Sohn, Hee-Soon;Soon Lim;Kim, Hyo-Sook;Son, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Young-Sook;Jang, Hee-Kyung;Jung Ryung
The purpose of this study is to compare the constitutions comparatively among Korean, Chinese and Chosunjok college women and thereby, provide for some basic data helpful to the development of export apparels befitting the Chinese consumers, For this purpose, Korean, Chinese and Chosunjok college women aged between 17 and 24 were sampled to be subject to body measurements. The measurement data obtained were indexed for each part of the body to set a total 29 constitutional indices, which were analyzed by factor dictating the major shapes of body, Thus, based on the constructed, the differences of constitution among three groups were comparatively analyzed. The results of this study of this study can be summarized as follows; It was found through this study that Korean college women had thickest neck compared with body size and had longer lower limbs compared with stature, Moreover, their lower body was absolutely longer than the other two groups, and thus, Korean college women were found slimmest. On the other hand, Chinese college women had most voluminous chest turned over with shorter and thicker body. they were obesest. Chosunjok college women had longest upper body but shortest breast length. Their lower body was obesest, and their body was longer compared with stature. Moreover, Chosunjok college women's lower limbs were shortest, while their arm scyes were small nearest body type.