Browse > By Subject
KISTI > All (503)
Journal Publisher ISSN Language
ALGAE JCR The Korean Society of Phycology 1226-2617 eng
Acta Via Serica DOI Academia Via Serica 2508-5824 eng
Advances in Computational Design DOI Techno-Press 2383-8477 eng
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science DOI Techno-Press 2287-528X eng
Advances in concrete construction DOI Techno-Press 2287-5301 eng
Advances in environmental research DOI Techno-Press 2234-1722 eng
Advances in materials Research DOI Techno-Press 2234-0912 eng
Advances in nano research DOI Techno-Press 2287-237X eng
Analytical Science and Technology DOI The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences 1225-0163 kec
Animal Bioscience Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies 2765-0189 eng
Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity DOI The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology 2234-6953 eng
Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 2508-691X eng
Anxiety and mood Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders 2586-0151 kec
Applied Chemistry for Engineering DOI SJR The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1225-0112 kec
Architectural research DOI Architectural Institute of Korea 1229-6163 eng
Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 2287-1152 eng
Archives of Plastic Surgery Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 2234-6163 eng
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review DOI Kyung Hee University Management Research Institute 2466-0043 eng
Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research DOI Institute for Corpus Research kec
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship The Korean Society of Business Venturing 1975-7557 kor
Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research DOI Center for Asian Public Opinion Research & Collaboration Initiative eng
Asian Journal of Business Environment DOI Korea Distribution Science Association 2765-6934 eng
Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy DOI Asian Society for Innovation and Policy 2287-1608 eng
Atmosphere DOI Korean Meteorological Society 1598-3560 kor
BMB Reports JCR SJR Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology eng
Biomedical Science Letters The Korean Society for Biomedical Laboratory Sciences 1738-3226 kec
Biomolecules & Therapeutics JCR SJR The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 1976-9148 eng
Broadcasting and Media Magazine The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers 2383-9708 kor
Bulletin of the Korea Photovoltaic Society Korea Photovoltaic Society 2384-356X kor
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society DOI JCR SJR Korean Mathematical Society 1015-8634 eng
Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 1225-1178 kor
CELLMED DOI Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical Association 3022-6805 eng
Child Health Nursing Research Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2287-9110 eng
Childhood Kidney Diseases Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology 2384-0242 eng
Clean Technology DOI The Korean Society of Clean Technology 1598-9712 kor
Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics The Korean Pediatric Society eng
Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine The Korean Society for Reproductive Medicine 2233-8233 eng
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society eng
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods The Korean Statistical Society 2287-7843 eng
Communications of Mathematical Education DOI Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1226-6663 kor
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society DOI SJR Korean Mathematical Society 1225-1763 eng
Composites Research DOI The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2288-2103 kec
Computational Structural Engineering Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea 1225-1569 kor
Computers and Concrete DOI JCR SJR Techno-Press 1598-8198 eng
Conservation Science in Museum DOI National Museum of Korea 1229-5191 kor
Construction Engineering and Management Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management 1229-7534 kor
Convergence Security Journal Korea convergence Security Association 1598-7329 kor
Corrosion Science and Technology DOI The Corrosion Science Society of Korea 1598-6462 kec
Coupled systems mechanics DOI Techno-Press 2234-2184 eng
Current Optics and Photonics DOI Optical Society of Korea 2508-7266 eng
Current Photovoltaic Research DOI Korea Photovoltaic Society 2288-3274 kec
Design & Manufacturing Korean Society of Die & Mold Engineering 2800-0323 kor
Development and Reproduction The Korean Society of Developmental Biology 2465-9525 eng
ETRI Journal JCR SJR Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 1225-6463 kor
Earthquakes and Structures DOI JCR Techno-Press 2092-7614 eng
East Asian Economic Review Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 2508-1640 eng
East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE) DOI East Asia Business Economics Association kec
East Asian mathematical journal DOI The Youngnam Mathematical Society 1226-6973 kec
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure DOI Korean Society of Ecology and Infrastructure Engineering kec
Economic and Environmental Geology The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology 1225-7281 kec
Education of Primary School Mathematics DOI Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1226-6914 kor
Educational Technology International DOI The Korean Society for Education Technology 1598-5776 eng
Elastomers and Composites DOI The Rubber Society of Korea 2092-9676 kor
Electrical & Electronic Materials The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers 2982-6268 kor
Environmental and Resource Economics Review DOI Korean Resource Economics Association 1229-9146 kor
Explosives and Blasting DOI Korean Society of Explosives and Blasting Engineering 1229-9073 kor
Fashion & Textile Research Journal The Society of Fashion and Textile Industry 1229-2060 kec
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science eng
Food Science and Industry Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 0257-2397 kor
Food Science of Animal Resources JCR SJR Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources 2636-0772 eng
Fourth Industrial Review DOI Korea Fourth Industrial Association eng
Genomics & Informatics Korea Genome Organization 1598-866X eng
