• Title/Summary/Keyword: $SO_2$ inflow

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Characterization of Toluene Vapor Removal Efficiency Using Alnus Firma Fruit in a Biological Treatment Process (오리나무 열매를 이용한 생물처리장치에서의 톨루엔 가스 처리효율 특성)

  • 공남식;차수길;서정윤
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.689-699
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    • 2003
  • This study was to examine characteristics of treating toluene vapor, which gets to be problematic due to its harmful carcinogenicity and mass generation from various sources, through a biological treatment facility which is environment-friendly and adopts a high-efficient and low-cost clean technology. In order to identify whether Alnus Firma Fruit (AFF) can be used as a media for a bioreactor, its utility and basic operating factors, a study was conducted on pressure drop, supply of nutrient substances and retention time which are operating factors of a biofilter, and eliminating characteristics were compared between AFF and the conventional biological activatedcarbon (BAC) widely used as filter media. In the case of AFF, the initial microbial deposits was 2.3${\times}$10$^{7}$ CFU/g dry AFF, which represents the initial microbial density higher than the case of BAC showing 5.5${\times}$10$^{6}$ CFU/g dry BAC And it took about 2 weeks to acclimate until its eliminating rate got to be increased over 90%. As a result of comparing pressure loss taking place with the lapse of time between BAC and AFF, after 130 days passed at SV 25h$^{-1}$ , BAC showed that its eliminating efficiency had a tendency to drop greatly due to a great pressure loss (0.53\longrightarrow54.7 mm$H_2O$/m) caused by an excess of biomass as accumulated. On the other hand. AFF showed that the pressure drop was 0.53 mm$H_2O$/m, about 2 times as much as the initial pressure loss of 0.4 mm$H_2O$/m, which represents no great change in the pressure loss, and its eliminating efficiency was also shown to be continuously high. Therefore, when AFF was used as a filler for a biological treatment facility, a biological filter enabling improvement of the purifying efficiency to be promoted could be provided, and moreover, the pressure loss was so small that the filler replacement cycle or the back flushing cycle could be extended. So, even in terms of the operating cost, it was identified to be an economical filler When an inorganic material was used as a filler, the biofilters performance acted sensitively on whether nutrient substances were supplied or not. In the case of AFF with low adsorptivity, addition of ethyl-alcohol increased the solubility of toluene, and consequently, biodegradation got to be actively made by microbes, and thus, its eliminating rate could be increased. As the flow velocity and the inflow concentration got to be more increased, its eliminating rate got to be lower, and particularly, an increase in the flow velocity made its eliminating rate drop more greatly than an increase in the concentration.

Development of an Air Cushion Vest (공기주입형 쿠션 베스트 개발)

  • Son, Sue-Min;Choi, Hei-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2012
  • The development of modern transportation technology has required many people in spaces (such as vehicle seats, airports, and train stations) for long periods. The public seats provided in these places are manufactured in a standard size; however, fatigue sets in if the seats are unsuitable for the person's physical size. For this reason, this study developed an air cushion vest that would enhance the comfort of vehicle seats. Passengers in vehicles, trains, airplanes, and buses were observed and surveyed to understand the demand for seat comfort. Our analysis found that the greatest source of discomfort was involuntary nodding of the head while asleep and discomfort around the waist area. For this reason, the air cushion vest was designed to support the head and the waist. The neck cushion of this vest was designed to strengthen head support to counter forward nodding because existing commercial neck cushions had no support for forward nodding. For the waist cushion, at lumbar and below-lumbar parts were chosen as the key parts to be supported, the cushion was designed to contain air at those parts. To cover the embedded waist cushion, the vest was designed to be long. The closure was constructed with zippers from the neck to waistline, and with invisible snaps from the waistline to the hemline so that the wearer could open them easily while seated. A subjective comfort evaluation was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the developed vest. In the test, the developed cushions received a better evaluation than cushions currently available on the market. The volume of the vest could be adjusted by the inflow and outflow of air. It was proven that the vest was effective in terms of comfort and portability. This shows that the developed vest could enhance passenger comfort while sitting on vehicle seats.

Analysis of Misting Phenomenon in a Car (자동차 내부의 김 서림 현상에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Jae-Hwan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2007
  • The mist on the inside of an automobile windshield is not only uncomfortable but also very dangerous because it obstructs the driver's vision. However, the removal process of the mist has never been studied in detail. This study performed experiments analyzing the mechanism causes the mist in a car and investigated the appropriate removal process. The experiments were performed on two rainy days, 10 April 2006 and 26 May 2006, with temperature and relative humidity sensors of testo-175-H2 and DICKSON-TK500. We found a passenger increased water vapor by 0.2 g $min^{-1}$ through respiration and thereby relative humidity (RH) from 55% to 67% in 8 minutes. Even though RH was not saturated, misting occurred because the humid air contacted the colder surface of the window. To remove the mist, it is necessary to increase the temperature or inflow drier air in the car. Therefore, we expected that the heater would be more effective than air conditioner for this matter. However, the outcome was the other way around due to the structure of the heating and cooling system in the car. When the air-conditioner was on, colder and drier air was generated and flowed through the so-called evaporator. Droplets were produced in the evaporator due to cooling procedure. When the heater was on, the warm air evaporated the droplets and increased the water content in the air resulting in an increase of relative humidity. Consequently, the air conditioner is more effective than the heater to remove the mist.

