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Crystallographic and Magnetic Properties of Co, Zn, Ni-Zn Substituted Nano-size Manganese Ferrites Synthesized by Sol-gel Method/
[Noh, Kwang Mo;Lee, Young Bae;Kwon, Woo Hyun;Kang, Jeoung Yun;Choi, Won-Ok;Chae, Kwang Pyo;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Circular Holes Punched in a Magnetic Circuit used in Microspeakers to Reduce Flux Leakage/
[Xu, Dan-Ping;Jiang, Yuan-Wu;Lu, Han-Wen;Kwon, Joong-Hak;Hwang, Sang-Moon;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
M-Zn (M = Sb, V, and Nb) Substituted Strontium Hexaferrites with Enhanced Saturation Magnetization for Permanent Magnet Applications/
[Sapoletova, Nina;Kushnir, Sergey;Ahn, Kyunghan;An, Sung Yong;Choi, Moonhee;Kim, Jae Yeong;Choi, Changhak;Wi, Sungkwon;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Magnetic Properties of R-YIG (R = La, Nd, and Gd) Derived by a Sol-gel Method/
[Uhm, Young Rang;Lim, Jae Cheong;Choi, Sang Mu;Kim, Chul Sung;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Study of the Dependency of the Specific Power Absorption Rate on Several Characteristics of the Excitation Magnetic Signal when Irradiating a SPION-containing Ferrofluid/
[Rosales, Alejandra Mina;Aznar, Elena;Coll, Carmen;Mendoza, Ruben A. Garcia;Bojorge, A. Lorena Urbano;Gonzalez, Nazario Felix;Martinez-Manez, Ramon;del Pozo Guerrero, Francisco;Olmedo, Jose Javier Serrano;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Wideband RF Radiation from a Nonlinear Transmission Line with a Pre-magnetized Ferromagnetic Core/
[Ahn, J.-W.;Karelin, S.Y.;Krasovitsky, V.B.;Kwon, H.-O.;Magda, I.I.;Mukhin, V.S.;Melezhik, O.G.;Sinitsin, V.G.;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
An Efficient Model to Calculate Axial Natural Vibration Frequency of Power Transformer Winding/
[Li, Kaiqi;Guo, Jian;Liu, Jun;Zhang, Anhong;Yu, Shaojia;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Dipole Model to Predict the Rectangular Defect on Ferromagnetic Pipe/
[Suresh, V.;Abudhair, A.;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Analysis on Setup Variation According to Megavoltage Computed Tomography System/
[Kim, Sun-Yung;Kim, Hwa-Sun;Lee, Hae-Kag;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016    
Effectiveness of a Turbo Direction Change for Reduction of Motion Artifact in Magnetic Resonance Enterography/
[Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Jeong, Mi-Ae;] / Journal of Magnetics / 2016