• 제목/요약/키워드: $In_2O_3$

검색결과 30,736건 처리시간 0.072초

저위생산답(低位生産沓)에 있어서의 비료(肥料) 삼요소(三要素)의 효과(效果)

  • O, Wang-Geun;Park, Yeong-Seon;Ryu, In-Su
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 1971
  • 1. 수도(水稻)의 생육기간(生育其間)만이라도 심수하(甚水下)에 있어야하는 논은 투수성(透水性)의 영향(影響)을 받아야 하고, 동영향(同影響)은 수도생육(水稻生育)과 관련(關聯)을 갖는다. 즉(卽) 투수성(透水性)이 클 경우(境遇)에는 물의 소비(消費)가 많을 뿐만이 아니라 영양분(營養分)의 유실(流失) 및 유효화(有效化)가 억제(抑制)되고, 투수성(透水性)이 적을 경우(境遇)에에는 심(甚)한 환원상태(還元狀態)의 발달(發達)로 유해성분(有害成分)이 집적(集積)되어 수도(水稻)의 생육(生育)은 해(害)를 입게된다. 이렇게 생각하면 투수성(透水性)으로 본 벼 생육(生肉)에 가장 적합(適合)한 토양조건(土壤條件)이 있을 것인바 이 조건(條件)은 토양(土壤)의 종류외(種類外)에도 수도(水稻)의 품종(品種)이나 생육시기(生育時期)에 따라 다른것이다. 2. 투수성(透水性)이 큰 토양(土壤)에는 잘 유거(流去)되지 않는 비료(肥料)(유기물비료(有機物肥料)나 용성연비(熔成憐肥) 등(等))를 쓸것이며, 투수성(透水性)이 적고 유해성분(有害成分)이 집적(集積)되기 쉬운 토양(土壤)에는 류산근(류硫酸根)이나 유기질(有機質) 비료등(肥料等) 유해성분(有害成分)의 집적(集積)을 증가(增加)할 우려가 있는 비료(肥料)의 시용(施用)을 삼가야 한다. 3. 기왕(旣往) 국내(國內)에서 실시(實施)한 시험결과(試驗結果)에 의(依)하면 중점토(重粘土)에서는 연산(憐酸), 중점토(重粘土)와 퇴화염토(退化鹽土)에서는 가리결핍(加里缺乏)을 일으키기 쉬운것 같으나 그 밖의 토양(土壤)에서는 뚜렷한 경향(傾向)이 인정(認定)되지 않는다. 4. 투수성(透水性)이 큰 토양(土壤)에서는 산적토(山赤土)를 객토(客土)하는 경우(境遇)가 많은 바 이때에는 금비(金肥) 특(特)히 질소질비료(窒素質肥料)를, 객토(客土)하지 않았을때 보다 많이 써야 하는것이 일반적(一般的)이다. 5. 투수성(透水性)이 약(弱)하고 유해성분(有害成分)이 집적(集積)되기 쉬운 논에는 우선(于先) 석회(石灰)(소석회(消石灰))를 시용(施用)하여 토양반응(土壤反應)을 높여야 하며 심(甚)한 노후답(老朽畓)이나 퇴화염토(退化鹽土)에는 석회(石灰)와 아울러 규산질(珪酸質) 비료(肥料)를 시용(施用)한 연후(然後)에 비료(肥料) 삼요소(三要素) 시용(施用)을 고려(考慮)해야 할 것이다. 산성(酸性)으로 기울어져있는 많은 우리나라 논 토양(土壤)에는 알칼리성(性) 비료(肥料)인 용성연비(熔成憐肥)를 시용(施用)하는 것이 효과적(效果的) 일것이다. 6. 소석회(消石灰)와 규산(珪酸)의 시용(施用)은 연산(憐酸)과 가리(加里)의 요구량(要求量)을 증가(增加) 할것이며 비료(肥料) 삼요소(三要素)에 대(對)한 수도(水稻)의 응수곡선(應酬曲線)의 모습을 기왕(旣往)의 것과 달리 할것이다.