Geomechanics and Engineering DOI JCR Techno-Press 2005-307X eng
Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration DOI Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists 1229-1064 kor
Geotechnical Engineering Korean Geotechnical Society 1229-215X kor
Health Policy and Management DOI Korean Academy of Health Policy and Management 1225-4266 kor
Herbal Formula Science DOI The Korean Medicine Society for the Herbal Formula Study 1229-1218 kor
Honam Mathematical Journal DOI The Honam Mathematical Society 1225-293X eng
Human Ecology Research The Korean Home Economics Association 2982-5725 kec
IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications DOI Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea 1975-5066 kor
Imaging Science in Dentistry Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2233-7822 eng
Industry Promotion Research DOI Industrial Promotion Institute 2466-1139 oth
Information Display The Korean Infomation Display Society 1975-3667 kor
Informatization Policy DOI National Information Society Agency 1598-3498 kor
Ingenium Korean Society for Engineering Education 2093-2677 kor
International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology DOI The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology 2288-7202 eng
International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering DOI The Society for Aerospace System Engineering 2383-4986 eng
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security DOI International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security 1738-7906 eng
International Journal of Contents The Korea Contents Association 1738-6764 eng
International Journal of High-Rise Buildings DOI Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat Korea 2234-7224 eng
International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials DOI Korean Society of Sericultural Science 3022-7542 eng
International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication DOI The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication 2288-4920 eng
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology DOI Research Institute for Knowledge Content Development & Technology 2234-0068 eng
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering JCR The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2092-6782 eng
International Journal of Oral Biology The Korean Academy of Oral Biology 1226-7155 eng
International journal of advanced smart convergence DOI The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication 2288-2847 eng
Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2384-1095 eng
Journal for History of Mathematics DOI The Korean Society for History of Mathematics 1226-931X kor
Journal of Integrative Natural Science DOI The Basic Science Institute Chosun University 2005-1042 eng
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management DOI Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management 1738-6667 kor
Journal of Acupuncture Research Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society 2586-288X eng
Journal of Adhesion and Interface DOI The Society of Adhesion and Interface, Korea 1229-9243 kor
Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology DOI The Korean Navigation Institute 1226-9026 kec
Journal of Aerospace System Engineering DOI The Society for Aerospace System Engineering 1976-6300 kor
Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development DOI Korean Society of Agricultural Extension 1976-3107 kor
Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology 2671-4639 eng
Journal of Animal Science and Technology Korean Society of Animal Sciences and Technology 2672-0191 eng
Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry SJR The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 1976-0442 kec
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences The Korean Space Science Society 2093-5587 eng
Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association DOI Korean Auto-vehicle Safety Association 2005-9396 kor
Journal of Bio-Environment Control The Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control 1229-4675 kec
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research DOI The Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering 1229-0807 kor
Journal of Broadcast Engineering The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers 1226-7953 kec
Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX DOI LX Spatial Information Research Institute 2508-3384 kec
Journal of Chest Surgery The Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2765-1606 eng
Journal of Conservation Science The Korean Society Of Conservation Science For Cultural Heritage 1225-5459 kec
Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia DOI World Association for Triple Helix and Future Strategy Studies eng
Journal of Convergence Korean Medicine DOI Academy of Convergence Korean Medicine 2799-2977 kec
Journal of Convergence for Information Technology DOI Convergence Society for SMB kor
Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology Korean Society of Dairy Science and Biotechnology 2733-4554 kec
Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology 2383-9309 eng
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science Korean Academy of Stomatognathic Function and Occlusion 2384-4353 kec
Journal of Digital Convergence DOI The Society of Digital Policy and Management 2713-6434 kor
Journal of Distribution Science DOI Korea Distribution Science Association 1738-3110 kec
Journal of Drive and Control DOI The Korean Society for Fluid Power and Construction Equipment 2671-7972 kor
Journal of East Asia Management DOI Institute of Management Research, Pusan National University 2733-6883 kec
Journal of East-West Nursing Research DOI East-west Nursing Research Institute, Kyung Hee University 1226-4938 kec
Journal of Ecology and Environment The Ecological Society of Korea eng
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology The Korean Electrochemical Society 2093-8551 eng
Journal of Engineering Education Research Korean Society for Engineering Education 1738-6454 kor
Journal of Environmental Health Sciences Korean Society of Environmental Health 1738-4087 kor
Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment DOI Korean Society of Environmental Impact Assessment 1225-7184 kor
Journal of Environmental Science International The Korean Environmental Sciences Society 1225-4517 kor
