For conventional AESA radars, DC-DC power modules using 300 Vdc have low efficiency, high volume, heavy weight, and high price, which have problems in modularity with T/R module groups. In this paper, to improve these problems, we propose a distributed DC-DC power module with high-voltage 800 Vdc and high-efficiency Step-down Converter. In particular, power requirements for modern and future marine weapons systems and sensors are rapidly evolving into high-energy and high-voltage power systems. The power distribution of the next generation Navy AESA radar antenna is under development with 1000 Vdc. In this paper, the proposed highvoltage, high-efficiency DC-DC power modules increase space(size), weight, power and cooling(SWaP-C) margins, reduce integration costs/risk, and reduce maintenance costs. Reduced system weight and higher reliability are achieved in navy and ground AESA systems. In addition, the proposed architecture will be easier to scale with larger shipboard radars and applicable to other platforms.