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The Association of Growth Rate with Body Weight or Shank Length at Birth in Broiler Chickens (육용계의 부하시 체중 혹은 정강이 길이와 성장률과의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Suk Y. O.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the association of growth rate with body weight or shank length at birth in broiler chickens. Cobb and Ross breeds were used as experimental stocks and four groups were assigned in each breed; thirteen-male and twelve-female chicks(25 birds) were allocated in each group. The heavier body weight group(HBW) and the lighter body weight group(LBW) were established by birth weight. Whereas, the longer shank length group(LSL) and the shorter shank length group(SSL) were established by shank length at birth. The heavier group chicks in birth weight were significantly(P < 0.05) the longer in shank length at birth. The differences between HBW and LSL or between LBW and SSL in the mean 5-wk body weight of Cobb were not significantly different in each other; however, HBW and LSL were significantly(P < 0.05) heavier than LBW or SSL. Whereas, there were no significant differences in the mean 5-wk body weight of Ross although HBW was heavier by 13.1 g than LBW and LSL was heavier by 68.0 g than SSL. In the mean 5-wk shank length, the LSL of Cobb and Ross was longer by 2.9 mm and 1.3 mm than SSL, respectively; however, the significant(P < 0.05) difference was showed in Cobb only. In both breeds, the differences in the mean 5-wk shank length between HBW and LBW were not great. By the results of correlation analysis, the associations of the overall mean birth weights with the overall mean shank length at birth or the association of the 0~5 wk growth rate with the change of shank length during 0~5 wk showed highly significant(P < 0.01~0.001) in both breeds. The present study suggested that the selection based on birth weight could be at advantage due to easier and more accurate tool in using for the improvement growth rate in broiler chickens because the measurement of shank length takes individually longer and less accurate than the measurement of body weight.