Effect of Sn Addition on Microstructure of Al Alloy Powder for Brazing Process (브레이징용 Al 합금 분말의 미세조직에 미치는 Sn 함량의 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Ho;Yoo, Hyo-Sang;Na, Sang-Su;Son, Hyeon-Taek
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2020
  • The powder manufacturing process using the gas atomizer process is easy for mass production, has a fine powder particle size, and has excellent mechanical properties compared to the existing casting process, so it can be applied to various industries such as automobiles, electronic devices, aviation, and 3D printers. In this study, a modified A4032-xSn (x = 0, 1, 3, 5, and 10 wt.%) alloy with low melting point properties is investigated. After maintaining an argon (Ar) gas atmosphere, the main crucible is tilted; containing molten metal at 1,000℃ by melting the master alloy at a high frequency, and Ar gas is sprayed at 10 bar gas pressure after the molten metal inflow to the tundish crucible, which is maintained at 800℃. The manufactured powder is measured using a particle size analyzer, and FESEM is used to observe the shape and surface of the alloy powder. DSC is performed to investigate the change in shape, according to the melting point and temperature change. The microstructure of added tin (Sn) was observed by heat treatment at 575℃ for 10 min. As the content of Sn increased, the volume fraction increased to 1.1, 3.1, 6.4, and 10.9%.

A Study on Performance Evaluation for Oil Mist Removal using a High-speed Centrifugal Cyclone (고속원심분리 사이클론을 이용한 오일 미스트 제거 성능 연구)

  • Kim, SooYeon;Kim, Jin-Seon;Sung, Jin-Ho;Han, Bangwoo;Kim, Yong-Jin;Kim, Hak-Joon
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2019
  • This study was performed for the application of a high-speed centrifugal cyclone to shale gas mining process. This device uses the centrifugal force to control particles similar to typical cyclones, and the disk located inside the cyclone is forced to rotate using a motor. The pressure difference occurred during the rotating of disk. Hence, inflow rate was generated without a blower fan. In addition, flow rate increased with elevating rpm of motor. The installing the disk in multiple stages on the inner rotor increased the instantaneous disk outlet flow. Hence, the control efficiency of oil particle increased from 1.05% to 31.2%. By modifying the structure of the disk so that the air flow to the opposite direction of the cyclone, the control efficiency of oil particles increased to 81.5%. By increasing the capacity of the motor and the size of the disk, the flow rate was increased to 2.5 ㎥/min because the rpm of motor and pressure difference increased. As rpm of motor increased, the cut-off diameter (dpc) became smaller. Unlike the Lapple's equation, dpc was inversely proportional to the effective number of rotations (Ne). The control efficiency was maintained even if the concentration of oil particles increased, for this reason, the higher the oil concentration, the more particles were accumulated and controlled.

The Performance Assessment of Special Observation Program (ProbeX-2009) and the Analysis on the Characteristics of Precipitation at the Ulleungdo (울릉도 특별관측 수행평가 및 강수특성 분석)

  • Kim, Ki-Hoon;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Kim, Do-Woo;Chang, Dong-Eon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2011
  • The performance assessment in radiosonde observation on the special observation program (ProbeX-2009) is performed and the characteristics of precipitation using Auto Weather System (AWS) and radiosonde data in 2009 at the Ulleungdo are investigated. The launching time, observation time, and maximum altitude of radiosonde are satisfied with the regulation from Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) but the duration of observational time of radiosonde is much shorter than that of the ProbeX-2007 because the altitude of launching site is higher than others in 2007. From the analysis of trajectories of radiosonde, most radiosondes at the Ulleungdo tend to move into the east because the westerly prevail at the middle latitude. However, when the Okhotsk high is expanded to the Korean peninsula and the north-westerly winds strengthen over the East Sea as the subtropical high is retreated, radiosonde tends to move into the south-west and south-east, respectively. Maximum distance appears at the end of observation level before May but the level of maximum distance is changed into 100 hPa after June because the prevailing wind direction is reversed from westerly to easterly at the stratosphere during summer time. The condition of precipitation was more correlated with the dynamic instability except Changma season. Precipitation in 2009 at the Ulleungdo occurred under the marine climate so that total precipitation amounts and precipitation intensity were increased and intensified during nighttime. The local environment favorable for the precipitation during nighttime was while the wind speed at the surface and the inflow from the shoreline were strengthened. Precipitation events also affected by synoptic condition but the localized effect induced by topography was more strengthened at the northern part of Ulleungdo.

