W. A. Dudek, M. Shabir and M. Irfan Ali discussed the properties of (${\alpha},{\beta}$)-fuzzy ideals of hemirings in [9]. In this paper, we discuss the generalization of their results on (${\alpha},{\beta}$)-fuzzy ideals of hemirings. As a generalization of the notions of $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy left (right) ideals, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy h-ideals and $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q)$-fuzzy k-ideals, the concepts of $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy left (right) ideals, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy h-ideals and $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy k-ideals are defined, and their characterizations are considered. Using a left (right) ideal (resp. h-ideal, k-ideal), we construct an $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy left (right) ideal (resp. $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy h-ideal, $({\alpha},\;\in{\vee}q_m)$-fuzzy k-ideal). The implication-based fuzzy h-ideals (k-ideals) of a hemiring are considered.