The influence of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era on the completion of the medicine in the Chosun dynasty (금원사대가의학(金元四大家醫學)이 조선조의학(朝鮮朝醫學) 형성(形成)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Cheong, Myeon;Hong, Won Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.432-552
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    • 1996
  • The influence of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era(金元代) on the completion of the medicine in the Chosun dynasty(朝鮮朝) can be summarized as follows. 1. The four noted physicians of Geum-Won era were Yoo-Wan-So(劉完素), Jang-Jong-Jung(張從正), Lee-Go(李杲), Ju-Jin-Heung(朱震亨). 2. Yoo-Wan-So(劉完索) made his theory on the basic of Nae-Kyung("內經") and Sane-Han-Lon("傷寒論"), his idea of medicine was characterized in his books, for exemple, application of O-Oon-Yuk-Ki(五運六氣), Ju-Wha theory(主火論) and hang-hae-seng-je theory(亢害承制論). from his theory and method of study, many deviations of oriental medicine occurred. He made an effort for study of Nae-Kyung, which had been depressed for many years, on the contrary of the way old study that Nae-Kyung had been only explained or revised, he applied the theory of Nae-Kyung to clinical care. The theory of Yuk-Gi-Byung-Gi(六氣病機) and On-Yeul-Byung(溫熱病) had much influenced on his students and posterities, not to mention Jang-Ja-Wha and Ju-Jin-Heung, who were among the four noted physicians therefore he became the father of Yuk-Gi(六氣) and On-Yeul(溫熱) schools. 3. Jang-Jong-Jung(張從正) emulated Yoo-Wan-So as a model, and followed his Yuk-Gi-Chi-Byung(六氣致病) theory, but he insisted on the use of the chiaphoretic, the emetic and the paregoric to get rid of the causes, specially he insisted on the use of the paregoric, so they called him Gong-Ha-Pa(攻下派). He insisted on the theory that if we would strenthen ourselves we should use food, id get rid of cause, should use the paregoric, emetic and diaphoretic. Jang-Jong-Jung'S Gang-Sim-Wha(降心火) theory, which he improved Yoo-Wan-So's Han-Ryang(寒凉) theory influenced to originate Ju-Jin-Heung'S Ja-Eum-Gang-Wha(滋陰降火) theory. 4. Lee-Go(李杲) insisted on the theory that Bi-Wi(脾胃) played a loading role in the physiological function and pathological change, and that the internal disease was originated by the need of Gi(氣) came from the disorder of digestive organs, and that the causes of internal disease were the irregular meal, the overwork, and mental shock. Lee-Go made an effort for study about the struggle of Jung-Sa(正邪) and in the theory of the prescription he asserted the method of Seung-Yang-Bo-Gi(升陽補氣), but he also used the method of Go-Han-Gang-Wha(苦寒降火). 5. The authors of Eui-Hak-Jung-Jun("醫學正傳"), Eui-Hak-Ib-Moon("醫學入門"), and Man-Byung-Whoi-Choon("萬病回春") analyzed the medical theory of the four noted physicians and added their own experiences. They helped organizing existing complicated theories of the four noted physicians imported in our country, and affected the formation of medical science in the Choson dynasty largely. Eui-Hak-Jung-Jun("醫學正傳") was written by Woo-Dan(虞槫), in this book, he quoted the theories of Yoo-Wan-So, Jang-Jong-Jung, Lee-Go, Ju-Jin-Heung, especially, Ju-Jin-Heung was respected by him, it affected the writing of Eui-Lim-Choal-Yo("醫林撮要"). Eui-Hak-ib-Moon("醫學入門"), written by Lee-Chun(李杲), followed the medical science of Lee-Go and ju-jin-heung from the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era. Its characteristics of Taoism, idea of caring of health, and organization affected Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑"). Gong-Jung-Hyun(龔延賢) wrote Man-Byung-Whoi-Choon("萬病回春") using the best part of the theories of Yoo-Wan-So, Jang-Jong-Jung, Lee-Go, Ju-Jin-Heung, this book affected Dong-Eui-Soo-Se-Bo-Won("東醫壽世保元") partly. 6. our medical science was developed from the experience of the treatment of disease obtained from human life, these medical knowledge was arranged and organized in Hyang-Yak-Jib-Sung-Bang("鄕藥集成方"), medical books imported from China was organized in Eui-Bang-Yoo-Chwi("醫方類聚"), which formed the base of medical development in the Chosun dynasty. 7. Eui-Lim-Choal-Yo("醫林撮要") was written by Jung-Kyung-Sun(鄭敬先) and revised by Yang-Yui-Soo(楊禮壽). It was written on the base of Woo-Dan's Eui-Jung-Jun, which compiled the medical science of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era. It contained confusing theories of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era and organized medical books of Myung era, therefore it completed the basic form of Byun-Geung-Non-Chi (辨證論治) influenced the writing of Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑"). 8. Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑") was written on the base of basic theory of Eum-Yang-O-Haeng(陰陽五行) and the theory of respondence of heaven and man(天人相應說) in Nae-Kyung. It contained several theories and knowledge, such as the theory of Essence(精), vitalforce(氣), and spirit(神) of Taoism, medical science of geum-won era, our original medical knowledge and experience. It had established the basic organization of our medical science and completed the Byun-Geung-Non-Chi (辨證論治). Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham developed medical science from simple medical treatment to protective medical science by caring of health. And it also discussed human cultivation and Huh-Joon's(許浚) own view of human life through the book. Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham adopted most part of Lee-Go(李杲) and Ju-Jin-Heung's(朱震亨) theory and new theory of "The kidney is the basis of apriority. The spleen is the basis of posterior", so it emphasized the role of spleen and kidney(脾腎) for Jang-Boo-Byung-Gi(臟腑病機). It contained Ju-Jin-Heung's theory of the cause and treatment of disease by colour or fatness of man(black or white, fat or thin). It also contained Ju-Jin-Heung's theory of "phlegm break out fever, fever break out palsy"(痰生熱 熱生風) and the theory of Sang-Wha(相火論). Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham contained Lee-Go's theory of Wha-Yu-Won-Bool-Yang-Lib (火與元氣不兩立論) quoted the theory of Bi-Wi(脾胃論) and the theory of Nae-Oi-Sang-Byun(內外傷辨). For the use of medicine, it followed the theory by Lee-Go. lt used Yoo-Wan-So'S theory of Oh-Gi-Kwa-Keug-Gae-Wi-Yul-Byung(五志過極皆爲熱病) for the treatment of hurt-spirit(傷神) because fever was considered as the cause of disease. It also used Jang-Jons-Jung's theory of Saeng-Keug-Je-Seung(生克制勝) for the treatment of mental disease. 9. Lee-je-ma's Dong-Eui-Soo-Se-Bo-Won("東醫壽世保元") adopted medical theories of Song-Won-Myung era and analyzed these theories using the physical constitutional theory of Sa-Sang-In(四象人). It added Dong-Mu's main idea to complete the theory and clinics of Sa-Sang-Eui-Hak(四象醫學). Lee-Je-Ma didn't quote the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era to discuss that the physical constitutional theory of disease and medicine from Tae-Eum-In(太陰人), So-Yang-In(少陽人), So-Eum-In(少陰人), and Tae-Yang-In(太陽人) was invented from their theories.

