching.learning process plans about a unit 'the youth and consumer life' of middle school eighth-grade Technology and Home Economics by applying blended learning(BL) strategy. According to ADDIE instructional design model, this study was conducted in the following procedure: analysis, design/development, implementation, and evaluation. In the stage of design and development, the selected unit was converted into a practical problem-based unit, and practical problem-based teaching. learning process plans were designed in detail by using BL strategy. An online study room for practical problem-based home economics instruction grounded in BL strategy was prepared by using Edunet(http://community.edunet4u.net/${\sim}$consumer2). Eight-session lesson plans were mapped out, and study aids for students and materials for teachers were prepared. In the implementation stage, the first-session teaching plans that dealt with a minor question 'what preparations should be made to become a wise consumer' were utilized when instruction was provided to 115 eighth graders who were in three different province, and the other one was in a middle school in the city of Daejeon. The experimental teaching was implemented for two weeks in the following procedure: preliminary program, pre-online learning, main instruction and post- online learning. The preliminary program was carried out in a session in the classroom, and pre-online learning was provided before the main instruction was given in a session in the classroom. After the main instruction was completed, post-online learning was offered. In the evaluation stage, a survey was conducted on all the learners and teachers to find out their opinions and suggestions.

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Development and Evaluation of Home Economics Flipped Problem-Based Learning(FPBL) Education Plans for Middle School Students: Focusing on 'Food Selection and Storage' Unit (중학생을 위한 가정과 거꾸로 문제중심학습(FPBL) 교육안 개발과 평가: 식품 선택과 보관 단원을 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Ji Sun;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the Home Economics(HE) Flipped Problem-Based Learning(FPBL) education plans focusing on 'food selection and storage' unit for middle school students. The results of this study are as follows. First, middle school students who participated in the class had mainly experienced lecture-style classes previously, but they preferred group activity classes to lecture-style classes. Their 'preferred on-line class tools' was 'Miricanvas', and the 'helpful on-line class tools for learning' was 'Tinkerbell'. Second, the HE FPBL education plan was designed and developed to conduct block time classes, twice a week for 3 weeks by applying the '13 stages of FPBL'. The main topic of the class is "food selection and storage that protects health and the environment". The practical and unstructured problems in the FPBL was to participate in the 'Food Selection and Storage to Protect Health and Environment' mission development contest of a TV entertainment program. Learning materials(stepping video, reading materials, activity sheets, and evaluation tools for process-based evaluation) were developed. The 206 senior students at a middle school in Haeundae-gu, Busan, took the class for three weeks and evaluated it as a good class that helps them learn, is satisfactory, interesting, and suitable, leads to class participation, and is differentiated from other teaching methods.

A Study on the Operation of Technology. Home Economics Curriculum of Middle and High Schools in Kyungnam Area (기술ㆍ가정교과 운영실태와 평가 -경남지역 소재 중.고등학교를 중심으로 -)

  • 김상희
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2003
  • This study aimed to evaluate the subject matters and goals, and to know the operation of Technology·Home Economics of middle and high schools in Kyungnam area. Data were collected from 235 teachers with the questionnaire by mail. The results were following; 1. The major of teachers was Technology·Industry 30.6%, Home Economics 67.2%. The teaching style was the team-teaching 51.1%, one's responsible teaching 41.3%. The team-teaching was operated more frequently in high schools than middle schools. The most difficulties were the shortage of subject's hours, the shortage of practice hours, etc. 2. The overall evaluation of subject's matters and goals were about middle levels. but the items of the job-course education and the interrelatedness of Technology and Home Economics were a little low levels. 3. The speciality and the utility of the subject's matters were evaluated highly oneself for one's major, but those of different major were lowly so. The sector of Computer was shared commonly with Technology and Home Economics' teachers. 4. The attitudes toward the separation or integration of Technology·Home Economics in the 8th curriculum revision were half and half. If Technology·Home Economics will be separated, each subject need 2 hours per week.

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A case study of flipped learning applied to a college-level course on the culture of family living and its effect (플립러닝을 적용한 대학의 가정생활문화 수업 사례와 효과)

  • Baek, min-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2019
  • This study was to execute the flipped learning as a learner-centered teaching and learning method in the course on family living culture for home economics education students in a college of education, and to investigate its effect. Flipped learning was designed in three stages(Pre class/In class/After class), and a questionnaire survey was distributed to 40 students to measure the class satisfaction. In addition, class worksheets and reflection journals that students wrote after every class were analyzed. Students positively evaluated flipped learning because they could take non-competition class with questions and discussion, etc. escaping from a one-way lecture. This study found that the level of class satisfaction was high due to high learning effect as the dual learning was available in case of prerequisite learning or individual learning. In particular, the class using Visual Thinking was considered interesting and useful in understanding and summarizing the learning contents. This study has shown that the willingness to take other flipped learning class in their major was high. To conclude, this study has found positive learning effects in the learner-centered teaching and learning method or flipped learning for the course concerning family living culture. This researcher expects that flipped learning may be utilized in the secondary education in the future as an effective learner-centered teaching and learning method for the purpose of fostering talents for the future in the era of the fourth industrial revolution.

Interior Environment and Practical Usages of the Home Economics Practice Room in Middle School of Gyeonggi and Incheon (경기$\cdot$인천지역 중학교 가정실 실내 환경과 활용 실태)

  • Cho Jae Soon;So Bok Ryea
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the interior environment, teaching equipments and tools, practical usages and related problems of the Home Economics practice room as a special room of Home Economics in middle school. The data were collected with questionnaire through a mail from 150 teachers charged in the Technology $\cdot$ Home Economics of the middle schools in the Gyeonggi Province and Incheon Metropolitan City. There were Home Economics practice rooms in the most of the middle schools. The room was used for the Home Economics class as well as for many other activities. which sometimes disturbed the class in the room. The frequency of the usage of the room was relatively low and limited mostly to the cooking class and somewhat sewing class because of the lack of environmental equipment and facilities such as heating, cooling. ventilating systems and furnishings such as table. chair as well as teaching materials. etc. Teachers wanted to use the room for all units of the Home Economics class applied to various teaching methods in the room. The improvement of the interior environments and teaching materials could facilitate the variety of the class in the Home Economic practice room.

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The Mediating Effect of Resilience on the Association Between Middle School Students' Academic Engagement in Family Education and Parent-Child Relationships (중학생의 가족수업 참여도와 부모자녀관계에서 회복탄력성의 매개효과)

  • Joo, Hyunjung;Choi, Saeeun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2022
  • This study attempts to analyze the mechanism of the academic engagement of middle schoolers participating in family education in Technology and Home Economics Education (T&HEE), their resilience, and their parent-child relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of resilience on the association between academic engagement and the parent-child relationship. The participants of the study were 194 middle schoolers in Sejong-si. The data were analyzed using PROCESS macro (Model 4), a method for verifying the mediating effect using bootstrapping. As a result of the study, first, there are significant positive correlations among academic engagement, resilience, and the parent-child relationship. Second, the result shows resilience as a complete mediating effect on the association between academic engagement and the parent-child relationship. These findings suggest the way to improve the relationship of adolescents with their parents is to enhance the middle school learners' resilience by actively participating in family education classes in T&HEE.