• Title/Summary/Keyword: $\DeltaP$

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Seismic response of foundation-mat structure subjected to local uplift

  • El Abbas, Nadia;Khamlichi, Abdellatif;Bezzazi, Mohammed
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.285-304
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    • 2016
  • The effects of large rotations and p-delta on the dynamic response of a structure subjected to seismic loading and local uplift of its foundation were analyzed in this work. The structure was modeled by an equivalent flexible mat mounted on a rigid foundation that is supported either by a Winkler soil type or a rigid soil. The equations of motion of the system were derived by taking into account the equilibrium of the coupled foundation-mat system where the structure was idealized as a single-degree-of-freedom. The obtained nonlinear coupled system of ordinary differential equations was integrated by using an adequate numerical scheme. A parametric study was performed then in order to evaluate the maximum response of the system as function of the intensity of the earthquake, the slenderness of the structure, the ratio of the mass of the foundation to the mass of the structure. Three cases were considered: (i) local uplift of foundation under large rotation with the p-delta effect, (ii) local uplift of foundation under large rotation without including the p-delta effect, (iii) local uplift of foundation under small rotation. It was found that, in the considered ranges of parameters and for moderate earthquakes, assuming small rotation of foundation under seismic loading can yield more adverse structural response, while the p-delta effect has almost no effect.

A Study on the Knee Point of Low-cycle Fatigue Life in High Formability Titanium Alloy SP-700 (티탄계 초소성합금 SP-700의 저사이클 피로수명곡선의 절곡현상에 대하여)

  • ;淸水 眞佐男
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1997
  • Previous studies has shown that the curve of low-cycle fatigue life was not expressed with the single line subjected to Manson-Coffin's law type and bent to short life in low ${\Delta}{\varepsilon}_p$ region. The main cause of this phenomenon has been considered that the localization of plastic strain in the crack initiation process fosters the crack initiation. In this study, the low-cycle fatigue life was investigated for each specimens omitted crack initiation process and it was found that fatigue life curve in log(${\Delta}{\varepsilon}_p$)-log($N_f$)was bent in low ${\Delta}{\varepsilon}_p$ region as ever. Therefore, the main cause of appearance of knee point in fatigue life curve is not found in the crack initiation process but in the crack propagation process. In the crack propagation process, the localization of the plastic strain in the vicinity of crack tip and the influence of test environment on the crack propagation rate were observed and these inclinations were more remarkable in low ${\Delta}{\varepsilon}_p$ region. Hence, it was concluded that these two phenomena in the crack propagation process were proved to the main cause which accelerates the crack propagation in low ${\Delta}{\varepsilon}_p$ region and bent the fatigue life curve in result.

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  • Kim, H.S.;Shin, S.S.
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 1990
  • In 1982, N. Miller [5] showed a weighted $L^p$ boundedness theorem for pseudo differential operators with symbols $S^0_{1.0}$. In this paper, we shall prove the pointwise estimates, in terms of the Fefferman, Stein sharp function and Hardy Littlewood maximal function, for pseudo differential operators with reduced symbols and show a weighted $L^p$-boundedness for pseudo differential operators with symbol in $S^m_{\rho,\delta}$, 0{$\leq}{\delta}{\leq}{\rho}{\leq}1$, ${\delta}{\neq}1$, ${\rho}{\neq}0$ and $m=(n+1)(\rho-1)$.

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    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.36 no.3_4
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we investigate the stability of positive weak solution for the singular p-Laplacian nonlinear system $-div[{\mid}x{\mid}^{-ap}{\mid}{\nabla}u{\mid}^{p-2}{\nabla}u]+m(x){\mid}u{\mid}^{p-2}u={\lambda}{\mid}x{\mid}^{-(a+1)p+c}b(x)f(u)$ in ${\Omega}$, Bu = 0 on ${\partial}{\Omega}$, where ${\Omega}{\subset}R^n$ is a bounded domain with smooth boundary $Bu={\delta}h(x)u+(1-{\delta})\frac{{\partial}u}{{\partial}n}$ where ${\delta}{\in}[0,1]$, $h:{\partial}{\Omega}{\rightarrow}R^+$ with h = 1 when ${\delta}=1$, $0{\in}{\Omega}$, 1 < p < n, 0 ${\leq}$ a < ${\frac{n-p}{p}}$, m(x) is a weight function, the continuous function $b(x):{\Omega}{\rightarrow}R$ satisfies either b(x) > 0 or b(x) < 0 for all $x{\in}{\Omega}$, ${\lambda}$ is a positive parameter and $f:[0,{\infty}){\rightarrow}R$ is a continuous function. We provide a simple proof to establish that every positive solution is unstable under certain conditions.

The Study on the Influence of the Concentration NaCl Solution on Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of T.M.C.P. Steel (T.M.C.P. 강의 부식피로거동에 미치는 염분의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이상호;한정섭
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 1993
  • To study the corrosion fatigue begavior of T.M.C.P. steel, the rotary bending fatigue test with the change of concentration of NaCl solution was carried out. Fatigue life in the corrosion environment is decreased markedly in comparision with that in the air. Fatigue limit in the air was about 225 MPa. In case of 3.5% NaCl solution fatigue life could be expressed as .sigma./sub f/=10,392 * (N/sub f/)/sup -o.2923 . According to the paris's rule, crack growth rates could be expressed as da/dN=2.62.*10/sup -7/ .DELTA. K/sup 1.09/(3.5% NaCl solution), da/dN=1.95 *10/sup -7 .DELTA. K/sup 1.05/(1% NaCl solution), da/dN=2.62 * 10/sup -7/.DELTA./sup 0.72/(0.01% NaCl solution) with da/dN expressed in mm/cycle and .DELTA.K in MPa.GAMMA.m. The crack growth rate in the corrosion environment was highest under 3.5% NaCl solution.