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Change of Volume of Isoflow in Pneumoconiosis Patients with Small Opacity (소음영 진폐증 환자에서의 등기류용량(Volume of Isoflow)의 변화)

  • Oh, Sang-Yong;Kim, Jee-Won;Jung, Chang-Young;Kim, Kyung-Ah;Yun, Im-Goung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제40권5호
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    • pp.540-547
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    • 1993
  • Backgrounds: The measurement of volume of isoflow has been considered as a sensitive test for detecting small airway diseases showing normal pulmonary function in a routine pulmonary function test. To evaluate the functions of small airway among dust exposed workers, the changes of volume of isoflow were measured and its applicability of managing early stage pneumoconiosis patients was studied. Method: The subjects were 67 male, pneumoconiosis with small opacity and FEV1>80%, FEV1/FVC>75% in spirometry and the controls were 20 male, no dust-exposed office workers. The maximal epiratory volume curves after inhalation of indoor air and $He-O_2$ gas mixtures were measured and ${\Delta}V_{max50},\;{\Delta}V_{max75},\;V_{iso}V/VC$ between the dust exposed and control workers were compaired. Results: 1) There were no significant differences between two group in ${\Delta}V_{max50}$ and ${\Delta}V_{max75}$. But the ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ of the subjects was siginificantly higher than that of the control (p<0.01). This study confirms that $V_{iso}V/VC$ is a very useful index in early detection of small airway dysfunction. 2) The ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ of the subjects was signigicantly different between only smoker group and mixed group(smoker and nonsmoker). It suggestes that smoking is an important cousative factor of small airway dysfunction. 3) As the profusion of the chest X-ray increased, the rartio of $V_{iso}V/VC$ increased, but no significant difference of $V_{iso}V/VC$ was found between categories of pneumoconiosis. The categories of pneumoconiosis and small airway dysfunction may not be related. 4) No significant relationship was established between the duration of work and the ratio of $V_{iso}V/VC$. Conclusions : It is concluded that the measurement of $V_{iso}V/VC$ is useful to detect small airway dysfuction of early stage pnuemoconiosis patents with small opacities but showing normal pulmonary function in a routine pulmonary function test.

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Effects of Organic Iron Supplementation on Growth Performance and Body Composition in Broiler Chicks (유기철의 첨가가 육계의 성장과 체조성에 미치는 영향)

  • 양철주;우간바야르;나상준;고석영;위화영;정대균;김해영
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic iron supplemented to feed for broilers. One hundred forty four Ross broiler chicks were assigned to 6 treatments: control containing 80mg Fe from iron sulfate per kg diet(FE-80), FE-160 (control multiplied two times), YM-80 containing 80mg Fe from yeast mutant, YM-160 (YM-80 multiplied two times), YF-80 containing 80mg Fe from ferritin containing yeast, YF-160 (YF-80 multiplied two times) in the experiment. Each treatment had four replications of 6 birds each. The weight gain of the YM-160 was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the control (FE-80). The YM and YF in the serum cholesterol level were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the control. In the cholesterol level of carcass, although the control (FE-80) was highest and the YM and YF were very low; however, there were no significant differences among treatments. In the iron level of carcass, the control (FE-80) showed the lowest level among treatments; the YM and YF were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the control. In conclusion, the supplementation with organic iron to broiler chicks improve productivity. We also expect the possibility on chicken meat with reinforcing iron.

