• Title/Summary/Keyword: ${\gamma}$-interior

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  • Ibrar, Muhammad;Khan, Asghar;Abbas, Fatima
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 2019
  • This research focuses on the characterization of an ordered semigroups (OS) in the frame work of generalized bipolar fuzzy interior ideals (BFII). Different classes namely regular, intra-regular, simple and semi-simple ordered semigroups were characterized in term of $({\alpha},{\beta})$-BFII (resp $({\alpha},{\beta})$-bipolar fuzzy ideals (BFI)). It has been proved that the notion of $({\in},{\in}{\gamma}q)$-BFII and $({\in},{\in}{\gamma}q)$-BFI overlap in semi-simple, regular and intra-regular ordered semigroups. The upper and lower part of $({\in},{\in}{\gamma}q)$-BFII are discussed.

Lost gamma source detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network

  • Fathi, Atefeh;Masoudi, S. Farhad
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.3764-3771
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    • 2021
  • Based on the convolutional neural network (CNN), a novel technique is investigated for lost gamma source detection in a room. The CNN is trained with the result of a GEANT4 simulation containing a gamma source inside a meshed room. The dataset for the training process is the deposited energy in the meshes of different n-step paths. The neural network is optimized with parameters such as the number of input data and path length. Based on the proposed method, the place of the gamma source can be recognized with reasonable accuracy without human intervention. The results show that only by 5 measurements of the energy deposited in a 5-step path, (5 sequential points 50 cm apart within 1600 meshes), the gamma source location can be estimated with 94% accuracy. Also, the method is tested for the room geometry containing the interior walls. The results show 90% accuracy with the energy deposition measurement in the meshes of a 5-step path.

Strength of Interior Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Slab-Column Connection based on Failure Mechanism (파괴 메커니즘을 고려한 내부 포스트텐션 플랫 플레이트 슬래브-기둥 접합부의 강도식 평가)

  • Kim, Min-Nam;Ha, Sang-Su;Lee, Li-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.126-129
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    • 2006
  • A bending moment $M_u$ transferred at slab-column connection is resisted at the slab critical section by flexure and shear. The ACI 318-05 Building Code(1) gives an empirical equation for the fraction ${\gamma}_{\upsilon}$ of the moment $M_u$ to be transferred by shear at the slab critical section at d/2 from the column face and also the effective wide(c+3h). The equation is based on tests of interior slab-column connections without shear reinforcement. In order to investigate the data eight test specimens were examined. The test shows that increased slab load substantially reduces both the unbalanced moment capacity and the lateral drift capacity of the connection. Especially, the specimens with the bottom reinforcement existence and nonexistence, appears remarkable differences. Studies also show that the code equation for ${\gamma}_{\upsilon}$ does not apply to all cases. The purpose of this study is to compare the test results with present ACI 318-05 Building Code provisions for design of slab-column connections and with the analysis of the experimental data for a new limitation of strength equation without shear reinforcement and bottom reinforcement.

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A Fire Hazard Assessment of Interior Finish Materials (건물 내장재의 화재위험성 평가 방법)

  • 김운형
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 1998
  • To propose a new fire hazard assessment criteria of interior finish materials, the properties and incident heat flux of interior finish materials in a compartment fires are investigated and compared by using flame spread model developed by Quintiere. The properties considered on which fire growth depend are including flame heat flux and thermal inertia, lateral flame spread parameter, heat of combustion and effective heat flux and thermal inertia, lateral flame spread parameter, heat of combustion and effective heat of gasfication. ISO Room Corner Test(9705) is applied in the model and the time for total energy release rate to reach 1MW is examined. The results are compared for the 24 different materials tested by EUREFIC. Dimensionless parameter a, b and ${\gamma}$b are used to develope a new method in which fire hazard of interior finish materials can be classified resulting from correlation between b and flashover time. Results show that if b greater than about zero, flashover time in the ISO Room-Corner Test is principally proportional to ignition time only.

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The deformation space of real projective structures on the $(^*n_1n_2n_3n_4)$-orbifold

  • Lee, Jungkeun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.549-560
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    • 1997
  • For positive integers $n_i \geq 2, i = 1, 2, 3, 4$, such that $\Sigma \frac{n_i}{1} < 2$, there exists a quadrilateral $P = P_1 P_2 P_3 P_4$ in the hyperbolic plane $H^2$ with the interior angle $\frac{n_i}{\pi}$ at $P_i$. Let $\Gamma \subset Isom(H^2)$ be the (discrete) group generated by reflections in each side of $P$. Then the quotient space $H^2/\gamma$ is a differentiable orbifold of type $(^* n_1 n_2 n_3 n_4)$. It will be shown that the deformation space of $Rp^2$-structures on this orbifold can be mapped continuously and bijectively onto the cell of dimension 4 - \left$\mid$ {i$\mid$n_i = 2} \right$\mid$$.

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An asymptotic analysis of the Taylor-Proudman flow in a rapidly-rotating compressible fluid (압축성 회전유체에서 발생하는 Taylor-Proudman 유동에 대한 점근해석)

  • Park Jun Sang;Hyun Jae Min
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.341-344
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    • 2002
  • A matched asymptotic analysis is conducted for a compressible rotating flow in a cylindrical container when a mechanical and/or a thermal disturbance is imposed on the wall. The system Ekman number is assumed to be very small. The conditions for the Taylor-Proudman column in the interior, which were also given in the companion paper Park & Hyun, 2002) by means of the energy balancing analysis, have been re-derived. The concept of the variable, the energy content $e[{\equiv}T+2 {\alpha}^2 {\gamma}{\nu}]$, is reformulated, and its effectiveness in characterizing the energy transport mechanism is delineated. It is seen that, under the condition of the Taylor-Proudman column, numerous admissible theoretical solutions for interior flow exist with an associated wail boundary condition. Some canonical examples are illustrated with comprehensive physical descriptions. The differential heating problem on the top and bottom endwall disks is revisited by using the concept of the energy content. The results are shown to be in line with the previous findings.

