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Evaluation of Formaldehyde Emission from Wood-Based Panels Using Accelerated Collection Method/
[Han, Hyun-jo;Lee, Seog-eon;Yang, Seung-min;Choi, Chul;Kang, Seog-goo;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Performance of Hybrid Adhesives of Blocked-pMDI/Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde Resins for the Surface Lamination on Plywood/
[Lubis, Muhammad Adly Rahandi;Park, Byung-Dae;Lee, Sang-Min;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Effect of Biological and Liquid Hot Water Pretreatments on Ethanol Yield from Mengkuang (Pandanus artocarpus Griff)/
[Yanti, Hikma;Syafii, Wasrin;Wistara, Nyoman J;Febrianto, Fauzi;Kim, Nam Hun;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Fundamental Properties of Composite Board Made with Oriented Strand Board and Three Different Species of Veneer/
[Yanti, Hikma;Massijaya, Muh Yusram;Cahyono, Tekat Dwi;Novriyanti, Eka;Iswanto, Apri Heri;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Phenolic Compounds from Japanese Anise (Illicium anisatum L.) Leaves/
[Shinn, Seong-whan;Min, Hee-Jeong;Bae, Young-Soo;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Change of Surface Temperature and Far-infrared Emissivity in Ceramics Manufactured from a Board Mixed with Sawdust and Mandarin Peel/
[Hwang, Jung-Woo;Oh, Seung-Won;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
A Feasibility Study of Wood-plastic Composite Paver Block for Basic Rest Areas/
[Yang, Sungchul;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Hydrophilic Extracts of the Bark from Six Pinus Species/
[Masendra, Masendra;Ashitani, Tatsuya;Takahashi, Koetsu;Susanto, Mudji;Lukmandaru, Ganis;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Verifying the Possibility of Investigating Tree Ages Using Resistograph/
[Oh, Jung-ae;Seo, Jeong-Wook;Kim, Byung-Ro;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019    
Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy for Classifying Lumber Species Using Their Near-infrared Spectra/
[Yang, Sang-Yun;Park, Yonggun;Chung, Hyunwoo;Kim, Hyunbin;Park, Se-Yeong;Choi, In-Gyu;Kwon, Ohkyung;Yeo, Hwanmyeong;] / Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology / 2019