Risk Factors for Hearing Loss in Very Low Birth Weight Infants: Results of Hearing Test in Infants <1,500 g (극소 저체중 출생아에서 청력 손상에 영향을 미치는 요인: 1,500 g미만의 청력 검사 결과)

  • Sung, Min-Jung;Han, Young-Mi;Park, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Il-Woo;Byun, Shin-Yun
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: An association between very low birth weight infants(VLBWI) and hearing loss has long been recognized. Early identification and intervention for hearing loss benefits language and speech/cognitive development. We investigated the risk factors and clinical outcomes of hearing loss among VLBWI. Methods: We analyzed the results of auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing of VLBWI. These infants were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital between December 2008 and February 2011. A follow-up was conducted subsequently. Results: ABR evaluations were performed on 65 infants, and 31 showed abnormal results (47.7%). Among the 31 infants, 10 were classified with moderate/severe/profound hearing loss (15.4%). The infants with abnormal ABR had a higher incidence of low birth weight, prolonged ventilator care, cumulative dose of furosemide, and the lowest $PaO_2$ (P<0.05). Those with moderate/severe/profound hearing loss had a higher incidence of low Apgar scores at 5 minutes (odds ratio[OR],0.34; 95% confidence interval[CI],0.13-0.89), prolonged ventilator care (OR,1.06; 95% CI,1.01-1.12), and mild hearing loss compared to those without profound hearing loss. Follow-up evaluations on eight infants with ABR reveled improvements 5.6${\pm}$3.9 months later. One infant, who had profound hearing loss in both ears, used a hearing aid. Conclusion: Factors influencing hearing loss at the first VLBWI hearing screening test included lower Apgar scores at 5 min and prolonged use of a ventilator. Most VLBWI with hearing losses were expected to recover after several months of follow-up.

Effect of Organic Acids and Packaging on the Quality of Aster scaber during Storage (천연 유기산처리 및 포장방법에 의한 참취의 저장효과)

  • Oh, Deog-Hwan;Ham, Seung-Shi;Lee, Sang-Young;Kim, Sang-Heon;Hong, Jeong-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1997
  • The research was investigated to determine the effect of organic acids or packaging methods (PA) either alone or in combination on the quality of Aster scaber during storages. The Aster scaber was treated with organic acids and PA, and stored at different temperature $(1\;and\;5^{\circ}C)$. Total plate counts, weight loss, color change, and sensory evaluation were evaluated. Both organic acid treatments, PA, and combined treatment had little effect on the inhibition of total plate counts compared to the control (non-treatment). Organic acid treatments showed less weight reduction compared to the control and nitrogen treated package had the least weight reduction, but the combined treatments showed less weight reduction than organic acid treatments or packaging method alone. Organic acid treatments were little different from the control on color change, but nitrogen packages had the least color change, whereas combined treatments were a little reduced, but little different compared to the control or nitrogen packages. The nitrogen packages showed better effects on the sensory evaluation compared to other treatments and the results of sensory evaluation were consistent with that of weight reduction and color change, but not in total counts. All these results showed better effects in $5^{\circ}C$ rather than $1^{\circ}C$.

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Comparison of Forage Yield and Quality, and Soil Improvement of Legumes (콩과작물의 사초생산성, 품질 및 토양개량 비교)

  • Kim Jong Duk;Kim Su Gon;Kwon Chan Ho;Abuel Sherwin J.;Chae Sang Heon;Kim Myoung Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate forage production and quality, and soil improvement of three legumes at Cheonan Yonam College. The three legumes used in the experiment were crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) red clover(Trifolium pratense L.) and chinese milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus L.). Flowering stage was observed on the 20th of April for chinese milk vetch and on the 30th of April for crimson clover, but the red clover did not produce flower until harvest time. The dry matter(DM) content of crimson clover was the highest among the three legumes. In terms of DM yield, crimson clover has the highest yield, the highest yield in crude protein(CP) and total digestible nutrients(TDN) was red clover. In terms of forage quality, the highest CP content was red clover, while the chinese milk vetch was the lowest for both neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and acid detergent fiberr(ADF). Red clove. and chinese milk vetch were highest fur TDN content, and the chinese milk vetch has the highest for relative feed value(RFV). Assessment of the chemical properties of soil after harvest showed that the nitrogen content of soil increased in all legumes. The organic matter(OM) content of soil in both crimson and red clover increased, while the chinese milk vetch decreased. The available $P_2O_5$ decreased in all three legumes, but the biggest decrease was in the chinese milk vetch. The exchangeable potassium in the soil for both crimson and red clover increased, but in chinese milk vetch it decreased. Based on the results of this study, the chinese milk vetch was superior in terms of forage quality, but crimson and red clover are excellent in forage yield and in maintaining soil quality in upland.