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A Study on the Correlation Analysis of EEG and Vibraimage due to Auditory and Olfactory Stimulation (청각 및 후각자극에 의한 뇌파(EEG)와 진동이미지기술의 상관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4291-4297
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    • 2015
  • EEG has been used to measure the emotion of amenity and discomfort in the interior space. EEG is limited to the experiment, because it is a equipment of contact type. However, Vibraimage can measure the emotion with a web camera. Because Vibraimage is a equipment of non-contact type, it is more suitable for the interior space than EEG. Therefor, it tries to find a correlation variable between EEG and Vibraimage to measure the human emotions. In this study, it were analyzed correlation of EEG and vibraimage due to variation of loudness 60[dB], 90[dB] and rosemary, jasmine scents. Check the health status of subjects who were selected 3 male students, and the period of this experiment was about months. The condition of the environmental test room was in temperature 25[$^{\circ}C$], relative humidity 50[RH%], air current speed 0.02[m/s] and illuminance 1000[lux]. It were analyzed correlation of twenty-three index of EEG(absolute ${\theta}$, relative ${\theta}$, absolute $S{\alpha}$, relative $S{\alpha}$, absolute ${\alpha}$, relative ${\alpha}$, absolute ${\beta}$, relative ${\beta}$, absolute $\gamma$, relative $\gamma$, absolute $F{\alpha}$, relative $F{\alpha}$, absolute SMR, relative SMR, $SMR/{\theta}$, $SMR+M{\beta}/{\theta}$, absolute $H{\beta}$, relative $H{\beta}$, $H{\beta}/{\alpha}$, absolute $M{\beta}$, relative $M{\beta}$, SEF50, ASEF50) and ten index of Vibraimage(Aggression, Stress, Tension/Anxiety, Suspect, Balance, Charm, Energy, Self regulation, Inhibition, Neuroticism). As a result, I was found that relative ${\gamma}$ index of EEG and neuroticism index of Vibraimage have a high correlation as (${\pm}$).414 and (${\pm}$).424.

Using the EEMF Model based on the Full Order Observer, IPMSM Sensorless Control (전차원 상태 관측기 기반의 EEMF 모델을 이용한 IPMSM 센서리스 제어)

  • Park, Hong-Geuk;Kwon, Young-Su;Park, Kyung-Hun;Han, Kyung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1230-1231
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문은 전차원 상태 관측기 기반의 EEMF(Extended Electro-Motive Force) 모델을 이용한 IPMSM(Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor:매입형 영구 자석 동기 전동기)센서리스 제어 기술을 제안한다. 임의의 ${\gamma}-{\delta}$축 상에서 IPMSM 상태 방정식을 전개하고 이를 전차원 상태 관측기로 구현해 Extended EMF(역기전력)성분을 추정한다. 추정 성분을 이용해 제어각의 오차를 구하고 PI제어기를 사용해 제어각의 오차를 0으로 수렴시켜 전동기 회전 속도를 추정한다. 추정 속도를 적분해 제어각을 얻고, IPMSM 센서리스 제어를 수행한다. 제안한 알고리즘은 실험을 통해 그 타당성을 검증한다.

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Analysis of Surface Compound for Austanitic Nitrocarburized High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel (오스테나이트 침질탄화 처리한 고탄소 크롬 베어링강의 표면층 분석)

  • Kim, C.S.;Jin, J.K.;Kim, D.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 1995
  • To investigate the characteristics of nitrocarburizing for high carbon chromium bearing steel, it was undertaken 4 hours holding at $850^{\circ}C$ in the atmosphere containing 60% endothermic gas and 40% ammonia. The microstructure of nitrocarburized surface consists of ${\varepsilon}-Fe_{2-3}N$, ${\gamma}^{\prime}-Fe_4N$, $Fe_3C$ and $Fe_3$(C,N), and the ${\varepsilon}$-nitride was rich in the surface-internal part. The nitrocarburized surface contains a larger volume fraction of primary carbonitrides and has more retained austenite and is slightly harder than the interior.

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Manufacturing Technique and Conservation of Bigyeokjincheolloe Bomb Shells Excavated from the Ancient Local Government Office and Fortress of Mujang-hyeon, Gochang (고창 무장현 관아와 읍성 출토 비격진천뢰의 제작기법과 보존처리)

  • Kim, Haesol;Huh, Ilkwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2020
  • This paper describes the consevation treatment of eleven bigyeokjincheolloe bomb shells that were excavated from the Joseon-period local government office and fortress of Mujang-hyeon (present-day Mujang-myeon) in Gochang in 2018. It also provides information on the production method of the shells revealed through CT scanning, gamma-ray transmission imaging, and metallographic analysis. In preparation for the special exhibition "Bigyeokjincheolloe" at the Jinju National Museum in 2019 (July 16 to August 25), contaminants were removed from the shells and their surface was reinforced during the first phase of conservation treatment. Furthermore, the closures for the shells were identified for the first time. Regarding the production of the shells, the CT scanning and gamma-ray transmission imaging identified many blowholes in the interior of the body and the use of a chaplet on the side of one shell. The side of the body proved to be relatively thinner than the top and bottom. The traces of a hole for pouring molten metal into the center of the bottom indicates that molten metal was indeed emptied into the inverted body. In the metallographic analysis of two of the bodies and one lid, cementite and pearlite structures were identified on the body, indicating that it was made by casting. The presence of the ferrite structure with a partial distribution of the pearlite along with non-metallic inclusion in the lid suggested that the lid was made by forging.