Journal of Fashion Business DOI The Korean Society of Fashion Business 1229-3350 kor
Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety The Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety 1229-1153 kor
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science DOI Institute of Forest Science, kangwon National University 2288-9744 eng
Journal of Gastric Cancer The Korean Gastric Cancer Association 2093-582X eng
Journal of Genetic Medicine Korean Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics 1226-1769 eng
Journal of Ginseng Culture DOI The Korean Society of Ginseng 2671-5503 kor
Journal of Ginseng Research JCR The Korean Society of Ginseng 1226-8453 eng
Journal of Home Health Care Nursing DOI Korean Academic Society of Home Health Care Nursing 1738-7590 kor
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care Korean Society for Hospice and Palliative Care 2765-3072 eng
Journal of IKEEE DOI Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1226-7244 kor
Journal of ILASS-Korea DOI Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Korea 1226-2277 kor
Journal of Industrial Technology DOI Kangwon National University, Institute of Industrial Technology 1229-9588 kor
Journal of Information Processing Systems DOI Korea Information Processing Society 1976-913X eng
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice DOI Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 2287-9099 eng
Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management DOI Korea Data Strategy Society 1598-6284 kec
Journal of Information Technology Services DOI Korea Society of IT Services 1975-4256 kec
Journal of Institute of Convergence Technology DOI Institute of Convergence Technology 2233-8667 kor
Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems Korea Intelligent Information System Society 2288-4866 kor
Journal of Interdisciplinary Genomics DOI Interdisciplinary Society of Genetic & Genomic Medicine eng
Journal of Internet Computing and Services DOI Korean Society for Internet Information 1598-0170 kec
Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence DOI The Korea Internet of Things Society 2799-4791 kec
Journal of KIBIM DOI Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling 2288-1697 kor
Journal of Korea Foundry Society DOI Korea Foundry Society 1598-706X kor
Journal of Korea Game Society Korea Game Society 1598-4540 kor
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society Korea Multimedia Society 1229-7771 kec
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association The Korea Port Economic Association 1225-3855 kor
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems DOI Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems 1229-3741 kor
Journal of Korea Water Resources Association DOI Korea Water Resources Association 2799-8746 kor
Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration DOI Korean Academy of Dental Administration 2288-2804 kec
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing JCR SJR Korean Society of Nursing Science kor
Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing DOI Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing 1975-8677 kor
Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures Korean Association for Spatial Structures 1598-4095 kor
Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures Korean Association for Spatial Structures 1598-4095 kor
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science Korean society of Biological Nursing Science 2383-6415 kec
Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science DOI The Korean Society of Clinical Health Science 2288-3193 kor
Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research DOI Hospital Nurses Association 1598-9186 kor
Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing Korean Society of Critical Care Nursing 2005-212X kec
Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science DOI The Korean Academy of Dental Hygiene & The Korean Society of Dental Hygiene Science 2635-456X kor
Journal of Korean Dental Science DOI Korean Academy of Dental Science 2005-4742 eng
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education DOI The Korean Elementary Science Education Society 1598-3099 kor
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society Korean Foot & Ankle Society 1738-3757 kor
Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society Korean Library and Information Science Society 2466-2542 kor
Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy DOI THE KOREAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL GIGONG 1229-6198 kor
Journal of Korean Medical classics DOI The Society of Korean Medical Classics 1229-8328 kor
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation The society of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation 1229-1854 kor
Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research The Society of Korean Medicine for obesity Research 1976-9334 kec
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society JCR The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2005-3711 eng
Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science Korean Physical Therapy Science 2733-6441 kec
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing Korean Society of public Health Nursing 1226-0290 kor
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management DOI Korean Society for Quality Management 1229-1889 kec
Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management DOI Korean Society of Archives and Records Management 1598-1487 kor
Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers 1976-8192 kor
Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security DOI Korean Society of Disaster & Security 2466-1147 kor
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science DOI Korean Society of Forest Science 2586-6613 kor
Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering 2005-0461 kec
Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene DOI Korean Industrial Hygiene Association 2384-132X kec
Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning DOI Korean Society of Rural Planning 1225-8857 kec
Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater The Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 1225-7672 kor
Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment DOI Korean Society on Water Environment 2289-0971 kor
Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology DOI Korean Association of Traditional Oncology 1975-244X kor
Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association DOI Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association 2233-8292 kor
Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene Korean Society of Dental Hygiene 2287-1705 kec
Journal of Life Science DOI Korean Society of Life Science 1225-9918 kec
Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology DOI The Korean Society for Marine Biotechnology kor
Journal of Marine Life Science DOI The Korean Society of Marine Life Science kec
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology JCR SJR The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology 1017-7825 eng
Journal of Multimedia Information System Korea Multimedia Society eng
Journal of Mushroom DOI The Korean Society of Mushroom Science 1738-0294 kor
Journal of Music and Human Behavior DOI Korean Music Therapy Education Association 2288-2774 kor
Journal of Navigation and Port Research DOI Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 1598-5725 kor
Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT) Korean Radioactive Waste Society 1738-1894 eng
Journal of Nutrition and Health The Korean Nutrition Society 2288-3886 kor
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology Korean Society of Ocean Engineers 1225-0767 kor
Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine 2288-9272 eng
Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry DOI The Korean Society of Oriental Neuropsychiatry 1226-6396 kec
Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science Korean Academy of Periodontology 2093-2278 eng
Journal of Pharmacopuncture KOREAN PHARMACOPUNCTURE INSTITUTE 2093-6966 eng
Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine The Physiological Society of Korean Medicine and The Society of Pathology in Korean Medicine 1738-7698 kec
Journal of Plant Biotechnology The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology 1229-2818 kec
Journal of Platform Technology DOI ICT Platform Society 2289-0181 kec
Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing DOI The Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing 2288-8187 kec
Journal of Powder Materials The Korean Powder Metallurgy & Materials Institute 2799-8525 kec
Journal of Power Electronics JCR SJR The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 1598-2092 eng
Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research DOI Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries 2234-1129 kec
Journal of Practical Engineering Education DOI Korean Institute for Pratical Engineering Education 2288-405X kec
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine 1975-8375 eng
Journal of Public Diplomacy DOI The Korean Association for Public Diplomacy eng
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research The Korean Association for Radiation Protection 2508-1888 eng
Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes DOI Korean Society of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes 2384-1583 kor
Journal of Research and Publication Ethics DOI Korea Distribution Science Association kec
Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine DOI The Society Of Sasang Constitutional Medicine 1226-4075 kec
Journal of Science Education Science Education Research Institute Kyungpook National University 1225-3944 kor
Journal of Semiconductor Engineering DOI The Institute of Semiconductor Engineers 2733-6719 eng
Journal of Sensor Science and Technology The Korean Sensors Society 1225-5475 kec
Journal of Service Research and Studies DOI The Society of service Science 2234-2850 kor
Journal of Smart Tourism DOI Smart Tourism Research Center, Kyung Hee University 2765-2157 eng
Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine Society of Preventive Korean Medicine 1226-7066 kor
Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment DOI Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment 1598-6438 kor
Journal of Species Research DOI The National Institute of Biological Resources 2234-7909 eng
Journal of Sport and Applied Science DOI Korean Sports Science Association kor
Journal of TMJ Balancing Medicine Association of TMJ Balancing Medicine 2234-5566 kec
Journal of Technologic Dentistry Korean Academy of Dental Technology 1229-3954 kor
Journal of Technology Innovation Korea Society for Innovation Managemetn & Economics 1598-1347 kor
Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture DOI Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture 2733-8649 kec
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education DOI The Korean Association for Science Education 1226-5187 kor
Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education Korea Association of Information Education 1229-3245 kor
Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society DOI JCR SJR The Korean Astronomical Society 1225-4614 eng
Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers DOI The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 1738-3692 kor
Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology Korean society of Clincal Toxicology 1738-1320 kor
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science 2287-5824 kec
Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease DOI The Korea Society of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2287-4712 kec
Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine DOI Korean Society of Integrative Medicine 2288-1174 kor
Journal of Trauma and Injury The Korean Society of Traumatology 2799-4317 eng
Journal of Urban Science DOI Urban Science Institute 2287-9153 kor
Journal of Venture Innovation DOI Korean Academy of Venture Innovation 2635-4292 kor
Journal of Veterinary Clinics The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics 1598-298X kor
Journal of Veterinary Science JCR The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1229-845X eng
Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology DOI Korea Wellbeing Convergence Association kec
Journal of Wetlands Research DOI Korean Wetlands Society 1229-6031 kor
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Yeungnam University Institute Medical Science eng
Journal of agricultural medicine and community health DOI Korean Society for Rural Medicine and Community Health 1738-9577 kor
Journal of applied mathematics & informatics DOI The Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics 2734-1194 eng