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Solvolysis of p-Chlorobenzyl Chloride in Various Aqueous Mixtures (여러가지 물혼합용매 속에서 p-Chlorobenzyl Chloride의 가용매분해)

  • Lee, Suk-Kee;Lee, Euk-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 1971
  • The thermodynamic parameters for the solvolysis of the p-chlorobenzyl chloride taking place in the various aqueous mixtures were determined. From the application of these data to the formula ${\delta}_M{\Delta}H^{\neq}=a'Y+b{\delta}_M{\Delta}S^{\neq}$ the following conclusion was obtained: That the substrate constant a' differs in different aqueous solvent was found, and using each a' value the solvolysis mechanism of p-chlorobenzyl chloride in each aqueous mixture can be determined.

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    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2005
  • We obtain the following two inequalities on a strongly pseudoconvex domain $\Omega\;in\;\mathbb{C}^n\;:\;for\;f\;{\in}\;O(\Omega)$ $$\int_{0}^{{\delta}0}t^{a{\mid}a{\mid}+b}M_p^a(t, D^{a}f)dt\lesssim\int_{0}^{{\delta}0}t^{b}M_p^a(t,\;f)dt\;\int_{O}^{{\delta}O}t_{b}M_p^a(t,\;f)dt\lesssim\sum_{j=0}^{m}\int_{O}^{{\delta}O}t^{am+b}M_{p}^{a}\(t,\;\aleph^{i}f\)dt$$. In [9], Shi proved these results for the unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^n$. These are generalizations of some classical results of Hardy and Littlewood.

A study on the Fatigue Life Prediction Method of the Spot-welded Lap Joint (점용접이음재의 피로수명 예측기법에 관한 연구)

  • 손일선;배동호
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2000
  • For reasonable fatigue design and estimation of fatigue durability considered fatigue strength and stiffness of the automotive body structure, many fatigue data must be insured according to the shapes, materials, and welding conditions of the spot welded lap joints. However, because it is actually difficult problem, there is need to establish a new method to be able to predict its fatigue life without any additional fatigue tests. Therefore, In order to improve such problems, in this study, the maximum stress function presenting the $\delta\sigma_{1max}―\delta P$ relation was defined form the relation between $\delta\sigma_{1max}-N_f$ and ${\delta}P-N_f$. By using the fatigue data on the IB type spot-welded lap joints previously obtained from the fatigue test results, fatigue life of the spot-welded lap joint previously obtained from the fatigue test results, fatigue life of the spot-welded lap joint having a certain dimension was tried to predict without any additional fatigue tests. And, its result was verified by ${\delta}P-$N_f$ curves. Obtained conclusion are as follows, 1) a maximum stress function considered the relation of the maximum principal stress, fatigue load, and the effects of geometrical factors of the IB type spot-welded lap joint was suggested. 2) the fatigue life predicted by the maximum principal stress function and the relation of $\delta\sigma_{1max}-N_f$ was well agreed with the fatigue life obtained through the actual fatigue test result. 3) the fatigue life of the IB type spot-welded lap joint having a certain dimension is able to be predicted without any additional fatigue tests from the fatigue life prediction method by the maximum principal stress function.

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A Study on the Structure of Polarization Independent GaInAs/GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (편광 비의존성 GaInAs/GaInAsP/InP 반도체 광 증폭기 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yoon-Ho;Kang, Byung-Kwon;Lee, Seok;Cho, Yong-Sang;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Hwang, Sang-Ku;Hong, Tchang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.681-686
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    • 1999
  • In this study, the gain characteristics of the strained structures for SOA were calculated numerically and the optimized strained quantum well for the polarization-insensitive SOA was obtained. The structures used in this calculation were consisted of one, two, and three GaAs Delta layers respectively in the GaInAs(160 $\AA$) well. Moreover the third one was calculated by changing from one mono-layer to three mono-layers in the thichless of GaAs delta layers. This structure enhances the TM mode gain coefficient with good efficiency because the light-hole band is lifted up whereas the heavy-hole band is lowered down. Additionally, The structure of the 3 GaAs delta layers(1 mono layer thickness) shows 3dB gain bandwidth of 85nm in 1.55um wavelength system. This study is expected to be used in making a wide band and polarization-independent semiconductor optical amplifier practically.

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A Study of Temperature Changes in the Dental Tissues Irradiated by $10.6{\mu}m$ Laser Beam ($CO_2$ 레이저 광의 조사조건에 따른 치아의 치수강내 온도상승에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, D. S.;Bak, Y. H.;Shin, S. H.;Eom, H. S.;Kim, U.;Lee, C. Y.
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 1990
  • This study was performed to obtain fundamental data on temperature increases in the dental tissues irradiated by IO.opm laser radiation. For this purpose a experimental facility was established. which was composed of a CO2 laser. a shutter unit and a temperature sensing device. The temperature changes in the pulp chamber of extracted molars. during and after the laser irradiation. were measured as function of laser power. the time of irradration and the thickness of the sample. An empirical formula for the maximum temperature increases, $\DeltaT_m$ was derived from the measured data as follows; $\DeltaT_m=\alphaP\Delta\tauexp(-\betad)$$ where P. $\Delta\tau$ and d are the laser power(W). irradiation time{sec) and the thickness(mm) between pulp chamber and occlusal surface. respectively. Also a theoretical calculation model based on simplified assumptions were established and the results from the calculation were compared with the measured temperature data. A fairly good agreement was obtained.obtained.

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