Air Ventilation Evaluation at Nighttime for the Construction of Wind Corridor in Urban Area (도시지역의 바람길 조성을 위한 야간시간대의 공기순환성 평가)

  • Song, Bong-Geun;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.16-29
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate air ventilation using wind patterns of MetPhoMod program at nighttime focused on Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. Evaluation indices of air ventilation are wind resistant and retention used by results of each wind speed and diversity. The results are as follows. Vulnerable areas of air ventilation are Bonglim-dong, Bansong-dong, Yongji-dong and so on. In high-rise apartment, commercial area and single residential area of Yongji-dong, Sangnam-dong and Sapa-dong, wind is stagnated by high buildings. Therefore, these areas should construct urban spaces to circulate the wind. And to inflow persistingly the fresh wind generated in a rural area, we think that the construction of wind corridor is suggested by development plan and policy wind corridor.

Evaluation of PBD as Horizontal Drains of Soilbag Retaining Wall (토낭 보강토 옹벽의 수평 배수재로서 PBD의 적용성 평가)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Lee, Myung-Shin;Kim, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2013
  • Recently, construction of reinforced earth structure using geosynthetics has been increased because it has advantages such as construction efficient, cost effectiveness and appearance aspect against existing gravity or cantilever retaining wall. However due to the climate change in Korea excessive inflow of ground water and surface water from heavy rainfall could affect the stability of reinforced retaining wall seriously. So the discharge capacity of drains should be evaluated by using experimental method in the design of reinforced earth wall. In this study, instead of concrete block used in most of the retaining wall, eco-friendly porous soilbag was used. This paper describes the test method and result of the laboratory testing for determination of discharge capacity utilizing PBDs.

Experimental Study on Natural Ventilation Performance of Double Facade System in Heating Period (난방기 중 이중외피 시스템의 자연환기 성능분석에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Keon-Ho;Kim, Hyeon-Soo;Ko, Yung-Woo;Son, Young-Joo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2006
  • A Double Facade System(DFS) is well known as an innovative solution of ecological facade in the west european countries. There are more than 200 various realized DFS in Germany. At the same time, the korean engineers have researched to find out the physical advantages of DFS in the moderate korean climate, which has a very humid summer with high temperature and a dry winter with low temperature. For example, the monthly mean temperature in Korea comes up to 28K, while that in Germany comes up to only 19K. That is, why a other solution of DFS is needed in Korea. This study has experimented the physical performance of the natural ventilation in the heating period. The preheating function of the cold air by DFS can improve no doubt the performance of the natural ventilation at the cold season as well as spring and autumn. The physical difference between single and double facade on natural ventilation has been tested at the newly constructed laboratory, which can turn $360^{\circ}$ to confirm the characteristic of a facade with the various directions. The results show the natural ventilation of the DFS has definitely much more comfortable than that of the single facade system. The air velocity of the inflow as well as the air temperature in the DFS provide a more stable condition than in the SFS. The theoretical limit(air velocity max 0.2m/s, air temperature min. $18^{\circ}C$, temperature difference between 100mm and 1700mm height max. 3K) on the indoor comfortableness doesn't go over in the DFS. On the other hand, the SFS showed an unstable condition with an excess of comfortableness limit on air velocity as well as temperature. In view of the researching results so far achieved, the research came to a conclusion, that the DFS can provide a more comfortable indoor condition by the preheating in the heating period than a SFS, and the period of natural ventilation in winter time could be definitely increased at the DFS.

A Study on Indoor Environment Performances of Power Yacht in Summer Season (여름철 파워요트 실내환경 성능에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Seok;Doe, Guen-Young;Lim, Duck-Min;Kim, Hak-Chul
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the basic data were collected for improving the amenity of indoor environment of a super yacht and the performance of indoor environment was analyzed by utilizing measured data during summer period. Through the results of examination, the following conclusions are drawn. 1) It is estimated that, in case of closing the door of Saloon connected with outside, there is little inflow of exhaust gas, but when the door is open, the indoor-air might be polluted so fast. Therefore, it is necessary to make a counter plan about the method of ventilation and amount of ventilation to keep the indoor aerial environment agreeable. 2) It is urgent to conceive countermeasure against engine noise because the noise level of all rooms exceeds 60dB, which is regulation of noise for protecting crew established in ship's classification, during the sailing. 3) State cabin and Guest cabin are super cooled by operating air conditioner exceeding agreeableness extent and it is needed to prevent them.