Journal of architectural history DOI Korean Association of Architectural History 1598-1142 kor
Journal of dental hygiene science The Korean Society of Dental Hygiene Science 1598-4478 eng
Journal of fish pathology DOI The Korean Society of Fish Pathology 1226-0819 kec
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2234-8255 eng
Journal of muscle and joint health DOI Korean Society of Muscle and Joint Health 1975-9398 kor
Journal of radiological science and technology Korean Society of Radiological Science 2288-3509 kor
Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea DOI Architectural Institute of Korea 2733-6239 kec
Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society DOI The Chungcheong Mathematical Society 1226-3524 eng
Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea 1229-3059 kor
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea 1226-525X kor
Journal of the FoodService Safety DOI The Korean Society of Food Service Sanitation kec
Journal of the Health Care and Life Science DOI The Korean Society of Medical Informatics Education 2383-4552 kec
Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing The Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing 2765-1134 kor
Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education DOI Korea Society of International Relations and Education 2765-7779 kec
Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society Korea Computer Graphics Society 1975-7883 kor
Journal of the Korea Convergence Society DOI Korea Convergence Society 2233-4890 kor
Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction DOI The Korean Institute of Building Construction 1598-2033 kor
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology DOI Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology 1598-3986 kor
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2234-4772 kor
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology The Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 1598-9127 kor
Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association DOI Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association 1225-6498 kor
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science DOI Korea Safety Management & Science 1229-6783 kec
Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation DOI The Korea Society for Simulation 1225-5904 kec
Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information DOI Korean Society of Computer Information 1598-849X kor
Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection DOI Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection 2234-6937 kec
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry eng
Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry DOI Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry 1975-4191 kec
Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology DOI The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology 1225-9098 kor
Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies DOI The Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies 1226-9719 kor
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2234-7550 eng
Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science DOI Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science 1229-2435 kor
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society DOI SJR Korean Chemical Society 1017-2548 kec
Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology DOI The Korea Association of Crystal Growth 1225-1429 kec
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association DOI The Korean Dietetic Association 1225-9861 kor
Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society DOI The Korean Electrochemical Society 1229-1935 kec
Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society DOI Korean Geo-Environmental Society 1598-0820 kor
Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society DOI Korean Geosynthetics Society 2508-2876 kor
Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society DOI Korean Geotechnical Society 1229-2427 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities DOI Korean Institute of Educational Facilities 1227-7258 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers DOI The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers 1226-7945 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas DOI The Korean Institute of GAS 1226-8402 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture The Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture 1225-1755 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture Korean Institute of Rural Architecture 1229-2532 kor
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture DOI Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture 1738-236X kor
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society DOI Korean Magnetic Resonance Society 1226-6531 eng
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society DOI JCR SJR Korean Mathematical Society 0304-9914 eng
Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute DOI Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute kor
Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association DOI Korean Regional Science Association 1225-0740 kor
Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society The Korean School Mathematics Society 1229-0890 kor
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 1225-1348 kor
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics 1225-9705 kor
Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy DOI Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy 2799-4783 kor
Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment DOI The Korean Society for Heat Treatment 1225-1070 kor
Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics DOI Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1226-9433 eng
Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science Korean Society For Library And Information Science 1225-598X kor
Journal of the Korean Society for information Management DOI Korean Society for Information Management 1013-0799 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles 1225-1151 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education DOI The Korean Society of Earth Science Education 2005-5668 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology DOI The Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 1229-3032 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology 2671-9940 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture DOI Korean Society of Food Culture 1225-7060 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence DOI The Korean Society of Industry Convergence 1226-833X kec
Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics. 2508-268X kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers 1598-6721 kec
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety The Korean Society of Marine Environment and safety 1229-3431 kec
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine The Korean Society of Physical Medicine 1975-311X kec
Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers The Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers 1226-6027 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology DOI The Korean Society of Radiology 1976-0620 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Safety DOI The Korean Society of Safety 1738-3803 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of School Health DOI The Korean Society of School Health 1225-9608 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography SJR Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography 1598-4850 kor
Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering DOI The Korean Society of Systems Engineering 1738-480X kec
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization DOI The Korean Society of Visualization 1598-8430 kor
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology The Korean Society of Wood Science & Technology 1017-0715 eng
Journal of the Korean earth science society The Korean Earth Science Society 1225-6692 kec
Journal of the Korean institute of surface engineering DOI The Korean Institute of Surface Engineering 1225-8024 kor
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society DOI The Korean Microelectronics and Packaging Society 1226-9360 kor
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology The Korean Society Of Semiconductor & Display Technology 1738-2270 kor
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea DOI Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea 1226-2587 kor
Journal of the Society of Disaster Information DOI The Korean Society of Disaster Information 1976-2208 kor
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 1225-1143 kor
Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 1226-8496 kec
KDI Journal of Economic Policy DOI Korea Development Institute 2586-2995 eng
KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy DOI Korea Electric Power Corporation 2465-8111 kor
KIPE Magazine The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 1226-623X kor
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems DOI Korea Information Processing Society 2287-5891 kor
KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering DOI Korea Information Processing Society 2287-5905 kor
KOREAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE DOI The Korean Society of Crop Science 0252-9777 kec
KOREAN JOURNAL OF PACKAGING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Korea Society of Packaging Science and Technology 1226-0207 kec
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research DOI Korean Society of Civil Engeneers 1015-6348 kec
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) JCR SJR Korean Society for Internet Information 1976-7277 eng
Knowledge Management Research The Knowledge Management Society of Korea 1229-9553 kor
Korea Information Processing Society Review Korea Information Processing Society 1226-9182 kor
Korea Journal of Hospital Management Korean Society of Hospital Management 1226-6299 kor
Korean Chemical Engineering Research DOI The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers 0304-128X kor
Korean Journal of Acupuncture Society for Meridian and Acupoint 2287-3368 kec
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Institute of Agricultural Science, CNU 2466-2402 eng
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology DOI Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 1229-5671 kor
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics DOI Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics 1226-2226 kec
Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence DOI Korea Artificial Intelligence Association kec
Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry The Korean Society of Biological Psychiatry 1225-8709 kec
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education DOI Korean Association of ChildCare & Educatioin 1738-9496 kec
Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science 1738-3544 kec
Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Korean College Of Clinical Pharmacy 1226-6051 kor
Korean Journal of Cognitive Science The Korean Society for Cognitive Science 1226-4067 kor
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition The Korean Society of Community Nutrition kor
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management DOI Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management 2005-6095 kor
Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue Korean Psychological Association of Culture and Social Issues 1229-0661 kor
Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment The Korean Society of Limnology 2288-1115 kec
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology Korean Society of Environment and Ecology 1229-3857 kor
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture 1225-3537 kor
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology Korean Society of Environmental Biology 1226-9999 kor
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences DOI The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 0374-8111 kor
Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology SJR Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 0367-6293 kor
Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology Korean Association of Psychology and Law 2093-3843 kor
Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology The Korean Society for Head and Neck Oncology 1229-5183 kec
Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science DOI National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 3022-8085 kor
Korean Journal of Ichthyology The Ichthyological Society of Korea 1225-8598 kec
Korean Journal of Materials Research SJR Materials Research Society of Korea 1225-0562 kec
Korean Journal of Mathematics DOI The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 1976-8605 eng
Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology DOI The Petrological Society of Korea & The Mineralogical Society of Korea 2734-0333 kor
Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing DOI Korean Academic Society of Occupational Health Nursing 2287-2531 kor
Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics DOI Optical Society of Korea 1225-6285 kor
Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture Korean Association of Organic Agriculture 1229-3571 kor
Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy SJR The Korean Society of Pharmacognosy 0253-3073 kor
Korean Journal of Plant Resources DOI The Plant Resources Society of Korea 1226-3591 kor
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy The Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists 1225-8318 kec
Korean Journal of Poultry Science The Korean Society of Poultry Science 1225-6625 kec
Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine DOI Korean Psychosomatic Society 1225-6471 kor
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing Korean Society of Remote Sensing 1225-6161 kec
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research SJR The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2466-1384 kec
Korean Journal of Veterinary Service The Korean Society of Veterinary Service 3022-7372 kec
Korean Medical Education Review Yonsei university college of medicine 2092-5603 kor
Korean journal of applied entomology DOI Korean Society of Applied Entomology 1225-0171 kor
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal DOI SJR Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University 1225-6951 eng
Land and Housing Review DOI Land and Housing Research Institute 2093-8829 kor
MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal DOI National Museum of Korea 0540-4568 kor
Magazine of RCR DOI Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute 1975-5201 kor
Magazine of korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association 2233-7482 kor
Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 0253-3146 kor
Mass Spectrometry Letters DOI Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry 2233-4203 eng
Membrane Journal The Membrane Society of Korea 1226-0088 kor
Membrane and Water Treatment DOI JCR Techno-Press 2005-8624 eng
Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology 1598-642X kec
Molecules and Cells JCR SJR Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 1016-8478 eng
Mycobiology JCR The Korean Society of Mycology 1229-8093 eng
Natural Product Sciences SJR The Korean Society of Pharmacognosy 1226-3907 eng
New & Renewable Energy Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy 1738-3935 kor
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications DOI Kyungnam University, Department of Mathematics Eduaction 1229-1595 eng
Nuclear Engineering and Technology JCR SJR Korean Nuclear Society 1738-5733 eng
Nutrition Research and Practice JCR The Korean Nutrition Society 1976-1457 eng
Ocean Systems Engineering DOI Techno-Press 2093-6702 eng
Ocean and Polar Research DOI Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 1598-141X kec
PNF and Movement DOI Korea Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Association 2508-6227 kec
Parasites, Hosts and Diseases JCR SJR The Korea Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 2982-5164 eng
Particle and aerosol research DOI Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research 1738-8716 kor
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition 2234-8646 eng
Pediatric Infection and Vaccine The Korean Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2384-1079 kor
Phonetics and Speech Sciences Korean Society of Speech Sciences 2005-8063 kec
Physical Therapy Korea Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy 1225-8962 kec
Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science korean Academy of Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science 2287-7576 eng
Progress in Medical Physics Korean Society of Medical Physics 2508-4445 eng
Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics DOI SJR The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics 1229-3008 eng
Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society DOI The Korean Astronomical Society 1225-1534 kor
Quality Improvement in Health Care Korean Society for Quality in Health Care 1225-7613 kec
Research in Community and Public Health Nursing Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 1225-9594 kec
Research in Mathematical Education DOI Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1226-6191 eng
Research in Plant Disease The Korean Society of Plant Pathology kec
Resources Recycling The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling 2765-3439 kor
Review of KIISC Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology 1598-3978 kor
Review of Korea Contents Association The Korea Contents Association 1598-9437 kor
Rubber Technology The Rubber Society of Korea 1229-8980 kor
Safety and Health at Work Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency 2093-7911 eng
Science of Emotion and Sensibility Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility 1226-8593 kec
Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology DOI KOREAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE 1225-7354 kor
Smart Media Journal THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF SMART MEDIA 2287-1322 kor
Smart Structures and Systems DOI JCR SJR Techno-Press 1738-1584 eng
Steel and Composite Structures DOI JCR SJR Techno-Press 1229-9367 eng
Structural Engineering and Mechanics DOI JCR SJR Techno-Press 1225-4568 eng
Structural Monitoring and Maintenance DOI Techno-Press 2288-6605 eng
Superconductivity and Cryogenics The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics 1229-1706 kor
Textile Coloration and Finishing DOI The Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers 1229-0033 kec
Textile Science and Engineering DOI The Korean Fiber Society 1225-1089 kor
The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics JCR The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 2005-7806 eng
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business DOI Korea Distribution Science Association 2288-4637 eng
The Journal of Bigdata Korea Bigdata Society 2508-1829 kor
The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves Korean Society of Chuna manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves 1975-535X kor