Development of Position Encoding Circuit for a Multi-Anode Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube (다중양극 위치민감형 광전자증배관을 위한 위치검출회로 개발)

  • Kwon, Sun-Il;Hong, Seong-Jong;Ito, Mikiko;Yoon, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Geon-Song;Sim, Kwang-Souk;Rhee, June-Tak;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Jae-Sung
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The goal of this paper is to present the design and performance of a position encoding circuit for $16{\times}16$ array of position sensitive multi-anode photomultiplier tube for small animal PET scanners. This circuit which reduces the number of readout channels from 256 to 4 channels is based on a charge division method utilizing a resistor array. Materials and Methods: The position encoding circuit was simulated with PSpice before fabrication. The position encoding circuit reads out the signals from H9500 flat panel PMTs (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan) on which $1.5{\times}1.5{\times}7.0\;mm^3$ $L_{0.9}GSO$ ($Lu_{1.8}Gd_{0.2}SiO_{5}:Ce$) crystals were mounted. For coincidence detection, two different PET modules were used. One PET module consisted of a $29{\times}29\;L_{0.9}GSO$ crystal layer, and the other PET module two $28{\times}28$ and $29{\times}29\;L_{0.9}GSO$ crystal layers which have relative offsets by half a crystal pitch in x- and y-directions. The crystal mapping algorithm was also developed to identify crystals. Results: Each crystal was clearly visible in flood images. The crystal identification capability was enhanced further by changing the values of resistors near the edge of the resistor array. Energy resolutions of individual crystal were about 11.6%(SD 1.6). The flood images were segmented well with the proposed crystal mapping algorithm. Conclusion: The position encoding circuit resulted in a clear separation of crystals and sufficient energy resolutions with H9500 flat-panel PMT and $L_{0.9}GSO$ crystals. This circuit is good enough for use in small animal PET scanners.

Cloning and Characterization of Phosphomannomutase/Phosphoglucomutase (pmm/pgm) Gene of Vibrio anguillarum Related to Synthesis of LPS (Lipopolysaccharide 생합성에 관여하는 Vibrio anguillarum의 phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase 유전자 cloning과 특성)

  • Oh, Ryunkyoung;Moon, Soo Young;Cho, Hwa Jin;Jang, Won Je;Kim, Jang-Ho;Lee, Jong Min;Kong, In-Soo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2016
  • The phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase gene (pmm/pgm) of Vibrio anguillarum (the causative agent of fish vibriosis) was cloned, and the open reading frame corresponded to a protein with 446 amino acids. The pmm/pgm gene showed a significant degree of sequence homology with the previously reported genes from V. mimicus, V. vulnificus, V. splendidus, and V. harveyi, with 92.3%, 91.4%, 89.9%, and 89.9% amino acid identity, respectively. By reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, we found that the pmm/pgm gene was upregulated under cold stress condition. The PMM/PGM protein is known to catalyze the interconversion between mannose-1-phosphate and mannose-6-phosphate or glucose-1-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate, which are important intermediates for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. To confirm the role of PMM/PGM in the LPS biosynthetic pathway, we constructed a knock out mutant by homologous recombination. The respective LPSs were isolated from the V. anguillarum wild-type and mutant strains, and changes were compared by subjecting them to sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Based on the different patterns of the LPSs, we expect the pmm/pgm gene to have an important role in LPS biosynthesis. The pmm/pgm-deficient mutant of V. anguillarum will contribute to further studies about the role of LPS in V. anguillarum pathogenesis.