The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management DOI International Convergence Management Association kec
The Journal of Engineering Geology DOI The Korean Society of Engineering Geology 1226-5268 kec
The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration The Korean Society of Fisheries Business Administration 1225-1011 kor
The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business DOI Korea Distribution Science Association 2233-4165 kec
The Journal of Information Systems DOI Korea Association of Information Systems 1229-8476 kor
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine The Society of Internal Korean Medicine 1226-9174 kor
The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology DOI Korea Information Electronic Communication Technology 2005-081X kor
The Journal of Korea Robotics Society Korea Robotics Society 1975-6291 kec
The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education The Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education 1225-9578 kec
The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy 1226-3680 kor
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 0301-2875 kor
The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration Korean Academy of Sensory Integration 1738-0405 kor
The Journal of Korean Medical History DOI Korean Society of the Medical History 1229-6147 kor
The Journal of Korean Medicine The Society of Korean Medicine 1010-0695 kec
The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology DOI The Society of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Dermatology 1738-6640 kec
The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology DOI The Society of Korean Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology 1229-4292 kor
The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy The Korean Society of Physical Therapy 1229-0475 kec
The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy Korean Society for Radiation Therapy 1598-8449 kor
The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education The Korean Society for School & Community Health Education 1975-7697 kor
The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine DOI The Association of Korean Oriental Pediatrics 1226-8038 kec
The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies Society for e-Business Studies 2288-3908 kor
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research DOI Korean Institute of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment 2671-7034 kor
The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems 1738-0774 kor
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea DOI The Acoustical Society of Korea 1225-4428 kor
The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology DOI The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology 2384-0358 kor
The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication DOI The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication 2289-0238 kec
The Journal of the Korea Contents Association The Korea Contents Association 1598-4877 kor
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences DOI Korea Institute of Electronic Communication Science 1975-8170 kor
The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine DOI The Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine 2466-0248 kec
The Korea Journal of Herbology DOI The Korea Association of Herbology 1229-1765 kor
The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics The Korean Statistical Society 1225-066X kor
The Korean Journal of Archival Studies DOI Korea Society of Archival Studies 1229-7941 kor
The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology Korean Association of Coaching Psychology 2586-0755 kec
The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services DOI The Korea Society of Emergency Medical Services 1738-1606 kor
The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence DOI Korea Food & Health Convergence Association eng
The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition DOI The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition 1225-4339 kor
The Korean Journal of Franchise Management DOI Korea Society of Franchise Management 2093-9582 kec
The Korean Journal of Mycology DOI The Korean Society of Mycology 0253-651X kec
The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology The Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology 1229-9901 kec
The Korean Journal of Pain The Korean Pain Society 2005-9159 eng
The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology JCR SJR The Korean Society of Pharmacology 1226-4512 eng
The Mathematical Education DOI Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1225-1380 kec
The Plant Pathology Journal JCR The Korean Society of Plant Pathology eng
The Pure and Applied Mathematics DOI Korean Society of Mathematical Education 1226-0657 eng
The Research Journal of the Costume Culture The Costume Culture Association 1226-0401 kec
The Sea:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF OCEANOGRAPHY DOI The Korean Society of Oceanography 1226-2978 kor
The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 1229-2214 kor
The korean journal of orthodontics JCR SJR The Korean Association Of Orthodontists 2234-7518 eng
Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation DOI Korean Society of Neurological Occupational Therapy 2635-9340 kor
Toxicological Research Korean Society of Toxicology & Korea Environmental Mutagen Society 1976-8257 eng
Trans- DOI Transmedia Institute 2508-3309 kec
Transactions of Materials Processing DOI The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity and materials processing 1225-696X kor
Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping DOI Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping 1738-8333 kor
Transactions of the Korean hydrogen and new energy society The Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society 1738-7264 kor
Tribology and Lubricants DOI Korean Tribology Society 2713-8011 kor
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases SJR The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1738-3536 eng
Tunnel and Underground Space DOI Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1225-1275 kor
Water for future Korea Water Resources Association 1738-9488 kor
Wind and Structures DOI JCR SJR Techno-Press 1226-6116 eng
Women's Health Nursing Korean Society of Women Health Nursing 3022-7666 kec
축산식품과학과 산업 Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources 2287-3686 kor